The Light Within the Darkness

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The Light Within the Darkness Page 8

by H M Wolfe

  ''Is there a way to make sure Chester Hoskins won't get Wilmot and Marinette's custody?'' Valeran asked, his voice shaky, eyes brimming with tears.

  ''At first sight, all odds are against our brother,'' Warrick spoke, his voice a little livelier than before. ''He is recovering after a long, very aggressive anti-cancer treatment. He is currently between two jobs. The health problem can kick back anytime, and there's, of course, the biggest issue of all,'' he stared ahead.

  ''My relationship with Vale.'' Vinson barely whispered, lowering his gaze. ''The bastard won't hesitate to use it against me, will he? Being bisexual is bad enough, but loving your own...''

  ''Unfortunately, you're right. Divorce and custody lawyers are the worst kind of hyenas, and they'll use whatever dirt they can find against you. However, I have a plan to beat them, and keep...whatever it is between you intact. Of course, if you agree to let me help you.'' Warrick looked between his brothers. ''I'll leave you now. You can message me when you decide on which path to follow.''

  ''You don't have to leave.'' Vinson gestured, stopping his brother from leaving his seat, ''My decision is made. I'll take your help and do whatever it takes to win permanent full custody of the children.''

  ''How about you, Vale? Can I count on your help? Do you agree to accept my advice? You are free not to, but I have to know from the start.'' Warrick smiled softly as he looked at his brother.

  ''Of course,'' the young man nodded, ''tell me what I have to do, and I'll do it. I love Wilmot and Marinette like my own children.''

  ''Good, then let's start with Vin.'' Warrick nodded. ''You are currently unemployed, so I arranged an interview for you with Hugo Van Houten-Bloom's construction company. They have their own team of architects, under Theodore's direct supervision. The position is of an assistant. That's because you don't have the necessary qualification to apply as an architect. However, they'll also offer you a specialization course, and the opportunity to continue and complete your education.''

  Vinson was looking at his brother, who'd paused a bit to catch his breath. Warrick had talked a lot for almost an hour since he'd gotten there. But not a single word was about him or his feelings. For quite a long time, he'd wondered if the man felt anything at all other than the all-consuming desire to be the best at what he did.

  And then, he realized that Warrick's hunger for success had one great motivation. He wanted to make their mother proud of them. They were already her favorites. The Spartan schedule he'd subjected himself to since early childhood. The long, exhausting hours of work, everything was for them, for their future.

  ''As for you, Vale.'' Warrick broke the silence, his eyes tired again. ''You'll have to move in here, with Vin and the kids. You'll go to your studio only when you have to paint. You'll spend the rest of the time with your brother, nephew, and niece.''

  ''I don't understand.'' It was Valeran's turn to protest. ''Earlier, you said we should keep a low profile, and now you advise us to do the opposite?''

  ''It's about permanence. You being a constant presence in the little ones' life.'' Warrick explained. ''You helping Vin with the children will come into contrast with Isobel and her father being completely absent from the picture. Of course, you have to be as discreet as possible in showing your affection for one another.''

  ''We can do that.'' Vinson nodded. ''It won't be the first time we've shown restraint. As I said before, I'll give up anything, just to...''

  ''Stop it! No one has to give up anything!'' Warrick harshly interrupted him, seeing the pained expression in Valeran's eyes. ''Not anymore. I don't like this thing going on between you, but I'm not trying to stop or judge you. Vin, you already abandoned Vale once and were this close to losing him for good. Next time, I may not be around to protect him. That's your job.''

  ''What do you mean by that? When did I fail to protect Vale, and leave it to you? And what's that about being close to losing him for good?'' Vinson asked, alarmed, and irritated at the same time.

  ''You're right. None of those things happened. It was only a slip of the tongue. Sorry about that.'' Warrick's voice sounded flat and hollow. ''Let's move on to the next point of our plan.''

  But Vinson wasn't paying attention to the discussion anymore. His focus was caught examining his brother's body language. The empty stare. His hands clenched on the ends of the armrests. The stiff posture of his back. All these were the tell-tale signs that something was very wrong with Warrick, that his healing was far from complete.

  All of a sudden, Vinson was confident that those things his brother mentioned had happened. Vale was in danger, and his other brother had pushed him out of harm's way. More than that, he was sure that the price Warrick had paid for that was terrible, and the scars ran more extensive than even Ian knew. He couldn't stay and watch how his brother was fading away like that, eaten from the inside out by all the secrets he was keeping.

  ''Brother, please. Please tell us; what happened back then? How did you keep Vale safe? And don't tell me it's your past, not when your future is endangered.''

  ''You are not going to like this,'' Warrick warned his brother, then closed his eyes, inhaling sharply. ''After you told Vale that Isobel didn't want you to see mom and us, he was heartbroken. I kept an eye on him most of the time. One day, I noticed two guys were walking behind him at a close distance. At first, I thought it was only a coincidence, but soon I realized they were stalking him.''

  ''Goddamn bastards!'' Vinson cursed aloud, hands balled into fists. ''Why didn't you go to the police? That was a classic case of harassment.''

