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My Healer (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 3)

Page 10

by Alanea Alder

  Adam frowned. "There wasn't anything on the body, it had been completely stripped."

  "I didn't see it at first. But then there was a flicker and when I looked straight at him, I could see it. The second the necklace was off the body, it started to decompose right before my eyes. I mean cheesy B-rated Syfy Saturday graphics kinda shit. It was like he was melting and rotting at the same time, and don't get me started on the smell." Rheia brought a hand up to her mouth.

  Aiden took the necklace and examined at it. "This is the first one we've taken intact. The feral that attacked Meryn had a necklace as well. Only Meryn could see it then, too."

  Adam leaned in to look over Aiden's shoulder. "So only humans can see them?"

  Aiden nodded. "Looks that way. They mask the smell of ferals to make them undetectable. I need to report this to the council."

  Colton pulled her closer to his body. "I'm taking Rheia home for a break. It's almost lunch time anyway."

  Rheia put a hand on her stomach. She hoped once she was out of the clinic her appetite would return. She stepped back and Colton looked down at her.

  "We need to take another sample," she said, pointing back to the room.

  Adam rubbed the back of his neck looking tired. "That's a good idea. I need to go with Aiden for this report since I've been studying the corpse longer. Don't worry about the mess in the hall; I'll take care of it. Just open the window and air the room out, I should be back after lunch."

  "I am definitely opening a window." Rheia turned and headed back to the morgue, Colton right on her heels.

  When they got to the doorway, they both hesitated looking at each other. She held her breath and immediately went to the windows. She and Colton opened all three of the room's windows letting in the icy but fresh December air.

  Rheia took a deep breath. "It's going to snow," she predicted.

  Colton sniffed the air and nodded. "This evening."

  She turned to the cabinets and prepped two new slides. Carefully she labeled them and added them to the travel case. She tucked the small leather case into her lab coat pocket and looked at the body.

  "I think as long as it wasn't decomposing it was okay out on the gurney, but now..." She had to turn her head as a section of skin slid down off the ribs.

  Colton swallowed hard. "I think having the windows open will make it pretty cold in here. Let's just shut the door and let Adam deal with it when he gets back," he suggested.

  Rheia felt a momentary pang of guilt before nodding her head. "Let's get out of here."

  Colton grabbed her hand and they practically ran from the room. When they got outside to her car, they looked at each other and started laughing.

  "Some unit warrior I am, running from a dead body." Colton climbed into the passenger side.

  "What about me? I'm a doctor for crying out loud," Rheia pointed out closing the driver's side door behind her.

  "But he was..." Colton paused.

  "Gooey," Rheia finished.

  "I think that's what did me in," Colton admitted.

  "Me, too." Rheia felt a thousand percent better now that she was away from the smell and heading down the lone road back to the estate. By the time they pulled into the driveway she was actually starting to get hungry.

  "Is it wrong to be hungry?" she asked.

  "I hope not, because I'm starved." Colton licked his lips. "Ryuu always makes the best lunches."

  "I hope Penny behaved," Rheia said following Colton into the house.

  Colton took her hand and again she felt her stomach flip. "I'm more worried about Meryn behaving."

  After hanging up their coats in the hall closet, they walked into the office and Rheia saw that Meryn, Beth, Jaxon and Noah were hard at work behind their computers. She had been anxious for nothing. Looking around the room, she frowned.

  "Where's Penny?" she asked. The four looked up from their computers and pointed to the wall next to Aiden's desk. Penny sat on the floor, crayons out, drawing on the lower two feet of the wall.

  "Penny! Honey, you can't do that." Rheia dropped Colton's hand and rushed over. Penny looked up at her and pointed to Meryn.

  Meryn shrugged. "We didn't have any of that kid construction paper and ever since we went digital we stopped buying printer paper. The lined legal paper sucks for drawing; I hated it as a kid. The only other option was Post It Notes, so I told her she could color on the wall, but she had to stay on that section. She's actually pretty good."

