The Light Within the Darkness

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The Light Within the Darkness Page 15

by H M Wolfe

  Before everything started, Warrick had made his brother promise that he wouldn't abandon and hurt his lover like he did the first time. And Vinson had wholeheartedly agreed. But desperate situations required desperate measures, and it was about time for a new change of rules.



  law-like, steel hands were holding them down, as preying eyes looked at their naked, shivering forms, as they lay there, exposed on the cold ground. The leader of the captors crouched down, caressing his tears-stained cheek, an evil expression in his cold, cruel, beady eyes.

  ''What pretty, pretty gay boys we have here.'' He finally said, and the sound of his voice made Warrick's blood freeze. He instantly knew there was no mercy for them in that black heart, but hoped against the odds that his partner would be spared.

  ''Professor, please,'' he whispered, ''let him go. He won't say anything to anyone. I give you my word. You have me. I'll do anything you want, but don't hurt him. He's innocent.''

  ''Oh, come on, pretty boy. None of you perverts are innocent. You like it and beg for it.'' The older man replied while the tip of his fat, long cock poked at Warrick's puckered hole as he pressed against Warrick. You are going to take it all, and the same with your little friend here. Simms is more than happy to help give it to him.''

  ''No! Let him go!'' Warrick screamed in pain, as he watched the hulking man shove his huge cock into the other boy he had pinned to the ground. "No, not, Ian! Leave him alone! He's hurting him! Ian!!!!''

  With a pained expression in his dark-brown, almost black eyes, the special prosecutor examined his sub. He was thrashing in his sleep, the same nightmare plaguing him the last few weeks. The Dom didn't dare to bring it up for discussion. He was afraid of the reaction Warrick might have, but, judging by the pain in the sub's voice, he also was appearing in the dream.

  The younger man arched from the bed again, pleading, crying, and begging for his friend to be spared. He continued to call his name over and over again, desperately. Ian couldn't take it anymore. Sliding closer to his lover, Ian managed to wrap him into a firm hug, pressing him against his chest, right next to his heart.

  ''It's over, baby. They are all gone. They can't hurt you or any other innocent students anymore. I will see to it myself,'' he whispered into Warrick's ear, as he peppered gentle kisses along the side of his face.

  ''Ian? Are you alright? I thought...they were hurting you. And they weren't showing any mercy to you, at all.'' Warrick's voice sounded like he'd swallowed sand. It was rough and gravely and excruciating when he spoke. ''Everything seemed so real, and I thought I had lost you forever. I thought you...''

  Putting a finger to Warrick's lips, Ian cut off his words. ''I'm not going to leave you. Not now, not ever!'' he replied with a reassuring smile on his face. ''Now, let's go back to sleep, pet. We'll talk it out in the morning.'' He loving spread kisses over Warrick's eyes, nose, and cheeks, finishing with one to the top of the young man's head.

  ''I don't want to sleep, Ian. I'm afraid the nightmares will come back.'' Warrick's voice was pleading and pain-filled, as he looked into his Dom's eyes. ''I...I can't stand the idea of seeing you like that, so defenseless and helpless. I don't want you to suffer.'' Warrick tentatively touched his fingers to the man's cheek.

  ''They won't harm me, no one will! I'll always be here to take care of you.'' Ian gently grasped Warrick's hand in his. He then kissed the tips of his lover's fingers, one by one, before moving down to his palm. ''Give me the burden of your worries and fears. Let me chase the nightmares away. I have your back in the battle you fight against the demons of your past. And please, say my name more often. It sounds so sweet upon your lips,'' he smiled at Warrick with a twinkle in his eye.

  ''I—I don't know about that. It isn't appropriate for a sub to call his Dom by his name.'' Warrick stuttered. ''Rules are meant to be obeyed, otherwise...''

