The Light Within the Darkness

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The Light Within the Darkness Page 9

by H M Wolfe

  Both of them had a long road ahead, and the journey was going to be a difficult one. But they had the best companions. Warrick and Ian were going to be by their side every step of the way, Vinson was sure of that.



  he epic pillow fight between Ian and Vinson's children ended with the two kids victorious, much to their satisfaction. In addition to publicly admitting his defeat, the weaker opponent was sentenced to pay a considerable fine in cakes and cookies, which he didn't object to. Victors and defeated, all three of them were lying on the king-size bed in the guest room. Their backs were comfortably propped up on the mountain of pillows, and they were trying to catch their breath. Hysterical laughter will make one breathless, Ian realized.

  Ian wrapped the two children in a warm look. The brightest of smiles gracing his usually stern features. He loved Wilmot and Marinette to pieces, and they felt that. They sought the man's company and offered him a lot of sincere affection, especially the little girl. Marinette had him wrapped around her little pinky finger.

  The constant presence of Vinson's children in his life made Ian think about adoption again. He'd discussed the matter with Warrick more than once and knew the younger man also wanted children. Probably not as desperately as he did, but still, his answer showed great enthusiasm. However, with everything his sub went through during the last couple of months, the subject was put on hold.

  ''Uncle Ian, do you have parents?'' Wilmot's innocent voice brought Ian back from his daydreaming and making him focus on the child.

  ''Yes, sweetheart, I do,'' he answered, trying hard to hide the sadness in his voice. ''Their names are Mister and Missus Ashburn.''

  ''Why don't they ever come to visit you and Uncle Warrick? Are they angry at you, like Grandma is at daddy and Uncle Vale?''

  ''I'm the oldest of six siblings. I don't need as much of their care and attention as the younger ones. Neither does my brother Mallory; he's the second-born. Our siblings, although grown-ups, still need to be coddled. So our parents channeled all their affection and care onto them.''

  ''Yes, but dad and Uncle Vale are the same age, and Grandma loved them very much. Then she found out they loved each other and got upset. Is it so bad to love your brother or sister? Dad keeps telling me I should love Marinette, even when she gets on my nerves.'' Wilmot raised his brows in confusion.

  ''Well, I'm sure your Grandma will come around in the end. She'll understand that she can't be upset over something that's completely out of her sons' control.'' Ian caressed the little boy's rosy cheek. ''You mustn't stop loving each other, no matter what.''

  ''What about Uncle Warrick? Is Grandma angry at him, too? She doesn't talk about him a lot.'' Marinette imitated her brother, knitting her brows together.

  ''He is a little more reserved than his brothers. He doesn't like to talk about himself a lot. That's why your Grandma doesn't mention his name very often. Your Uncle Warrick has his hectic life and job, and that's more than enough for him. And he has me, of course.'' A melancholic smile played on Ian's lips.

  ''Do you love Uncle Warrick?'' Wilmot blinked innocently, looking at the man with unmasked curiosity. ''Just like Dad loves Uncle Vale?''

  ''Yes, sweetheart, just like that. I love your dad's brother with all my heart and soul. He's everything to me.''

  The two children looked at each other, sighing dreamily. They had broad, bright smiles on their cute little faces. Since their cold, selfish, and irritable mother had left, Warrick was a constant presence in their life. He was always showing his affection in quiet yet noticeable ways. He was the one who took Wilmot and Marinette clothes shopping, talked with their teachers and school counselors. He even enrolled them in extracurricular activities and paid for everything they needed.

  With each day that passed, the two children, mature beyond their years, started to perceive Ian in about the same way. When they were together, the man spoiled them in every possible way, but they didn't take advantage of that. Sometimes, Marinette would twist his hand into buying a particular toy or taking them to the cake shop. But she would do it in the cutest of ways, and Ian couldn't resist her.