  ''I did, and they laughed in my face, telling me not to worry. They were sure pretty boy and his hunky lovers would settle their differences very soon. Although he didn't help me directly, that police officer gave me the solution. I paid a private investigator to find out everything about those guys, two bikers known as Kill and Sin, and then went to talk to them.''

  ''Alone? Without anyone who could defend you in case the things got out of hand?'' Vinson was aware that those events had taken place a few years back, but he still felt chills down his spine at the thought.

  ''I wasn't exactly the popular type.'' Warrick bitterly smiled. ''And besides, it was a family matter. I made them a very tempting offer, and they agreed to leave Vale alone. The details of that agreement are to remain secret. End of the story.''

  ''I...I don't know what to say. I didn't know any of this had happened.'' Vinson spoke, his pained voice contrasting with his brother's indifferent one. ''I wish I could do something to repay your kindness, but I don't know what.''

  ''You don't have to do anything, you're family.'' Warrick looked deep into his eyes. ''As I said, it's in the past. I made some choices, and so did you. I don't think I could ever get over my brothers being lovers, but that's not important. You keeping Vale happy and your children close is. And I'm going to help you with that. That's a promise.''



  oing back to the time his nightmarish relationship with Kill and Sin started, took a severe toll on Warrick. Emotionally drained, he fell asleep in the chair, without realizing or fighting it off. Initially, Vinson and Valeran wanted to take him to one of the guest rooms. They want to lay him down properly, but couldn't find in them to wake him up.

  Bringing a warm blanket and a pillow, the two tried to make his sleep as comfortable as possible. As he was putting the pillow under his brother's head, Vinson couldn't stop wondering how many times Warrick had fallen asleep like that. On the corner of a couch or in an uncomfortable office chair. Only to wake up shortly after, and carrying on with his exhausting schedule.

  Valeran was somewhere in the house, probably messaging Ian and letting him know what happened. It was Wilmot and Marinette's arrival from school that left them completely unprepared. Not giving their father time to react adequately, they came running into the living room, heading straight to the armchair where their uncle was resting.

  ''Uncle Warrick, I've missed you so much!'' the boy exclaime
d, running his little palm over the man's pale cheek.

  ''Hi, kiddo. I missed you a great deal, too.'' The man opened his eyes, speaking sleepily. ''You too, princess.'' He ruffled his niece's hair.

  ''Where is Uncle Ian? Why is he not with you? Did you have a fight?'' Marinette blurted out, suddenly saddened.

  ''Do you remember what I've told you he does for a living?'' Warrick offered the two kids a gentle smile.

  ''Yes, he puts the bad guys behind bars, so they cannot harm innocent people,'' Wilmot answered. ''Is he busy?''

  ''Of course, the bad guys are all over the place and doing all kinds of horrible things. So your Uncle Ian barely has time to eat and sleep properly. He's a man with many responsibilities.''

  ''Are you talking behind my back?'' The deep, rugged voice he knew so much made Warrick blush, and his pulse accelerate. ''Hello, kiddos.'' He kissed the two children on their foreheads. ''Hi, pet. I've been told you are not quite well.'' The man ran his hand through the younger man's hair.

  ''I've been in an awful place, Master. But somehow, I managed to crawl back from there. Talking about my past is not the easiest thing, but Vin and Vale are my brothers, and I'll open up to them. If that's what they want.''

  ''Come on, children. Let's get you fed.'' Valeran appeared in the doorway. ''Let's give your Uncle Warrick and Uncle Ian some space. They have to talk about some grown-up stuff, and you'll die of boredom listening to them.''

  Wilmot and Marinette got the message, waving at the two men and then following Valeran into the kitchen. Right after that, Ian moved his sub onto the couch, wrapping the warm blanket and his strong arms around the young man and hugging him tightly. The Dom listened carefully to Warrick's breathing and heartbeat, sighing in relief when he couldn't discover any signs of a panic attack.

  Valeran hadn't said it had happened in their presence, either, but Ian wasn't sure about that. Knowing his submissive's secretive nature, especially when it came to his brothers, it was easy for him to imagine how much effort Warrick made to hide what he was going through. The situation couldn't continue like that, the Dom decided, and he knew exactly what was to be done.

  ''Pet, what about us sleeping over here at your brother's? You guys could spend some quality time together, while I can keep the little ones entertained. What do you think?'' Ian rubbed soothing circles on Warrick's back.

  ''Whatever you think is best, Master.'' Warrick closed his eyes, sighing in contentment. Utter submission, complete trust, and deep love. That was his favorite state of mind, the feelings that the man sitting behind him awakened in his soul. ''I trust you with my life.''

  ''Thank you, my sweet, lovely pet.'' Ian kissed his submissive on the top of his head. ''It must be terribly hard, but you have to do this. You need to keep trying. Talking to Vinson and Valeran is the first step to understanding them and their relationship. It's a first step to forgiving and being forgiven. They are trying to reach to you, and it should be reciprocated.''

  ''Yes, Master. I'm aware of that. But I need a lot of time to crawl out of my shell. I also need to learn how to express myself without creating confusion. I don't want to put even greater pressure on Vin and Vale's shoulders, they...''

