The Bride's Secret

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The Bride's Secret Page 6

by Sophia Summers

  He texted Tate. I think she’s in. Waiting on our welcome email.

  Bam! I knew you could do it. Let’s finish this.

  You know it.

  He scrolled through his phone. While he was at lunch, Carisa had sent a couple pictures. Her ice cream smudged on her nose, Henry from freeze tag wanting another round, her cannonball into the water, and the page of her book. His laugh carried out onto the street. People turned to him with a smile and a couple waves. He loved the culture on this island. And he was surprised at how delighted he was about the simple little things Carisa was doing back at the resort.

  His driver pulled up and he hurried in. As intriguing as the new Miss Spagnoli was, the time he was missing with Carisa felt important. His mouth thinned. Probably because he might never get time with her again. At that depressing thought, he pushed the elevator button.

  After a quick stop in his room, he headed over to the shuttle pick up location for his volcano excursion. A soft hand linked fingers with his. “Hey babe.”

  “How did you know it was me?”

  He turned to her. “Lucky guess?” His gaze drank her in. He’d missed her as much as he’d been grateful for the time away to take a breather. “Good to see you.”

  “You too.”

  A person with a hotel badge and a large camera stepped up to them. “Picture?”

  “Sure.” They turned, and the camera clicked.

  The guide joined them, taking names on his clipboard. “Carisa.”

  She raised her hand. “Ah, the honeymoon couple.” He handed them each a lei. “Congratulations.”

  The photographer returned. “Now we need a kiss for the camera.”

  “Oh no.” Carisa’s face turned red and she waved them away.

  “Oh, she is shy.” The cameraman laughed. “You have a shy bride.”

  “It’s not that. No.” Carisa looked at Wyatt, her expression completely unsure.

  “Oh, come here.” He couldn’t admit how excited he was for a guilt free reason to taste her lips. He pulled her into his arms.

  She looked up into his face, her expression full of questions.

  He winked and then looked at the camera. “You ready?”

  The man held up the lens.

  Wyatt took his time. He studied her face. She smiled in expectation. Then he tilted his head and lowered his mouth to hers. He knew he only had a moment, the briefest contact, but as soon as her felt her soft lips beneath his, he was lost. He kissed her once, as slowly as he could, then lingered just above her lips for another half second. Even though he parted as soon as was expected, he knew he would never be the same. Her soft response to his, the light in her eyes, the sense of energy and hope that flowed through him, he had never felt anything like her kiss in his life. And all he wanted to do was repeat the experience.

  People around them clapped, and the cameraman was pleased. “Excellent kiss.” He handed them a ticket. “Instructions on where to download.”

  Wyatt nodded. “Thank you.” And pocketed the ticket. He didn’t meet Carisa’s eyes. That kiss was a deal changer. Maybe. And he didn’t know what to do about it yet. All he did know was that his lips needed hers again, and soon.

  Her fingers stayed laced with his and they listened as the guard explained their tour. They loaded the bus, still not meeting each other’s eyes. When they finally found their seats, Carisa turned to him. “Okay, out with it.”

  His mouth opened in surprise. “What?”

  “That kiss. What was that kiss?”

  He was astounded she’d even bring it up.


  “Don’t Uh me. That was something.” Her forehead wrinkled in adorable confusion, and a sparkle lit her eyes, as if she knew exactly what.

  He shrugged. “I say we just go with it.”


  “We just had a phenomenal kiss and, I don’t know about you, but if I have a phenomenal kiss, I go back for seconds.” He wiggled his eyebrows until she laughed and looked away.

  She mumbled. “You’re something.”

  “Good something, or bad something.”

  “Definitely good something, but…” She waited so long he worried she forgot to finish her sentence.

  He nudged her.

  “But, I don’t know what to do about it.”

  “Like I said, I say we go with it.”

  She looked out the window. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Come here, Angel Fire.” He wrapped an arm across her shoulders again, and pulled her back up against his side. “We can do whatever makes you comfortable. You brought it up so I thought you wanted to know what I thought.”

  Her eyes found his and their wide round depths were begging for understanding. “Am I emotionally stable? That’s what I really want to know.”

  He laughed, but she had a good point. He had no idea really what it was like to go through what she had in the last week. Mentally, he chided himself and determined to once again put some sort of restraint on his attraction to her. “I’ll make it easier on you, Carisa.”

  She reached for his hand again. “Well now, I don’t know if I want that either.”

  He shrugged and they relaxed for the rest of their thirty minute drive.

  She pointed out hot spots and beautiful landmarks,and he watched and listened and settled into a great comfortable peace at her side.

  The guide stood and explained that conditions were safe for them to hike to the peak. It would take a couple hours. He warned them against the four mile hike to turtle bay because of the later hour of their afternoon tour. He didn’t want it to get dark while they were hiking.

  Wyatt found her ear, brushing his lips against it while he whispered. “I say we find Turtle bay.”

  She didn’t turn toward him, giving him longer access to her ear and so he pressed his lips to her lobe.

  She tipped slightly, opening up her neck so he pressed his lips below her ear and down her neck to her shoulder.

