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Delusional Love (2nd Edition)

Page 8

by Young, Sage

  “God, you feel so good. Please move now.” She said as she thrust her hips forward.

  “FUCK.” he moaned as he pulled out and thrust back into her, it took a few seconds to get their rhythm, but once they did, the sex was amazing. Brianna felt the pressure building again.

  “Oh my god, I going to cum again.”

  He could feel her muscles tighten around his manhood. He lost it, pounding her until he came a few seconds later. He collapsed on her chest breathing heavily. Brianna could not believe how good it felt. It had been too long since she last got laid and it was long overdue. He was by far the best lover she had ever had, not that she had that many, but he was definitely the best. He rolled over on his back, removed the condom and placed it in the trash. He turned towards Brianna.

  “Bri, that felt so good.” He said as he caressed her face and tucked a fallen curl behind her ear.

  “I am not in the habit of doing one-night stands.” She said as her breathing and heart rate calmed down.

  “Who says it has to be one night, I want to see you again Brianna.” He said as he pulled her into the spooning position. Brianna was so tired that all she could do was nod before she dozed off.


  Ivan turned to Ashley. “I’ll ask you again. Why are you here?” Ashley spoke with venom in her voice.

  “Oh, you just discard me like yesterday’s trash. I thought I meant more to you than that.” Ivan stared directly into her eyes.

  “And what gave you that impression?” Ivan asked.

  “What?” Ashley said confused.

  “You heard me Ashley, what gave you the impression you meant more to me? I sure as hell didn’t.” He walked over to Ashley and in an even low tone said. “This will be the last time we have this conversation. We had an arrangement, that’s all, which I might add you benefited from handsomely. I get the credit card statements. Did you think I would not notice that you spent over two hundred thousand dollars at Tiffany’s or the eighty thousand dollars you spent on shoes and clothing. I knew you were a self- centered, conniving, opportunistic gold digger, but did I complain? No. Because I knew who and what you were the first time I fucked you on your desk.”

  Ashley gasped at his harshness. “You agreed to this arrangement, we had a deal and now it’s over. Now, as we agreed you will keep the condo and the Volvo. But you will be responsible for the maintenance of both. I will arrange to have them both transferred into your name, but I have canceled the credit cards. This is goodbye, Ashley.”

  He walked back over to his seat but before he could sit down she yelled. “Who is that pretty black bitch out there Ivan, are you fucking her now?”

  Ivan turned and moved so fast closing the gap between them that it startled her. He stood in her personal space, barely raising his voice above a whisper. “This is my place of business, don’t you ever disrespect me or one of my employees ever again or you will find yourself out in the street and without a car and I will make sure that you never find gainful employment in this city again. Don’t. Test. Me. Ash. You. Will. Lose.” Ashley stepped back frightened. She had never seen this side of Ivan before.

  “Now I will say it one last time. Goodbye Ashley.”

  With tears in her eyes she mouthed that she was sorry and left the office. Ivan hated hurting Ashley, but she was the type of woman that would not go away with a soft nudge. She needed a firm push to get the message. Stephanie passed Ashley in the hall. She looked over at Stephanie and yelled. “What are you looking at?” As she continued down the hall. Stephanie was too stunned to answer. She walked back into her office and Ivan was standing there with his jacket in hand.

  “You ready?” Ivan said as if a beautiful woman did not just leave his office crying hysterically.

  “Yeah, let me grab my things.” She stared at him as they walked to the car.

  “What.” He said waiting for the questions.

  “Nothing. It’s none of my business.” She responded. They drove to her house in silence. Just as he was about to park in front of her building she had to ask.

  “Okay, so I’m going to ask. Who is she?” Stephanie asked as she turned in her seat presumably getting comfortable for a lengthy response. He turned the car off and shifted in his seat.

  “She used to be a friend and now she’s not, end of story.” He said with little emotion.

  “She did not seem happy about not being your friend anymore. There has to be more. You can tell me it’s none of my business.” Ivan looked into her eyes, silently feeling the need to bare his soul. After a few seconds he shifted forward and spoke.

  “Stephanie, all of my adult life I have been driven to succeed, my brother and I started this company ten years ago and I eat, sleep, and breathe our company initially working seven days a week. I was so driven I did not have time for relationships. When our business took off and we were in papers and magazines touted as the up and coming leaders in the business world I started getting unwanted attention from women looking for a husband or benefactor. Since I had no intention of getting married any time soon, if ever, I started seeing only women who were willing to abide by my rules. My main rule was: no relationships, just agreements or arrangements.”

  “What does that mean? Agreements. And was the blonde woman part of one of these agreements?” She knew that she was being extremely forward, but she needed to know almost like her future depended on it. “Wow. You have a lot of questions.” He smiled but continued, “Well, when I see a woman I am attracted to and she is attracted to me I let her know upfront that I am not looking for a relationship just a sexual partner and an occasional companion when I have to attend different events. In exchange, uh, let’s just say, I am a very generous man. I give them what they want

  and they give me what I want.”

