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Girls' Camp

Page 3

by Victoria Rush

  I looked at Hannah with a sly smile. If she only knew. I probably had accumulated enough kinky stories just in the last couple of months to outdo everybody around the campfire. But I still wasn't ready to share my most personal secret.

  "Well, I recently had a little remote affair with one of my neighbors..." I started.

  "Remote?" Hannah said. "As in not face-to-face? Was it telephone sex or webcam sex?"

  "Neither. We just watched each other through our windows at night. It was actually pretty hot."

  "Oh? Is this someone you've had your eye on for a while? Is he hot? What did you guys do?"

  "Yes, I've had my eye on him for a while now," I lied, not wanting to tell the girls that it was actually Abby, the college girl next door. "We've been watching each other around our adjoining pools for some time. But he's married, so I never felt comfortable making the first move."

  "So, what did he do? Flash you from his private study while his wife was doing the dishes?"

  "I think his wife was away for a few days. It was late at night, and I caught him coming out of the shower with his bedroom light on. I guess he caught me watching him and one thing led to another..."

  "So you both rubbed one out watching each other?"

  "Yeah. But it was just a one-time thing. His wife came home the next day and I didn't want to take any more chances at getting caught."

  "Well that definitely qualifies as semi-hot," Lilly said.

  Everybody turned to Emma, who glanced nervously out of the corner of her eyes at the rest of the group.

  "That just leaves you, Em," Lilly said. "What sordid details have you been holding back about yourself?"

  Emma paused for a long moment as she glanced at her friends around the campfire.

  "Well, I once did it with a...girl. You know, at college."

  My panties instantly moistened as I squirmed uncomfortably on my log.

  "It was with my roommate. We were both pretty drunk after a party, so I'm not even sure it qualifies—"

  "Oh, I think it definitely qualifies," Hannah said. "You've got to give us at least a few details. What did you two do exactly?"

  "You know, the usual stuff. There's only so many things two girls can do together, right?"

  "Boo!" Hannah jeered. "Not good enough. You've got to give us at least one detail."

  "Well," Emma hesitated. "It started with us both lamenting how neither of us had hooked up in a long time. One thing led to another, and we ended up making out on my bed."

  The more I listened to Emma, the more I could feel a large wet spot spreading in my cargo pants between my legs. I shimmied toward a knot on my log and quietly rubbed my clit against the stump in the dark as Emma told her story.

  "Making out?" Hannah said. "What do you mean? Kissed, fondled, sucked, scissored—we want details!"

  I could see Emma shifting nervously on her log, beginning to feel uncomfortable about sharing any more details.

  "You know," I interrupted. This whole time we've been telling truths and we haven't even had a single dare. I've got a dare for everybody. I dare you all to strip off your clothes and go skinny dipping in the lake with the big old muskies and snapping turtles!"

  "If we don't get eaten alive by the mosquitoes first!" Bonnie protested.

  "Not if we get in the water fast enough," I said, stripping off my clothes. "Last one in a rotten egg!" I scampered over the pine needles of our campsite and ran into the water at our little beach.

  "Come on in, you scaredy-cats!" I taunted from the water. "The water's warmer than the air. It's like taking a bath."

  The rest of the girls quickly disrobed and scurried into the water, where we splashed and spit water at each other's faces and playfully dove under the surface groping each other. After about ten minutes, we all scampered out of the water and toweled dry, then rushed into our tents and zipped up the flaps to keep the mosquitoes out.

  I scolded Hannah for putting Emma on the spot earlier, then we talked a little bit about work before falling asleep early from all the sun and fresh air. But about thirty minutes later, I woke to the sound of rustling not far from our tent. Thinking it might be a bear foraging through our camp, I was about to wake Hannah when I heard the unmistakable sound of a woman moaning. I lay perfectly still and held my breath straining to listen.

  The sound was coming from the direction of Bonnie and Emma's tent. I lifted the privacy flap up over the mosquito net window on my side of the tent and peered into the darkness. They'd left a small flashlight on inside their tent, and I could see the shadows of two figures lying next to one another, rubbing their bodies together.

  They're making out! I thought.

  Suddenly, I wished I'd tried harder to pair up with Emma in her tent. I was envious of Bonnie having her all to herself. Obviously, Emma's story had gotten more than just me worked up, and after they'd returned to their tent stark naked, one thing had led to another.

  Fuck! I whispered out loud, thrusting my hand under my sleeping bag, beginning to circle my clit.

  As I strained to catch whatever I could pick up from the tent next door, I began to hear gasps and moans radiating into the still night. I couldn't make out if it was Emma's or Bonnie's voice, or both of them. But it didn't matter. I was insanely turned on just listening to them, trying to imagine what the two of them were doing.

