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Blood, Lust and Love

Page 2

by Sheri Velarde

  Just as Jackie began to feel light headed, Francois pulled his head back and licked some blood off his lips. Jackie looked down and saw some puncture marks on her chest, already in the process of closing. It didn’t seem to make sense, she thought that she must be imagining it, but she looked up and saw fangs receding in Francois’ mouth as well and that is when things clicked in her head. She had just had sex with a vampire! She knew that she should be panicking, but she felt too good from so many orgasms to be frightened and frankly she just didn’t care.

  Francois looked deeply into Jackie’s eyes and said very quietly. “Everything is okay. I can make you forget all of this.”

  The thought of forgetting a night like this, well that snapped Jackie into action. She sat up and practically yelled. “No! I want to remember this! I have never had a night like this, have never known pleasure like this! You will not make me forget this! I have plans for these memories! This was special to me, even if I was just dinner for you!”

  Taken aback, Francois looked down at Jackie and took a step away. “You were more than dinner, you are special to me as well, I was drawn to you from the moment I met you. I knew that there was something unique about you and I was right. Most people cannot resist my power of suggestion. You should be in a trance right now, letting me wipe out the part of me feeding from you. And for that matter, almost any human who is not in a trance would be screaming from fear of a creature like me in their midst. There is something very different about you, you even taste different.”

  Sitting up completely, Jackie was silent for a moment. “Well I am most certainly not in a trance. I do not know why I am not afraid, intellectually I know that I should be, but you didn’t kill me and you could have so I guess I instinctively feel like you won’t hurt me. And you are certainly not the first person, or whatever, to call me different.”

  Francois held out his hand and helped Jackie down from the table and led her into the living room and sat on the sofa. “I think that there is something else I should tell you. I can taste illness in your blood,” he said gently.

  “I know. I have stage four cancer. It is in my liver, brain and lymphatic system. I only have months left, if that. Not much they can do but make me comfortable. Wow. You are the first person that I have told that to, the only people who know are my doctors. Maybe that is why I am not afraid of you, dying in the throes of passion would be better than what awaits me. Maybe that is why you can’t hypnotize me too, maybe the brain tumor blocks something.” Jackie felt a strange sense of calm discussing all of this with a stranger, with a lover, with a vampire. Perhaps she was just insane and that explained everything. Maybe all of this was just happening in her head.

  Concern creased every inch of Francois’ face. “No, it is a rare ability that some people are born with that allows them to resist a vampire. I myself was like that when I was human. It is the reason I was created, though I feared the vampire who made me at first. It is seen as some sort of test among many of my kind, as to who will be suited to our life. It is most likely what drew me to you this evening.” He sat in thought for a while before he spoke again. “You cannot be dying. I will not allow it.”

  Jackie, still groggy from blood loss, just laughed. “Well I am and there is not really much that anyone can do about it. I’ve accepted it, that all you can do.”

  Francois stood and started pacing. “That is where you are wrong. You see me for what I am, I can’t erase it from your mind. That alone is enough reason for me to change you, but take your health into consideration and there is only one option. I will change you, I will make you a creature such as myself.”

  It took a moment for Jackie’s brain to process what he had just said and then she began to giggle uncontrollably. “You are going to change me into a vampire? That is the funniest thing that I have ever heard. This must be some weird dream right? I am going to wake up at work and all of this is going to turn out to be some warped dream isn’t it?” And then she continued to giggle.

  Concern crossed Francois’ face. “I think that I may have taken too much blood. You taste so good I had a hard time stopping. You need to drink some of my blood or you are going to go into shock.” He brought his wrist to his mouth and bit, drawing blood.

  As he held his wrist to Jackie, she just giggled even harder. “Yeah sure, I just need to drink some blood.” This statement really sent her into hysterical laughter.

  “Stop it! This is not a laughing matter. Please, just drink.” Francois commanded as he put his wrist to her mouth, forcing her to take some of his blood. Once the giggles started to subside and some of the blood began to trickle into her system, Jackie latched on and truly began to drink, sucking hard and once again moaning with pleasure, pleasure that seemed to be echoed on Francois’ face. Finally he pulled his wrist away, rather roughly for Jackie did not seem to want to stop drinking. “That is enough or I will end up turning you tonight and we must prepare first.”

  The blood seemed to have brought Jackie back to full alertness and she looked intently at Francois next to her. “This is real isn’t it? You really are a vampire and you really just offered to save my life by turning me into a vampire too, didn’t you? Is any of this possible? Vampires are not supposed to really exist after all, they are legend. Plus what is the likelihood of a magic creature showing up to offer me eternal life just as I am dying? None of this seems real.”

  “This is indeed all true. Vampires prefer to be nothing but legend now, it allows us to live freely and out in the open rather than hiding. As a matter of fact most of the guests in your hotel this weekend are vampires, older ones who wish to venture into the eclipsed sun and catch a glimpse of something that we miss. We can walk in the eclipsed sun for a few minutes and feel it's warmth on our skin.” He paused and took Jackie’s hands into his and looked intently into her eyes. “Now we must discuss turning you, there really is no other option. The rules of my kind say that I cannot let someone who knows of us and cannot be put into a trance to live, they must either become one of us or die. And I cannot kill you nor watch you die from disease.”

