The Light Within the Darkness

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The Light Within the Darkness Page 16

by H M Wolfe

  ''Laura Nolan,'' the woman calmly spoke, extending a hand the other woman ignored. ''I'm the principal of this school, and I'm here as per Wilmot and Marinette guardian's request. I'm to prevent you from taking them away until he arrives. I have the proper documents on record, and everything is signed and legal. You can look at them if you wish.''

  Indeed, to Isobel's great frustration, everything was clearly stipulated. In the event Vinson became sick, Warrick would get full guardianship of his two children. The document, dating back to when the man was diagnosed with cancer, had suffered a modification, and now that guardianship was to be shared between the father's brother and his life partner, Ian Saint-Claire.

  Isobel clutched the pieces of paper, boiling in anger. The quiet, apparently insignificant creature named Warrick had played her again, and slamming yet another door to Grant's affection and money in her face. It was time for extreme measures to show the manipulative, little bastard who the real boss was.

  ''Thank you for the promptitude in intervening, Principal Nolan.'' The pleasant, masculine voice made Isobel flinch violently.

  ''Anytime, Mister Saint-Clair. Although I would prefer that this kind of incident remained singular.'' The principal cast a cold look in the other woman's direction.

  ''It will be. I guarantee it.'' The man spoke in the same voice, a tinge of threat in it when his eyes met Isobel's. ''Go away,'' he hissed when the principal was out of sight. ''You've created enough problems for one day. Come on, kiddos; let's go home.''

  ''She's a meanie and tried to hurt me!'' Marinette spoke, an accusatory expression in her big, chocolate-brown eyes.

  ''You and Warrick are turning my children against me.'' Isobel tried to play the desperate, pained mother card, hoping to impress the man. ''My flesh and blood, whom I carried for nine months in my womb. Tell your boy toy that there's just payment for everything, and he should expect his soon.''

  ''Come on, Isobel. Your threats are empty, we both know that.'' Ian took the children by the hand and started to head to his car. ''You were no longer Wilmot and Marinette's mother from the day you walked out the door, leaving them in their severely ill father's care.''

  The trio turned their backs on the woman, leaving her in the middle of the schoolyard. She appeared to be barely holding in her anger. Gradually, the ball of lava inside her was replaced by a knot of ice. She took her phone from her jacket pocket, and while she dialed the number, Isobel prayed to be the same. After all, four years had passed, and anything could happen.

  To her great relief, somebody answered, and it was the person who she'd hoped it would be. In a little, shaky voice, the woman started to plead her case. She was willing to play the cards of humility and despair and prayed she sounded credible. At first, the person on the other end of the line wanted to hang up on Isobel. But somehow, she managed to convince them to continue listening to what she had to say.

  Half an hour later, with a hyena-style smile on her face, Chester Hoskins' daughter climbed into her car, heading to Vinson's house. No, she mentally corrected herself, it was going to be her house, just like everyone and everything it contained.

  That poor excuse of a human being responsible for the whole guardianship farce would crawl back into the hole he'd come from, and stay there. It was time for him to learn who Isobel Hoskins was.

  A shadow of a smile playing on his lips, Warrick was reading the message Ian sent him right after taking the kids from school. Everything had turned out exactly as planned, he thought, letting out a sigh of contentment. Soon, the woman disrupting his brothers' life would be out of it for good. She wouldn't be able to maintain appearances for much longer.

  However, making Isobel angry wasn't enough. She had to be brought to the point where she would start to act heedlessly. They wanted her to expose her and Chester Hoskins' illegal activities. Only with that evil woman behind bars, could Vin and Vale finally have the happy life they both deserved.

  Warrick smiled at that thought, but the taste it left in his mouth was a bittersweet one. His life would then become meaningless and empty of its content once the two men were able to restart living their stories of love and passion. No one to protect, no one to take care of. No one to fight for, or to need him. A linear, non-eventful existence he would become resigned to. The man smiled slightly, saddened.