  Rheia looked down and had to agree. Penny had drawn a picture of her and Colton smiling and holding Penny between them. Off to one side she had drawn almost everyone else she knew. Her uncles from Jefferson and many the unit members she had just met.

  Colton scooped Penny up and looked down at her work. "Not bad, kiddo."

  "Why is everyone in my office?" Aiden asked from the doorway.

  Colton turned. "That was quick. I thought you had to call the council."

  Aiden shrugged. "We did. I left Adam in his office explaining the medical stuff. There wasn't much for me to add." He frowned and his eyes widened at his wall. His eyes went from Penny to Meryn and back to Penny.

  Penny hid her face in Colton's neck. Rheia saw how gentle Colton was holding her and never would have guessed he wasn't her real father. The bond forming between the two was real and strong.

  "Look, Aiden, Penny drew you a present," Colton said cheerfully, however his eyes narrowed at his friend, daring him to make an issue of it.

  Aiden stepped forward. "Is that what this is? For me?"

  Penny peeked out and nodded.

  Aiden smiled and looked down at the picture. "I love it. You're very talented Penny; I can easily tell who is who." He pointed to the picture that was clearly meant to be Colton. "This little piggy is just adorable."

  Penny clapped both hands over her mouth, her eyes dancing.

  Colton growled at his friend. "That is me."

  Aiden pretended to be shocked. "Oh my! Colton, you make such a cute little piggy."

  Rheia watched as Penny shook with laughter in Colton's arms. Chuckling at Colton's expression, she stepped forward and took Penny from him. "Time for lunch, kiddo." Penny smiled.

  Colton sniffed and turned dramatically. "I need sustenance."

  Meryn snorted. "You always need sustenance I think both of your legs are hollow."

  Rheia carried Penny to the dining room where Ryuu had already set the table. Plates stacked high with different types of sandwiches filled the middle of the long dining table. Rheia picked up a plate and walked down the table, treating it like a buffet. She let Penny pick out her favorites and grabbed a turkey on wheat for herself.

  She sat down and helped Penny get situated with her napkin and her milk cup. Penny had opted for a peanut butter and jelly and a tuna fish sandwich. Rheia watched as Penny took a bite of one sandwich then the other.

  She looked past Penny to see that Colton was doing something similar. He had chosen the chicken salad sandwich and pulled pork barbecue and was alternating his bites between sandwiches as well.

  "Is it a shifter thing?" she asked.

  Colton looked up, his mouth full. "Is what a shifter thing?" was his muffled reply.

  "Conflicting flavor combinations." She pointed to him and then to Penny.

  "I think it's just them. I don't like it when the flavors of one sandwich threaten to overwhelm the flavors of another," Beth offered.

  "I don't like it either," Jaxon agreed. Both he and Noah had been dining with the unit and their mates after it was decided the other trainees would be moving out.

  Colton looked down at Penny and they both shrugged. Rheia was thankful Aiden didn't bring up the mysterious body over lunch. She was able to eat her entire lunch without feeling sick. When she finished her sandwich she looked down to see if Penny was done. She frowned as she watched something she didn't understand.

  Penny was smiling and holding out pieces of crust with jelly on it. For a second the crust would hover in mid-air and then d
isappear. Rheia blinked.

  "Uh, Colton." There must have been an edge to her voice because he looked up immediately.

  His eyes went to Penny and he smiled. "She's just feeding Felix. He's a sprite that adopted Meryn. They can't be seen by everyone, but from the one time I did see him, I have to say, he's a cute little guy."

  The air in front of Penny shimmered for a second and a small, red haired fairy-like creature appeared. He looked young with slightly rounded cheeks and bright green eyes. His wings beat lazily keeping him aloft. He smiled at her and waved, before his hands went to his necklace; a second later he was gone again.

  "Right. Sprites. Of course." Rheia had grown up knowing about shifters, vampires, witches and fae. She should have known there would be more to this world than that.

  "He likes Penny; they've been playing together all day," Meryn said smiling at Penny.

  Rheia turned to the strange, yet brilliant woman. "You can see him?"

