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Totally Trucked: An M/m Opposites Attract Age Gap Romance

Page 23

by BJ Blakely

  It’s kinda the point of parties, especially ones thrown for yourself.

  You talk, you laugh, you have fun.

  This party is giving me an annoying-as-hell case of blue balls, but I still have to pretend I’m “having fun” at some point.

  I decide this is the perfect moment to jump into the convo. “You invited her today,” I point out. “Clearly, you still value her as a friend.”

  “Not willingly.” Upon seeing our confusion, Betty adds by way of explanation, “We don’t have a finished patio at Betty’s Biscuits. Also, we’re using Tilly and Natasha for space and booze.”

  I glanced at the patio, and grimace. It's definitely a stretch to call it "finished."

  The railing is missing, and it looks like someone could stumble over the edge.

  It's very dangerous.

  Just then, a familiar face pops out from behind the grill, and a familiar set of legs saunters over to us. Betty takes one look at the mystery figure and sighs. “We’ve been found.”

  It’s Tilly. Judging by the disappointed expression on her face, she’s not pleased to be the subject of local gossip.

  Tilly takes one look at Betty and huffs. “Steal your nachos,” she says. “As if. Your nachos aren’t half as good as mine. Why would I steal something I can do better myself?”

  “I never said you stole the recipe,” Betty counters. “But Tilly’s never had nachos until after Mary Beth’s Pride Festival last year. I made them for the party. You cribbed my idea.”

  “You’re delusional. I’ve had nachos on the Tilly’s menu for as long as I can remember.”

  “That’s a lie,” Betty counters with a huff. “You never served nachos until that party.”

  Tilly, annoyed with her nemesis, makes a shooing motion with her hand. “Liar, as if. The only thing worth stealing from Betty’s are your servers, Forest, Logan, and Max.”

  Betty is nonplussed. “Jokes on you. Max is only a host. Also, they’ll never leave. They signed their employment contracts in human blood.”

  Lucas’ jaw drops as he takes another bite of sausage. “Human blood?”

  He takes another hit of his vape, and I'm tempted to punch it out of his mouth.

  “Not as sick as Tilly for stealing my ideas.”

  Lucas clears his throat. “Please tell me human blood isn’t the secret ingredient in these sausages. If so, I think I might have a vampire or two in my lineage that Ancestry missed.”

  Oh, he thinks he's so fucking funny. I shoot him a look that says, Quit making fun of the elderly, asshole. At least someone will miss them when they're dead.

  Betty shakes her head. “I’ll let you in on the secret, but you’ll have to come closer so that witch doesn’t hear.”

  We scoot closer, and Betty tilts her mouth towards our ears. “Glory hole come,” she whispers at last.

  I let out a yelp and visibly recoil. “Betty,” I shout, glaring at her. “What?”

  Betty placates me with a shrug. “Don’t think we don’t know your love story, Jax. In a town this small, word gets around.”

  Lucas yelps with laughter. “Glory hole come. I love it.” He takes another bite of the sausage. “Fuck it. As long as it isn’t Jax’s, I’m game.”

  My cheeks are bright red. I whip around to search for Logan.

  “Logan,” I shout, beckoning him to my side.

  He flits his beautiful gaze up to me, and instantly my feet get wobbly.

  He shoots an apologetic glance at Forest and Max, who he’s talking to, and rushes to my side.

  “What is it?” Logan’s voice is breathy and sexy as hell.

  If I weren’t pissed and embarrassed, I’d ask him to head to the Truck n’ Munch so I could suck him off right then and there.

  But I have more pressing matters at hand.

  “Please, Logan,” I say through gritted teeth as I take his hand. “Tell me how Betty knows about the delicious come at the Truck n’ Munch.”

  Logan lets out an astonished gasp. “Damnit, Betty. You said you wouldn’t tell.” He stares at his feet. “I trusted you, and you let me down.”

  Betty rolls her eyes. “Don’t be dramatic. When I overheard Logan telling Mary Beth your love story, I knew he was leaving something out. He said you met in the parking lot of the Truck n’ Munch when Forest’s car broke down one night, and you gave him a ride home. It was a load of bull. We all know what goes on at the Truck n’ Munch at night, except apparently Mary Beth. I smelled the lies from across the patio, even over the scent of my sausages. So I did the reasonable thing and pulled Logan aside as soon as he finished sparing Mary Beth’s sensibilities. I told him I’d demote him from ‘server’ to ‘host’ if he didn’t tell me the full story at once.”