  The buzz of his phone brought Warrick out of his not-so-happy thoughts and into the brighter present. To the man's great surprise, the message was from his mother. She hadn't called him in ages, that being the norm in their relationship. That's why he imagined the worst before opening the message.

  ''We have to talk.'' The four simple words made Warrick's heart thump hard against his ribcage. The moment of truth had arrived, and it wasn't going to be a pleasant or liberating one, he thought as he climbed into his car. But it was necessary. For Vin and Vale. For their happiness. Warrick sharply inhaled and started the vehicle.



  it down, son,'' Maeve gestured to the familiar couch, with its perfectly maintained upholstery. Even then, after almost thirty years, plus the others, gods know how many, from before they were born. ''Should I get you anything? Whatever do you prefer these days?'' she awkwardly continued.

  ''Thank you, but no. You shouldn't bother, I...'' Warrick cut himself short, not wanting to go into any painful details. Maeve never paid attention to his preferences anyway. There weren't any reasons for her to start after all these years. ''I trust you are well,'' he said instead.

  ''I would have been, if one of my sons hadn't raised hell today. He's unnecessarily complicating the life of his brother and ruining his chances at happiness with the mother of his children.'' The woman was irritated by the young man's reserve and quietness.

  ''Oh, so that is what this is about.'' Warrick huffed, trying hard not to show contempt for the person responsible for all the cheap drama. ''She reached you, and managed to win your sympathy and understanding. I must confess I didn't expect that. That woman has hit the lowest level of pettiness.'' He pressed his lips together, showing his exasparation with Isobel's machinations.

  ''Are you out of your mind!?'' Maeve voice rose shrilly. ''That poor woman you speak so low of, bore and gave birth to your brother's children. They also happen to be your niece and nephew.''

  ''Only to abandon them when Vin got sick. She never even looked back.'' Warrick's voice was pained as the scene following Isobel's betrayal played before his eyes again. ''That morning, when he called me, I decided to take everything upon myself, so you wouldn't have to deal with another burden. I don't regret a single moment, and I never complained,'' he continued, fighting the lump in his throat.

  ''Vin is alright now. He and the children are not your responsibility anymore.'' Maeve's voice sounded considerably softer when she spoke. ''Isobel sounded repentant. Why don”t you give her a second chance? They were so happy together...''

  ”Mom, if I was convinced that Vin would be happy with that woman, I would have moved mountains and changed the course of the biggest rivers in the world to bring them together.'' Warrick spoke passionately, his eyes shining. ''But I can't forget the devastated look in my brother's eyes that fateful morning. And I will oppose all her attempts at ruining his life again.''

  At that point, the young man fell silent, realizing that he'd already said too much. All his struggles from before, the trials, the horrific experiences of the past, the abuse, the beatings and suicide attempts—everything had to stay deeply buried in the farthest, darkest corner of his mind, accessible only to Ian.

  Maeve was looking at her son with a critical eye, as she never had before. It was as if she was seeing him for the first time after a very long time. Pale skin, sharp jawline, it was all a lot sharper than the woman remembered him having. And there was a veil of sadness covering his eyes—everything spoke about the difficult period Warrick'd had in his life.

  And then, the realization hit Maeve, or at least she thought it did. Everything was because of th
at horrible man who'd turned her son into his plaything. It had to be that, Isobel had also mentioned him as the person who was really responsible for the guardianship farce, as she called the matter. If that was the case, Maeve had to do everything in her powers to get Warrick out from under that man's toxic influence.

  ''Listen, son. I'm sorry I wasn't always the best of mothers in the past, putting so much pressure on your shoulders. But there is still time to fix that. Leave that manipulative bastard and let me take care of you.'' She tentatively reached out and caressed his smooth, clean-shaven cheek.

