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Scouting with Kit Carson

Page 3

by George Cary Eggleston


  Reuben was aware that he was not far from the base of one of thehighest mountains. As once more he looked up and peered intently inevery direction, he was aware also that no one was within sight. Thepoor beast on which he had ridden was dead and there was no means bywhich the young trapper might return to the camp where he had left hisfriend. In the distance the herd of buffaloes still could be seen, atiny mass moving across the plains in the dim light. Even while he wasgazing at them they disappeared and were lost to sight among thefoothills.

  Reuben was aware that he had shot one cow, but where the animal hadfallen or how far it was from the place where he now was standing hehad no means of knowing. He looked behind him, but was unable todiscover even his own trail in the sand. All traces had been destroyedby the hoof-prints of the mighty herd of fleeing animals.

  In what direction had he come? Reuben was aware that in a general wayhe had followed the line of foothills, but it was plain to him now thatthe herd which he had pursued had not moved in a straight course. Inand out over the uneven ground, the animals, frantic with fear, hadfled for safety.

  The young trapper was aware also that he was hungry, and yet he had nofood. If he could secure the carcass of the buffalo cow he had shot hiswants would be supplied. The light, however, was too dim to enable himto see far away, and even in clear daylight he was doubtful if he couldsee the body in the distance.

  Again he tried to discover the fire or smoke of the camp which he andJean had made. Not a trace of it, however, was to be seen. It was quitelikely that the very fire itself had been scattered by the herd whenthey had dashed across the plains. The pack-horses, too, doubtless hadfled, and Reuben shuddered as he thought what was likely to be theirfate before the morning appeared. The pursuit of the buffalo calf bythe gaunt, hungry wolves was only an indication of what might occurwhen the ponies, wearied by their efforts throughout the day, would bein no condition to escape from the attack of the savage animals.

  For several minutes Reuben remained standing, slowly turning in hisposition until he had looked about the entire region. He listenedintently, hoping that he might hear the sound of Jean's rifle. Theoppressive silence of the great desert, however, was unbroken.Twinkling stars had appeared in the sky, the air was motionless, thesolitude was almost appalling, and within a few minutes Reuben decidedthat he must take his rifle and saddle and proceed in the direction inwhich he thought the camp was located.

  The boy, however, was now feeling the full force of the reaction afterhis strenuous day. Every muscle in his body seemed to be sore. Headvanced with difficulty, and the saddle somehow appeared to be muchheavier than when he had thrown it on the back of his pony.

  It was impossible for him to think of remaining where he was. He washungry as well as tired, and the fear of an attack by a pack of hungrywolves was more than a vague impression.

  Suddenly Reuben saw the outline of three dim forms approaching onhorseback. Startled by the unexpected sight, the boy remainedmotionless and waited for the strangers to come near him. The sight wasnot one to soothe the fears of the troubled young trapper, but he wasconvinced that his safest course was to await their coming.

  Accustomed now to the dim light, not many minutes elapsed before theyoung man was able to see that the advancing party was composed, ofthree Indians. One of them was much smaller than his two companions andperhaps was a lad. Who they were or why they should be coming at thattime he was unable to conjecture.

  It was plain, however, that his presence had been discovered, for aslight divergence in the course the Indians were following showed thatthey were now approaching. In a brief time they drew near and one ofthem spoke. "How? How?" inquired the leader. At the same time heindicated, by extending his open hands, that no hostile action wasintended.

  Following their example, Reuben also held forth his hands in a way toindicate his peaceful intentions.

  "Where go?" inquired the Indian that before had spoken.

  "I want to find my camp," answered Reuben. He was relieved by hisdiscovery that the three Indians were poorly mounted, the beasts whichthey were riding apparently being well-nigh exhausted. The smallestmember of the party he now discovered was an Indian boy, perhapsfifteen years of age. It was manifest, too, that the spokesman was theonly one able to speak English.

  "Where go? Where go?" repeated the Indian.

  "I want to find my camp," again answered Reuben. "I left my partnerback yonder somewhere, while I went out to shoot buffaloes. My horsestumbled and fell in a prairie-dog village over here. The poor brutebroke his leg and I had to shoot him. I thought I was not very far fromcamp, but I reckon now I am a good deal farther than I thought I was.Where are you going? Who are you?"

  "Cheyenne," answered the Indian promptly. "We go home."

  "How far do you go?" inquired Reuben.

  The Indian held up three fingers of his right hand to indicate thedistance which must be covered before they rejoined their tribe.

  "Three miles!" said Reuben, startled by the suggestion.

  The Indian laughed and, shaking his head, again held up his threefingers.

  "Three hundred miles, you mean?" said Reuben.