  Logan turns to me with an apologetic glance in his eyes. “I didn’t want to tell her we met at a glory hole, but my day job was on the line.”

  I can’t help but snort. “Your day job?” I say, unable to focus on the reason I’d been grilling him in the first place, and latching onto the least important part of the sentence.

  Logan’s too freaking cute to grill any longer than necessary.

  Also… When the fuck did he start referring to his work at Betty’s as his “day” job?

  Logan blushes. “I’m an artist now, so I get to call my regular job a day job. It’s part of the perks of selling on ArtSell.”

  Lucas, Betty and I burst into laughter. Even Tilly laughs from across the patio.

  I wrap my arms around Logan’s waist and bring him in for a hug. “Luckily you won’t have that day job for long. But don’t tell Betty.”

  Logan grins. “That’s the plan.”

  He blesses me with a hot kiss, instantly sweeping me away. I kiss him harder, nibbling his lower lip the way he likes.

  But I’m rudely interrupted mid-kiss by an urgent tap on the shoulder. “Jax?”

  It’s Riggs and Jasper. They’re standing side-by-side, plates of delicious barbecue in hand, watching us kiss.

  A mammoth groan escapes me. I assume they want an introduction.

  I let go of Logan and turn to face my friends. “Logan, meet Jasper and Riggs. Jasper and Riggs, Logan.”

  Logan clears his throat. “Also known as the love of his life, but we’ll let that slide.”

  Riggs snorts. “Charmed, Logan.” Riggs winks at me. “He’s as bratty as you said.”

  Jasper nods in agreement. “He’s cute, but he sounds like a handful.” Jasper lets out a snort. “Still, I see how he’d be good in bed.”

  It’s my turn to be embarrassed. “Whoa,” I shout, flailing my arms in an attempt to make them stop. “That’s top-secret information. You can’t tell the love of my life what I’ve said about him before we got together.”

  Riggs and Jasper are clearly referencing the many Big Rig chats we’ve had about the “cute but bratty” waiter from Betty’s Biscuits in Bear Springs. Now that they finally can put a face to the name, they’re not about to let me live it down.

  “Bratty?” Logan says through gritted teeth. “Really, Jax? After all we’ve been through. You tell your friends I’m bratty?”

  I groan and shake my head. “It’s not what you think. It was before we got together.”

  Jasper lets out a snort. “You didn’t tell us he was good in bed until last week. By then, you were very much together.”

  I’m dying of embarrassment. “You guys are ruining my love life. I hate you all.”

  Riggs shakes his head. “Don’t compliment your boyfriend to us if you don’t want it to get back to him. We’re incorrigible gossips, every one.”

  Logan takes my hand and squeezes it. “Wow.” He lets out a slow whistle. “I can’t believe you told your friends I was a freak in the sheets.”

  I turn to face Logan. “They’re lying. I said you were the worst fuck I’ve ever had. Plug your ears and run for Betty’s if you hear anything different, because it’s definitely not true.”

  Logan inches closer to me. “I’m a good fuck, huh?” h
e whispers in a voice so goddamn sultry it sends my blood pressure through the roof.

  “No,” I hiss back, in a last-ditch effort to stop myself from getting hard. “You’re the worst dick-sucker I’ve met in my life. You should be ashamed to call yourself a gay man.”

  With a devilish smirk, Logan lets go of my hand and grips my cock. I yelp and swat his hand away, but he puts it right back.

  “Uh oh,” Logan whispers, staring dreamily into my eyes. “I can’t suck cock for shit… I don't know what I'm doing, Jax. You have to teach me.”

  I groan and scrunch my eyes shut. “You’re nuts. Stop grabbing my dick in front of my friends.”

  Jasper, Lucas and Riggs aren’t having it. “Whip it out,” Riggs shouts with a laugh.

  “Damn,” Jasper exclaims. “This is hotter than Sixteen Truckers One Cup.”