  Meryn nodded. "Yup. I met Felix in Vivian's garden. A whole colony of sprites live there."

  Penny clapped happily and spun her finger around in circles. Coming here had been a good thing. Rheia turned to Ryuu was standing by the kitchen doorway. "Any news?"

  Colton turned to her. "What news?"

  "I asked Ryuu to see if Penny had any relatives in Lycaonia. I thought she might want to visit and get to know them," she explained.

  Ryuu bowed. "Marius and Byron are working on it. I believe they have located Penny's maternal grandparents. Unfortunately, since they were estranged from their daughter, they have had to break the news to them about what happened."

  Penny stopped playing with Felix and scooted closer to her. Rheia wrapped an arm around her small frame. "What wonderful news, Penny, you have family here." She kissed the top of the girl's head.

  Colton leaned in and ruffled Penny's hair. "As soon as they're open to it, I'll take you both for a visit. Won't that be fun?"

  Penny's face had returned to the one that Rheia knew best. Penny's eyes looked flat and lifeless, her expression solemn. Colton looked to Rheia concern in his eyes. Rheia shook her head. They had to let Penny process this news without their interference. Rheia looked down into Penny's face. "If you don't like them, we won't visit again. But I do want you to at least meet with them once, deal?"

  Penny stared at her for a long moment then nodded. Rheia kissed her face repeatedly until the girl squirmed away and practically jumped into Colton's lap. Colton scooted his chair back and easily lifted her up over his head. He brought her down and began his own kissy-face assault. Penny was smiling when he set her back in her own chair between them.

  Rheia stood. "Okay, I'm going to head back to the clinic to help wrap up that mess," she made a face, remembering that awful smell.

  Colton stood. "I'll go with you."

  Rheia couldn't think of a possible thing he could assist with, but she kept her mouth shut. She wanted him next to her. The idea of spending the afternoon with him left her feeling giddy. He stretched his hand out between them. Smiling she took it and squeezed tight. He had a questioning look on his face but didn't say anything. They both said goodbye to Penny and headed to the hall. They grabbed their coats from the closet and went out to her car.

  During the drive back to the clinic, a comfortable silence filled the car. On the console between them, Colton never let go of her hand. She pulled her hand out of his to park but reached for him the car was turned off. They sat there not saying a word.

  "Everything okay?" he finally asked.

  "No. But I think it'd be scarier if I was okay. I've been here less than a day, but needed to be with you this afternoon. My body... no, my heart craved it. There are moments when you're with Penny that threaten to overwhelm me because the two of you together is so beautiful. The core of who I am is being pulled towards you, but my mind is confused." She looked down afraid to see the disappointment in his eyes.

  She felt soft, warm lips on her hand and she looked over to him. His eyes were gentle as he raised her hand to his cheek. He closed his eyes and sighed happily. He stayed that way for a moment before opening his eyes.

  "Before we met, I dreamt of you. At first, all I could see were your eyes, then your face. You were always worried, so anxious and sad. You would look in the distance and I could see the pain you were trying to bury. I remember how hot my tears were when I begged Fate for just once chance to be with you, just one chance to hold you in my arms and tell you everything would be okay."

  Rheia swallowed hard and tried to keep the tears from falling. How many times had she wanted just that? Not sex, not Valentine's Day gifts or date nights, just someone at the end of the day to be there. A set of opened arms she could collapse into and not have to worry about hitting the floor.

  "Do you know how blessed I am?" he asked, tracing her hand with his thumb. She shook her head.

  He continued. "Fate not only granted my wish, but gave me so much more. I have you by my side and you have given me the gift of a daughter. Overnight I have a family of my own. I know that this may seem impossible to you, but it's not to me. If you're ever in doubt, lean on me; let my faith support us both. We can take this at your pace, sweetness, because as long as you're beside me, I'm the luckiest and happiest man on the planet."

  "Shut up," she choked out, tears streaming unchecked down her cheeks. He looked at her a painful expression in his face. "Shut up and kiss me," She said already reaching for him.

