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Ridin' Her Rough

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  “Hey, Delilah, where you going in a hurry?”

  She turned when she heard Vain’s voice. He leaned against the side of the clubhouse, hidden in the shadows. The only thing she could really make out was his huge form and the cigarette smoke that billowed out in front of him.

  “It looks like there is a bit too much action going on in there for me.”

  He flicked the cigarette butt away and pushed off the wall. Vain emerged and the shadows moved over him like a blanket falling away. All of the members were big, needing that kind of muscle for what they did, but Vain was a different breed all his own. He was almost as intimidating as Torque, but to her he reminded Delilah of a big brother. They all did.

  Vain looked behind him at the main clubhouse doors. “Yeah, it’s pretty intense in there.” Vain turned back around and grinned. His straight white teeth flashed in the darkness. “Dixon was pretty pissed when a bunch of the prospects and some other members brought home some females. They would have cleared out the clubhouse if she said so, but by then she was already pissed.”

  “She go home?”

  Vain started chuckling and shook his head. “Hell no. Ringo took her in the backroom. I think he probably convinced her that if she gave him a lap dance she’d feel better.”

  “Ew. I love Ringo, but that’s not what I want to hear.” Vain laughed at her statement.

  “I know, baby girl, but it’s funny as fuck to see your face when you hear that shit.” Vain might be grumpy to everyone else, but he opened up a little to her, and she knew he only let Delilah see this part. “Besides, Torque came in town and they are getting blitzed in there.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at Vain’s words. She looked over at the doors, but of course couldn’t see anything. He was in there. When she looked at Vain again it was to see that he watched her intently. Nothing got by the members, and right now she had no doubt spoken loud and clear, just like she had four years ago.

  Vain got out another cigarette and lit the end. It burned a brilliant red as he inhaled, and then he exhaled slowly. “You better be careful, Delilah.” He took another drag.

  “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she asked, but knew what he was talking about before he even responded.

  “You do realize that you’re shit at lying, right, baby girl? And that you let your emotions come through like a damn race car?” Vain inhaled once more from his cigarette. “How long have I known you, Delilah?”

  God, if this was awkward as hell. She stared into the handsome face of the man who had been around for longer than she could even remember. Markus “Vain” Tallmadge was, at fifty-one, a year older than her father, but the only place he wore his age was in his demeanor. He was ruggedly handsome, as were all the other members, but she had always felt this darkness that he harbored inside. It was those shadows that made him a very scary man at times.

  “A long time, Vain.”

  He nodded slowly and took another drag from his second cigarette. “Yeah, since the first day you came into Brack’s life.”

  She swallowed hard when he took another step. She wasn’t scared of any of the men in the MC, but there were times she felt intimidated because they could read people so easily.

  “You can’t hide much, especially from me. The few times I’ve seen you around Torque there has been that look in your eye.”

  She shifted on her feet and tightened her grip on her covered dish. “I don’t have any look in my eye when he’s around.” Delilah didn’t take shit from anyone, and could hold her own, and that was thanks to the environment she had grown up in, but this was something she was about to back down from. No way was she going to talk about what she really wanted from Torque. It was bad enough that she had never had a real boyfriend. Growing up, the guys who dated her tended to be leery of even holding her hand when they were forced to pick her up at the clubhouse so the guys could “introduce” themselves. To say her sex life was lacking was the understatement of the century. Being a virgin at twenty-two wasn’t horrible, but hell, when sex was all around her, and it was those guys banging anything with a vagina, it made them look like hypocrites for thinking she shouldn’t have sex herself until she was married and as old as they were.

  “I’m not talking about any of this with you, Vain.” She tried to sound like this conversation wasn’t getting to her, but she knew nothing got past Vain.

  He stared at her for a moment, as if appraising what she was thinking, and then shrugged. “Delilah, I’m not your old man, not going to try and father you or give you advice. None of us have any right to harp on you and the choices you want to make in your adult life, but we will continue to protect you.” He took another long inhale from his cigarette. “All I’m saying is be careful. Be very careful, because you haven’t seen the way Torque looks at you when he thinks no one is watching.”