  Even Max, the much-younger nephew of Mary Beth, who sauntered over with Forest after I called Logan to my side, can’t take his eyes away. Though he doesn’t say a word, his eyes flicker with lust.

  I can’t help but think he’s going to make a much-older man very happy someday.

  Wouldn’t it be crazy if it was one of my friends?

  Logan relinquishes his grip on my manhood. “Asshole. Gossiping about me with your friends.”

  I groan and shake my head. “I’ve done nothing but help set up your ArtSell shop, and here you are, making me horny in front of my trucker friends. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

  Logan kisses my cheek. “Then maybe you should stop talking shit about your bratty boyfriend to them. Face it. I had to get you back somehow.”

  Logan has a point. “Fine,” I grumble, taking him into my arms. “You’re absolutely right. I’m dead wrong. But most of the gossip occurred before we were together. I haven’t been talking shit about you since we became boyfriends.”

  Max clears his throat. “Except to say that Logan’s good in bed. Right?”

  We all burst into laughter, and I turn to Max. “Correct. But I wouldn’t say that falls under the umbrella of talking shit. It’s more like… A compliment.”

  Jasper nods. “Yes. Unless you don’t want anyone to know you’re a sex god, in which case I could see how one might take offense.”

  I snort and squeeze Logan’s tight ass. “I hope you didn’t take offense,” I whisper, my lips oh so close but not quite touching his. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  Logan snorts and plants a soft kiss on my lips. “Oh Jax,” he whispers after a pause. “You didn’t offend me. As long as I’m with you, I want the fucking world to know how well I suck you off.”

  Then Logan clears his throat. “Now let’s get some fresh sausages. We’ve finished Betty’s, but Tilly’s taking her special links off the grill.”

  Betty, who’s heard the entire conversation, lets out a yelp. “Tilly’s what?”

  Logan furrows his brow. “Her sausages. Is something wrong with that?”

  “She's a thief.”

  From across the patio where she’s manning the grill, Tilly rolls her eyes. “Don’t be jealous, Betty.” She snorts and turns up the heat. “These glory hole come-sausages have been in my family for generations. I didn’t crib your recipe.”

  It’s too much to take. Without a goddamn pause, we all burst into laughter — well, everyone except those who weren’t present for the earlier conversation.

  Logan smacks my ass. “Gettin’ hungry, Jax?”

  My heart bursts with warm fuzzies as I turn to my beautiful boyfriend. “Hell yes,” I whisper, kissing him hard. “Let’s get some fresh sausages before Betty throws them out.”

  “I don’t need Tilly’s sausages. I have all the sausage I need right here.”

  I smack his ass back. “So thick and juicy, and filled with extra glory hole come.”

  “I’m serious,” Logan says earnestly, palming my rock hard cock. “Mmmm. So sausage-y and warm. I bet it’s spicy, too.”

  I snort. “Knock it off. Let’s get some food. Stop being a brat.”



  “Jeez, it’s pretty up here.”

  I take Jax’s hand and squeeze it as I snuggle closer to him on the grassy hill behind Tilly’s.

  The afternoon has passed so quickly, and I’ve never been more ready to spend “us” time together in my life.

  As fun as it is bantering with Tilly and meeting Jax’s friends, I’ve been dying to steal a few moments with Jax before the night ends.

  Turns out, Jax has felt the same way.

  Thank fucking God. I’d be pissed as hell if he enjoyed dicking around at a barbecue more than spending quality time with me.

  Jax takes my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it like it’s the most precious thing in the world. “I never thought Bear Springs had such remarkable sunsets. They don’t exactly advertise it in the tour guide.”

  Jax is spot on. The sunset, which we’re lucky as hell to catch considering we snuck away moments ago, is gorgeous. Purple light soars across the horizon, paintings the clouds, and from where we’re sitting on the grassy hill, it almost feels like we’re in the goddamn sunset.

  Bear Springs doesn't have much, but Bear Point, the only lookout point in the city which is conveniently located behind Tilly’s bar, captures it all.

  Safe to say I’ve found fresh inspiration for my next painting.

  I snuggle closer to Jax and bury my head in his chest. “Bear Springs doesn’t have a tour guide, dummy,” I say at last, my voice soft as a feather. “There are barely 2,000 people in this town. And there aren’t exactly many attractions. Certainly not enough to advertise in a guide.”