  That night, with Warrick, cuddled at his side, sleeping more peacefully than he had in months, Ian made a lot of plans for the future. All of them, including his beloved sub. Over the next few days, the Dom thought he was going to pay Vincent and his partners a visit. He was going to have to have the talk with them. But before that, he had to do another, equally important thing, and couldn't wait to see Warrick's reaction.

  ''Strip, pet, and wait for me. I want you naked, in the middle of the bed, in the submission pose.'' Ian purred as guided his sub into the playroom.

  ''Yes, Master.'' Warrick shivered in anticipation, certain parts of his anatomy reacting to the Dom's words. He climbed onto the bed, and knelt, with his hands planted on his thighs. He was waiting patiently for the other man's return.

  ''Look at you, my sweet pet. How beautiful you are, on display like that for me to admire.'' Ian seductively whispered, circling the bed. ''So perfect, obedient, and composed. Just the way I like it. You're perfection!'' he lightly squeezed the younger man's nipples and danced his fingertip down his abs, to his cock. It was standing hard and at attention, waiting for its own touch. ''And so ready for me...'' he growled, while lightly stroking Warrick's painful erection.

  ''Thank you, Master.'' Warrick made considerable efforts to keep his voice from hitching and his body still. ''I'm happy to serve you; however, you see fit.''

  ''I know, pet, and I have no words to thank you.'' Ian turned away from the bed, heading to the trunk in the furthest corner of the room. ''Do you trust me, pet? Are you willingly giving up control over your body to me?'' He came back, a long, narrow box in his hands.

  ''Yes, Master. I trust you with my body, mind, and soul.'' Warrick answered in a far away, dreamy voice. Ian produced a wide, thick, black scarf from the box and blindfolded him.

  ''Good,'' Ian petted his sub on top of his head, ''now lay down on your back, hands above your head.'' He took a red ribbon out of the box and tied the younger man's hands to the headboard. Warrick involuntarily shivered with pleasure when he felt the familiar feel of the cold smoothness of the silk against his skin.

  A satisfied smile on his face, Ian stepped out of the room. He was leaving Warrick alone, in the pitch darkness and silence for a bit. He wanted his sub to adjust to his new environment. He needed to sharpen his other senses and keep focused. He also needed to build his longing for the dominant's presence. However, he didn't want to leave Warrick waiting too long either, afraid that he might have a panic attack.

  Taking a bucket of ice, Ian returned to the playroom silently, making as little noise as possible. However, the sub felt his presence, a small; barely there smile playing on his seductive, oh so kissable lips. Serenity took over his features, his entire body relaxed. His breath was smoothing out. Soon, the room was going to fill with Warrick's soft, pleading whimpers and moans, Ian thought, smirking mischievously at the idea. He was going to drive him to the heights of subspace.

  Choosing the largest ice cubes from the bucket, Ian placed them on Warrick's nipples and smooth chest. He left them there until they turned to clear, cold water that dripped its way down his sides to the bed. He repeated the operation two more times, making Warrick shiver from the mix of coldness and hot pleasure coursing through his veins.

  The whole time, Ian moved sparingly, only offering the submissive hints about his presence in the room and his movements. The young man continued to relax, but the Dom noticed the first tell-tale signs of waves of pleasure that were cresting and washing over Warrick one after another. At this point, he was ready to take anything Ian would throw at him, and Ian started to prepare him for his fucking.

  It took longer than usual because the younger man was incredibly tight. It was almost like he was a virgin. In a way, Ian saw him as one because this night was the start of their new life together. Soon, Warrick started to
move, fucking himself on the two fingers the Dom had inserted into his ass. He was sucking them deep inside him with a needy whimper and started to plead with Ian.

  ''Please sir.......Please.....I need.....'' Warrick wasn't sure what he wanted. He just continued to plead. ''I need....need....sir, please'.''

  ''That's right, my lovely pet. Let it all out,'' Ian seductively whispered, pulling his fingers out of the tight, hot, greedy hole. Warrick moaned at the loss.

