The Bride's Secret

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The Bride's Secret Page 4

by Sophia Summers

She leaned against the side of the pool and watched as Wyatt systematically and thoroughly tagged every single person in the water whether they were playing or not until Henry was the last one standing, and that was because the kid cheated and jumped out of the water to get away. But Wyatt was on to him and as soon as he came close enough, Wyatt leaped out and tagged him up on the pool deck. Everyone in the water cheered and Wyatt took a bow.

  Then he approached her, his body glistening with drops of water. And she didn’t think she’d seen anything so handsome. He reached a hand down. She took it and he lifted her up and out of the water.

  “Woa. You are strong.”

  He grabbed them a couple towels. “I’m also starting to shiver.” A shudder ran through his body which made her laugh. “Where’s that hot tub?”

  They made their way and slipped into the hot water. “Oooh. This is just what I need.” She lowered herself until the water came up to her chin. She didn’t realize how cold she was.

  He sat across from her, his back to the jets, and closed his eyes.

  Carisa took the time to study his face. He was handsome, so handsome. Not in a Heath kind of way, not crisp and pressed into a suit. Wyatt was rugged, thick, strong, and gentle. His jawline did things to her stomach when she thought about it. And he was comfortable. He rested with his eyes closed, not a care in the world, after inviting an entire resort full of people to play freeze tag. She shook her head. She’d never met anyone like him. He excited and terrified her all at the same time.

  “I can feel you checking me out.” He opened one eye.

  “I’m not checking you out. I was just, looking at you.” She laughed. “You have a nice jaw.”

  He sat up and then moved across the water to her.

  She swallowed in anticipation as his face grew nearer.

  When he was inches away, he rumbled, “You were checking me out.”

  “All I could see was your face.”

  “Well, then you were checking my face out.”

  She laughed. “Okay, okay. I was checking you out.” She leaned back. “You were checking me out too, earlier.”

  He tipped his head. “Fair.”

  She sat up. “You were?”

  He eyed her. “I would have to be blind not to notice you. Of course I was checking you out in this little thing you’re wearing. As was every other guy here.”

  Deflated, she shrugged. “I guess it serves its purpose then.”

  “Did Heath like it?”

  She tensed. “He hasn’t seen it.”

  He nodded. “New suit for the honeymoon.” His thigh pressed up against hers and then stayed. “It’s perfect.”

  She swallowed. “Thank you.” When she turned to him, his face was still close, his eyes intent, watching her. “I saw we could rent scooters if we want.”

  His warm eyes lit before his mouth smiled. “Oh yeah?”

  “Mmm. Hmm. And I think I’m gonna go do that before our first excursion tomorrow.” He rubbed a hand along his scruff that was just starting to make an appearance. “Want some company?”

  She leaned closer to him. “I do.” Her face was so close, her lips near his, the air between them magnetized. She closed her eyes and then settled back against the hot tub again. She was too used to a man in her life, too used to intimate conversations. She’d have to be careful not to just transfer her relationship habits to Wyatt without knowing him. She shook her head. How could they ever have a thing, a real thing, having met the way they did?


  She opened her eyes. “Did I say something?” She really hoped she hadn’t spoken her thoughts.

  “No, but you shook your head. You having some kind of inner dialogue?”

  Her face heated. “Oh, uh.” Racing thoughts offered themselves as an explanation. She laughed. “No, well sort of. If I really think about it, I’m just still amazed that here we are. Especially when I think of how we got here.” She shrugged. “Sometimes it makes things a little awkward.”

  He tipped his head. Then he appeared to consider her for a moment. “I have an idea.”

  She sat forward, an interested spark in his eyes intrigued her.

  “Why don’t we pretend like we just met, or better yet, pretend like this is the honeymoon like we’re telling everyone else, then we won’t keep getting weirded out by the situation, and you can relax and heal a little bit before you have to deal with everything at home.”

  Her smile grew. “I like that.”

  “Which one? We just met or we’re on our honeymoon?” His eyes darkened just a little bit, but he kept his face blank.

