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Totally Trucked: An M/m Opposites Attract Age Gap Romance

Page 4

by BJ Blakely

  The stranger is vocal tonight.

  “Fuck,” he rasps in an airy breath as he bucks into my throat, face-fucking me as I nip his sensitive glands with my teeth.

  Emotions rush through me at the sound of his spoken excitement, and I strain my ears to hear better, desperate to make out his voice.

  I don’t mind hearing this stranger, I’ve fantasized about taking his cock for weeks.

  But the bathroom is too wide and the stall separating us is too tall for me to make out any distinct sounds, so I content myself with nipping and sucking, desperately devouring his hardness and I relish the fact that my blowjob drives him crazy with need.

  He likes my head. This sexy ass stranger with the perfect upwards-curving cock with the little freckle on the tip likes it.

  That knowledge alone is enough to propel me to up the intensity.

  I take his cock deeper. By now, my own cock is fucking throbbing between my legs.

  I don’t remember if I jerked last time, but tonight I’m hard as a fucking rock and I’m totally going to cream my pants if I don’t.

  Bringing my hand to my shaft, I pop my aching cock through my open zipper and jerk desperately as I suck him, letting the pleasure wash over me.

  Sparks of desire pop and sizzle in my gut, and I moan greedily, desperately seeking to relieve my aching shaft.

  I swoosh my tongue around his cock head, and the stranger gasps and cries out, his little perfect cock leaping and twitching in response to the stimulation.

  He’s so fucking close. His cock is swollen like a goddamn water balloon, and I can’t fucking wait for it to pop.

  In one quick motion I let go of my own aching cock and take him balls-deep, swallowing until the cock head slams into the back of my throat.

  The stranger cries out and screams, filling the bathroom with echoey loud vocal affirmations that unleash a tidal wave of lust within me.

  I grunt and gag as I deep throat his perfect cock, excitement coursing through my veins.

  Fucking ecstasy. His rod thickens and expands in my mouth, and he lets out a primal scream as he shoots and loses control.

  I swallow everything. Every fucking drop, every spurt.

  His load fills my throat, coating my mouth in hot white.



  “Are you sure you can’t do it faster?”

  I’m standing at the front desk of Pete’s Automotive Repairs the following morning, making good on my promise to Jonah.

  When he found out I’d busted my rig, he requested I get a rush job. I didn’t think this would be a problem, but as it turns out, the repair shop is fully booked.

  Even in a town like Bear Springs, there are a lot more repairs than you’d think.

  Pete shoots me a grim look. “I’m afraid not.”

  I let out an exasperated sigh. “I have to get this rig fixed. Are you sure you can’t squeeze me in?”

  “I’m sorry,” Pete the mechanic says. “It’s not going to happen.”

  I sigh. “My boss instructed me to give you five hundred extra dollars if you can get it done before next Monday. Will that work?”

  “Still won’t be possible, I’m afraid.” Pete whips out a logbook. “We can’t get to it until Wednesday. Could your boss hook you up with another rig?”

  This is common in the trucking industry. If your rig breaks, you get a replacement until a mechanic fixes the original.

  Our company has no such policy. Corporate’s too damn cheap.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “Then I’m afraid you'll have to wait.”

  I thank Pete and head towards Betty’s Biscuits. Outside, I pretend to be pissed. But inside, I’ve never been happier in my life.

  An entire week stuck in Bear Springs. I’ll see the mystery cock every goddamn night this week.

  Last night, the mystery cock hadn’t disappointed.

  When I finished cleaning it, I tapped the stall three times, and stuck my cock through the opening.

  The man on the other side took it in his palm, and he’d run his fingers over my shaft, but he didn’t suck it.

  I figured it was someone new to the gay scene, someone who didn’t mind getting his dick sucked but wasn’t quite ready to suck dick himself.

  That’s fine with me. I don’t need to get my cock sucked.

  Sucking off this amazing cock is good enough.

  I enter Betty’s Biscuits with a smile on my face and a serious case of warm fuzzies.

  The good feelings are only magnified by the fact that Logan, the cute waiter from yesterday, is back.