  ''Master, please...'' Warrick thrashed his head on the pillow, breathing erratically. ''I'' he whimpered. ''Please...''

  ''I'm here with you, pet. I've never left the room,'' the older man ran his hands up and down his pet' s chest and sides, every caress or stroke setting his body on fire even more. Ian lightly stroked down his body to where Warrick's cock was dancing his belly. Taking one finger, he softly swirled it through the precum that had pooled under the tip near his bellybutton. He then stroked it down his cock, following the large vein, and circling Warrick's balls, to his taint.

  ''I need you inside me, now!'' Warrick continued to plead, his breath hitching in his chest. Then, all of a sudden, he went rigid and quiet.

  ''Pet!?'' Ian asked in a voice that tried to sound natural, with little to no success. ''Are you still with me? Do you need to use your safe word?''

  ''Yes, Master...I mean no, Master.'' His sub swallowed hard. '' Sorry Master, it's only that, for a moment, I forgot you are in control. I'm ready to accept my punishment.'' Warrick's voice sounded hollow and defeated.

  ''No, don't do that to yourself, pet. Don't deny yourself the right to feel.'' Ian leaned over Warrick, gently kissing along his face and forehead down to his lips. Then, as he slowly entered Warrick, the older man started to suck the sensitive spot on his neck.

  The Dom pulled Warrick's legs onto his shoulders and started to pound urgently into the younger man's tight ass. With each thrust, he slid against his prostate, which seemed electric, and it made Warrick see the Milky Way's worth of stars. On the brink of his orgasm, Ian took Warrick's cock in a firm grip, using his precum as lube. He began stroking it lazily, but then soon picked up the pace. Before Warrick could react, Ian was stroking his hardness in sync with his thrusts. Pulling against the ribbon binding his hands to the headboard, Warrick was quickly fucking himself into the hand that was grasping his swollen and throbbing cock.

  ''Come for me. Come for me like the lovely and good pet you are.'' His Dom's voice was music to his sub's ears. The words allowed him to give in to the pressure that had been building in his lower back. That pressure burst along his spine into his swollen balls, and up through his cock, relief was almost instantaneous.

  ''Thank you, Master,'' he rasped out, shooting string after string of cum up along his belly and chest. Meanwhile, Ian, feeling his tight channel constrict even tighter around him, soon shot his load inside his hot, welcoming ass, filling him to the rim.

  ''Look at how much cum my little pet released. All for me.'' The older man smiled at the sight of his sub's torso and belly covered in the white, creamy substance. ''Let's take good care of you.'' He said as he rubbed the cooling cum into his skin. Sliding out of Warrick's still pulsing ass, Ian then went into the bathroom and returned with a damp cloth he used to wipe him off. He tossed the used towel toward the hamper and turned back to his lover.

  ''Thank you, Master. Thank you for everything you've done for me.'' The younger man softly spoke, pleasure coursing through his veins again when he felt the Dom's lips on his skin, as he freed him from the restraints. He slowly lowered his arms, shaking feeling back into them. In the heights of his pleasure, Warrick hadn't realized he'd pulled so hard; he'd lost that feeling.

  Ian pulled him into a tight embrace, wrapping his arms around Warrick's back. ''Loving you is so easy, my beautiful pet.'' Ian leaned back enough to place a chaste kiss on Warrick's pink, full lips. ''I want to love you for the rest of our lives. That is if you allow me to.''

  Warrick heard the words, but his tiredness prevented him from answering. He fell asleep in the safety of the Dom's embrace, smiling at the promise his words contained.



  aleran was painting, but his mind wasn't focusing on the canvas in front of him. It was wandering back to happier times. Two months. That' how much time had passed since the last time he'd seen his beloved Vin. Two months of sleeping alone in a cold room. Even when the heat was turned to maximum. Sleeping in a cold bed. Also, if he had all the blankets, he owned on top of him.