  ''They'll have to learn, too.'' Ian interrupted Warrick, massaging his still tense shoulders. ''Your brothers have to stop seeing you as the enemy. All because you are the greatest friend they'll ever have. All of you have to change; not just you.''

  He fell silent, giving his sub time to think about what he'd said. He wanted him to process it, and to make his own decision. Of course, Warrick's trust honored Ian both as a dominant and as a man, but he didn't want to force him to adopt a specific system of thinking. He was just offering just guidance, instead of influencing him.

  The Dom had brought Warrick's laptop from home after having a long, enlightening talk to Mallory, his brother, and the sub's employer. It came as a great surprise to Ian when he found out that, during the three years he'd been working for the office, Warrick hadn't taken a day off. Not a single one, the younger man had insisted, pain and guilt mixed on his face.

  They established that Ian's sub would work mainly from home, coming into the office only when the situation was required. That would allow him to spend more time with his brothers and father. He could go out and take long walks more often, read, sleep, and generally do all the things he might enjoy.

  After working uninterruptedly for a couple of hours, Warrick closed the laptop with a sigh of contentment. He joined Valeran in the kitchen, helping him with the dinner. Making conversation while he chopped and sliced vegetables was new. It was a little bit of an awkward experience for the young man. He was used to Ian cooking in silence.

  However, as the conversation progressed, Warrick discovered he liked talking to his brother about the different ways to cook broccoli, and what other vegetable kids would benefit the most from. He was pleasantly surprised to discover Valeran still remembered what his favorite dishes were back when they were kids.

  The atmosphere at dinner was an enjoyable one, with the kids making the four adults smile and even laughing out loud with their hilarious stories about their teachers and classmates. After cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes, the triplets went to the master bedroom while Ian took the kids into the guest room and engaged the two of them in an epic pillow fight.

  ''OK, this whole situation is weird.'' Vinson broke the silence. ''My kids are probably having a very mature discussion on an interesting theme. All while we are sitting here, doing kids' stuff. I feel like I'm at a sleepover.'' He huffed in frustration. ''Do you have any idea about teen activities during sleepovers?''

  ''You are more like me than you are willing to admit.'' Warrick grinned wickedly. ''They are probably playing one of those games that allows them to know each other better or something along that line,'' he shrugged.

  ''Cool, I like that idea.'' Valeran enthusiastically applauded. ''Would you like to be the one asked the first questions?'' he pointed to Warrick.

  ''Yes, I would. And I will give only honest answers, without backing down. However, you and Vin have to promise to do the same, when your turn comes.''

  ''We have a deal!'' Vinson nodded, sealing the agreement with a high-five. ''First question for you. What do you feel when you call Ian, Master? I always wondered how a man as independent as you are; can consider himself another man's property.''

  ''Submission is the purest form of trust and love, and it brings you unlimited freedom, peace of mind, and serenity. To know someone's there for you. That they are taking the weight off your shoulders, and simplifying your responsibilities. That makes everything less daunting...believe me, nothing compares to that. The sensation is liberating, like floating on a cloud. And when Master starts to touch me all over...''

  ''What's your don't know...scene?'' Valeran asked, blushing violently, a shy smile on his lips.

  ''Oh, come on, Vale. Since when are you so curious about these kinds of things?'' Vinson shook his head, disapproval evident in his voice.

  ''Let him be, Vin. The kid is only curious.'' Warrick gently smiled. ''He's not embarrassing me. On the contrary, I'd like to answer his question. Well,'' the man turned to his other brother, ''I love when Master binds and blindfolds me. I feel safe and closer to him than ever. He uses a wide, red ribbon to tie me up and calls me his special present. Then, we'll take part in what is known as thermal play: wax or ice cubes. Sometimes one at a time, sometimes together.''

  The expression on Warrick's face, as he was talking about his relationship and the things his dominant did to him was one of pure joy. His smile was never leaving his face. Vinson had never seen his reserved brother so serene and open. He was so willing to share things from his intimate life. The man realized that the fear of not being judged and rejected because of the relationship he and Valeran had; had gradually turned him into a bigoted asshole. One who misjudged others' lifestyles and choices.

  He always saw the dominants in the BDSM community
as big, muscled bastards who took advantage of kids. Kids who, for one reason or another, needed protection and stability. Turning them into mere sex toys, just to use and then discard them. Of course, they were there, but, from what Warrick had just told them, those assholes represented the exceptions.

  Most of the Doms were men like Ian. They were good listeners, paying attention to their sub's every gesture, and always putting their partners' needs first. Just what he'd always wanted to be and do for his beloved Vale, Vinson thought. Deep inside him, the dominant persona had lain dormant, until Warrick's revelations brought him to life.

  And then, another realization struck like lightning. It blinded him for a moment, but once the shock was gone, it made everything clear as day. His lover also longed for that kind of relationship. He wanted to embrace his inner submissive and accept that side of himself. Maybe Vale had already done it, Vinson smiled internally. Then he also took that first step on that path by acknowledging his true nature.


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