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The Light Within the Darkness

Page 18

by H M Wolfe

  Bending over slightly, Vinson managed to clasp the nipple chain with his teeth, pulling it and Vale's nipples taught. With a sharp cry, Vinson announced his release, filling his sub-to-be's hole with his hot, creamy cum. Jerking his head back, still clasping the chain in his teeth, Vinson yanked the clamps from Vale's nipples. Frantically pumping Vale's cock, he bend over and swiped a hot wet tongue across one and then the other. Screaming out at the pain, which quickly turned into pleasure, Valeran's release shot between them and all over Vinson's hand. Eyes shining with deep, limitless love, Vinson caressed Vale's jaw with one soft hand, while his other slowed its strokes. This was the man who was going to be his to take care of, to own, to love and to guide.

  ''You did so well, pet. I'm so proud of you.'' Bringing his hand to Vale's lips he urged him to clean the cooling cum from his fingers. ''Lick it up baby. I can't wait to put my collar around this gorgeous neck of yours.'' He whispered in Vale's ear, minutes later. Sliding down Vale's sweaty body, he licked up the remaining evidence of their intense lovemaking session off Valeran's torso.

  ''Thank you, Master. I look forward to the ceremony. I'll finally be yours in the eyes of the others. I can't wait to dedicate myself completely to you.'' Vale replied, his eyes slowly fluttering, and heavy with sleep.

  Minutes after, both of them fell asleep. There was a serene, bright smile gracing their features, as they dreamed of a happy life together.

  ''Collaring ceremony? Since when are the two of you into BDSM?'' Vincent asked, eyes widened in surprise. Just like Sebastian and Joraan, he was the embodiment of confusion. Nicholas, on the other hand, harbored an understanding, warm expression.

  ''Actually, we've been exploring this for quite some time.'' Vinson spoke, while Valeran dropped his gaze, in a respectful attitude. ''When Warrick and Ian spotted us at the Dominus, on the dance floor, we were there testing the waters and asking around.''

  ''I still don't understand your choice.'' Sebastian's voice was calm and affectionate, but it also had a tinge of doubt in it. ''I'm not judging you at all. I just don't see how this lifestyle can improve your relationship.'' He shrugged, looking to his men for help.

  ''Actually, they would benefit greatly from it.'' Ian was the one who answered Sebastian. ''Firstly, the collaring ceremony is considered the same as a wedding by the members of the community. That would allow Vinson and Valeran to fulfill their dream of becoming a family and raising Wilmot and Marinette together. It's the commitment between the Dom and their sub. One to protect and the other one to serve, to trust and respect one another.''

  ''Still, it's pretty risky for them.'' Vincent sighed, looking at his two sons holding hands and smiling at each other. They were happier in that moment, than he ever seen them. ''I mean, most of the Doms live by very strict moral codes. And if they ever found out Vin and Vale are brothers, and two of triplets at that...''

  ''We also considered that aspect.'' It was now Warrick's turn to speak, after receiving Ian's discreet approval. ''And Master suggested Vale should cover the upper part of his face with a mask when he's at the club. The members of the community don't kink-shame one another, so no questions will be asked.''

  ''You've really thought of everything, haven't you?'' Joraan said, admiration and awe mixed together in his voice. ''Are you planning to go for a full-time dominant-submissive relationship? Or is it only reserved for the club?'' He asked Vinson.

  ''We've talked about it a lot. Especially, when we decided to take this step.'' Vinson spoke after a few seconds of silence. ''The collaring ceremony is our commitment. It will be the promise we make to one another in front of the club members and the ones we love. Who we were hoping would be attending it. Lying to them would mean cheating on ourselves. So it's going to be a full Dom-sub relationship, in and out of the bedroom.'' He added.

  ''However, given Valeran's celebrity status as an artist, that places him in the center of public attention. They'll have to make some compromises from time to time.'' Ian explained. ''In those special situations, they'll act as boyfriends or brothers, as the situation requires.''