  Today, Logan’s floppy brown hair is parted to one side, and he has the most adorable little smirk on his face.

  I know damn well why he’s smiling.

  Logan knows I’m a good tipper.

  I’d left him a sizable tip yesterday, and he knows where his bread is buttered.

  I can’t help it though. Cute little thing like that deserves all the damn tips in the world.

  The hostess ushers me inside and Logan pours me a cup of coffee as I slide into my seat. “Back so soon?”

  I nod. “Rig’s still in the shop. I tried to bribe the mechanic for a rush job, but he was pretty adamant I’d have to wait.”

  Logan’s features light up when he sees me, and he slides a menu in front of me. “That’s Pete for ya.”

  Logan smiles warmly at me, and at once a gaggle of butterflies flutters around my heart, but I bat them aside. “He’s about as small town as you can get.”

  “I take it he doesn’t accept bribes,” I joke, sipping the fresh coffee. It tastes damn good.

  Logan laughs. “Not in my experience. At least, he didn’t for my roommate.”

  I arch my eyebrows. “Do tell.”

  “My roommate Forest brought his four-wheeler into the shop last summer. He was off-roading near Lake Superior and busted his tire alignment on a log. Forest offered Pete double, but Pete had other customers in line. Pete wouldn’t fix it for 2 weeks,” Logan explains, getting to the gist of the story. “Even though Forest was desperate to hit the trails again.”

  “Damn.” I mull this over. It’s cool as fuck Logan’s giving me the 411 on this small town, even if it’s bad news.

  Or possibly good news.

  It depends whether being stranded in Bear Springs with this cutie is good or bad.

  “Aren’t there other good mechanics in town?”

  Logan scrunches his face. “No.”

  “That’s strange. Town this size, you’d think there’d be a couple good mechanics.”

  Logan pretends to think this through. “Well, we’ve got great parks, a great hardware store, and a top-notch bar run by my good friend Ms. Tilly, who’s also a regular here. But I’m afraid we don’t have other mechanics.”

  I furrow my brow. “Tilly?” That sounds familiar.

  Logan nods. “She runs ‘Tilly’s’ down the street next to Bear Park. It’s the hottest pub on Sheridan.”

  I make a mental note of the location, in case I need to hit up a pub if my rig still isn’t fixed. But then I bring the conversation back where I need it to be. “I wonder if Tilly knows any decent mechanics,” I quip.

  Logan snorts and shakes his head. “There are other mechanics besides Pete,” he admits at last. “But they’re not exactly licensed, and I doubt you’d want to bring a work vehicle into their shop.”

  “So Pete’s got a monopoly on the industry. I can’t believe the city council hasn’t broken the business up.”

  “They’re in his back pocket,” Logan quips without missing a beat. “The council lets him screw the rest of us over as long as he fixes their cars ASAP.”

  I let out a belly laugh. “So I’d have to get elected to city council to get my rig fixed?”

  “‘Fraid so.” Logan grins, sending a bolt of electricity through my veins. We hold eye contact a moment too long, until Logan looks away, his cheeks tinging pink.

  He clears his throat. “Okay, Jax. Enough about
Pete. What can I get you today? More bacon?”

  God, he’s cute. “I’m actually in a bagel-with-fruit kinda mood, believe it or not. Gotta make up for the bacon somehow.”

  Logan nods. “Excellent choice. We’ve got multigrain, everything, poppyseed, and rye.”

  I furrow my brow. “Hmm. No blueberry?”

  Logan bites his lip. “Hold on.” He darts into the kitchen and comes back a moment later, a triumphant smirk on his face. “Okay, we also have blueberry.”

  “I’m a lucky guy.”

  “I’d say so.” Logan jots down blueberry bagel on his notepad. “We get fresh bagels from a local shop on Chestnut Street. But they kinda do their own thing, so we never know what flavors we’re getting until the day they arrive.”

  I snort. “That’s quite the way to run a business.”

  Logan laughs. “Welcome to Bear Springs.” He tucks his notepad into his front apron pocket and beams at me. “I’ll head back and put in your order. It should be out ASAP.”

