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Page 10

by Shoraz

  Never did they think that the betasapiens would mount another war similar to the First Great War, but they were in for a surprise as the betasapiens were getting ready to attack. An attack that the betasapiens hoped would lead to total world domination; and more importantly to the absolute and complete annihilation of the human race.


  As Dean looked back at John lying asleep in the back of the airmobile; he wondered what would make John ready to give up his life for Ava and Jonah as he didn’t really know them and had no apparent connection to the family. Little did Dean know what was going on in John’s head as he lay there motionless and asleep in the back of the airmobile, and in his state of sleepiness, John’s inner existence was being awakened, and he was about to realize the role he had to play in the battle for earth.

  As the dream began, John was sitting atop a gigantic waterfall overlooking a massive and almost infinite ocean. The water was clear and absolutely flawless; and in the ocean, John could see whales, dolphins, fishes and many other creatures of the sea, some of which he knew and many of which he was just seeing for the first time.

  John then reached down from his perch atop the ocean and took a handful of water and splashed it on his face, it was the most invigorating feeling he had ever felt, and it was unlike anything else, and it felt warm and comforting, yet it was cold and refreshing. He then stood up and looked around and saw nothing except the ocean and the animals within it and he shouted, “Hello is anyone there?” but there was no reply.

  Then as he turned around to sit facing the ocean, he was startled to see an older woman sitting there waiting for him. She then looked up and said hello to him.

  “Sit down John,” she said to him in a soft, comforting voice and he sat beside her.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  “I am your teacher John,” the lady softly replied.

  “How do you know my name? And what is your name?” he asked.

  “My name is Luanne, and I know who you are John, I know that you are sincere and ready to die for what you believe in,” she said to him.

  “Thank you for saying I’m sincere Ma’am, but as for dying, how can I be ready to die when I’m already dead, look at this place, it’s perfect, it’s heaven. I can’t believe that I made it,” he said to her.

  “This place is beautiful John, but this is not heaven, this is what you believe heaven to be. You’re not dead John, you’re one of the lucky ones, you get to experience death without dying, and you get to learn things that we only learn and see and feel after we die.” Luanne said to him.

  “If this is a dream then I don’t want to go back, I want to stay here,” John said to Luanne.

  “You can’t stay here John; you have to wake up and finish your life and fulfill your destiny. Your time to die has not come to pass John. You have so much to do and experience,” Luanne explained to him.

  “How do you know this and what if I choose to die now?” John asked.

  “I know this because I have seen the unseen John, and none of us choose when death befalls us; we only die when we are supposed to die. It has been like that since the dawn of creation and will remain that way until the last life form in the vast and immaculate web of creation completes its journey of life,” Luanne said to him.

  “And when will that be, will that be when time ends?” John asked.

  “I don’t know John, but know that time is just a tool that we use for measuring our existence, it doesn’t move forward or backward, nor does it really exist John. But what I can tell you is that this world will end and you will be alive to see the last day. Don’t ever be scared John, this is your destiny. Please look after Ava, she is so precious to me. Promise me that you will protect her and keep her safe from the time you meet her and that you will never leave her side and you will always stay close to her. Jonah can take care of himself, but Ava will need you more than you ever know. Promise me this John,” Luanne said to him with tears streaming down her face.

  As John wiped the tears away he said to Luanne, “I promise you Luanne, I promise you that I will do this.”

  “Thank you John,” Luanne said, and she then opened her hand, and a bright light shone from it as she opened it.

  “Take this John, it will help you, just follow it in times of need,” Luanne said as she placed her hand on John’s head, and as she moved her hand away from him, the light was gone.

  Then as he looked at her hand, he asked, “What happened to the light? Where did it go?”

  “The light is now within you John, now you must go. They are coming, and they want to destroy us all,” she said to him.

  “Who’s coming? What do they want?” John asked her.

  “You will know John, now go and wake up,” Luanne said to him.

  John then tried to wake up but he couldn’t, and he then closed his eyes and then reopened them but nothing happened.

  “You have to jump John,” Luanne said to him, pointing to the edge of the waterfall.

  John then reached over to Luanne and gave her a hug. He then ran towards the waterfall and leaped into the air; it was an amazing feeling and as he came close to impact with the water he readied himself.

  Then as he entered the water he made a fantastic splash and kept going deeper and deeper into the ocean; and it was as if he could breathe underwater. He then swam amongst the whales and dolphins and in the distance, he saw a golden bird swimming in the ocean, and it was a Phoenix. He couldn’t believe his eyes as the Phoenix was burning with a shade of gold, and it was coming closer to him.

  He tried going in another direction but something inside of him made him feel that he had to meet this magnificent creature, and he then began heading straight towards it, and it was heading straight towards him. Then as their paths collided he grabbed onto it, and although it was burning bright yellow and gold it was cool to the touch, and the Phoenix then exited the water and headed up to the sky.