  The Indian nodded his head several times to indicate that the youngwhite had spoken correctly. Plainly the words "hundred" and "miles"were not in his vocabulary.

  Patting himself upon the chest, the Indian said: "Me Breaker of Arrows.Come to Pawnee country. Try to get Pawnee ponies."

  "You mean you came out here to steal their horses?" inquired Reuben.

  "No steal; _take_ horses."

  "How many did you get? It doesn't look as if you had had very greatsuccess. These ponies you are riding look as if they had been turnedloose by the Pawnees. They aren't worth feeding."

  "Pawnee heap coward!" said the Indian grimly. "Pawnee shut up horses inlodges at night."

  "Did they find you?" inquired Reuben.

  "No find. Breaker of Arrows, Cheyenne. Dark Night, no find," added thewarrior, pointing to the boy as he spoke.

  The third member of the party apparently was ignored.

  "Where did you get these ponies?"

  "Ponies wild. Get horses on plains."

  "They look as if they were wild," said Reuben. "Have you had anythingto eat?"

  "No eat," replied the warrior; at least the man was posing as awarrior, although the only weapons the three Cheyennes carried werebows and arrows and one long spear, which was in the hands of thespokesman.

  "I shot a buffalo cow."

  "Where buffalo?" demanded the Cheyenne quickly.

  "I wish I knew," replied Reuben lightly. "I am hungry and tired. Iought to have stopped when I shot one, for one was enough, but I kepton, thinking I would get another, and so I passed the place where thecow fell. If you can find it you will have something for supper, for Iwill be glad to share with you."

  The Cheyenne turned and spoke in his own tongue to his companions.After a hasty conversation the spokesman once more turned to Reuben andby the aid of signs and a few words intimated his desire for the youngtrapper to remain where he then was while the Indians searched for thebody of the fallen buffalo.

  Somewhat suspicious that if the strangers should succeed in finding thedead animal they might not return, Reuben nevertheless agreed to thesuggestion, at the same time striving to conceal his own fears.

  At once the Indians departed after they had secured from Reuben hisimpressions of the direction in which they should go. The boy watchedthem until the outlines of their forms no longer could be seen in thedim light. It was plain to him that they were moving in parallel linesat a considerable distance from one another.

  Casting his saddle upon the ground, Reuben stretched himself on thesand, using the saddle as a pillow. His rifle was loaded and placedbeside him, and in a brief time the young trapper was sleeping soundly.

  How long he had slept he was unable to decide when he was suddenlyaroused from his slumber by the sound of approaching footsteps. Lif
tinghis head but still retaining his position, Reuben peered in everydirection to discover the approaching party. At first he was unable tosee what had awakened him, but in a brief time he saw a man approachingon horseback. In a little while he was convinced that the man was anIndian, and if so doubtless was one of the party which he recently hadseen. His impression was confirmed when in a low voice the approachingIndian spoke: "Find um buffalo."

  "Where is it?" inquired Reuben.

  The Indian did not reply, but alighted from his pony, for by this timehe had drawn near the place where Reuben was standing, and bade himfollow.

  "Where are you going?" inquired Reuben.

  Still the Indian did not explain, and after a brief hesitation Reubendecided to obey the suggestion.

  Slowly the Cheyenne, who still was on the back of his pony, led the waytoward the foothills that now seemed to be nearer than before. In abrief time the desired point was gained and there Reuben discovered theIndian boy who had been with him a little while before. The thirdIndian, however, was no longer to be seen, and no explanations weregiven for his absence, although Reuben asked several times where theother member of the party was.

  Sheltered by a huge rocky boulder, the Indians soon kindled a fire andparts of the buffalo tongue and steaks which they had cut from thecarcass were roasting on sticks held over the flames.

  Conversation ceased until the repast was prepared and eaten. ThenReuben inquired: "Did you see anything of my friend?"

  "No see. What do now?"

  "Do you mean what I am going to do?" inquired Reuben. "Well, I wishsome one would answer that question for me."

  "Breaker of Arrows go home. Black Night come, too. White boy want to gowith us?"

  "No," answered Reuben, "I must stay here. I must find my friend."

  Apparently his explanation satisfied his companions, for in a brieftime they mounted their ponies and prepared to leave Reuben alone inthe little valley or defile where the buffalo meat had been roasted.

  It was impossible for Reuben to resume his search for Jean. In theplace where he then was he was protected from sudden attacks and hedecided to remain there and await the coming of the morning.

  The night passed without any adventures, but when morning came thelight revealed to Reuben a sight even more startling than that of thepreceding evening, when the three Cheyennes had discovered him alone onthe plains.


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