  “Thanks, Logan.” I’m tempted to wink at him but I hold back. I’m going for a nice customer vibe, not creepy. “Can’t wait.”

  Logan holds my gaze, and for a second, it almost looks like he’s lustily looking at my tattoos.

  But then he breaks off the eye contact and turns to leave.

  Still, that doesn’t stop the wave of excitement that courses through me as he hums and struts away.

  Goddamn, this is the cutest young man I’ve ever seen. So chipper, and funny as hell.

  And goddamn, take a look at his perky little ass, so damn bubbly in his little uniform. I bet he’s smooth as fuck back there.

  As I sip coffee I envision myself giving Logan a massage, starting with his tense neck — tense because of all the hours he puts in at the diner — and working my way to his lower back, hips, ass.

  When I reach his ass, I want to do a little more than massage.

  Logan brings back my order, jolting me back to reality. “Here ya go, Jax. The chef threw together a yummy fruit salad.”

  My stomach rumbles as he sets down the plate. “Damn, this looks good.”

  Logan’s holding something behind his back. “I brought you something else.” In one quick motion, he produces a ceramic plate with two strips of bacon. “Voila.”

  My jaw drops. “Holy shit. Bacon.”

  Logan snorts. “The chef threw some on the grill the second you walked in. He was going to toss it, but I convinced him to give it to you anyways. No extra cost.”

  Holy shit. This dude’s amazing. “Thanks, Logan. This looks incredible.”

  “I’ll come back to check on you in a few.”

  Bon appe-fucking-tit.

  The food is fucking amazing, but the cherry on top is the gorgeous server who brought it to me.

  I stare longingly towards the kitchen, hoping he’ll come back out, but flit my eyes back to my plate to avoid appearing creepy.

  He’s so damn cute. Funny. Adorable as fuck.

  In another life, I might even ask him out, once I got to know him better.

  If only I weren’t hell-bent on avoiding anything serious at all costs.


  2 nights later. Same racing heart. Same fucking stall.

  This past week was the most mind-blowing of my damn life.

  The stranger’s back, and he didn’t disappoint.

  He sucked me off better than anyone in my goddamn dreams, and at the end of our session, he stuck his own beautiful cock through the glory hole, and asked if I wanted to suck.

  If only I hadn’t been such a pussy.

  I groan as I settle into the toilet seat, pummeling myself internally over my failure to suck his cock.

  It was beautiful, thick and veiny with a gorgeous foreskin, perfect for nibbling and sucking.

  But I couldn’t do it. I chickened out.

  When I told Forest, he’d laughed. “How could you refuse to suck it? This man has blown your mind to high heaven. It’s rude not to suck his cock.”

  “I know,” I’d groaned, burying my face in my hands. “You don’t have to remind me. I’m sad enough as it is.”

  Forest was nonplussed. “Just imagine how he feels. He gave you amazing head, and you don’t even have the decency to return the favor. I’d be mad as fuck.”

  I couldn’t help but snort. “I doubt it. And it’s not like I didn’t want to suck him, because I did. I chickened out.”

  “If you see his cock again, will you suck it?”

  “Yeah,” I whispered greedily, flames of lust spreading through my body. “I’m going to finally lose my blowjob virginity and suck his perfect cock.”

  So yeah, tonight is different. I refuse to pussy out.

  If he sticks his cock through the hole, I’m going to fucking worship it.

  It’s obvious I was intimidated by his cock — I’ve never sucked a cock in my life — but I refuse to be scared any longer.

  I’m twenty one and not getting any younger. I’m a legal fucking adult and I want to suck this man’s beautiful cock.

  A creaking noise snaps me out of my daze.

  My heart thuds in my chest.

  I hold my breath as a pair of feet cross the bathroom and slide into the stall next to me.

  My heart beats so loud I can hear the fucking blood pounding in my eardrums.

  “Goddamnit,” I rasp, quiet enough so the man next door won’t hear.

  Fucking anxiety. Always such a goddamn bitch.

  Gritting my teeth, I think happy thoughts to reduce my stress level. Jax at Betty’s. So fucking sweet.