  On the way up John looked back at the waterfall, and Luanne was gone, and he then looked forward and the Phoenix kept climbing the skies, and John couldn’t believe the height that the Phoenix had climbed to. Ahead in the distance, there was a black hole, “Stop!” John said as he saw it, but the Phoenix wouldn’t stop and it kept on going.

  John then remembered the light that Luanne gave to him; and it gave him a feeling of warmth and comfort, and at that moment he knew that he would have to follow the Phoenix into the black hole. Then as the Phoenix came closer to the black hole it increased its speed and it was flying faster than the speed of light, and it was now mere meters away from impact and John braced himself.

  As it made impact, John closed his eyes as he was blinded by the light and for a brief moment it was as if time ceased to exist. John then opened his eyes and he was back in the back seat of the airmobile and Dean shouted at him, “Wake up John, wake up now, we’re in trouble,” then startled, John awoke and as he looked back he couldn’t believe his eyes.


  As Amare stared at Sarah and waited for her to tell him what could be so important to her, he also wanted to know what made her think that he wouldn’t understand and believe what she had to say.

  “At least give me a chance Sarah,” Amare said to her.

  “Okay fine, I’ll tell you. I need to find two people; one of them is responsible for the fate of the world. So are you going to let me go now?” Sarah asked Amare.

  Before she could even finish her sentence, Amare and his guards burst out laughing.

  “Look lady, I know you’re a superhuman and have crazy abilities, but that’s just too much,” said one of the guards.

  “You’re right Sarah, I don’t believe you,” Amare said to her.

  “So you’re not going to let me go?” Sarah asked.

  “Not a chance, especially after a crazy story like that,” Amare replied.

  “Amare, if you do not let me go I will not help you,” Sarah defiantly said to him.

�And if you don’t help me you will die my friend,” Amare replied.

  “I would rather die fighting for what I believe in rather than living a life of comfort,” Sarah said.

  “Be careful what you wish for Sarah, you just might get it,” Amare said to her.

  Sarah then lunged forward towards Amare pushing him to the ground, and as he hit the floor she fell on top of him and took his laser which she then pointed at him.

  “Make one move and he’s dead,” Sarah yelled to the guards.

  “Put your guns down now, on the floor, let’s go!” she commanded.

  Amare then nodded to the guards to put down their guns and the entire cafeteria looked on in shock as their leader was being held at gunpoint.

  “I don’t want to do this Amare,” Sarah said to him.

  “You already have Sarah,” Amare shouted back.

  “Put the gun down and we’ll forget this ever happened,” Amare said.

  “And will you let me go if I put the gun down?” Sarah asked.

  “No I won’t let you go, but I promise you that I won’t torture you or skin you alive,” Amare replied to her.

  “I have a clear shot boss, should I take the shot?” a voice in the crowd said.

  “No, she’s smart, she’ll do the right thing,” Amare replied back.

  “Sarah, you either kill me now and then you get killed; or you let me go, it’s that simple,” Amare said to her.

  Sarah now had to make a decision, but neither of those options would give her the freedom that she so desired. She then thought of what move to make next, but given her circumstances, there weren’t many options that favored her, and she decided to go with her instincts and then commanded Amare to take her to the airmobiles.

  “You’re not leaving this compound Sarah,” Amare said to her.

  “I know that Amare, I’m not leaving, we’re leaving, and I promise you that once we are at a safe distance away I will let you go,” Sarah said to him.

  “You want to go wherever to save the world Sarah, go ahead and do that. You are one crazy superhuman. Leave me here and go,” Amare said to her.

  Sarah thought of letting Amare go and leaving the compound alone but felt that she would be killed the moment Amare was out of danger.

  “So here’s the plan Amare, we’re leaving with two airmobiles, me and you in one airmobile and one of your guards in the other. Once I think that I am safe I will let you go and you will return back to this facility with your guard,” Sarah explained to him.

  Amare then called out to one of his guards, “Fresh, are you coming with us?”

  “Sure thing boss,” Fresh replied; excited at the thought of helping his boss, which had the potential to bring him some well–earned dollars as well as respect among his group of outlaws.

  “No Amare,” a voice said, and as Amare looked in the direction of the voice he saw that it was Stryker, Amare’s second in command.

  “I’ll go with you,” he said.

  “No Stryker, you are second in command, if something happens to me, you are in control,” Amare said to him.

  “No boss I’m coming with you,” Stryker said to him in a stern voice.

  The look on Stryker’s face made Amare rethink his decision. Over the many years that he and Stryker have known each other Stryker was always loyal to him and the outlaws, and he always had a plan and Amare was hoping that this time he had a good one. As they made their way to the airmobile hangar Stryker gave him a look of assurance.

  “Everything will be okay boss, trust me,” Stryker said to him.

  They then entered the hangar and Sarah and Amare went in one airmobile and Stryker went in another. Stryker then commanded the henchmen to open the gates and they obliged, and just before he entered his airmobile, Stryker stopped and said, “Boss I forgot my knife I need to get it, I never go anywhere without it.”