  Her heart started to race at Vain’s words. Torque looked at her a certain way? A way that made Vain point it out to her like a warning.

  “And I also want you to remember how you felt when you saw that pussy all over him all those years ago. It hurt you, baby girl, he hurt you, and he will again. It’s in his nature. A Nomad don’t want anything good and right to settle down with. They want easy and fast, and then they can move on to the next thing. You feel me?”

  “Yeah, I understand you, but I’m an adult, Vain. And I know what I should and shouldn’t do.”

  He nodded slowly, and it annoyed her that he wasn’t saying anything.

  “Nothing is going to happen, ever,” she said with a stronger voice and straightened.

  He flicked the butt away but didn’t say anything for several long seconds. “Good, baby girl, because you know what happens to a member that touches the prez’s daughter.” He didn’t phrase it like a question.

  Yeah, she knew what happened, or at least the tip of the iceberg. A beat-down was a given, most likely from her father, but she didn’t rule out the other members joining in. She didn’t think they would strip him of his patch, but her being Brack’s daughter made her forbidden, especially to members of the MC. Delilah had never wanted to be with a member, had never wanted her life to be that deep. And that was what would happen if she were an Old Lady.

  “Now, why don’t you just head back home and I’ll tell Brack you came by?”

  She nodded, because that would have been the smart thing to do. Is that what she did? Hell no. “I’m fine, Vain, and in fact will just set the dip down inside for the guys and their beer munchies, grab some files that I can do at home, and then get the hell out of here.” She didn’t wait for Vain to respond, just walked past him. Instead of going to the front doors she had the brains to go in through the back, away from the party and hopefully not seeing a lot of ass, dick, and tits. The back door was locked, but she grabbed her keys from her purse and pushed the door open when she unlocked it. The back hallway was dimly lit. She didn’t bother turning the lights on. She passed closed bedroom doors where the members could crash if they needed. Judging by the sounds of skin being slapped followed by female moans, that wasn’t what they were currently being used for. She took a left and headed into her the office, and the sound of the party going on just right on the other side wasn’t muted in the slightest. Setting the dish on the desk she grabbed a few files she had forgotten to take with her earlier, shoved them in her purse, and picked up the dish again. She’d just walk into the main area, set the dish on the bar, and head out, all the while keeping her head lowered and her eyes trained on her feet. Heading toward the door she turned off the light and was about to leave when her phone started vibrating. Digging in her purse for it, she stepped out in the hall at the same time she stared at the text that just came through. Before she could read it she slammed into a hard chest, causing her to stumble back and drop the dish. It fell to the ground and the sound of ceramic breaking was barely a blip over all the rest of the noise.

  “Oh, fuck, sorry.”

  Delilah stilled at that deep, baritone
voice that instantly had a shiver working over her entire body. She lifted her eyes from the massacre of taco dip on the ground, traveled them up the thighs that were as thick and muscular as tree trunks, and over a flat abdomen that she could see the ridges of his six-pack. She should have been a little stealthier in her appraisal, but it was like her common sense had left her at the moment she heard Torque speak. She lifted her eyes over his broad, flat and equally hard chest, saw the edges of his tattoos peaking over the collar of his white tee, and swallowed the lump lodged in her throat. When she finally made her ascent to his face it felt like she had been staring at him for a long ass time, but she knew it had only been a few seconds.

  “I didn’t mean to spill your shit, Delilah.”

  Her pulse raced when Torque said her name. His dark eyes were bloodshot, and the scent of alcohol that came from him was thick. She didn’t miss how he swayed to the side, but reached out and placed his palm on the wall right beside her. He leaned in, but it wasn’t because he wanted closer to her, but because he had shitty balance right now. But even knowing that didn’t have Delilah’s arousal lessening.