  The prosecutor fell silent, giving the four older men enough time to assimilate the new information before he dropped the other bomb on them. A beautiful, bright smile was gracing his features, while he was thinking about the new collar he'd ordered for Warrick. His sweet pet was going to love it, the man thought. He was anticipating the moment when his sub opened the locket and looked at the contents.

  From the corner of his eye, Vincent was studying Ian. The smile playing on the special prosecutor's lips intrigued him. Without a doubt, it didn't have anything to do with Vin and Vale's collaring ceremony, he thought. Most likely, the man was about to surprise Warrick in a pleasant way. Just he'd done over the past three years since the two of them had gotten together.

  ''I have a very important, personal announcement to make.'' The special prosecutor broke the silence, as he rose from his seat. His voice was shaky and thick with emotion. ''Vinson and Valeran are not the only ones who will be having a collaring ceremony. I have also decided to officially claim Warrick as mine by putting a collar around his graceful neck. His collar, is unique and beautiful, just like him.''

  ''Like I said at the start of your relationship, I know the two of you don't need my blessing.'' Vincent's eyes were shining with unshed tears, a catch in his voice. ''But I give it to you anyway. Come here,'' he opened his arms. ''All four of you.'' The four men moved into a loving group hug with Vincent.

  ''Even if we had our disagreements when we first found out about you and Warrick, I've come to appreciate and admire you a lot. Over time, I saw my soulmate's son thriving under your care and guidance. I can't thank you enough for that. Let me congratulate you and the boys on this occasion.'' Sebastian toasted the men, in a deep, warm voice.

  ''I was a sub ever since I entered into a normal, consensual relationship with my deceased husband. I recognize a good Dom when I see one.'' Nicholas shyly smiled at Vincent. ''And you, Sir, are one of the finest I've ever had the privilege of meeting. Please, allow me to hug you both!''

  Joraan wanted to say something, too, but emotions overwhelmed him. So, instead, he just joined the others in their group hug. Eight men, bonded by the unwritten laws of love, be it paternal, brotherly or the kind that brings fated mates together. Eight hearts beating in the same rhythm of happiness and peace.



  he much-awaited day of the collaring ceremony arrived, and the presentation hall at the Dominus was already half-full with the Doms and subs who came to witness the double event. This was the first of its kind ever organized there in the seven years the club had been open.

  The dominants, most of them clad in leather, but with some wearing expensive suits, were taking theirr seats on the comfortable leather couches and armchairs arranged around the stage placed in the very middle of the room. The guests were arranged according to their importance in the club's hierarchy. Each of them knowing their place from the start.

  The chairs next to Headmaster Lucien were reserved for Gregory and Yvonne Tanner, who were there in a double capasity. One as strategical investors and second, as uncle and aunt of two of the four participants in the ceremony. At least that was the official version. The truth was known only to a select few, the Headmaster included. Because, after a considerably long internal debate, Ian had decided to tell him.

  As expected, the man understood perfectly the delicate situation. And, in the discussion he'd had with Vinson, the Dominus' owner had assured him that his secret was safe. More, he said that, in the eventuality it was exposed in spite of all their precautions, he would stand by them. He was willing to lie to convince the others that everything wasn't a deception.

  Theodore Bloom, who'd been introduced to Warrick by his cousin Martin Cornelius' wife, Christine, gave permission to his submissive Carter to wait for his friend and Valeran. He wanted to be able to greet and encourage them.

  Lucien de Saint-Laurent was the o
ne who'd paved the way, allowing Willard to be a member of that improvised welcoming committee. He along with Simon, the free sub who'd had been promoted to the front desk, waited alongside Carter. Other prominent Doms, friends of Ian, followed the Headmaster's example. The group of subs who were waiting to greet Warrick and Valeran had grown quite numerous.

  Meanwhile, at the Grant residence, the four occupants of the house were fussing around the two who were going to be given away to their Masters, as Joraan put it. His outlook on the whole situation conferred the ceremony a special, almost sacred meaning. The two submissives were going to be taken to the club from their father's house. Vincent had been very firm on that aspect.