  Stephanie looked at him in disbelief. “So basically you’re talking about prostitution,” she said with the sarcasm rolling off her tongue.

  “No, Stephanie, it is not prostitution, it is an arrangement between two consenting adults who are not interested in anything more.”

  “And you think these arrangements or agreements don’t have its share of problems, because when emotions are involved and trust me when sex is involved there is always emotions, someone gets hurt even when that is not your intention, like the blonde at your office.”

  “Well, up until now it has not been an issue. Ashley, uhh..that’s the blonde, wants more than I can give her.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, good night Ivan.” She said not wanting to continue the conversation because she could feel herself getting upset and she did not want to argue with him.

  “Why are you leaving? I thought we were talking.”

  She looked at him, he could sense she wanted to say more but she said nothing. He moved in closer and brushed his lips lightly against hers. Her body began to tingle, she moved in closer to return the kiss. Ivan took her face in his hands and kissed her so hard and deeply she started to feel dizzy.

  “WOW, all right, we need to stop. Look, Ivan, I want to say something to you and I hope it does not jeopardize my job.”

  “I thought we were speaking freely and of course your job would not be in jeopardy.” Ivan said sincerely.

  “Okay, I don’t know how to say this other than just coming right out with it. First, I like you; I also like to be upfront with people about what I want and trust me Ivan, I want you. I mean, I am really developing strong feelings for you, but I can’t be one of your arrangements. I’m not built that way. So whatever this is that we are doing we should stop because I am looking for a committed relationship, not an agreement or an arrangement.”

  Ivan looked into her eyes. “I don’t know if I can give more than that.” Stephanie’s body stiffened and he could feel it. “Well, I guess we both have our answer then, don’t we. We shouldn’t do this anymore, this…taking me home, kissing me.” Her voice started to crack. “I like working with your company and I think that we need to keep our relationship strictly profe
ssional because I can’t do this. Good night Ivan.”

  Before he could respond she jumped out of the car and ran into her building not looking back. She opened her door, slammed it and leaned against it for support.

  “Great! What were you thinking, you just told your boss you had feelings for him. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” She said to herself while smacking herself on her forehead with the palm of her hand. She reached for her cell phone. It was late but she needed to talk to Bri.


  Ivan sat in his car stunned. “What did she just say, she had feelings for me?” He smiled at that thought then his smile turned solemn. “I can’t do this. I don’t do relationships.” This woman was turning his life upside down. When was that last time he sat in a car having a long conversation and making out like a lovesick puppy? Uh, never. He reached for his cell phone. “Hey. Are you busy? I need to talk to you. I’m on my way over.” Ivan closed the phone and pulled off. When Ivan arrived the door was already open and he walked in. Adam stood in his living room with two drinks in his hand. Ivan took the glass that was extended to him and drained it. He walked over to the bar to make another drink.

  “So, big bro, you want to tell me what’s wrong.” Ivan sat on the sofa and looked at his brother who was in a robe.

  “Did I interrupt something? Look, I’m sorry, I will leave. We can talk tomorrow.”

  “No, no. its fine.” Adam said and looked towards his bedroom. “What’s up?” Adam asked.

  “I don’t know what’s happening to me. She constantly invades my thoughts. I can’t stop thinking about her and when I’m near her I have this uncontrollable urge to

  hold her.” Ivan was rambling. Adam looked at his brother. “Who Ashley?”

  Ivan glared at him “No Stephanie.” Ivan corrected.

  “Wait, your assistant Stephanie?” Adam said confused again looking towards the bedroom door before returning his attention to Ivan . Ivan took another sip of his drink.

  “Yes, my assistant. There is something definitely wrong with me. When I see her, my heart literally skips a beat; what the hell is going on with me? I don’t know what I am going to do. I just ended things with Ashley because she started to become too clingy, but with Stephanie it’s different. You know the last time I slept with Ashley I kept seeing Stephanie’s face.”

  Adam looked at him and smiled. ‘Cupid has finally bit my brother in the ass’. “What do you want me to say?” Adam asked.

  “I want you to tell me how to get rid of these feelings.” Ivan huffed.

  “Well, the way I see it, Ivan, you have two choices. You can fire her, because trust me bro these feeling will not go away as long as you work so closely with her.”

  “So what is my second option?” Ivan asked.

  “Your second option is to pursue a relationship and see where it goes.”

  “Come on Adam, you know I can’t do that, my life is too complicated right now with everything that’s going on with the company. I don’t have the luxury of pursuing a relationship.”

  “That’s bullshit Ivan and you know it. You choose not to pursue relationships because it’s easier that way. You hook up with these women and when they start to get close, you dump them on the pretense that it’s part of some agreement. You know what I think.” Before he could finish they both turned their heads as they heard a cell phone ringing in the bedroom.

  “Do you need to get that?” Ivan asked.

  “No. It’s not my phone.” Ivan gave him a knowing look.