  ''The rules are what we make of them. Please, repeat my name. Or, you can call me Sinclair if you prefer. That's my given name. It's the one I last used when I was fifteen before I ran away from home and wanted to end my life. Before Benjamin saved me.'' Ian spoke, a half-dreamy, half-painful expression in his eyes.

  ''I know about your guardian angel and how he raised you to be the man and Dom you are today. However, you never told me about the suicide attempt.'' Warrick ran his fingers through the older man's salt and pepper hair and kissed his tempting lips. ''What made you want to...''

  ''I came out to the disgusting creatures who called themselves my parents. Then they wanted to pimp me out to some filthy, old perverts. The bastards had even arranged the first meeting later that evening. So I ran away, only to realize they would find me, sooner or later. I was going to put an end to my desperate situation, but Benjamin found me, and the rest is history.''

  ''I'll get back on my track, I promise. I'll do it for you, for the trust, affection, and care you've showered me with during these years. And I'll do it for Aubrey. He needs both of us in his life. But it will take time, and I don't know...''

  ''We have all the time in the world, my love. Our life has just started.'' Ian cuddled the other man tighter to his chest. ''Now, let's go back to sleep and fear no more. I'll have your back forever.''

  The next morning, after Aubrey went to school, Warrick thought over the previous night's events. He soon started to feel wrong about the promise he'd made, because, deep inside him, the man knew he wouldn't be able to keep it. Unlike the other times, when life had knocked him down, he didn't have the strength to rise and fight back. Besides, the dream had a precise, hard to ignore message.

  Had Ian joined him in that battle, the older man would have ended up hurt himself. And that was what Warrick was precisely hellbent on avoiding. Professor Richards hadn't made it to the meeting with Mallory that morning, mysteriously disappearing from all radar. And he suspected Ardan or one of the so-called rabid dog hunters were no strangers to that situation.

  However, a lot of his acolytes were still out there, and they wouldn't hesitate to use the dirtiest means to defend themselves, especially if someone threatened them. Warrick let out a soft sigh, thanking all the deities that at least his brothers were happy. Even as unacceptable as their relationship was.

  The sound of the front door opening and closing put an end to the man's train of thoughts as he headed to the front foyer to greet the unexpected visitor. Most likely, it was one of the dads, he thought, as Ian had given Vincent a copy of their key. That was so he and the other dads could come and check on Warrick. To his great surprise, it wasn't the dads, but Vinson that walked across the entry hall.

  ''Hi, brother. How are you?'' The newly arrived man threw his arms around Warrick and hugged him tightly. ''You don't seem very happy to see me. Is this a bad time?''

  ''No, not at all. I'm afraid I'm all alone with my thoughts, and they aren't pleasant ones at the moment.'' Warrick tiredly smiled. ''Did you have breakfast? I can fix you something, really quick if you'd like,'' he continued, rummaging through the cupboards and cabinets. ''And how come you are not at work? Is there anything wrong with your health?''

  ''Brother, we need to talk,'' Vinson said abruptly, his voice broken. ''I can't take it anymore. I talked to Vale, and we've decided to break up. I intend to fully reconcile with Isobel and go back to Chester Hoskins's construction company.''

  ''No!'' Warrick wailed, the echo reverberating through the house. ''No, I won't allow it! I won't let you do that!'' He spoke in a firm, cold, and determination-filled voice.

  ''Brother, listen to me.'' Vinson put a calming hand on the other man's shoulder, feeling how tense it was. ''We've finally both admitted that this thing between us has no future at all. Besides, my children need the presence of a mother in their life, and...''

  ''Vale has been more of a mother for Wilmot and Marinette than that wretched woman ever was!'' Warrick harshly cut his brother short. ''And yes, what the two of you have together could be considered unnatural and condemnable, but it makes you happ
y. You love each other, your feelings don't hurt others, and that is the most important point to all of it.''

  ''Yes, but imagine everyone's reaction when things finally come out.'' Vinson raised his voice a little. ''They will tear us apart anyway. Vale's artistic career would be compromised. The scandal...''

