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Delusional Love (2nd Edition)

Page 10

by Young, Sage

  She stared into his eyes. “Okay, what time?”

  “I will pick you up at seven o’clock. I’m going to head out but I will see you tomorrow.” He kissed her again then they walked towards the door. Stephanie closed the door behind Ivan and went up stairs to take a shower and possibly make use of the removable showerhead.


  Ashley waited impatiently for Samantha. “What is taking her so long? If I weren’t afraid, I would have a nervous breakdown. I would do the test by myself.” She said out loud. Just then the doorbell rang. “It’s about time.” She said.

  “Okay, I’m here. What’s the emergency?” Samantha said annoyed.

  “I told you I wanted you to be with me when I did the test.” Ashley said impatiently.

  “What test Ash? OOOOH. The test, why? Are you late? Do you think you might be pregnant?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s show time. You know he doesn’t even accept my calls anymore. This has to work, Sam I have to be pregnant or I may lose him forever. I don’t know what’s wrong with him anyway. I mean look at me. Why would he want some black chick when he could have this?” Ashley said while waving her hand over her body. “I do know that if that new black bitch he hired thinks she is going to steal my man she has another thing coming. You should have seen her Sam, walking around the office like she is better than everyone.” Samantha looked at her delusional friend with pity. “Well, let’s get this over with.” Samantha said as she pointed to the bathroom. “You know how to do it don’t you?” Samantha asked.

  “Yeah, I’m not an idiot. I will be right back.” Ashley huffed away and went into the bathroom. After a few minutes Samantha knocked on the door.

  “Ash are you okay? What does it say, Ash?”

  Samantha opened the door and Ashley was on the floor crying. She handed Samantha the test stick. She looked at it and hugged her friend. “It’s going to be okay, Ashley”



  Stephanie was getting ready for dinner with Ivan “Oh my god, I’m actually dating Ivan.” She felt like a high school girl with her first crush. Her heart was pounding and her palms were sweaty. This was so surreal for her. It took her almost an hour to choose her outfit. She decided to wear a light brown silk chiffon halter dress. This was one of her favorite dresses. It really accented the color of her eyes and she chose a pair of high heeled strappy sandals. This was their first official date and although they were going back to the same restaurant, it felt special because that place was special to him. Stephanie had a glass of wine to steady her nerves. She drained the glass before she realized it and poured herself another, careful to only take sips of this one. ‘Why am I so anxious? It’s not like we haven’t had dinner together before.’ She looked at the clock. It was six fifty five. At that moment the doorbell rang. She drank the rest of her wine and walked to the door. When she opened the door all she could think was, ‘Why is this obscenely gorgeous man attracted to me.’ Ivan wore a tailored navy suit with a powder blue silk tie. This man was sexy on a stick. Ivan took one look at Stephanie and she literally took his breath away. He was momentarily rendered speechless. ‘What the hell is this woman doing to me?’

  “Come in. I’ll be ready in a second.” Stephanie said as she moved to the side so that he could come in.

  “You look beautiful.” Ivan said as his speech returned.

  “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.” She said smiling. “Do you want something to drink?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Okay, well I guess we can get going.” They had light conversation while driving to the restaurant discussing their favorite music, movies, and books.


  Ivan and Stephanie arrived at Napoli’s and were seated right away; they ordered drinks and continued their conversation.

  “Can I ask you something Ivan?” Stephanie said while taking another big sip of her wine. He nodded looking intently into her eyes. He couldn’t get enough of looking at her. “Why me? You are an incredibly handsome rich man who could have almost any woman he wanted. What is it about me that attracted you? And we have yet to discuss the whole black and white issue, which by the way, does not bother me but I can imagine that it may cause raised eyebrows from individuals in both the business world as well as our circle of friends, who may not agree with interracial dating.”

  She stopped talking because she realized that she was babbling, which was a clear indication that she was nervous. She took another big gulp of her wine; it burned the back of her throat helping her to focus. ‘God I have to slow down. I am really feeling this wine.’

  “Why not you Stephanie?” Ivan said not breaking eye contact. “You are an extremely beautiful and sexy woman, not to mention very intelligent. I feel a strong connection with you and I want to explore us.” Just then the waiter came over to get their order.

  “If you don’t mind I would like to order for you.” Ivan said with a slight smile

  “I don’t mind.” Stephanie said surprised. Ivan told the waiter to have Marco make them both his special. He focused his attention back at Stephanie. “You will enjoy this, it is not on the menu but they will make it at my request.” Stephanie finished her glass of wine and the waiter immediately refilled her glass.

  “So where was I? Oh yes” he continued “whether people will have a problem with our relationship really does not concern me. I have never allowed what people thought to dictate my actions. And while I have never dated an African-American woman before that did not mean I was closed to the possibility. Does the fact that I am another race concern you?”

  “No.” She said.