  “Not a chance Stryker,” Sarah shouted.

  “Look lady, you are going to get your freedom, you have a gun, you can’t leave us out there alone with the vigilantes roaming around and we have nothing to protect ourselves,” Stryker said to Sarah.

  “Get a knife from them,” Sarah said pointing to the henchmen.

  “No, I want mine,” Stryker said, and he ran off to get it without giving Sarah a chance to give any further thought to the possible repercussions of this strange request from him.

  Sarah then somewhat hastily obliged given the stress of the situation and Stryker ran off to get his knife, and as he made his way to his room the other guards asked him what his plan was, and he told them not to worry and that all would be good.

  As he entered his room, he immediately went to the vault, grabbed a few nutrition pills and put them in his pocket. He then grabbed his laser which was sitting on top of the vault; and as he raised his shirt to put his laser in the holster, one of the guards noticed his knife in his sheath around his waist.

  “I thought you forgot your knife?” the guard asked.

  “You know I always have a plan,” Stryker replied as he left his room.

  Then as he walked back towards the airmobile hangar, he plotted his next move. The guard meanwhile, knowing Stryker’s history and reputation wondered what he had in mind for this undesirable situation and as Stryker entered the hangar, he looked back at the guard and said to him, “Shhh, not a word of this to anyone.”


  Back inside the Invisible Dome, Milo led the way as the rogue knights made their way to the coast of Australia with Chandra, and he looked back to make sure that everyone was okay. He was happy to help Chandra escape the clutches of Frank, but he knew that she, as well as the rogue white knights were not safe until they reached their secretive destination; the underwater city of Zanos.

  Built decades ago in the early years of the twenty–third century, Zanos was one of three underwater cities created in tandem by the humans and the betasapiens; and it was located in the Pacific Ocean approximately two thousand miles off the coast of Australia. It along with the other two underwater cities named Daaviya, which was located in the Atlantic Ocean, and Qezai, which was located in the Arctic Ocean, were collectively known as the Aquaverse.

  The three cities of the Aquaverse were created as havens free from the natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados which plagued the human race. In addition to that, they did not have factions such as outlaws, vigilantes or religious folks; and added to that, it was free from diseases, poverty, famine, and illnesses which were absent in these aquatic oases to the delight of everyone who lived in them.

  Only the best doctors, food and supplies were available in the Aquaverse, and life there was blissful and quite serene; only the ultra–rich of the world were invited to live there.

  To be allowed to live in the Aquaverse meant giving up the vast majority of their wealth, but with that also came a promise of migrating to the planets of Little Giant or The Garden once they were deemed safe to support life, but that promise would never come to fruition given the failures of those projects.

  It was a chance that many of the ultra–rich humans and betasapiens did not give a second thought to as earth was beyond its tipping point and living on land was not the same as it used to be.

  Pollution and over–population, as well as the degradation of the human race in general, were contributing factors to the demise of living on land; but residing in these aquatic oases presented an opportunity to be free from that and to experience life in a whole new way.

  Day to day life consisted of exercise, relaxation, and activities which were considered as good for the body and mind. Absent were the stresses of day to day life such as managing a career and household, worrying about the safety of loved ones and having to deal with calamities in life such as terminal illnesses and crimes such as murder.

  This was the life in the Aquaverse prior to the First Great War, but during that war the betasapiens raided them all evacuating only the betasapien population and leaving the humans th
ere to perish as Zanos, Daaviya and Qezai were all destroyed and unable to support human life. However, unbeknownst to the betasapiens; the rogue knights then migrated to what remained of these underwater cities making them their homes.

  It was a perfect fit for the rogue knights as the humans could no longer live there given the irreparable damage it sustained during the First Great War. As for the betasapiens, they focused their resources and energy on building the Invisible Dome to protect their homeland of Australia and they considered the Aquaverse project a failure, and it quickly became an afterthought in their goal of eradicating all human life on earth.

  Back inside the Invisible Dome, the rogue white knights and Chandra finally arrived at the northeast coast of Australia, and as they made their way to the ground all was clear; and in the distance, they could see the port which would lead Chandra to freedom.

  “Find the pod,” Milo said to one of the rogue knights.

  The pod he spoke of was the one they would have to put Chandra in, in order to hide her from the white knights who were looking for her. The rogue white knight then walked about twenty meters and then began digging into the sand, and not long afterwards he came up with the pod, and it was covered in sand from being buried in the ground, and the rogue knight brought it to Chandra and opened it and told her to get in.

  “How long will I be in there?” Chandra asked.

  “About seven or eight hours if things go as planned,” Milo replied.

  “Will I be okay in there for that long?” she then asked Milo.

  “Yes, you could last up to two weeks in the pod,” Milo replied, and he then began showing her the different compartments with food, water and other basic necessities needed for her trip to freedom.


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