  “Honeymoon, for sure. Then we can be close, have fun, be friends. Everything’s way more fun when you don’t have to have all the awkward first dates and everything.”

  “I like this.” He grinned. “Wouldn’t it be great if this could be a thing in real life.” He laughed. “Can you imagine? “Let’s skip all the beginning weeks and just jump to the good stuff.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “Though I do like those first few weeks, especially if you like each other.” She sniffed, surprised at her sudden emotion.

  Wyatt reached his arm around her and she scooted closer.

  “Heath sent me flowers every day for two weeks after we met. He made up a new reason on the card. ‘Because you’re beautiful’ evolved into ‘because you wear a toe ring on your pinky toe.’ She laughed. “He did all the right things. I wonder when he stopped caring.”

  “I’m not sure he stopped caring.” Wyatt ran circles on her shoulder with his finger that dangled there. “Maybe he just wasn’t ready for the type of commitment marriage can be.”

  Carisa had a difficult time concentrating on Wyatt’s words while so much of him was touching her. The muscles in his side and abs felt strong against her, his arm cushioned her back so she wasn’t leaning on the cement. His finger turning circles in a slow hypnotic motion drove her to crazy happy distraction. The hot water swirled around them, steam rising between. She turned and reached across him with her arm then faced him. “You, Wyatt, are too much.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Too much? I like the sound of that.”

  “Do you? Maybe you don’t know what you are getting yourself into.”

  His gaze dropped to her lips and she inched closer. “Maybe I do.” He lifted his hand and ran a wet thumb along her bottom lip, tugging it out in a pout. “Maybe you’re interested?”

  She nodded and he pulled her onto his lap.

  “Cannon ball!” A splash of hot water surged over them.

  A little kid surfaced. “Gah! This is hot. Mom! This is not the kiddie pool.”

  “Oh dear, oh no, come out of there right now. That can’t be good for you Alfie dear.”

  Carisa laughed and waved goodbye but Wyatt shifted her off of his lap and stood. “It’s time I got back. I have some reports to write.” His face a mask, the spell broken between them. But wow, she hadn’t wanted to kiss someone that badly in forever, not since college maybe. She raised herself up out of the water to cool down. “Okay. I’ll get back to my book.” She watched him leave. He didn’t look back.

  Chapter 7

  Wyatt went straight to the workout room, turned the treadmill on fast and ran. Hard. With every foot pounding down on the moving runner, he told himself. “Stop.”

  By the time he’d run five miles, he was feeling in control. Ideas for a work project were filling his brain, and he felt more like himself. He pulled out his phone during a cool down jog and called his partner, Tate.

  “Wyatt! We going golfing tomorrow?”

  “If you come to the big island we are.”

  “Ha, that’s funny…wait. Are you serious? Why are you in Hawaii?”

  “Dude, it’s the longest story. I’ll tell you all about it when I get back. But I’m calling because I can’t access the Wilmer files remotely. Can you email them to me?”

  “Of course. Anything else you need?”

  “I’ll let you know. Thanks.”

  “So, is this business or pleasure?”

  He thought about Carisa in the hot tub and picked up his running pace. “Business.”

  “You going after the Aloha account?”

  He hadn’t been, but now that Tate mentioned it, he should. “What’s the name of their CEO again? She’s from New York, right?”

  “Just a second.” Typing noises and a click or two entertained Wyatt while he ran his last mile. “Bellami Spagnoli. She’s supposed to be a real fireball, if you know what I mean. Whatever you do, pretend she’s a guy.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t open her door. No compliments on her looks. Strictly business.”

  “Got it. My mama taught me differently. I hope I don’t slip up and act like a gentleman.”

  “Very funny. She won’t appreciate your humor either.”

  “Wow, maybe I should wait and send Theresa.” Their marketing director might be able to handle this much better than Wyatt.

  “Nah, you’re there. You got this.”

  He wasn’t so sure, but he typed in the information on his phone. “Can you have Julia send me the contact information and address?”