  “It’s fine.” She swallowed again, but goddammit, the lump in her throat wouldn’t budge. His dark hair was shorter than the last time she had seen him, and only reached the nape of his neck. He wasn’t handsome in any sense of the word, but more so had this rugged worn look that made his irresistible to her. His nose was straight and his lips were full, his jaw was square, and the dark stubble that covered his cheeks had her thinking about what it would feel like scraping along her inner thighs as he ate her out. Shit. She was so unbelievably wet. He breathed out heavily, and lowered his eyes to her lips.

  “It’s kind of late for you to be out, isn’t it?” There was a slight slur in his voice. She knew enough about this type of man that although he was trashed, he still knew what he was doing. He just didn’t give a shit.

  Delilah glanced around his arm at the archway that led into the main area where the party was going full force, where her father was.

  “Baby, no one is lucid enough in there to come save you.” He grinned, all straight white teeth that reminded her of some kind of predator. She tried not to let the fact he called her baby affect her, but hell, hearing his deep, slightly scratchy voice saying that one word was like an auditory orgasm. He shifted, and the chain he wore attached to his wallet clanked together. The smell of leather from his cut intensified when he moved.

  “I’m not looking for anyone to save me.” Even she heard how breathy her voice sounded. The longer she stood there, the more she became a puddle of liquid and jumping to conclusions was a very real threat. She ducked out of the cage of muscle and leather that had just surrounded her, and got on her haunches to clean up the mess. But when she felt Torque’s warm, humid breath brush over the nape of her neck and felt his body heat slam into her, she couldn’t help but close her eyes. This man was potent, far stronger than any bottle of whiskey or illicit drug. The fact she had lost her mind had her swaying as if she were the one drunk. She braced her hand on the floor so she didn’t fall on her face, but a gasp left her when a jagged piece of broken ceramic sliced right into her palm. Before she knew what was happening Torque had his big hands under her arms and had her off the floor. He pulled her with impressive balance and concentration back down the hallway, and when he found an empty room had her inside of it with the door closed on minutes later.

  “Sit.” His gruff voice brokered no argument, and when he gently pushed her on the bed so she was forced to sit on the edge of it.

  All she could do was stare at him in shock. Blood dripped down her forearm, but before it fell to the floor Torque was back in front of her, kneeling, and had a rag wrapped around her hand.

  “I shouldn’t have gotten all up on you like that. It was my fault you got all sliced up.”

  “No, stuff happens.” The room was dark, with only the glow from the parking lot lights streaming through the blinds to afford any kind of visual of what was going on. For several slightly awkward moments neither said anything, but she felt his stare on her. Delilah focused her attention on the rag that was wound tightly around her hand. Finally he pulled it off, and she could see the bleeding had already stopped.

  He was up and in the bathroom immediately, and then he was back in front of her with a wet cloth and a first-aid kit. “I’m shit at mending others, but have patched myself up plenty of times that I think I could do a decent job.” He wiped all the blood away, and the corner of his mouth cocked up.


  He nodded and grunted in response, and now it was her turn to smile. He had her hand cleaned and placed a piece of gauze on the cut that was small as hell for how much it hurt. “You won’t need stiches.” He wrapped more gauze around her hand, and when it was secure he leaned back.

  “I should probably get out there and clean it up.” The position he was in had half his face shrouded in shadows, but she saw his gaze trained right on her. “I don’t want Dixon to have to clean up my mess.” Her words came out far softer than she had meant, but still neither moved.

  “I thought maybe you would have been married with a couple of kids by now.”

  Her cheeks became warm, but she wasn’t about to tell him she had neither of those things, and in fact hadn’t even gotten past oral while dating. “No. I haven’t found anyone that really caught my interest and doesn’t piss themselves when they find out who I’m affiliated with. Call me crazy, but I don’t want to be saddled with a douche.”

  Torque chuckled deeply and shook his head.