  Jackie was quiet and thoughtful for a moment. Finally she simply said, “Okay.”

  Francois looked at her seriously. “You do realize what you are agreeing to? I want to do this right, prepare you to be turned, prepare you to leave this place and take on a new identity. It is going to take planning, we do not want people to be suspicious about why you have disappeared.”

  “Actually I don’t think that it is going to be as difficult as you seem to think. I have no family, only a handful of friends and then work. And don’t forget I have the perfect excuse to disappear and never return, I am dying after all. All sounds pretty straight forward to me.” Jackie shrugged. “Once I tell people about the cancer, all I have to say is that I am going to some clinic in Europe and that is that. People will assume I am dead within a few months, no hassle.”

  Francois nodded. “Yes, that is the perfect cover story actually.” But he continued to stare at Jackie with confusion and concern. “That takes care of the practical side, but I am more concerned about the emotional part. You seem to be taking this too well.”

  “Taking it too well? Isn’t that a good thing? You are a vampire, I am not scared of you, I have a cover story and you just offered to save my life. It all seems perfect to me,” Jackie answered.

  “Yes, it all makes sense, but you should feel something about the loss of your mortal life, you are about to be taken away from everything that you know. You need to deal with those emotions or your transition will not go as smoothly.” He took her hand. “Please, stop putting up walls, tell me what you are thinking, what you are feeling.”

  Jackie grew serious. “Truthfully I am thinking that all of this is too good to be true, that you are too good to be true but I am willing to give anything a shot if it means not dying.” Suddenly the emotions she had been holding back burst forth and she began to cry. “Plus I am alone anyhow. You have no idea how lonely I am. Can�
�t you see how pathetic my life is? I have no one to tell that I am dying, so I tell a man I hardly know. I live in a rundown house. I am a night manager at a hotel. I have no boyfriend and all my friends are busy with their families, no time for their single and pitiful friend. Why wouldn’t I jump at the chance to have a new beginning, to start a new life and hope that I actually live in my new incarnation?”

  Francois put his arms around her and pulled her close to him, comforting her while wearing a look of relief mingled with anxiety. “You will not be alone anymore, I promise. I am not going to let you die and I am going to give you a fabulous, though different, life.”

  They sat, intertwined in each other’s arms, Francois comforting Jackie for a long time, until it seemed all emotions that she had been bottling up for ages had ran their course. Finally Jackie calmed down enough to ask some very pertinent questions. “So what is going to happen? How exactly are you going to change me? What will happen afterwards? Will you stay to help me adjust, help me learn to be a vampire? Where will we go after?”

  “Well, we need to start by laying the ground work for your cover story. I suggest quitting your job, telling your friends that you are moving to Europe for treatment, which is a stroke of genius I might add. You will be going to Europe with me and we can finish covering up the truth from a distance. We need to do this immediately.”

  Jackie nodded. “Ok, I can pretty much do that tomorrow. They won’t like it at work, but I know that they have enough people to cover. I will just send out a text to all my friends, none of which are terribly close anymore. I have always seemed to keep walls up around me, at least until tonight. You have no idea how rare it is for me to open up, it is like you somehow did put me in a trance.”

  “I think that we are meant to be together. I have been alive for a very long time and I truly believe fate brings people together. I too was alone in the world, losing my family to disease, when I was found by my maker. She became my family after that. She was very old and decided she had wandered the world long enough and walked into the sun years ago. I have been alone again ever since. So I do know where you are coming from and now you and I shall keep each other from loneliness. I will be with you for as long as you wish, maybe even longer.” Francois kissed her tenderly.

  Jackie responded to his kiss, deepening it, something more than physical lust between them this time. Francois laid her down gently on the couch and continued to kiss her with not only passion but with love, or at least the beginnings of love. He crawled on top of her and slowly entered her, taking great care to stare directly into her eyes as he did. They were slow, sensuous with each other. Each thrust was filled with meaning, purpose. Francois’ thrusts filled Jackie to the max, but it felt like he was pushing more into her than his body, it felt like he was pushing in love and understanding, like their souls were actually mingling with one another and becoming one. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, trying to pull him closer to her, trying to become one with him somehow. They continued to kiss, exploring each other’s mouths, sucking tongues, really tasting and enjoying each other for what felt like hours. The pleasure built up slowly and by the time they were both ready to pick up speed, both were moaning with longing.

  Francois picked up his speed and Jackie was begging for them to come together. As they writhed and Jackie picked up her speed as much as he did, lifting her hips to meet him every time and they both came at the same time while staring into each other’s eyes. This time Francois opened his mouth and let Jackie watch as his fangs descended and he purposefully bent his head to her neck to bite her, just before he bit he kissed her neck and whispered, “Bite me back. Don’t worry you can’t hurt me.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t have fangs,” Jackie asked.

