The Bride's Secret

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The Bride's Secret Page 5

by Sophia Summers

  She wrinkled her nose. “You are not throwing that at my face. It’s totally greasy.” Heath had taught her one very important lesson. She didn’t need to cave for anyone.

  “Okay then.” He tossed it high and caught it with his own mouth. “Some of us are just more coordinated than others.”

  “Well now, hold on.” Her competitive fire ignited. “You tossing it is one thing, me catching it is quite another.”

  He shrugged, his eyes lighting. “Show me.”

  She knew she fell for his manipulations but she didn’t care. She shrugged out of her wrap, she shoulders enjoying the cool breeze off the water. “Hit me with your best shot.”

  “Did you just que the music because suddenly the nineties is blaring in my ear.”

  “Very funny.” She beckoned to his shrimp with her fingers. “Send one my way.”

  He tossed it high and slow and she caught it easily, bowing to his soft clapping. “Well done Angel Fire.”

  “Angel fire?”

  “Sure. It’s perfect.”

  She wasn’t sure what to think about his nickname. A part of her smiled inside at the familiarity. Equal parts torn between keeping things incredibly platonic between them or flirting just enough, she probably came across as conflicted. But she was conflicted. Wyatt was the most incredible man she’d ever spent time with. For years she had been searching for someone just like him and had given up hope. Heath had been attentive and good to her, successful and charming so she’d assumed he might be the closest thing, but Wyatt, he was a whole different breed of male.

  How could she ever expect to start anything real or valuable with him? Their circumstances made the likelihood all but impossible. And if they gave into what she was recognizing as mutual attraction, they’d leave feeling like they’d let the other one down. Sadly, the best man she was ever likely to meet was off the table. So what harm could there be in some innocent flirting? “Your turn.” She held up a shrimp.

  He eyed her with suspicion. “I see a vixen glint in your eye. You aren’t planning to pelt it at my face are you?”

  “No way. I just want to see if you’re as good with your mouth as you are with your hands.” She stopped and her face heat. “I mean…” She dipped her head while he laughed. “Ho ho. That was amazing.”

  “Very funny. Ok. Stop. Forget that came out of my mouth. I absolutely don’t mean that like it sounds. Here it comes.” She held it out and then tossed it high and slow like he had, only it went off course far to the right and splat on the ground. She winced. “One more time.”

  He opened his mouth. This time it went right in.

  She raised her hands in the air. “Yes!”

  The waitress brought their plates, steaming and smelling delicious.

  After her stomach couldn’t fit one more thing, Wyatt had the bill sent to his room and they made their way back to the elevator. He draped an arm over her shoulders and the weight felt nice even though it did press on her so much more than she expected. “Wow, your arm is heavy.” She lifted his hand and let it fall back on her shoulder, playfully.

  “Too much?” He lifted it like he would take it away, and she grabbed at his large hand. “No, it’s nice. Kind of like those weighted blankets people buy.”

  She felt the vibrations of his chuckle at her side, pressed to his. “Glad I can be so amusing.”

  “You are. You’re awesome. I’m always smiling about the things you say.”

  “Okay I’ll see if I can say a few more.” Heath had always been clear about how beautiful she was, how he loved her body, but he’d never once commented on anything else about her. Wyatt’s funny reaction meant more to her than he would ever know. Her arm circled his back and she rested her hand on his hip. She wished the elevator ride were longer. “I don’t know what I’m going to do when I have to stay at a hotel in a normal room. You’ve spoiled me forever.”

  He grinned. “like I said, you deserve it. I hope the trip is relaxing and helping?”

  “And distracting.” She eyed him until he dipped his head a fraction of an inch in acknowledgement. “Everything has been just what I needed. I don’t know how to thank you. Not really. Are you looking forward to our excursions?”

  “I am. I have a business meeting tomorrow over lunch. So I’ll just hit the afternoon outing. What are we doing?”

  “Volcanoes. It’s your first choice.”

  “Excellent. I’ll meet you there.”