  Warrick and Valeran were given the liberty to choose their ceremony attire, so they both went for white shorts under white dress pants that could be easily removed. While their lower body was only for their Masters' view and pleasure, and their most valuable possession, their upper bodies remained exposed for the others to admire as well.

  However, the two subs were going to wear white, buttoned down shirts in the car, and into the Dominus. At the end of the ceremony, the Doms had decided to dress their subs in long robes, covering their bodies as a sign of the love and respect they had for them.

  ''How do I look? Is my ass too visible? Too exposed? I wouldn't want to disappoint or embarrass Master. This is the most important day of his life as a Dom in New York.'' Warrick examined his body in the full lengthed mirror, turning this way and that. ''The whole elite of the lifestyle will be there, and the last thing I want is to make him look bad.'' Warrick asked randomly, turning to Vincent and the other three, who were gathered in the room, waiting for him and Valeran to get ready.

  ''Son, relax.'' Joraan gently massaged his shoulders. ''Your ass is perfectly fine. It's as covered as it can be. This day is only about you, Ian, and your brothers. The rest can go to hell and screw themselves.'' he added in a sharp voice, that left Warrick surprised.

  ''I couldn't have said it better myself.'' Vincent wrapped his son into a tight hug. ''Just relax and enjoy this beautiful day.''

  ''Hi, dad. Where is Vale?'' Vinson appeared in the doorway, looking around the room, not seeing Vale. ''Ian is also here, and he needs someone to calm him down. Wow, you look very good in these pants!'' He kissed Warrick on the cheek. ''No wonder that Dom of yours is afraid you will change your mind about the ceremony.''

  ''He what?'' Warrick's eyes widened in shock at his brothers statement. ''I have to talk to Master! I need to tell him not to worry. I'd never...'' Warrick sputtered out, starting for the bedroom door.

  ''We'll take care of this.'' Sebastian stopped him with a firm hand to his shoulder. ''You better go finish dressing. Nicholas will help you. And try to smile more and worry less. Otherwise, Ian will think that you really do want to leave him.''

  After Vincent and his blue-eyed lover managed to talk Ian into relaxing and assured him Warrick had no intention of changing his mind, they went back into the house. It was time to escort the submissives to their car. True to tradition, the couples weren't allowed to see one another until the moment of the ceremony.

  The two Doms arrived first at the club and were congratulated by the Headmaster Lucien and all the other prominent members of the Dominus. While Warrick and Valeran arrived afterward and were greeted by their fellow subs, who lead them into a small, adjacent room. They helped them out of their shirts and maded amusing comments about their situation.

  Finally, they were escorted into the hall where the ceremony was being held, and guided to the stage where Ian and Vinson were already waiting for them. As agreed with by Master Lucien, a white, velvet mask covered the top part of Valeran's face. No one from the assembled audience could see the resemblance between him and his Dom with it on.

  Kneeling at their respective dominant's feet, and with their heads bowed, the submissives were ready to listen the men's vows of protection. Then, Warrick was going to say his vows of service. Because his brother was a novice, the protocol of the club required that another, higher ranking sub speak in his place, and Willard had gladly volunteered.

  ''I, Ian, claim you as mine. To own, to take pleasure from. To give orders to. To protect. To take care of your body, mind and soul. I promise to never break your trust. To help you carry your burdens. To help you to make your decisions. To support you in all things. And to always be by your side. I place this collar around your neck as symbol of our union.''

  ''I, Vinson, claim you as mine. To own, to take pleasure from. To give orders to. To protect. To take care of your body, mind and soul. I promise to never break your trust. To help you carry your burdens. To help you to make your decisions. To support you in all things. And to always be by your side. I place this collar around your neck as symbol of our union.''

  With precise moves, Ian put the flexible, golden band around Warrick's neck. He then locked it in place from behind, adjusting it for more comfort. Vinson, on the other hand, fumbled with the three buckles of the wide, leather collar with gold and platinum florishes incrusted in the leather that he placed on Valeran.