  It had been two months of total, utter loneliness. Loneliness, even when the public surrounded him, art critics and gallery owners, all of them wanting a piece of him. It had been sixty days since Valeran had inhaled for the last time, the manly, intoxicating scent of his love after they'd showered together after a brief moment of pleasure.

  The young man came to live for those encounters, short as they were. He'd cling to the happy memory until they could make the next one. However, over the past two years, ever since Vin had gotten married, the breaks between the encounters seemed forever. Two months spent in silence and waiting, hoping that, maybe the next day...

  The sound of the doorbell made Valeran startle, and the young man let out a long, heavy sigh. He didn't know if he should be grateful for the interruption or get angry over it. Not bothering to take off the paint-stained robe he wore to protect his clothes, he headed to the main entrance and opened it.

  ''Vi—Vin,'' Valeran stuttered, gasping in surprise at the sight of his brother. ''Please, come inside. I'm so happy to see you. I thought you would never...''

  ''Hello, thanks, but no. I'm in a terrible hurry.'' Vinson averted his gaze, not wanting to see his brother's happy face. Those beautiful eyes were shining with love only for him.

  ''Oh, I understand. You're a very busy man.'' The light in Valeran's eyes dimmed but wasn't extinguished completely. ''We'll have to catch up next time, when...''

  ''Vale, there won't be another time. This is the last one.'' His brother cut him short, in a somewhat harsh voice. ''Isobel gets upset every time I sneak out of the house to meet you, and I don't want her to get hurt, especially since she's pregnant again. This woman is the mother of my children, with all her flaws, and I feel like a heartless bastard every time...''

  ''No! It can't be true. Please tell me I heard you wrong.'' Valeran leaned on the door frame, all the color from his face gone. ''Please, Vin, don't go. Don't leave me like this!'' He was barely able to whisper with his voice stuck behind the lump forming in his throat.

  ''Come on, Vale. Please try and be reasonable. This thing between us wouldn't have lasted anyway. Besides, you couldn't give me children, and that...goodbye, brother.'' The man spun around and walked away, leaving Valeran a miserable lump in the doorway.

  Looking at his lover's sleeping form, Vinson smiled. He wondered what he had done in his past life to deserve the affection of such a beautiful, kind-hearted, caring, and understanding man. Even after the cruel way, he'd treated him, and every time he relived that scene, Vincent's son wondered how Vale could find it in his heart to forgive him.

  When they were finally able to get back together, his lover had acted as if the two of them hadn't been separated, not even for a single day. No questions were asked. No censures were made. All Vinson got was love, untouched by bitterness or hard feelings. Back at the beginning, he'd thought that Valeran was behaving like that because of the cancer and everything associated with it. But the situation hadn't changed once he got his clean bill of health.

  A noise coming from somewhere downstairs distracted Vinson, putting an end to his trail of thoughts. Listening intently, he realized it was the doorbell and went to answer, wondering who could be there so early in the morning. The man ran through all kinds of possibilities, but he wasn't expecting the person standing in the doorway.

  ''Isobel! How—what are you doing here?'' Vinson stuttered at the sight of the beautiful, elegantly dressed, and impeccably looking woman

  ''This is where I live, or did you remarry? Although I don't think that's possible. Not with your health issues and desperate financial situation.'' The woman sneered at Vinson.

  ''Listen, if you came all this way to offend me, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm not going to give you any satisfaction; I've changed a lot.'' Vinson's voice had a warning tone Isobel noticed immediately, but didn't heed right away.

  ''Are you going to keep me standing outside, or are you going to invite me in as a gentleman should?'' She took a step forward, trying to get past her ex-husband, who was blocking the door. Unfortunately for her, Vinson didn't budge from his spot.

  ''It's my house. I fought hard to keep it out of your father's greedy claws.'' The man bitterly answered. ''But I'll let you in. However, you won't be able to see the children, not for the next two days, anyway. They are going to spend the weekend with my brother Warrick and his fiancee.''


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