  She had never dated outside her race but she was willing to give this relationship a try, because as much as she hated to admit it to herself she was falling in love with this man. She just hoped her heart would not lead her down that spiraling road of heartbreak.

  “Good. So tell me something about you that I don’t already know.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Tell me about your family.” Ivan said wanting to hear everything about her but more importantly, wanting to hear her voice. He had already run a background

  check on her, because he needed to be careful. He did not trust himself around this woman and he needed to know what he was dealing with.

  “Well, I have a brother and sister, both older. My brother Jonathan is a principal in Atlanta, he went to Morehouse College and decided to stay there and teach. He met his wife Jennifer in college. They have two beautiful daughters. My sister Ciara is an accountant and lives in New York City. She is engaged and plans to marry in June of next year to a wonderful man named Malik. He is a Finance Attorney. My parents Robert and Karen Young are both retired and moved to Florida to be closer to my paternal grandparents. They live in a small community right outside of Miami. You have already met my best friends who are like my sisters. So, that’s me. What about you?”

  Ivan looked at her as he smiled thinking about his parents. “My parents are Liam and Gabriella Quinn. They….” Before Ivan could continue their food was brought out. Stephanie looked down at her plate not really recognizing what was on the plate.

  Ivan explained that it was ‘Seafood Coddle’ “Try it;; I want to know what you think. My mom made this dish for my brother and I when were younger. My mother is Italian, but she learned how to make Irish food to please my father who is Irish. They met in America and married at a young age. Both families were opposed to their union, but they were in love and wanted to be together. Eventually both families came around. I don’t get to see my mother and father as often as I would like. They moved back to Italy to care for my grandmother and when she passed away they decided to stay. My parents have only two sons, my brother Adam and me. Because they both come from large families we have a slew of cousins here in America, Italy, and Ireland and we all try to get together for the holidays and as much as we can.”

  They ate and settled into
a light conversation, talking and sharing stories about their lives and families, midway through their meal Ivan’s friend Marco joined them for a drink. He asked Stephanie if this was another work dinner. Ivan answered for her by officially introducing him to his lady. Stephanie smiled shyly as they continued their conversation with Marco. After about ten minutes Marco excused himself to check on other guests. “Please tell Isabella I asked for her and I look forward to our talks.”

  Marco reached for Stephanie’s hand and kissed itlightly.

  “I will relay your message as I am sure she is looking forward to seeing you again.” He shook Ivan’s hand and departed.

  When they stood to leave Stephanie felt a little dizzy, realizing the wine affected her more then she realized. She held on the table.

  “Are you alright?” Ivan asked.

  “Yes I’m fine, just had more to drink than usual.” She shook off the feeling and walked towards the entrance. Ivan placed his hand on her back as they walked out. Stephanie felt a warm sensation shoot through her body from Ivan’s touch. ‘God this man is so sexy. I am in deep trouble.’ She thought as she listened to the Soft jazz that pumped through the speakers of Ivan’s car as they rode home in silence.

  Stephanie looked at Ivan with lustful eyes; she was picturing him naked on top of her, her thoughts caused moisture to build between her legs. Ivan looked over and could see her eyes darken.

  “How are you feeling?” Ivan said as he reached up and glided his thumb across her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch as her heart fluttered.

  “I am so turned on right now.” She whispered not really meaning for him to hear her. Ivan smiled as he took her hand, kissing the back of it while he kept his eyes on the road. They pulled in front of her building. Ivan parked and walked around to let Stephanie out of the car. The ride home really settled the alcohol in her system and she had a little trouble standing. Ivan joked about her being a lightweight when it comes to drinking and she agreed. He walked her into the apartment building and rubbed her back as they rode the elevator to her floor. As soon as they were inside her condo Stephanie closed the door and wrapped her arms around Ivan’s neck, stood on the tips of her toes and began kissing him passionately. Ivan lifted Stephanie off her feet and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He immediately backed her into a nearest wall, everything was a little fuzzy, but she knew she wanted him badly. She bit his bottom lip as she began to suck on it. Ivan ran his tongue along her lips until she gladly opened her mouth to receive his tongue. The kiss was so rough and raw. Ivan held her so tight against the wall it knocked the air out of her lungs. As she inhaled to get air she was consumed by Ivan’s scent and it sent her over the edge. She started to grind her body against Ivan and could feel his hardness against her heat.

  “Oh my god Ivan, I want you so bad.” He showered her neck with kisses and he made his way down to her breasts raising her up to get access. She could feel him sucking on her neck and she was about to lose it. The pressure building in her body, she was on the verge of coming. Ivan ran his hand up her thigh to her middle, he could feel her wetness. He moaned and stuck his middle finger into her moist center as he used his thumb to rub her clit. Grinding her body into his hand, she started panting loudly. “If you don’t stop I’m going to cum….” She yelled Ivan’s name as she came. “I want you now Ivan. I want to feel you inside me now.” She whispered in his ear. Ivan wanted her so bad it hurt, but not like this. He carried her to the sofa straddling her on his lap. “Baby you just don’t know how bad I want you.” He said as he trailed kisses down her neck. She leaned back again allowing him full access. He gripped her waist and grinded his hardness in between her thighs.