  ''Who are you talking about?'' Warrick”s voice was pained, and it sounded faraway. ''And thank you for the offer, but I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. And my brothers,'' he added, in a half-defensive, half-warning voice.

  ''That man, the man who's such a bad influence on you. The one who's turned you into someone I don't recognize. I'm talking about him.'' Maeve spoke in a colder than ice voice.

  ''Ian? You want him out of my life? He's the only person who understands me. The only one who sees me how I am, and you want him out of my life? I always knew I wasn't your favorite, and learned to live with it. But I never imagined you detested me so much. Well, now I know,'' Warrick flatly said, leaving his seat. ''Time for me to go, mom. There is nothing more for us to say.''

  ''If that man is such a good influence, like you claim, why doesn't he stop you? Why didn't he advise you against this whole thing?'' Maeve's voice was a lot warmer, as if she made considerable efforts to understand her son's motivation.

  ''I saw Vin and Vale kissing on the cheeks and mouth for the first time when they were five.'' Warrick whispered, eyes closed. ''And the happiness on their faces warmed my soul. From that second on, I promised myself to fight for their chance to a happy life. I became Memere's servant to keep her happy and away from my brothers.''

  ''Why...why didn't you tell me?'' Maeve stuttered, tententifly touching her son's temple. ''I always thought you were her favorite, and that's why...''

  ''I realized that you would grew even colder to me, but it was a price I was willing to pay.'' Warrick inhaled sharply. ''As for why I didn't tell you about my decision to make my brothers happy at all costs? I was afraid you would have dismissed my ideas and plans. I was only five, remember?''

  But she didn't remember, not the five-year-old, anyway, because Warrick had never acted like one. What Maeve remembered was a responsible, thoughtful teen in a child's body. One who never spoke much and almost never smiled. But one who paid attention to everything around him, straightening and putting everything into order.

  Another memory resurfaced, then another, everything leading to the same painful realization. Warrick lived exclusively for and through his brothers. He did for Vin and Vale everything a father would have done. He never let them down, never frustrated or complaining of them.

  For the first time, Maeve thought, without Warrick's inhuman strength and fierce determination, the sons she so much loved would have been dead. Vin by cancer, and Vale because he wouldn't have survived in the absence of his soul mate. The young man in front of her had sacrificed everything. He was content playing the role of the glue that kept everything from falling apart.

  ''The first time when I saw them together.'' Warrick recalled, getting his mother's undivided attention. ''I was with my Master in a club for people who are in the same lifestyle as the two of us. They were dancing seductively, touching each other and not giving a damn about what others may think. And I felt hurt and betrayed.''

  ''Why was that and what made you change your mind?'' Maeve sat next to her son, taking his hand between hers. She'd never paid attention to him. Never made time for a talk or really listen to what he had to say. And it was about time to change that.

  ''The look in their eyes when they are together.'' Warrick said in a dreamy voice. ''It's the same one I see in my Master's eyes, when he looks at me. I feel cherished, important, valuable, protected, and loved. I saw it in Vin's eyes, every time he looked at Vale, when they came to dad's house, to talk to him and the others.''

  ''I...I'll try to understand your brothers better. I'll talk to them more, like the two of us have today. You should visit me more often in the future. I don't want you to be a stranger anymore. I will also try to pay you a visit. That is if your...Master agrees, of course.'' Maeve hesitated at that last part.

  ''There's nothing he would love more than to have you as his guest.'' Warrick's eyes shone as he spoke. The love he felt for his Master evident to Maeve. ''I can't wait for you to meet the one person who's given me everything, without asking for anything in return. I trust him with my body, mind and soul, because I know he wouldn't hurt me.'' Warrick was firm in defense of Ian.

  ''You sound like a man in love. And, judging by the passion in your voice, I'm sure he reciprocates your feelings.'' Maeve patted her son's hand. ''You've taught me a very valuable lesson today. One I'll be always grateful to you for too.''