  “MMM.” Then she turned to him, eyes darkened.

  “Was that too much?”

  “Definitely too much. But I’m not complaining.” Her eyes found his lips but their guide asked them to stand and enter the visitor center.

  Wyatt waved them all on. “I say we take off for this hike.”

  “How do we even know where it starts?”

  He pointed. “Signs.” The trail starter was clearly marked so they headed that direction. “I think we can easily see all of it in the time allowed.”

  “Especially if we skip the visitor center tour.”

  “You’re my kind of woman.”

  “You like them emotionally needy and confused, do you?”

  He laughed. “I’m sorry. That’s not even funny.” He looked away but gave in and laughed some more. “But it is funny. This whole thing might make a great story someday.”

  “Yeah, a regular romance novel.” She squeezed his hand in hers so he didn’t worry about her dire tone too much.

  They picked up their pace. As they walked the mile to the rim, the path became warmer and steeper.

  But neither of them became too winded. Wyatt was pleasantly surprised. “You’re in great shape.”

  “So are you. I ran your five mile workout. Good heavens. Do you always push that hard?”

  “Not usually, not unless I’m trying to work something out of my system.”

  She considered his words in silence for a few minutes. Then she said, “Well, I guess we’ve both been working some things through. We’ll be up at the top in no time.”

  They started to sweat from the heat and soon she was down to her sports bra again and he shirtless.

  Carisa pointed. “I think it’s just over that ridge.”

  They rounded a final switch back on the trail and then stopped at the top. “Incredible.” Wyatt held his hand out, indicating all the black, flowing, glowing lava out to his front. “I’ve always wanted to see something like this.”

  Her smile could not have grown
any larger. She rocked back and forth grinning until he thought he might have a view of each of her teeth. “Who put a nickel in you?”

  “No one. I’m just so happy I could do something nice for you. For a change.”

  He nudged her and they walked out onto the ridge. “Oh, I can feel the heat through my shoes.”

  “Look at the sign.” Carisa pointed to the words, “Absolutely no flip flops or sandals. Enter at your own risk.”

  “This is crazy.”

  They followed the designated paths and made their way. Carisa pulled out her phone and started taking pictures of everything. One of the flows looked bright orange. As they moved closer, a big bright orange liquid lava bubbled up and burst, spraying bits all over the area around it.

  Carisa started stepping gingerly. “Uh, Wyatt.”

  “What is it? Are your feet getting burnt?”

  She lifted up her shoe to look. “Oh my gosh! This is totally melting the bottoms of my shoes.” She started hopping around from foot to foot. “What do I do? What do I do?”

  “Here, stop. I’ve got you.” He bent down and pulled her up on his back.

  “Oh this is better.” She laughed. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

  “You’re about as heavy as my workout bag of gym clothes. I think I’ll be all right.”

  “Well, okay then.”

  They walked the rest of the way through the tour on the ridge, until they reached the other side. The signs directed them how to return to the visitor center or continue hiking to the other sights.

  “I’m still wanting to go see the turtles.”

  “Me too, but I’m not even walking anymore.”

  “Off we go!” Wyatt took off at a run down the other side and then followed the curve around the mountain that led toward the beaches below.

  “Oh! Be careful! Don’t fall!” Carisa’s grip on his shoulders moved to his neck and he had to twist and bulk out his muscles to stop himself from getting choked. But he loved it. Even though he knew she could walk now. The ground was cool. He kept her up there a little bit longer. He used the time to plan how he could keep her in his life a little bit longer.

  Chapter 10

  Carisa could walk. Her feet were fine now, but she loved the feeling of all of Wyatt’s muscular power beneath her, loved watching him flex and stretch and move with so little effort down the path. With a reluctant sigh, she tapped his shoulder. “Hey, I can walk now.”

  He turned his head. “You sure, cause I kind of like being choked by you.”

  She gasped and moved her hands. “I didn’t realize. I’m so sorry.”

  “No, I’m kidding.” He stopped and crouched so that her feet touched the ground.

  “Thanks. How much farther do you think?”

  “The website said the whole hike was four miles total, so we should be getting close.”

  When they rounded the next bend, the ocean came into view and their elevation was significantly lower. In fact, one more switch back and Carisa thought for sure they’d be down on the sand. “I can’t wait to see the turtles. I didn’t check. Is this the season for turtles?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know, but I thought the hike would be cool and then the water. We’ve got to get down to the beach more while we’re here.”

  “I’m game.” She picked up the pace. “Come on. Now that I know it’s close I’m excited.”

  “Ha, says the woman who only just started walking on her own.”

  Carisa stopped and turned. “You’re so right. I’m sorry. Do you need to take a breather?”

  “Nah, come on!” He ran past her. “Race you to the sand.”

  She picked up her pace, taking the lead for about three strides until he came up beside her and they ran, side by side the rest of the way. She was giving it everything she had and she was sure he only ran at half mast, but she loved the feel of her lungs stretching and her thighs burning.

  They ran out onto the sand, turned in circles and then stopped. “Nothing.” Carisa kicked into the hot sand with her shoe. “It’s completely empty.”