  They entered and he tossed the remote to her. “Why don’t you pick our movie and call up the room service.”

  She squealed. “I didn’t think I could eat another bite, but when I think of ice cream, suddenly all kinds of cravings kick in.” Romcom had its own category and she wickedly chose two of the chickiest flicks she could find. He had told her to pick, hadn’t he? Then she flipped through the restaurant guide and room service options.

  Wyatt had left. Down to his room. So after she made some selections for him and for her, she went in search of another blanket or two. Her phone dinged. Heath. Baby I love you. I know we can make this work.

  She didn’t know how to respond to that. The conversation they would have must be in person. Who broke up with their fiancé over the phone? She snorted. Who ran away on the day of their own wedding? As she began to feel more normal and in control of her life, she couldn’t believe she had let things with Heath progress as far as they had. She knew she didn’t love him. But she had hoped she could love him, that she would eventually love him. Every time he pressured her for a date, she hedged until she set one so far out, she thought for sure by then, she’d be good and in love. But no. Her sigh let out some of the tension.

  “What is this sigh about?”

  She handed him a couple blankets from the storage drawer and then showed him Heath’s text.

  He grunted.


  “Do you believe that?”

  “I didn’t last time I was with him, but look, he’s not even acting angry. Just says he’ll wait. Isn’t that something? If not love, what? Tenacity?” She laughed, even though it wasn’t really funny.

  “I’d go with your gut on this one.” His eyes were sharper than she’d seen them. For the first time, she wondered what he knew. He’d said she made a good decision.

  “Tell me what you know about Heath.”

  They sat close on the couch, pulling blankets around them. She turned so that she was facing him and pulled her feet up to cross her legs.

  “Wow, you’re settling in for some big story.”

  “Or a small one. What do you know about him?”

  He shifted, obviously uncomfortable.

  “What? Do you know something?”

  He held up a hand. “This is none of my business so I feel funny interfering.”

  She tipped her head and indicated their room, them together on the couch.

  “I know. I know, believe me. I feel terrible sometimes when I look at our situation from an outside perspective. What a heel. Who does this?”

  “Well, that’s why I’m asking. I sense you know something.”

  His sigh might have relieved some stress like hers had. She hoped so cause it was huge.

  “I haven’t seen Heath in years. I was surprised he asked me to be his best man, but apparently, one time during college we reconnected and he said I would be his best man. He remembered.”

  Carisa nodded. “Sounds like him. He’s excellent with connections and friends.”

  “So, I showed up to a stranger’s wedding basically.” He reached for her hand and weaved his fingers through hers. The comfort of that simple gesture filled her.

  “I just noticed his eyes would wander.”

  She caught her breath. “He was flirting with the event staff.”

  Wyatt shrugged. “He might have been.” He cleared his throat. “And girls would give him numbers. I think he got together with a waitress at the hotel the night before you got married. Or would have been married.” He cringed, his face showed the
pain he felt at saying it.

  But Carisa felt oddly calm. “That is such a relief to hear.”

  “It is?” His face was so full of hopeful relief she almost smiled.

  “Yes, totally. It validates everything I just did.” She leaned back, smiling. “See, I’m not the bad guy any more.”

  He nodded, slightly. “I guess I can see that. I’m happy you’re not broken up about it…” He eyed her, his comment lingering as a question.

  “Nope, I’m not. I mean, if I sat and wallowed for a minute, I’m sure I could come up with all kinds of reasons to be devastated, questioning my looks, my worth, my ability to keep a man.” She started to feel sick. “Wait a minute.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Don’t go there. You’re remarkable. When I met you, I could tell right away you’re something special. He’s an idiot.”

  She squeezed his hand, clinging to his words. “I won’t wallow right now, but there’s no guarantee all these thoughts won’t come sneaking in every time I look in the mirror, or if a skirt gets too tight, or if a job interview doesn’t work out. I’m afraid my failure with Heath will come back to haunt me in small ways.” She cleared her throat. “Forever.”

