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Delusional Love (2nd Edition)

Page 15

by Young, Sage

  “Are you okay Steph?” Ivan said in a soft voice that melted her heart. She yanked her arm away.

  “I’m fine. Shouldn’t you be tending to your baby mama?” She said with venom.

  She heard him say “I’m sorry” as she got in her car. She sat there for a few minutes while the tears streamed down her face.


  “No, God please don’t let it be.” She headed to the drugstore, brought three pregnancy tests and headed home.

  Stephanie sat on the toilet and cried as three pregnancy tests stared back at her all showing the plus sign. Her phone rang and she picked it up without looking at the caller id. “Hello.” She said as her voice started cracking and he could hear the pain in her voice. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay you did not look well early.”

  The tears started to flow again. “How do you expect me to feel Ivan, huh you ripped my heart to shreds and then threw it back in my face before walking out of my life. You know what, no I’m not fine, but I will be. Goodbye Ivan.” She ended the call and slammed it against the wall. It shattered into pieces; she did not have the energy to argue with Ivan. She knew their relationship was over and all she wanted to do was cry herself to sleep. The faster her heart mended the better she would be. She ignored the fact that her phone was in pieces. A few seconds later her house phone rang, she walked into the living room, ripped the cord from the wall and threw it in

  the trash. She headed back to her bedroom and climbed into bed. She realized that no one would be able to contact her but she just wanted to sleep. Stephanie woke up the next morning sick to her stomach. This emotional shit was not healthy for her or the baby. She decided to call in sick and stay in the bed the rest of the day. She realized that she couldn’t call because she broke her phones. Not having the energy to go out and get a new phone, she climbed back into bed.

  The days turned into nights, then into days again, she still had no desire to talk to anyone including her best friends. It hurt so bad she just wanted to sleep. She got up to go to the bathroom and saw Ivan’s robe hanging on the door. The tears started again. On her way back to bed she grabbed his robe and wrapped it around her she could smell his scent as she laid back in the bed and went to sleep. When she woke up again she forgot what day it was. She needed to eat something, she went to the kitchen and made a sandwich and got back in bed. She ate the sandwich and went back to sleep.


  OCTOBER 12th

  Brianna called Tara. “Hey Ty have you heard from Steph?”

  “No, but what’s new, lately she’s so busy up Ivan’s ass that she doesn’t have time for us.”

  “Whatever.” Brianna said agitated. “Adam called me today and asked me if Stephanie was okay because she had not been to work in a week and she did not call. I told him we’ve all been so busy we haven’t seen each other in a few weeks. I’ve been playing phone tag with Stephanie for the last week, when I asked him why, he told me that Ivan broke up with Steph a few weeks ago. Ivan has been trying to call to check on her but she won’t answer her phone”.

  “What, why is he just telling you, he should have told you when it first happened.” Tara was angry.

  “Yeah, but she’s our girl, we should have checked on her sooner.

  “I’m on my way to her house now.” Tara said with worry in her voice.

  “I’ll meet you there do you have your keys for her apartment.”

  “I’m getting them now, see you there.” Brianna and Tara met in the lobby of her building. “I’ve tried to call her phone but it keeps going to voicemail.” Brianna stated to Tara as they headed for the elevators.

  They walked through her apartment calling her name. They found Stephanie in bed sleeping, looking disheveled.

  “What the fuck.” Tara whispered.

  They walked over to the bed Brianna looked at the way her friend looked and it brought tears to her eyes, she shook Stephanie lightly. “Sweetie wake up.” Stephanie look up startled at first but realized it was her friends and she started crying again.

  Brianna pulled her into a hug.

  “It’s okay Steph we’re here.”

  When she stopped crying Tara said, “No offense, but you stink baby girl.”

  Stephanie laughed for the first time in a couple of weeks but then started crying again.

  “Let’s go baby girl we have to get you in the shower.” Tara stayed with her while she showered and changed into clean clothes. Brianna made her some soup and they all sat in the dining room eating in silence. Stephanie was the first to speak.

  “I didn’t guard my heart. I didn’t guard my heart and he stole it and I don’t know how to get it back.” She said just above a whisper as the tears rolled down her face. Stephanie explained everything that transpired over the last few weeks, including their devastating breakup.

  “So that’s it, you’re just going to let it go without a fight. You are just going to hand your man over to her?” Tara said as she was unable to stop her own tears from falling at her friend’s pain.

  “I don’t know how to tell you the worst part of this entire mess.” Stephanie said as she started to sob unable to get her breath.