  ''No!'' Warrick firmly spoke, his eyes flashing with fury. ''It won't be like that, no one will find out. Ian and I have thought about everything. We've taken care of every aspect. Vale will wear a mask at the club. We've listed this among your kinks, so no one will be curious to see who's behind it. This lifestyle is a world within a world. You'll be safe as long as you stick to the rules.''

  ''Yes, you're right. But what when we're outside the club's walls? Our life will become a living hell if Chester Hoskins ever finds out...'' Vinson gave his brother a look out of his peripheral vision.

  ''No, he won't!'' Warrick shook his head, a determination-filled look on his face. ''I won't let him get to you and Vale. I'll fight tooth and nail for your right to happiness, just like I've always done.''

  Eyes shining with a newfound will, he started to talk. He was putting passion into his words and trying his damnedest to convince Vinson not to give up on his happiness and dreams. He couldn't commit the ultimate betrayal again and abandon Valeran. Isobel wasn't going to resist any longer, not when everyone rejected her, the children included. Just a little bit more time and the thin veneer of civility would fall off, letting her bitchy self out for all to see.

  However, they shouldn't wait until then, Warrick said. On the contrary, things had to be rushed a little bit, and he knew precisely how. Both Isobel and Chester Hoskins would get angry and recklessly act when things didn't turn out the way they wanted. Neither one of them dealt very well with the surprise element. And, being the brilliant lawyer he was, Warrick was going to use that to their detriment.

  He called Richard Benard, his colleague, and best friend, and they talked for a while. The subject of the discussion making Vinson gasp in surprise, and his eyes go wide. However, he didn't say anything, trusting his brother's quick mind and sharp attorney instincts. Warrick had always been the best of them, but he didn't parade it out in the open like this. He's always preferred to stay in his brothers' shadow: the light within the darkness.

  ''Here it is,'' he said half an hour later, handing Vinson the stack of papers that he'd just removed from the printer. ''Our signatures are all that it needs to become official and that Jezebel is screwed.''

  ''Thank you, brother.'' The other man said, teary-eyed, taking the documents and signing them. ''I don't know how...''

  ''Don't abandon Vale. Stand by him, and you'll thank me enough.'' Warrick cut him short.

  ''I will. I promise.'' Vinson replied, then thought to himself. ''I won't abandon you either, brother.''



  can't take it anymore, daddy! I'm tired of playing the good wifey and perfect mommy role without getting anything in return.'' Isobel pouted, plopping down in the chair in Chester Hoskins' office.

  ''Look, doll. I'm sorry I have to bring this up, but time isn't working in our favor, and we need to get our hands on Grant's money. That is if you want to continue running our little operation, so maybe you should try harder.'' Isobel maybe his shining star, but there was only so much he could take. Everyone had a breaking point, and Chester was almost at it.

  ''I really am trying, daddy. But all they give me is a hard time, even those little brats. You should have seen that pesky little creature, Marinette, calling me meanie and all kinds of equally nasty names. And all while her daddy dearest smirked like a hyena. As for that spoiled brat Wilmot, he defied me even more, pretending that I don't even exist.''

  ''Well, darling, treat them the same way but make it seem like a joke. That way, they can't complain to daddy dearest. And, above all, worm your way into Grant and his close friends' hearts. According to the newest information I've received, all of them are filthy rich and enormously influential, especially Sebastian Bloom.'' Chester rubbed his hands together and gloated.

  ''I know, daddy. But they're all giving me the cold shoulder, and it's goddamn frustrating. Especially since I've gone above and beyond to make them like me,'' Isobel rolled her eyes. ''I can't understand why they won't like me. I'm one of the most likable people in the city, and I don't know what else to do.'' Her words rose higher, becoming as annoying as nails on a chalkboard before she was done.