  “Do you feel that, Steph? How you affect me. I want nothing more than to take you right now, but when I make love to you, I want you fully conscious, I want you to remember every moment and right now you are having trouble standing.” He said with a smile. Stephanie felt a little embarrassed and slightly ashamed. She moved off his lap and sat beside him. “I’m really sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I usually don’t drink that much.” She stood up, steadied herself and walked away from the sofa. He followed her, grabbed her by her waist, and pulled her back into his chest.

  “Hey baby, it’s okay. I had a great time.”

  Stephanie really felt stupid; first she drank too much, then threw herself at Ivan. ‘What the hell is wrong with me?’ She admonished herself. “I am normally not like this. I was really looking forward to seeing you and I guess I was more nervous that I thought. Thank you for a wonderful evening.” She said as she turned to face him. He brushed his lips lightly over hers. She pulled out of his embrace and walked to the door giving him his cue that it was time for him to leave. Ivan kissed her softly on her lips again. “I will call you in the morning.” With that Ivan walked out the door. She closed the door and headed to the bathroom to take a shower and clear her head.

  As Ivan drove home he thought about his date with Stephanie and how she affected him. ‘Stephanie Young, what are you doing to me?’ His phone vibrated in his pocket and he looked at the caller id: Ashley again. “Why can’t you just let go.” He said in an agitated tone, sending the call to voicemail. ‘Whatever she wants will have to wait.’

  He thought as he redirected his thoughts back to Stephanie.



  Stephanie woke up to a throbbing headache as the phone rang continuously. She looked over at the clock, it was seven a.m. “Hello.” She said with more attitude then she intended.

  “Well, hello to you too. Did your date go that well?” Brianna said.

  “Or do you still have company?” Tara chimed in.

  “Hey guys.” Her voice softened.

  “So, how was your first date?” Brianna asked again.

  “Horrible. I got drunk, threw myself at Ivan and then got upset when he rejected me.”

  “What.” They both said in unison.

  “Let me get this straight, our best friend, who is always volunteering to be the designated driver, who never has more than two drinks, EVER, got drunk on her first date with a guy who is fine as hell and who also happens to be her boss, then tried to jump his bones? Wow Steph that sounds like one of my dates.” Tara said while laughing. Still laughing Brianna said. “You have to admit that sounds like a Tara date.” “Except for the rejection part, that ain’t ever happened to me.” Tara said proudly. “Go ahead and joke at my expense but I may have really blown this and I’m really feeling Ivan.”

  “Oh sweetie that man is into you. He’s not going anywhere, now there has to be a good reason you got drunk, so what happened?”

  “Well I had a glass of wine before we left and while we were at the restaurant I had a few more glasses. I guess my nerves got the best of me. What am I going to do? Should I call him and explain?”

  “Hell no, he needs to accept you for who and what you are, drunk and all.” Tara said unable to contain her laughter.

  “Goodbye guys.” Stephanie said ready to hang up.

  “No I’m sorry Steph I couldn’t resist.” Tara said. Brianna spoke up. “Stephanie seriously, I think you should wait for him to call you, and he will call, then you can explain what happened and Steph, I’m sorry your first date was not the dream date you were expecting.”

  Brianna really wanted her friend to find love and more importantly get laid. They continued their conversation for a few more minutes.

  “Hey, before we hang up you know it’s your turn to choose where we go next month Steph. So what are we doing?” Brianna asked.

  “I’m not sure but I do have an idea. Look, I have to go. Are we meeting today after church for brunch?” “That sounds good.” Tara said. “I’m in” said Brianna. “The usual place?” “Sounds good to me.” Stephanie said. “I love you guys. See you after church.”

  Stephanie hung up the phone not really wanting to talk anymore.

  The phone rang again and Stephanie picked
it up without looking at the caller id thinking it was one of her friends forgetting to tell her something “Did you remember another joke to tell at my expense?”

  “I’m afraid not.” A sexy low voice said at the other end.

  “Ivan, I thought you were my friends calling back.”

  “Are you disappointed?” He said in the sexiest voice she had ever heard.

  “Not at all, I’m glad you called. I wanted to apologize for last night. I am so embarrassed about what happened. I really didn’t eat much yesterday and I drank more wine than I would normally do and you saw the final result.” Ivan smiled to himself not wanting to comment on her statement.

  “What are you doing today? I would like to give you a chance to make it up to me.”

  “I am meeting my friends for brunch but I am free after that.”

  “Good, let me make you dinner, say about six o’clock.”

  “That sounds like a real treat. Text me your address and I will see you at six.”

  “No need. I will send a car to pick you up. Be ready at six o’clock.”


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