  “What is it sweetie?” Brianna asked in a panic.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  They both looked at her in total shock. Brianna walked over to her and pulled her into an embrace and Stephanie stayed seated. Tara sat on the floor and laid her head in Stephanie’s lap as all three women cried. Tara was the first to speak. “I just have to ask one question. “Has he never heard of condoms?” They all started to laugh.

  “We always used condoms. That’s what’s really crazy about this situation. Before we broke up Ivan swore to me he never sleep with Ashley without a condom and that’s why he couldn’t understand how she got pregnant.”

  “So now you both are pregnant and he chose her?” Brianna said seething.

  “No Bri, he doesn’t know I’m pregnant.”

  “So you need to tell him.” Tara said. “Unless you don’t plan on keeping the baby.” They both stared at Stephanie.

  “I could never kill my baby Ty.” Stephanie said while putting her hand over her flat stomach. Brianna and Tara breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Then you need to tell him Stephanie. You should not go through parenthood by yourself.” Brianna said.

  “I can’t deal with that right now, I’m just coming to grips with this pregnancy.”

  They continued to talk into the night. They stayed the night with Stephanie and in the morning they all went to breakfast. As Stephanie sat in the restaurant she was feeling better about her situation. They were enjoying their food and conversation when a familiar male figure walked over to the table. “Hello ladies.” Mark Parker said while only looking at Stephanie.

  “Hello Mark.” Brianna and Stephanie said in unison.

  Tara just glared at him. “How are you Stephanie?”

  “I’m good and you?”

  “I am better now that I’ve seen you, you look amazing. I have tried to get in touch with you but was unable since you changed your number.” Mark said in a very sexy voice.

  “That should have been a hint.” Tara said as Stephanie shot her the evil eye. Mark ignored the comment and continued his conversation with Stephanie.

  “Stephanie I would like to see you, maybe we can go out to dinner and discuss some unresolved issues.”

  “That’s not necessary it’s a dead issue as far as I’m concerned.” Stephanie said not wanting to go down that road.

  “I would like the opportunity to talk to you, I felt like we didn’t have closure.”

  There was an uncomfortable silence for about five seconds and Mark spoke again.

  “Here’s my number if you decide you want to talk. It was really good seeing you Stephanie, ladies.” He said acknowledging them before turning on his heels and leaving.

  “I will say this for the brother, he is still fine as ever.” Tara said. They all giggled and went bac
k to their conversation.


  OCTOBER 24th

  Stephanie resigned her position at Quinn Corporation and Brianna was able to find her another temp job. It was not as exciting as her old job but at least she did not have to run into Ivan and his drama. After a few weeks of working at her new job she fell into a routine. The morning sickness had subsided and she had decided to tell Ivan about the pregnancy and let the chips fall where they may. Adam came into Ivan’s office and closed the door. “Have you looked at the newspaper today?”

  Ivan looked up from what he was reading. “No should I have?”

  “Yes it seems that your engagement to Ashley is the top story in the entertainment section.”

  Ivan snatched the paper out of Adam’s hand. “I am so fucking tired of her antics. I don’t know what I’m going to do, because of mama I agreed to marry this person I can’t stand to be in the same room with. I don’t think I can go through with it.” Ivan stood and walked over to the window. “You know there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about her. God I miss her so much it hurts.” Adam didn’t have to ask who he was talking about he knew it was Stephanie. Adam just listened, he knew his brother was hurting but when their mother confided in them that she was diagnosed with cancer and her only wish was to make sure her grandchild did not enter the world a bastard. He agreed to marry Ashley and give the baby their family name.

  “Hey bro, let’s go out for drinks my treat.” Ivan agreed to meet him after he was done.


  So I see your engagement made its way to the newspaper.” Samantha said to her best friend.

  “Yeah, I guess good news is hard to keep secret.”

  “So how is everything going between you and Ivan?”

  “It couldn’t be better. The best part was the mom finding out she had cancer. I was able to get her to use that to force Ivan into marrying me. His mom is a real pushover, but really sweet.”

  “I don’t understand Ash, How?”

  “Well I called his mother a couple of times a week to keep her updated on her grandchild. There hadn’t really been anything new to talk about but I was able to keep tabs on Ivan. When she confided in me about her cancer scare I told her that Ivan loved her so much and would do anything to make her happy including marrying the mother of her grandchild. That’s all I needed to say and she took the idea and ran with it.” Samantha shook her head.

  “How can you use the fact that his mother is dying for your benefit.”

  Ashley waved her hand in the air dismissively. “Oh please, his mother is more manipulative than I am. She had a cancer scare, the lump was benign but she did not tell Ivan that because she wants us to get married.”

  “This is a dangerous game your playing Ash and someone is definitely going to get hurt. I just hope for your sake it’s not you.”