  “Just bite hard. Trust me, it will be amazing.” With that he bit her and began drinking. She hesitated a moment then positioned her mouth and bit his shoulder in return as hard as she could. Soon his thick blood was filling her mouth. Their mutual drinking was an incredible feeling, so intimate, so erotic. Jackie began to moan again and she could feel Francois’ cock, still inside her, grow and swell again. He began thrusting while still sucking and the dual sensations almost sent her over the edge within seconds. This time he pounded her hard and fast, he came with such force that she could almost feel his seed emptying into her. At the same moment he pulled his mouth away from her neck and shouted in ecstasy. Jackie stopped her sucking and watched as the wound closed all on its' own.

  “Wow, that is the most amazing experience, it was like I could feel your thoughts and emotions through your blood, I could feel your desire and it just made me hotter,” she exclaimed.

  “That is exactly what happened. You can feel another’s essence through their blood. You are so amazing, I have lived for hundreds of years and that might just be the most intense encounter I have had. It just proves that fate led you to me for we are meant for each other. This type of connection is rare. I am grateful to have found you Jackie.” He kissed her and then pulled out of her and stood up, taking her with him. “Daylight is coming. Can you block out the sun in one of your rooms here so we can sleep?”

  Jackie seemed confused. “Sure, I work nights so I blackout my bedroom, but it is still dark outside.”

  “Good, let’s go, I can feel the sun coming. We can sleep during the day, then tonight we can work on tying up loose ends here. After all of my blood that I have given you tonight, we do not have much time. I have already started the process of turning you, all because I cannot seem to resist you, cannot control myself around you.” Francois kissed her.

  “I am already changing? Is that why my body feels like electricity is running through it? I thought it was from so many orgasms in one night.” Jackie replied, moving around, feeling her body and the changes taking place within it. “I do feel different. I have been tired and aching for months, and now I feel like I could run a marathon or scale Mount Kilimanjaro! It’s like I am not even sick anymore.”

  “Soon you won’t be. My blood is working in you. One more significant blood exchange and you will be completely turned. I should have waited, having given you blood earlier tonight, but I wanted us to be connected. Now the changes are already taking place, even your skin is beginning to shimmer. There is no turning back now.” He pulled her into her darkened room and into his arms. “Please forgive me for rushing things.”

  Jackie leaned up and kissed him. “There is nothing to forgive. You are giving me a new life, a life period. The sooner the better, in my opinion. When will the change be complete? I am ready to start living now.”

  “I would like to complete the transformation during the eclipse. It is rather poetic if you think about it, saying goodbye to the sun under the ring of fire. After that you will be my dark temptress of the night for eternity.” He pulled her onto the bed and there they laid intertwined with each other as sleep took them both, just as the sun was shining its' first rays.

  Jackie awoke in the late afternoon. Francois stirred when she got up. “Be careful about the sun, you are going to be sensitive to it after last night.”

  “I will be careful, I just need my phone. I am going to call my boss and tell him about my cancer and quit. Then send out some emails to friends, delete my Facebook and Twitter accounts. Things that I was going to do when it was close to the end anyway. Time to start playing the part, getting everything ready for my departure. I don’t have much time if you want to turn me tomorrow.”

  With effort Francois sat up. “I am sorry for this. I never intended on altering your life like this, I never thought that I would find someone that called to me, let alone on this trip.”

  Jackie smiled. “Don’t worry about altering my life as you call it, you are giving me life and for that I am grateful.” She walked over and kissed him. “Now I need to end this life so I can begin my next. Hide in case the sun comes in the room.”

  With that she walked out of the room naked, but with purpose and confidence. She was gone for less
than an hour. She then slipped back into the room, looking at peace. “It’s done. I even called my doctors, who know my case is hopeless, to let them know I am going to Europe.”

  Francois pulled her down so that they could be face to face. “What about your boss? Your friends? You are taking this all so calmly. When I was in your place, about to be turned I was frantic, scared, anything but peaceful and accepting.”

  Jackie placed a comforting hand on his face. “I was prepared to die, slowly and painfully. I have no one who will truly miss me. Even if I was not sick, my life here is not that great; boring job, no social or love life, I have just been going through the motions for years, living in some kind of limbo. You came along and made me feel alive, first through the hottest sex ever and then through your blood and your offer of a new life, a real life with someone to share it with. Why would I have a problem with this?”

  “I have just never seen someone so willing to make the change. Have you thought about what your life will be like after? You will never be able to walk in the full sun again, you will never have children, you will never age and most importantly to think about you will live off the blood of others. Don’t you have any doubts about any of that?”

  “No, I don’t. I don’t like the sun that much, ironically my friends have called me a vampire all my life. I have never felt the desire to become a mother, not aging is every woman’s dream and as for the blood, I will get used to it. I am not squeamish and hey, I have always liked rare meat! And you promised to be there by my side, helping me and supporting me. I am ready for this. Stop worrying about me.” She kissed him, then turned her neck towards him, willing him to hear the truth in her blood.


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