  ''Look at the time! My how it flew.'' Warrick's eyes widened when he checked his watch. ''I have to go, but before I do, there's one more thing you need to know. Isobel and her father are behind a large and complex financial scheme, and Master finally has enough evidence to put them behind bar. Keeping her under strict observation was the only reason Vin agreed to the whole charade. As for her, we suspect it's all about money. Dad's money, to be more specific.''

  ''Conniving little viper!'' Maeve exclaimed, her eyes darkening, narrowed to two slits. ''That shameless creature managed to manipulate me into believing she'd changed her wicked ways. When all she wanted to do was turn me against my own children!'' The momma bear in Maeve finally making an appearance to Warrick. He hadn't realized that it had lain dormant in her all these years. It had just been waiting for the right time to make it's appearance.

  ''She was counting on you to order me to stop exposing her evil ways. And for me to obey you. But after all this time, that woman still doesn't know me...or you, for that matter.'' Warrick weakly smiled. ''Now I really, really have to go or Master will become worried about me.''

  Maeve nodded, hugging her son tight. I was as if she'd never done it before, and she lightly kissed his pale cheeks. He appeared the same, tired eyes and tightly pressed lips, but at last, she knew what made him look that way. Her heart ached and fluttered at the same time. Warrick was his brothers' protector. The one who'd fought for Vin's life, and the one who'd brought Vincent back into their lives.

  The smallest of smiles played on the young man's lips, as he drove back to Ian's home. The talk he'd dreaded so much had been liberating, even if the first half had its tense moments. One thing was sure though. From that moment on, Vinson's dreadful ex-wife would have no chance to mess up their lives again. Or the chance of turning them against each other.

  Warrick parked the car at the near end of the long driveway, and stepped out of it. Walking up the walk and heading to the house, he spotted his brother's vehicle. He suddenly had a strange feeling about their presence there. After a several seconds, however, the sensation disappeared, and he went inside.



  inally!'' Vinson exclaimed at the sight of his brother, relief obvious in his voice. ''We thought you'd never come back! How was it?''

  ''What's wrong, you guys?'' Warrick knitted his brows in confusion. ''I missed you too, by the way.'' He grinned tentatively.

  ''Come on. Don't play the mysterious man with us,'' Valeran sternly spoke. ''We all know you aren't mom's favorite. She probably unleashed hell on you for the guardianship thing. Stop hiding things from us! We are here to...''

  ''I know and I thank you.'' Warrick cut his brother short. ''But there's no need for you to worry. The talk between mom and I went very well. Now she knows everything that is to know on the matter. We also agreed on several other subjects, but that's an entirely different story. You better tell me about the kids? How did they react once Master brought them home? Did they met that witch again?''

y didn't come home, Ian took them and Aubrey out. He wanted to save them from the scrutinizing eyes of the reporters present at the bitch's arrest. The feds and the DA's office finally decided they have enough evidence against her and had her arrested.'' Vin explained. ''So many years wasted! Had I listened to you back then...'' He dropped his gaze, and avoided Warrick's eyes.

  ''Had you listened to me,'' Warrick headed to the counter, where a bowl of freshly peeled orange slices was waiting for him. ''You wouldn't have two beautiful, intelligent, lively, outspoken, and affectionate children. Stop wondering what would have been, and focus on what you have and what you've achieved instead. These are really good.'' He softly moaned, taking another slice of orange from the bowl.

  ''Glad you like them.'' Vinson warmly smiled at Warrick. ''Vale bought them on our way here. He thought you would be tense after the discussion with mom. The taste and scent of oranges had always helped you relax when we were young, and we thought it would be of help now.''

  ''You were putting them there all the time, weren't you? Sachets of dry orange peels were scattered everywhere in my room and a bowl full of juicy orange slices always waiting for me on the desk. Sometimes they were the only thing I could eat. And all the times I fell asleep at my desk, and I woke up with a blanket draped around my shoulders...You were the ones covering me up, not mom. Right?''


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