  “Already did. Nail ‘em down Wyatt. This could be a huge account.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “That’s my man.”

  Wyatt ended the call and his run feeling much better than when he started. His legs felt like mush, but he had pushed all of his attraction demons away. He felt excited about work, his current clients and this new Aloha potential. He draped a towel around his neck and pushed the elevator buttons. The door opened to Carisa giggling. The guys from the airport stood beside her, so keyed into her that they didn’t see him.

  She turned her head, ready to exit the elevator. “Oh Wyatt!” Her smile grew. “Did you work out?”

  He nodded, eyeing the men beside her. “I thought I’d get my run in before work.” He stood beside her, waiting for the introduction.

  “Oh! Right. Wyatt, this is Max and Michael, And this is Wyatt, my...” She faltered and he just raised his eyebrows, slightly amused because he couldn’t stand the other two guys. “My husband.”

  The men’s mouth’s opened a second, looking from Carisa to Wyatt and back.

  He stood taller, eyeing them until they looked away. Then he held out a hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Carisa laughed nervously. “We’re going to try out the machines.” She wore her sports bra and a pair of yoga shorts, tight, beautiful, curvy. And Wyatt fisted a portion of the towel. “Great. See you back at the room.”

  The man called Max held up his hands. “I don’t need to get in anyone’s way. We can work out any time.” Wyatt stared them down. “I’m not worried if she isn’t.”

  Carisa shrugged. “No way. We’re here to work out. It isn’t going to be pretty.”

  Wyatt doubted that; Eyeing her in her workout get up, he knew it would be one thing, and that was pretty, but he didn’t stick around to verify. He had work to do and a distance to build between them. At least the men knew what they were dealing with here. She would have some protection if she wanted it.

  He showered and then sat down on the balcony with his laptop and phone and got some work done. Two hours later, his email dinged with the information about Miss Spagnoli. He looked up her address. Perfect. She lived only a few miles from the resort. He sent her an email.

  Five minutes later his phone rang, a caller from a local number. “Hello.”

  “This is Bellami Spagnoli. Am I speaking with Wyatt Jackson?” Her voice sounded young, energetic, happy.

  “You sure are. Thanks for giving me a call.”

  “It’s not often someone is already here on the island, ready to do business. When can we meet?”

  “Any day. Any time. I’m here until Sunday.”

  “Okay, how about tomorrow. I’ll come to you.”

  “Let me come pick you up, for lunch at the Waieapicu?”

  The pause made him smile. “You know about the Waieapicu?”

  “Yes Ma’am. How about noon?”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  Wyatt smiled and clicked the phone off. Now, if he could just print up some of their marketing materials and put together some semblance of a packet, he would be good and ready. He checked his watch. Carisa was still gone. And he waved the thought away. It was none of his business how she spent her time. Was this lovely quiet in an empty hotel room not what he had been planning all along? He nodded. Then jumped when he heard the door click.

  Carisa stepped in, sweat glistening down her packed abs, a towel draped around her neck. “Wow, what a workout.”

  He checked his watch. “You’ve been working out this whole time?”

  “Well, no.” Her sheepish smile made him uncomfortable. “But I really hit the treadmill hard once I started. Whoever was on there before me had a killer five miles so I just followed that.”

  “You ran my five mile workout?” He was astounded. That run had nearly kicked his heels off.

  She shrugged. “Like I said, killer workout. But I feel great. I guess I needed to get some stuff out, you know?” Her eyes searched his but he didn’t acknowledge a similar need.

  “You getting things done?”

  “Yes, actually, it’s been great. I’ll be meeting with a potential client tomorrow. It’s been a productive few hours.”

  She nodded.

  The new awkwardness between them was a necessary block that Wyatt welcomed. He hoped it would linger, so that he could stay as far away from miss Carisa as possible.

  “I guess I’ll go clean up.”

  He nodded and put his hands back on his laptop keyboard.

  “We doing anything tonight?”

  He hadn’t even considered. “Anything going on?”