  Jax snorts. “I was being facetious.” He takes a deep breath. “But Bear Springs does have stellar attractions.”

  I lift my face off his chest. “Like what?” I ask, biting my lip. “Betty’s Biscuits? Hazel's Hardware? I hate to break it to you, but those aren’t exactly attractions. At least not to me.”

  Jax shakes his head. “Bear Springs might not have mountains like Montana or beaches that stretch to infinity like California. But its attractions are hotter than any beach.”

  I shake my head. I’d love to hear what Jax thinks is so great about Bear Springs. “This should be good,” I say at last.

  Jax kisses my forehead. “Bear Springs has you.” He brushes a stand of floppy hair from my forehead. “Fuck the beach. That’s what matters to me.”

  Safe to say my cheeks start to burn. “Dude,” I whisper. Damn, this guy is cheesy.

  “What?” Jax asks, the fucking faux-epitome of innocence.

  I snort and turn to face him yet again. “You’re being a goofball. I wish you wouldn’t BS me.”

  Jax shakes his head. “Not lying. I'd pick Bear Springs, Minnesota, over Venice fucking Beach any day. Provided you’re with me.”

  My heart melts like a great big marshmallow. “You’re making me fuzzy inside,” I whisper in a soft voice. “It’s weird.”

  “Not weird,” Jax whispers back. “It’s hot as hell.” He runs his finger down my jawline, and I moan and swoon into his palm.

  “Stop,” I whisper again. As much as I want to get it on with Jax, I can’t afford to get too horny before we head back into Tilly’s.

  For fuck’s sake, we have a bar full of people to attend to.

  I’d touched Jax’s cock earlier in the day, but that was a joke.

  If I get too excited I won’t focus on my duties as a good host.

  Also, I might neglect Max, and that’s something I can’t risk.

  His damn Aunt’s been trying to pass him off to Forest and me for months, and she practically runs his life.

  The poor kid needs someone to let him know it’s okay to fucking speak for himself and breathe.

  I explain this to Jax. When I finish, he kisses my cheek. “I’m not trying to fuck you. Just trying to enjoy the sunset before we head back to Tilly’s.”

  My eyes burn. When I flit my gaze up to Jax’s, I’m not disappointed. “It’s a b
eautiful sunset,” I admit at last, my heart melting in my chest.

  Damn, this guy turns me into freaking Silly Putty.

  Jax runs his finger over my lips. “It is beautiful,” he contends with a sigh. “Not as beautiful as you. But for a sunset, it’s not bad.”

  Then Jax clears his throat. “Can I kiss you?” he asks hesitantly. “I promise it won’t lead to hanky panky. Not before the party.”

  Jesus, fuck. My heart swells with love for this guy. “Yes,” I whisper at last, thrusting my lips towards Jax. “I love you, Jax. Love, love, love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Jax nibbles my lower lip, flitting his tongue around my teeth.

  I let out a desperate cry, climbing on top of him, pushing him back to the grass so I can kiss him better.

  Jax wraps his arms around me, digging his fingers into my back, before lifting one hand and cupping my head, thrusting me towards him, forcing our lips together in a gesture of love everlasting.

  As we finish the kiss, the sun finishes setting, and the pink-purple light flickers and fades to the stars.


  This is the sweetest kiss I’ve ever had in my life.

  Jax breaks off the kiss. “That was amazing,” he murmurs, running his fingers through my hair. “You’re amazing.”

  I nod in agreement. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  Jax pries me off his chest. “We’d better get back to the party. Lucas, Jasper and Riggs can only stay outta trouble for so long.”

  I grin and let Jax help me to my feet. “I love you, Jax.”

  He kisses me one last time. “I love you too.” He gives me a peck on the cheek. “Now let’s head back. I’ll buy you a vodka cranberry.”

  I snort and smack his ass. “I’ll do you one better,” I say with a grin. “I’ll browbeat Tilly into admitting she stole Betty’s recipe. Under the threat of telling Betty, I’ll blackmail her into giving us free drinks.”

  Jax snorts. "Or I could say you tripped over her unfinished patio deck and broke your dick bone. We’ll give her the choice between suing her to the ground or giving you a free drink."

  I let out a belly laugh. “It’s a deal.”


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