  “Woa, woa. Failure with Heath? How is this your fault?”

  “I don’t know. Couldn’t keep him, wasn’t good enough to capture his attention, that kind of thing.” She was done talking about this with a guy. She couldn’t expect him to understand.

  His face had turned solid, a mask, and she wondered what was going through his head. Then he growled. “I wish I could wipe those thoughts from your mind. They are just so obviously unworthy of real consideration.” His lips pressed together. “The truth is, any man would be lucky to have you. What Heath said to me might prove this. He said that he would never meet anyone like you and that he wasn’t ready to settle down but he better snatch you up now cause he’d never get another chance like this one.”

  Carisa was floored. She had never considered her situation like that before. “He said that?”

  Wyatt nodded. Then squeezed her hand. “But don’t be getting all starry eyed because of it. His was a jerk move no matter what his motivation. You. Deserve. Better.” He turned her face and stared into her eyes. “You’re something special, Angel Fire. Believe it. And hold out for what you want.”

  His eyes seared into hers. The intensity of them stole her breath. She nodded, wanting nothing more than to call out, “You. I want you.” But she kept silent, hoping her eyes communicated a portion of her feelings. Then he pulled her close at his side, cradled up against him. “Let’s see what you’ve chosen for our entertainment tonight.”

  She laughed, relieved for the break in tension. “Oh, you’re gonna love it.”

  When the title came up on the screen, he groaned. “Sleepless in Seattle?”

  She flipped to the other option. ‘While you were sleeping?”

  “You got some sleep fetish?”

  “Ha. Ha. Very funny.” She flipped from one to the other and back again. “Which will it be? I was planning to watch both…”

  “Oh, whichever. Put your favorite one on first.”

  So they watched Sleepless in Seattle, and he might not want to admit it, but Wyatt’s attention was glued to the screen.

  One more reason to love this guy. For the millionth time since she’d run away from her wedding, she wished she’d met Wyatt under any other circumstance. But she couldn’t regret their current situation. When would she ever be in the presidential suite with a hot guy who respected and cared for her? Never again, she was sure of it. So she planned to make the best of her time with Wyatt so that she could pine for him for the rest of her life. She snuggled closer, and his hand curled around her shoulder, protectively.

  Chapter 9

  Wyatt woke early the next morning. He felt like a champion having gone to bed last night without a kiss. Did they give out medals to nice guys? He doubted it. They’d watched for hours, ate more ice cream than he’d ever had in one sitting and then she’d fallen asleep in his arms. Slipping away, covering her up with the blankets, and finding his own bed had taken herculean strength, but he had, and now he woke up pleased because of it. But he needed to run. He needed some space. So he worked out, showered and had breakfast before she made an appearance out of her bedroom.

  Then he left. He had to prepare for his meeting with Miss Spagnoli. The more he thought about a possible contract with Aloha Industries, the happier it made him.

  A text dinged. You still around? Carisa.

  He smiled. Yup. I have work to do. See you at the pick-up point for the volcano tour.

  I worried all that estrogen last night scared you away.

  He smirked. She had no idea. I worked out and did manly things this morning to make up for it. Have a good morning.

  She responded with a row of emojis he couldn’t even begin to decipher and so he pocketed his phone.

  After an hour in the business lounge, he was ready for his lunch meeting.

  He pulled up in front of Waieapicu. He’d read all about it. A local favorite, kept religiously out of tourist eyesight. But the locals loved it, and he’d read that Miss Spagnoli worked hard for its success as a local icon. He had sent a car to pick her up and she should be arriving any minute. He entered early to grab them a table and to get a feel for the place.

  Every face inside turned to see who entered. From their hopeful expectation when the door opened to their fallen disinterest when they saw who stepped inside, he guessed most people knew the others who came. He was charmed. How often did he come to such a place? He chose a comfortable table, overlooking a courtyard to their right. A cheery woman with long, thick, dark hair and the lovely brown skin of the islanders approached. “You expecting someone?” She indicated the place opposite.