  “But, uh, no Old Lady for you, huh?” She shouldn’t have asked that, because honestly she knew he didn’t have anyone. She supposed she just wanted to hear him say it. And for what purpose, Delilah?

  “I’m not really the type of guy to settle down.”

  Yeah, she pretty much got that. He stood, but because she was still sitting that put his crotch right at level with her face. She curled her uninjured hand into a fist and slowly trailed her eyes up to his face.

  “I’m barely controlling myself as it is, Delilah.”

  Her chest rose and fell with the force of trying to get enough oxygen into her lungs, but she was growing lightheaded regardless. “What?” It seemed when her lust pounded inside of her she was nothing more than a one-worded kind of girl, but this man made her this way, and she knew he always would.

  “Baby, if you keep looking at me like you want me to fuck you, then that’s what I’m going to do.” He curled his hands into tight fists and she watched as his jaw hardened. “In fact, I’ve had enough to drink that even though I know what I want to do to you will likely get my ass handed to me by your dad and the other members, at this point I am so fucking hard-up for your pussy I don’t even care.”

  Her tongue felt swollen, as did the rest of her damn body. Her clit throbbed, and her nipples were so damn hard she wouldn’t have been surprised if the damn things ripped through the thin material of her top. “I think you’re too drunk to know what you’re saying.” She needed to get out of this room right now or she’d be liable to do something that would most likely end up having her regret this in the morning. They were now face-to-face, and although they were only inches apart, Torque didn’t move. He was at least a foot taller than her measly five-foot-two-inch frame, and so she was forced to crane her neck back to look him in the eye. God, he was just so big and masculine, and although Delilah wasn’t a little thing by any means, even considered herself more on the thick side, this man made her feel petite in every way imaginable. Before she could move away he shot his hand out, grabbed a chunk of her hair, and yanked her head back until her throat was bared to him. The sting of pain from his forceful touch only amplified the lust burning inside of her. She parted her lips, not knowing if she was going to tell him to stop or beg him for more.

  “Baby, I know what the fuck I’m saying, and who I’m saying it to.” He leaned in close until she felt the brush of his lips along hers. He didn�
�t add any pressure, just held them there like he was some kind of sadist and was getting off on the fact that she was squirming from his torture. “I know that if I were to fuck the prez’s daughter, I’d get a fucking beating that would probably leave me bleeding out of my ears.” His breath was warm and smelled of whiskey, but the sweet scent had her pussy clenching. “But you know what, baby?” He didn’t give her a chance to speak. “I have wanted your ass for far longer than I am even comfortable admitting, and I know you want my dick buried deep inside of that sweet little pussy of yours too.”

  “Oh, God.”

  He chuckled deeply and shook his head, which had his lips brushing back and forth along hers. “No, Delilah, not God. But I’m going to have you calling out his name as I fuck the shit out of you.” He crushed his mouth against hers in an almost brutal way, and pressed his hard, big body into hers. He tightened his hands in her hair, tugging at the strands until the pain morphed into pleasure and all she could think about was giving herself to Torque any way he wanted. It didn’t matter that she had never had sex before, that she would most definitely be losing her virginity to this hardened biker that knew far too much about sex for her comfort, but that had the expertise to make sure nothing was left out.

  He used his massive body to push her back on the bed, but even with the momentum of them hitting the mattress, Torque never broke the almost violently aroused kiss he was giving her. He moved his tongue in and out of her mouth, fucked her between the lips like she desperately wanted him to do between her thighs. He tasted like alcohol and smelled like motor oil. Delilah didn’t particularly like that smell and flavor, but shit, it turned her on so much she was a wet, aching mess between her thighs. His erection was huge as it pressed against his jeans and right into the hot, throbbing spot between her thighs. God, if he felt this big through pants she could only image what he would feel like pushing all of that inside of her. His hands were everywhere, moving over her arms in an almost bruising manner, and over her chest until he had her breasts in his hands. He broke the kiss and leaned back enough to look at where he groped her.


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