  Colton didn't hesitate. Both hands came up to frame her face, pulling her as close as the console would allow. The second his lips touched hers a shiver raced down her spine. The smell and the taste of him was exactly what she wanted. She sucked on his tongue and buried her fingers in his hair, every erogenous zone was screaming for attention. She turned and in an attempt to get closer and was brought back to reality when she got wedged between the steering wheel and her seat.

  She pulled back and saw Colton's eyes had changed from his normal bright green to a dull yellow.

  "Gods, I want to eat you up," he growled.

  She whimpered. She wanted nothing more than to be at his mercy. Colton turned his head towards the road. Some unit warriors were jogging by on their way to the Alpha estate for afternoon drills. He sat back and closed his eyes. Breathing hard she went to sit back in her seat but found she was stuck. The leather case that held the slides had shifted in her pocket to wedge itself in the steering wheel.


  "Just give me one second sweetness." He winced and shifted his weight in his seat.

  "I'm stuck."

  His eyes opened and he turned to her. "Say what?"

  "I'm stuck. That damn case in my pocket is stuck on the wheel and I can't turn back."

  Colton reached between her and the steering wheel and dislodged the case. She turned and collapsed back into her seat. She looked over to him, he had a thoughtful look on his face.

  "What are you thinking about?"

  "Bench seats."

  "I'm sorry?"

  "I'm buying a truck with bench seats."

  She gaped at him and then realized what he was talking about. "If we had a truck, where would Penny sit? She needs a car seat."

  "It'll be our special date night truck."

  "You're having a sexual fantasy right now about fucking me in a truck aren't you?"

  Colton raised an eyebrow at her. "Did you really have to ask that question?"

  "I guess not."

  "Can I interpret your silence as consent for a later date when I have said truck?"

  She looked at him frowning. "You were going to wait until you had that truck?"

  Colton leered at her. "Well, if you put it like that ..."

  She opened her door and got out. "Come on, Balto."

  Colton got out and closed his door. "Technically, Balto was a dog."

  Rheia shrugged. "Close enough."

  "No seriously, there's a huge difference. I'm not a dog."

  "But you're so fluffy and cute,"
she protested.

  Colton grimaced. "Please, never, ever say that in front of the guys."

  "I make no promises," she teased.

  Colton opened the clinic door and they walked down the long hallway.

  "Seriously Rheia, those guys have memories like elephants. We're still giving Sascha shit about the time his horse kept running from him because it hadn't been broke in to ride paranormals. I think he may have a complex."

  "When was that?"

  "Not long, maybe like three hundred years ago, give or take."

  She stopped and turned to face him. "Three hundred years?"

  Colton nodded emphatically. "And we still crack jokes about it."

  Rheia started walking, making a left down the hall leading towards the morgue. "I thought you said he had a complex?"

  "And?" Colton asked before he stopped dead in his tracks. He grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall.

  "Colton?" she asked confused.

  Colton stood with his back to her, looking up and down the hall. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone. "Aiden, I need units Alpha, Gamma and Beta at the clinic, ferals are here and I'm by myself with Rheia."

  "On our way. Any way you can get out?" she heard Aiden ask.

  "No, their stench is all around us, I don't want to walk into a trap. We're in the hallway down from the morgue."

  "My brother?"

  "No sign of him, he may have gone to your parent's house for lunch. You may want to give them a call to make sure he's okay."

  "Calling now. ETA is less than five minutes. Don't die," Aiden commanded.

  "Now that's an order I'll happily follow." Colton ended the call and pulled out his sidearm, constantly scanning the halls.

  "Are they here?" she whispered.

  "I don't think so, but I'm not taking any chances with you."

  Rheia grabbed the back of his coat and buried her face between his shoulder blades.

  "We should have stopped to have car sex," she muttered.

  "Don't distract me," he said. She lifted her head and peeked around his shoulder. He was grinning from ear to ear.

  It seemed like forever before they heard the sound of heavy boots running towards them.


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