  It was the sub's turn to say their vows, Warrick being the first to speak. His voice was a mix of softness and firmness, impressing the audience in the most pleasant of ways.

  ''I, Warrick, accept you, Ian, as my dominant. I promise to serve you with my body. Obey your orders. Trust you with my physical and mental health. And pleasure you in every way you see fit. I promise to always share my thoughts and secrets with you. I will ask you for advice and guidance in all the matters, regardless of importance. I accept this collar as a symbol of our union.''

  He then rose, assist by Carter, who'd served as his witness. And by Ian himself, who pulled him into his chest for a tight hug. The Headmaster gestured to Willard, who stepped from behind Valeran, and spoke in a solemn voice.

  ''I, Willard, am here today to speak in the name of this newest member of our community. He, Valeran accepts Vinson as his dominant. He promises to serve you with his body. Obey your orders. Trust you with his physical and mental health. And pleasure you in every way you see fit. He promises to always share his thoughts and secrets with you. He will ask you for advice and guidance in all the matters, regardless of importance. He accepts this collar as a symbol of their union.''

  Willard helped Valeran stand, which he was very grateful for, because his legs were shaking badly. He was afraid he would have fall in the absence of his support. Imitating Ian, Vinson pulled Vale to his chest, and hugged his submissive tighter than ever before. Taking a deep breath he inhaled his love's essence, wanting to take him on the spot, and completing the ceremony in the best possible way.

  ''Why don't you open it, pet?'' The special prosecutor whispered in Warrick's ear, pointing to the locket attached to the collar. 'I want you to tell me what you think.''

  ''Master, but that is...'' Warrick was unable to finish the sentence, as he stared at the small curl of silk ribbon inside the locket. ''Thank you so much. I don't know how to express my gratitude,'' he said, eyes glistening with tears.

  ''Well, that's an easy one.'' Ian softly spoke, using the pad of his thumb to wipe a tear away from his sub's cheek. ''Stay by my side, and help me raise Aubrey and the kids we are going to adopt. Please be my lighthouse in the storm.''

  ''I'll stay with you until the end of our earthly lives. Or until you grow tired of me and kick me out.'' He was somewhat joking and somewhat serious about the last, but Warrick meant every word. ''But now I know it will never happen.'' Warrick gazed over at Ian, his eyes filled with love. ''Congratulations, brother. I'm so happy for you.'' He then turned to Valeran, hugging him. ''Your collar is magnificent!''

  ''Indeed it is.'' The other man nodded, touching the gold and platinum ornaments with veneration. His fingers delicately caressing them with the tips. ''Yours looks astonishing, too.'' He continued, smiling. ''What's with that little piece of ribbon in your hand?''

  ''This is the symbol of the immense love Master has for me.'' Warrick sp
oke in a dreamy voice, his gaze far away. ''Every time he uses it to restrain me during our scenes, I feel safe, valued, cherished, important, beautiful and worthy of love. And above all, I feel happy.'' A bright smile played on his lips, as he finished speaking.

  Vinson, who, unbeknown to his brother, was listening to his speech. He wrapped an arm around Valeran's waist, spinning the masked sub so he could face him. Grasping his jaw in a possessive gesture, and staring deep into his eyes, the Dom captured Valeran's lower lip between his teeth. He lightly tugged on it, and made Vale moan wantonly.

  After tenderly sucking on the captured lip, Vinson then slipped his tongue into Valeran's mouth, starting a battle for dominance. Which he predictably won. The masked sub was more than happy to surrender to his Dom. He leaned into the kiss, heart pounding in his chest, hands cupping the face of the one he'd trusted with everything he had.

  The two of them stayed like that for a very long time, with Vinson caressing his most prized possession's face. He was alternating sweet, butterfly kisses with the hard, possessive ones, when the audience started to applaud and whistle around them. Finally, he thought, they were free to express their love without fear and reservations. They were surrounded by people who understood and supported them.


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