  “Maybe it’s not the season after all.”

  “True.” She ran toward the water. “But hey, ocean.”

  He took off after her and kicked off his shoes in the process. Then they sat on the edge of the hot dry sand, right before the waves touched the beach and took off their socks. With bare feet tickling in the sand, they turned to each other. Carisa knew Wyatt was gonna want to go in, but hike back in wet clothes?

  “You know what I’m thinking.” Wyatt indicated the water. “You in?”

  “You know what I’m thinking. Gross sandy clothes chafing my legs all the way back.”

  He pretended to be deep in though, rubbed the scruff on his chin for emphasis. “And your thinking supports my thinking, cause now I’m thinking we ditch the clothes.”

  Her face immediately flamed red. She could feel it and a delicious fear filled her. “No way. Anyone could come down here. Or see us from the trail.”

  “I’m not saying all our clothes. I’m not an exhibitionist.”

  “I should hope not.”

  “Just to our unders. I’ve seen yours already. See. Sports bra. You’ve been wearing it this whole time.”

  She thought about it for a minute and took a second to discretely remember which panties she was wearing. “Ok, I’m in.” She pulled off her shorts and she was ready. “Now, I hope so bad you have whitey tighties on today.”

  “Ha! No way. I’m in my compressions.”

  “Even better.”

  She ran ahead, splashing forward into the water. The sand beneath her feet was hard and rippled, and free of rocks. The water was perfectly clear. It glistened and sparkled as it gently crashed to shore. She waded further in, and Wyatt joined her.

  “You look amazing.” He bumped her when he caught up. “I had to stand there and watch for a second.”

  “Dude, you know how that sounds, right?”

  He shrugged. “Only if the person saying it is a creepster. I’m just someone who is more fascinated with you every minute.” His eyes captured hers. Sincerity shone back to her and she warmed. Then said, “Okay. Look all you want then.” She ran ahead and dove into the next low rolling wave to come in. Overwhelmed, she stayed under longer than she would have. Wyatt was everything. She loved being around him, enjoyed his humor, his personality, trusted him, was totally attracted to him. Could this be for real? She just didn’t trust a relationship started on such a huge rebound.

  She surfaced and Wyatt was right in front of her, grinning. “What?”

  He turned. “Look.” His voice, quiet, made her think, mystery. She followed his finger with her gaze and gasped. “Oh. They’re here.”

  A huge turtle was paddling its way onto shore. And another followed.

  “They must have swam right by us.”

  “Do you think?” She was in awe. “This is so dorky, but I love turtles.”

  “There’s nothing dorky about that, what are you talking about?”

  “Well, all the other little girls loved bunnies and hamsters and unicorns, but I have always loved turtles.”

  He tapped her nose. “I love that about you.”

  She stepped closer. “Do you?” Their bodies were almost touching. A wave came and pushed her into him. He held his hands around her. “Steady.”

  She nodded. And placed her hands up on his chest. She loved the feel of it under her fingers.

  “Look.” His voice was low, husky, and he pointed to the shore.

  She turned and leaned her back up against him. The turtles had made their way to the shore and dug about in the sand. “Oh, those must be the nests.”

  “Maybe. Hidden.” They watched longer in silence until Wyatt said, “That is so totally cool.”

  She nodded. Then shivered. “I need to sit in that sand and warm up too.”

  “You got it.” They pushed through the waves up to the shoreline and then sat on the harder sand, letting the sun heat their s
hivering bodies.

  Carisa hugged her knees. “One time I was scuba diving and we met a turtle under the water. He was enormous. The guy said he must have been at least one hundred years old. I was so excited to see him that I reached out and grabbed his fin.”

  “You didn’t! Isn’t that totally illegal or something?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. But the turtle turned and looked at me and then kept swimming. I’ll never forget the connection I felt.”

  “That’s cool.” Wyatt looked out to sea. “I don’t take enough time to enjoy life like you do.”

  “I don’t even know what you do.”

  “I’m a business consultant mostly. An investment firm. We buy out companies and help rebuild them before another sale.”


  “What do you do, Carisa? When you’re not hiding out in Hawaii?”

  “I’m a paralegal at a law firm.”

  “What kind of law?”

  “Mostly intellectual property, patents, copyright.”

  “Sounds complicated.”

  “Nah, there’s a pattern. Once you know what the lawyer expects, it’s pretty easy to find what they need and format it the right way. I’m lucky in our firm because they even let the paralegals start on the opinion work.”

  He nodded. “We hire a few attorneys, but I don’t think we have patent or trademark needs.”

  “You wouldn’t. It’s usually the businesses that actually have a product.”

  “Ouch. We have a product.”

  “What are you selling?”

  “Well.” He leaned back on one hand. “Our own expertise, I guess.”

  She thought for a moment. And she could see it. “I’d pay a lot to borrow your expertise for awhile.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Well, sure.”

  “Isn’t that illegal?”

  She choked. “What are you inferring Wyatt Jackson? Cause I don’t have a dirty enough mind to go there.”


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