  “Stop worrying, everything is perfect and speaking of perfect look at my baby bump.” She pulled up her shirt to reveal her protruding stomach.

  “Has Ivan asked you to move in with him?”

  “No, he has me in another condo across town, but that’s going to change as soon as I tell him that the doctor doesn’t want me staying by myself because of the complications I’ve been having.”

  “And what complications are they Ash?”

  “Whatever I want them to be.” Ashley said with anger in her voice. She was bored with talking to Samantha and she had shopping to do. “I will call you later Sam I have things to do.” She left the office in a huff.



  Stephanie woke up in a good mood it was the first time in weeks Ivan was not the first thing she thought about when she woke up. She was having an ultrasound today and would get a more accurate date of the baby’s arrival. Brianna and Tara both took time off from work to go with her. They all met at the office around the same time. “Stephanie Young.” The nurse announced and they all rose. “Which one is Stephanie?” She raised her hand. “Okay you come with me and once you are settled I will come back for you two.” The nurse said with a smile. They were all in the room waiting for the doctor. Dr. Sullivan came in.

  “Hello ladies, I see you have a lot of support Stephanie.” She smiled at the doctor.

  “So let’s see what’s going on.” She lifted the paper gown and squeezed jelly on Stephanie’s stomach. She placed the Doppler on the gel and moved it around giving the screen a strange look. Stephanie looked at her friends worried.Brianna asked. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes just one minute.” The doctor continued to move the Doppler around.

  “Stephanie it appears you are having twins.”

  “What?” Stephanie said in disbelief.

  Tears rolled down Brianna’s face while Tara held her hand over her mouth. The doctor turned the machine up so that they could listen to the babies’ heartbeats. A tear rolled down Stephanie’s cheek, Stephanie got dressed and met the doctor in her office. She gave Stephanie another prescription for more vitamins, talked to her about what to expect with multiple births and then she told her that her due date was April 28th. The doctor gave her ultrasound pictures of the babies and the ladies went to lunch to celebrate.

  “I can’t believe this twins. Steph, when are you going to tell Ivan? After what was printed in the paper today you better tell him sooner than later.” Tara said as Brianna glared at her.

  “What, she was going to see it anyway.” Tara tried to state innocently.

  “See what?” Stephanie asked.

  “Sweetie, there was an article in the paper today announcing Ivan’s engagement to Ashley.” Brianna said softly.

  Stephanie looked at them both stunned. She knew her and Ivan were over but she didn’t think he would be so fast at moving on.

  “Excuse me.” She left the table and went to the bathroom.

  “Should we go with her?” Tara asked.

  “No, give her a minute.”

  Stephanie tried to steady her breathing. ‘Calm down you have to think about the two precious miracles you are carrying.’ She said to herself. Well if he was moving on then so was she. She inhaled deeply and returned to the table.

  “You okay baby girl.”

  “Yeah, I will be.”

  They ate lunch and Tara commented on Stephanie’s weight gain. Brianna and Stephanie looked at her and they both said. “Go to hell.”

  They all laughed.

  After lunch Stephanie went back to her apartment alone. She sat for an hour staring at the engagement announcement in the paper.

  She was going through her purse looking for something when she came across Mark’s card she thought about it then dialed his number. They arranged to have dinner that evening; she was starting to have a hard time fitting into her clothes. Stephanie decided to wear a brown wrap-a-round dress with brown heels.

  She looked good and felt good and she really needed to get out of the house. Mark picked her up promptly at seven o’clock. They decided to go to Serefine’s restaurant. Although it was an Italian restaurant, she knew it was not a place that Ivan would frequent. Mark looked handsome as ever. He wore a navy suit that fit his body like a glove and he smelled so good. Yes, this was just what she needed a night on the town with someone who was good company but had no desire to go back down a romantic rode with. After they were seated Mark said. “So I have to say I was pleasantly surprised when you called.”

  “You thought we had some unresolved issues and to be honest I needed a night out so I thought we could both help each other out.”

  “It sounds good to me.” The waiter came over. “Can I start you off with a drink?”

  “I’ll have a gin and tonic.”

  “And for you Miss?” The waiter said and directed his attention to Stephanie. “I’ll have a glass of apple juice.”

  “Very good,” and with that he left to retrieve their drinks.

  “Steph I know you aren’t much of a drinker but I do know you drink something a little s
tronger than apple juice.”

  She looked in his eyes and decided to tell him the truth. “Mark I am drinking apple juice because I am expecting.”

  He looked at her strange. “Expecting what?”

  “Expecting a baby, actually babies I just found out today that I’m having twins.”


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