  And the enormous tip he left me — ten dollars on a five-dollar bill — will help tremendously towards buying my synthetic brushes.

  I envision myself unwrapping the brushes, dipping them in fresh acrylic paint, and painting a beautiful picture of my cat.

  For some reason, I even think of Jax helping me paint, gripping my waist and steadying me while I make strokes.

  This is a weird vision, but I’m not complaining. It’s a happy, pleasant thought, and it calms me.

  But the three curt taps on the stall I hear a moment later send my anxiety spiking through the damn roof.

  Tap tap tap.

  “Fuck,” I whisper, my heart racing out of my goddamn chest. I glance down.

  I’ve shimmied out of my khakis, and my cock is sticking straight up, oozing pre-come.

  It’s slick and wet, dripping down my shaft like an aroused animal’s.

  The taps can only mean one thing. Either he wants me to stick my cock through the hole, or he’s preparing to stick his through.

  But I’m not sticking mine through.

  Not tonight.

  Because tonight, I want to blow this man. Conquer my damn fears and suck his beautiful cock.

  I tap three times on the wall.

  Tap tap TAP.

  Hopefully the loud TAP at the end lets him know I want to try blowing him again.

  The man hesitates. He’s mulling this over.

  I didn’t blow him last time, so should he try again?

  Would it be considered harassment?

  I doubt he wants to harass me.

  If I stuck my cock through the hole and he didn’t suck it, I certainly wouldn’t want to do it again.

  That’d be a horrible feeling, on both ends.

  There’s only one way to solve this.


  I rap the wall so fucking loud he can’t mistake my plea.

  Thank fucking God he takes the hint. A belt buckle rustles, and I hear him drop his pants.

  A gentle thwacking fills the air, and I realize he’s jerking himself and bringing his cock to an erection.

  Lust pools inside of me.

  It’s going to happen any minute.

  Any fucking second he’d going to expose himself to me and show me his cock.

  At last it appears in the glory hole, jutting out and drooping from the wall.

  Holy shit, it’s so fucking girthy and long.

/>   It’s sheer mass drags it down, and it’s so much bigger than mine, too fucking big to curve up.

  The realization that I’m looking at another man’s cock — a quivering erect throbbing uncircumcised penis — for the first time in my life in the glory hole does something to me.

  A bolt of lust courses through me, and spit drools from my mouth.

  “Jesus,” I whisper, bringing my hand to the cock, gripping it.

  The man grunts, his cock unleashing a bead of pre-come, and I take a deep breath and inhale his musk as I stroke him, starting at the base and making my way up the shaft.

  I peel back the foreskin. At once, the cock jolts in my palm, and my jaw fucking drops in amazement at the beautiful sight.

  The tip is so shiny and pink, and it glistens in the dingy bathroom lights.

  With caution, I inch forward and bring my lips to the tip.

  I flit my tongue over the tip, and relish the way it leaps and throbs at the sensation.

  I have no doubt the stranger knows I’ve never sucked cock before.

  My touch is too light and innocent to be an experienced man’s.

  But I know I have what it takes and I’ll be damned if I don’t pleasure him tonight.

  “Fuck,” I whisper, swirling my tongue over the tip.

  The cock throbs, trembling in my palm as it responds to the touch.

  But I want more. I fucking need more. I don’t care if I’m gagging and gasping and screaming for air, I need as goddamn much as I can take.

  Without a fucking word, I take the cock deeper, licking and sucking like a giant fucking lollipop, desperate to see how far I can take it.

  I take a sharp breath and force it down my throat, letting it graze the roof of my mouth before sliding back to my tonsils.

  I gag and gasp as it bashes against the back of my mouth, but I keep going, desperate to get my prize.

  Spit drools from my lips as I suck it, but I don’t care if I get wet.

  I bob my head on the cock, wrenching and gagging as it bonks into my uvula.

  The stranger lets out a feral grunt. “Fuck,” he rasps, bucking into the glory hole.

  The stall slams and shakes as he thrusts into my mouth, and for a second, I worry it’ll fly off the hinges.


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