  “They do fireworks on the beach every night, but we can see them up here.”

  He nodded. “Let’s do that. And a movie?” He thought that pretty harmless.

  Her face lit. “And some room service ice cream. Max told me they have the best pineapple ice cream. And you can get a syrup to go with it.” She closed her eyes. “I luurve Pineapple.”

  He chuckled. “It’s a date.” His face almost hit his palm. “I mean…Well, you know what I mean.”

  She shook her head, walking away. “I certainly do Wyatt Jackson.”

  He had no idea what she meant by that.

  After about ten minutes, the sounds of the soaker tub filling made it impossible for Wyatt to work. Just the thought of her in there was driving him crazy. When had he become so attracted to this woman? From the moment he saw her, he admitted. But that attraction had been distant, another man’s woman kind of notice. Once he’d imagined pressing his lips to hers, once he’d played all day with her in that tiny pink little number she had on, his attraction must have amped up several notches. He shut the sliding glass door tight and then all he heard was the blissful sounds of waves crashing on the shoreline.

  He pulled up Bellami Spagnoli on google and whistled. Now she was an attractive woman. Dark glistening hair, deep blue eyes, lightly tanned skin. Powerful. People had done an article on her work in the industry. Bellami was not one to trifle. A challenge. He rubbed his hands together. He loved a challenge.

  The door slid open behind him. He left his breath out in relief that she wasn’t in a robe. Just a baggy tshirt and jean shorts. Okay. He could handle that.

  “Is that your girlfriend?”

  Bellami’s headshot filled the page. He enjoyed the slight irk that flashed through Carisa’s eyes.

  “You jealous?”

  Her huff made him laugh. She sat beside him. “As if.”

  He laughed harder. Then he turned his computer away. “She’s no one you need to concern yourself over.” For some reason he enjoyed leaving her guessing.

  “Oh, a seeecret. Well, if we’re keeping secrets, I won’t tell you mine then.”

  “You have a secret?” His interest peaked in spite of himself.<
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  “I do. Several.” She inspected her nails, a small smile on her lips.

  He lifted his computer back open. “I’ll share mine if you share yours…” He lifted an eyebrow, waiting.

  “Maybe.” Her slight shoulder lift intrigued him. The vulnerability in her face had always drawn him in, igniting all his protective instincts.

  He snapped the laptop shut. “So, dinner?”

  She stood. “Let’s go to the Tiki bar and grille. They are supposed to have amazing shrimp.”

  He joined her. “Done. Then fireworks, a movie…”

  “And pineapple ice cream.”

  Sounded like dinner with his little sister. Perfect. He told himself it was perfect. Even though his heart wanted so much more.

  Chapter 8

  Carisa walked beside Wyatt on their way down to dinner, his tall and wide form nearly eclipsing her own. His strength comforted her. Everything about him was a life force for her right now. He thought her so strong, but if he hadn’t come with her, she wasn’t sure she would have been brave enough. No. She would have. She was in the middle of security at the airport, determined to see it through. Having him around just made her escape more like a secret vacation and less like exhile.

  Heath had been texting. She answered every now and then. Her mother got the full story before she worked out. Heath hadn’t accepted her decision yet. He was still in full on talk her out of it mode. They could get married in secret, privately. Any time she was ready, he’d jump all over that. He acted like they were still a thing and that she just needed time. She’d have to give him kudos for incredible patience.

  They entered the Tiki Bar and Grille and were seated immediately at a high counter size table. A huge platter of shrimp and two loaves of hot bread were immediately placed before them.

  “Now this, I can get behind. Thank you.” Wyatt smiled at their waitress who immediately fell in love. Carisa watched her bat her eyelashes and lean seductively towards him whenever he spoke.

  They ordered full plates of fresh seafood and dug into the shrimp and bread.

  Starving after her workout, she hardly talked while she buttered her bread and filled her plate. Wyatt too seemed intent to fill his belly. But after a few minutes, he picked up a shrimp with his fingers. “I bet I can toss this in your mouth.”


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