  “Anyway, like I said I think you are afraid to put yourself out there for fear that you will get hurt.”

  “See, that’s where you are wrong little brother because I’m not afraid of a goddamn thing, least of all a woman.” Ivan growled.

  “Prove it, if you feel that strongly for Stephanie pursue a relationship with her. A real relationship and not that bullshit you’ve been involved in the past.” Ivan looked at his brother “I don’t know, maybe you’re right.”

  Ivan sat his glass down. “I better head out, I have get to the office early. Besides I think your company is awake.” Ivan hugged his brother. “Thanks for the advice. I‘ll see you tomorrow.” Ivan got into his car still confused about what he was going to do.


  “Hello?” Brianna said in a hushed, groggy tone. It took her a few seconds to realize where she was. “Shit.” Brianna said softly realizing where she was.

  “What’s wrong Bri?” Stephanie said.

  “Nothing. Is everything ok? It’s really late.” Brianna whispered.

  “Why are you whispering, where are you? Did I interrupt something? Bri, I am so sorry, call me tomorrow.” Stephanie’s rapid fire questions had Brianna’s head spinning.

  “No….no, it’s fine, I have a few minutes. Uh, what’s wrong?” Brianna asked trying to contain a yawn. Stephanie described her evening with Ivan and as usual Bri talked her off the preverbal ledge and made her feel better. Adam walked back into the room.

  “Steph, I have to go. We will talk tomorrow.” She said while eyeing Adam’s body as he disrobed and got back in the bed.

  “Ok, have fun and do everything I wish I could do.” Stephanie jokingly said.

  “Will do.” Brianna said while disconnecting the call without another word, never taking her eyes off of Adam as he moved between her legs.

  Stephanie hung up the cell phone feeling better about her situation and wondered whom Bri was with. She always felt more grounded once she talked to her girl.

  ‘I know what I have to do.’ She smiled, as she got ready for bed.



  Stephanie was dressed and waiting for Ivan, since her car was still at work. She decided to have a conversation about how they intended to handle their attraction to each other. If he was not interested in a relationship, then their relationship would strictly be a professional one: no dinners, no more rides home and definitely no more kissing. God, she loved the way he kissed. She started feeling warm just thinking about him. The doorbell rang, ‘here we go’ she thought. She opened the door and to her surprise Danny, Ivan’s driver, was standing there.

  “Good morning, madam, you ready to go?” He said in a chipper voice.

  “Where’s, Ivan?” Stephanie asked.

  “He asked me to pick you up. He had to be in the office before 7:00 a.m. Are you ready?”

  ‘So, you’re trying to avoid me Mr. Quinn? Well, that’s fine with me.’

  Stephanie was so busy at work that she looked at the clock and realized it was 4:00 p.m. There was no sign of Ivan. She finished up her assignments and headed home.


  Stephanie arrived at work and her desk was piled with assignments that needed to be done immediately, she delved in to her work. She did notice that Ivan was in his office but she was so busy she did not even think about Ivan and the conversation she needed to have with him. The day flew by and before she looked around again the day was done and according to Betty, Ivan had apparently left for the day. ‘Well, I guess we won’t have that conversation today, but we will resolve this thing between us Ivan.’ She said to herself as she left the office to meet her friends for dinner.

  Stephanie arrived at the restaurant early and decided to get a table and have a drink while she was waiting. She was deep in thought when she heard a deep voice, “Hello stranger.” Lawrence said bringing her out of her thoughts.

  “Hey Lawrence, long time no see. How’s life treating you or better yet, how’s Tara treating you?”

  “I’m glad you asked. Do you mind if I sit?” He said.

  She motioned her hands for him to have a sit. “So, what are you doing here?” Stephanie asked.

  “I just finished up with some clients. So, why are you eating alone?”

  “I’m actually early, waiting for my girls.”

  “Speaking of your girl, what’s up with her? I thought we were getting along but now she won’t return my calls, is e
verything okay with her?”

  “Yes, she’s fine but if you hang around for about a half an hour she should be here.”

  “I wish I could wait but I am heading to another late meeting. Tell your girl I will call her later and if she doesn’t take my call I’m going to camp outside her house.” He said jokingly. He rose, gave Stephanie a kiss on the cheek and told her to take care of herself.

  Ivan walked into the restaurant and immediately noticed Stephanie sitting at the table with Lawrence. ‘What the Hell….’ He thought ‘What are they doing here together?’ Ivan felt his temperature rise. He was suddenly consumed with jealously. He needed to calm himself down before he approached them or it could turn ugly. He ordered a drink from the bar he took a sip as he walked towards the table. As he was approaching he saw Lawrence kiss Stephanie. ‘Are they seeing each other? I’ll be damn if I’ll allow him to steal my woman. My woman? She is not my woman, at least not yet, but she will be.’ Just as Ivan arrived at the table Lawrence was about to step away when Ivan halted his process. Lawrence looked up. “Hey, Ivan, what’s up?”


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