  “I am.” The door dinged and he stood up with a smile. “And she just walked in the door.”

  “You here with Miss Spagnoli?” She winked. “You’re braver than most.”

  “Got any tips?”

  She shook her head. “Change your gender.” Laughing, she welcomed Miss Spagnoli with a kiss on the cheek. “Come on in my dear. This man seems to think he’s saving a spot for you.” She raised her eyebrows and some kind of silent communication passed between the two of them that Wyatt didn’t try to understand. He held out his hand. “Miss Spagnoli? I’m Wyatt Jackson.”

  She eyed him for a moment and then placed her hand in his, solid, firm grip, one shake.

  Okay, got it. Business only.

  She sat across from him, leaned forward and smiled.

  For a moment, he was stunned by her beauty. The bright blue of her eyes was not an exaggeration in the pictures he’d seen. But he tried to set that aside, realized he had been totally checking her out, and hoped she hadn’t noticed.

  She had. Her eyebrow rose and she slowly let her gaze travel over his face, resting on his jawline, his mouth, then she checked out his shoulders, chest until he squirmed.

  Her eyes returned to his. “So, Mr. Jackson.”

  “Call me Wyatt.”

  She nodded.

  “Wyatt. You from Texas?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. Born and bred.”

  She nodded. “How is it you come to be so familiar with our best kept neighborhood secret?”

  “The Waieapicu?” He sat back, enjoying himself. “Well now, that’s my best kept secret.”

  She laughed. Spontaneous reaction of pure enjoyment. “Well now, we’ll just have to see about that.” She waved and their waitress came back. “Leilani, could you bring me the special and a double grand espresso?”

  Leilani nodded and turned to him.

  “I’ll have what she’s having but an orange juice will be fine to drink.” He searched the beverages. “Or wait, pineapple juice.” He smiled. Carisa would be proud. Perhaps he would bring her here before they left.

  Miss Spagnoli appraised him. “So, let’s talk. What are you after?”

  “You get right to the

  “I see no better way to do business.”

  He tipped his head towards her. “I’m inclined to agree. So much waste on pleasantries and polite greeting. If I want to discuss the weather, I’ll call my grandmother.” He raised his eyebrows.

  She smiled. “I like you.”

  “I hope to like you as well. So, to get to the point, we are interested in Aloha Industries.”

  They talked shop for two hours, food and drink coming and plates leaving, refills magically rose in their cups. Leilani did so little to disturb them he planned to give her an outrageously high tip. And when they were finished, he felt confident Miss Spagnoli was pleased, intrigued, and close to signing. She stood and held out her hand. “Thank you, Wyatt. It’s been a pleasure. I’ll get with my board and look for your paperwork sometime this week.”

  He shook her hand and in the moment he would have let go, she lingered, her hand softened in his and she stepped closer. “Now that business is completed, what are your plans for this week while you’re here on the island?”

  His eyes widened in interest. “Well now, that depends. Today, I’m touring a volcano. The rest of the week is at your service.” He dipped his head.

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “Do you?” His hand still held hers. “Could I give you a call?”

  “I’d like that.” She ran a finger down his palm and then turned to walk out of the Waieapicu.

  He let her go, suspected she wanted to make an exit. Leilani approached so he handed her the tip he had planned. “Thank you.”

  She indicated the closed doorway and Miss Spagnoli’s retreating form. “I’d say you’re in.”

  His grin widened. “Well now, ma’am, I thank you for that. A man never knows, not really.”

  She clucked. “No, he doesn’t. And that’s the way of it.”

  “It sure is.” He hoped he was in. Her interest outside of business came as a surprise to him. Last week, he would have returned her interest more than he was right now. Carisa’s gentle beauty came to his mind. Miss Spagnoli’s stunning, striking image felt harsh next to her classic features, but Wyatt was intrigued, and spending time with Miss Spagnoli could only help their efforts at a business relationship. As he walked out the door into the beautiful Hawaiian sun, he decided he was pleased. He checked his watch. Time to get back for their tour.


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