  ''You fooled them all once. You can do it again.'' Chester Hoskins nonchalantly gestured at Isobel. ''Keep the brothers separated. That shouldn't be too hard, especially since the little painter is busy getting ready for his little solo exhibition. It's his first in five years. Apparently, your dear husband strongly disagrees with it. Use that to your advantage, like the smart girl you are.''

  ''What about that watchdog, Warrick?'' Isobel pursed her lips when mentioning her former brother-in-law's name. ''Lately, he and the weakling are inseparable. They're constantly whispering and plotting behind my back.''

  ''Vinson and his brother are both short-tempered. A single word is enough for them to not talk to each other for weeks. Stay close to the two and take advantage of any situation that can create a rift between them.'' Chester puffed out his chest at the words. He believed he knew what was right in this situation and wasn't afraid to say so.

  ''I can do that.'' Isobel smiled, a cruel, ugly rictus. ''No one can do this better than me. I can give Warrick the hardest time, no matter how smart he thinks he is. But for now, it's time to play the mom of the year and pick up my beloved children from school.'' She continued in the same cold, ironic tone.

  Kissing her father's cheek, the woman left his office. Getting inside her car, she slammed her fist against the steering wheel, letting out a long, frustrated screech. The truth was she had no idea how to outsmart the sly bastard of her ex-brother-in-law. He was always two steps ahead of her, both then and now. The worst thing of all? This time that pathetic excuse of a man named Vinson was listening to everything brother dearest had to say.

  On top of that, not even the little, spoiled brats, namely his offspring, weren't so enthusiastic about Isobel's presence in the house. And none of them were afraid to show it, either. She had hoped in vain that they were going to be her gateway into Grant's residence and his heart, but it turned out quite the contrary. The men living in that house were growing colder each time the woman visited them.

  Suddenly, a thought crossed Isobel's mind, making her gasp. She'd made the unforgivable mistake of overlooking her most valuable and most reliable ally. The one person both Vinson and Warrick listened to; their mother, Maeve. Sure, she'd treated the woman miserably in the past. But nothing spoke more to her heart; than the despair and pain of a mother who is kept away from her children. There was no quicker way to make her forget all about any offenses perpetrated against her.

  Checking her watch, Isobel saw that it was about time to head to the school and pick up the kids. She needed to play the loving mother in front of their teachers and the principal. They could be other, possible allies against her cold, unloving husband and his cruel, manipulative brother. Especially if she played her cards right. For now, the woman decided, as she parked the car, she wasn't going to use Maeve. Her ex-husband's mother was reserved the place of secret, supreme weapon.

  ''Hello, darlings. Look, who's here for you.'' Isobel said in a high-pitched, honey-coated voice, as she headed to the spot where Wilmot and Marinette were waiting for their ride home.

  ''Aren't you happy to see me?'' she continued, unpleasantly surprised at the sight of the stern expressions on their faces.

  ''We are not going with you!'' The boy said in a flat, firm voice. ''Uncle Ian will be here in less than ten minutes. He messaged me right before you came. Dad told us never to go with strangers, no matter how friendly they are,'' he added dryly.

  ''Now, now, child.'' Isobel started to drop her act, her voice becoming more irritated by the second. ''I don't remembe
r you having an Uncle Ian, which makes that man a perfect stranger. I'm your mother, so the two of you are coming with me, whether you like it or not.'' She tried to grab Marinette's hand, but the little girl managed to avoid her, hiding behind Wilmot.

  ''What's going on here? What's wrong, sweetheart?'' A woman in her early to mid-forties walked out of the building, heading straight to the two children. ''Why did you use the panic button?'' She turned to the little boy.

  ''This lady tried to grab Marinette, despite me telling her we weren't going with her, and I was scared for my sister,'' Wilmot answered.

  ''Look, I don't know who you are, and frankly, I don't care!'' Isobel started, almost yelling at the woman. ''But as their mother, I have every right to pick the little troublemakers up from school, and...''


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