  I squinted through the mosquito netting trying to discern their movement, but I just saw a jumbled clump of shadows shifting in the soft backlight. Suddenly, one of the figures rolled on top of the other, and I saw the unmistakable shape of a naked ass raising and lowering onto the person beneath.

  Oh my God. Now they're humping each other!

  I wanted to dash out of my tent and join the girls in their fun and feel Emma's sweet pussy between my own legs. Oh—how much pleasure I could give her, I thought. I sped up the movement of my fingers over my clit, trying to control my breathing and movement so as not to wake Hannah.

  Suddenly, the figure on top raised up to a kneeling position and the girl on the bottom pulled her legs up into a bent knee position. Then the girl on top squatted over her and lowered herself onto her partner below. When the girl on top began shimmying her hips, I saw her full breasts swaying in the backlight and realized for the first time that Emma was on the bottom.

  Emma doesn't have tits that full and round, I thought. Bonnie's full-on fucking her!

  I could hear the women's breathing becoming louder and more ragged, building toward a climax. I jammed two fingers into my cunt and began thrusting as hard as I dared without waking Hannah from the squeaking of my air mattress shifting on the soft ground below us.

  Suddenly, the moans escalated in urgency, as Emma thrashed her head from side to side in the throes of pleasure.

  "Yes, Bonnie!" I heard her whisper. "Fuck me harder. I'm going to come!"

  My pussy suddenly clamped down on my fingers as my orgasm washed over me, and I bit my lip trying to stifle my moans.

  "I'm coming, Bonnie!" Emma whispered. "Come with me! Fuuuck—I'm coming!"

  Bonnie sped up the humping motion of her hips against Emma, then she suddenly stopped as I saw her chest and torso jerking spastically in the soft backlight.

  "Uhnnn," she grunted, as she came inside Emma's sweet tight pussy. "Fuck, yes," she said. "I'm coming, baby!"

  I twitched and spasmed inside my sleeping bag as I came along with the two girls, trying desperately not to awaken Hannah sleeping mere inches beside me. When Bonnie finally collapsed on top of Emma and their light switched off, I rubbed out two more orgasms before falling blissfully asleep with the warm stickiness between my legs.


  Best Friends

  I woke to the cry of a loon echoing over the still lake. Hannah was still sleeping, so I put on some warm clothes and quietly unzipped the front of our tent. Lilly and Madison were huddled around the fire pit with some mugs in their hands and I joined them.

  "Morning, Jade," Lilly said. "Did you sleep well?"

  "Like a baby. It must be all this fresh air and clean living. Hannah and I fell fast asleep shortly after our swim last night."

  "No bear nightmares or intrusions?" Lilly chuckled.

  "No, thank God," I said, wondering if Lilly and Maddie had heard the noise from Bonnie and Emma's tent. "Though I did hear some other rustling around the camp..."

  "Oh?" Lilly said. "It might have been raccoons trying to steal our leftovers."

  She looked up at the high tree branch where our garbage bag from last night still dangled twenty feet off the ground.

  "Looks like they weren't able to solve our little challenge."

  She handed me a steaming mug filled with dark fluid.

  "Would you like some hot chocolate? Sorry we don't have fresh coffee, but we couldn't exactly fit a coffee maker in our backpacks."

  I nodded at Lilly and took the mug between my two hands to warm my fingers.

  "We're really roughing it, eh?" I said.

  "Good one!" Lilly smiled at me. "You see—you're already starting to sound like a real Canadian."

  I peered out across the quiet lake and marveled at the serene beauty of the landscape. The water was smooth as glass, and the sunrise reflected over the surface in a dimpled crimson glow. Tall evergreen trees rose from the rocky shore surrounding the lake, and there was no sign of movement other than a pair of low-flying geese skimming low over the water.

  "It's gorgeous out here. You were right, Lilly. It's just as magnificent as you said it would be."

  I took a sip of my hot chocolate, then peered up at her.

  "So, what's on the agenda today? More skinny dipping and fish-wrangling?"

  Lilly chuckled.

  "We'll wait ‘til the rest of the girls get up. But I was thinking maybe another canoe ride and some more exploring. There's so much natural beauty to explore up here. We can try trolling for fish in the deep water. Maybe we'll catch a pike or a muskie. That'd be enough to feed us for a whole week!"

  I heard the sound of a zipper opening as Hannah stepped out of our tent groggily.

  "Morning, sleepy-head!" I called out. "Who's the lazy morning person now?"

  "Ha!" Hannah said, taking a seat beside me on the log. "We're supposed to be chilling up here, remember? I haven't slept this well in a long time."

  "So you didn't hear our little visitor last night?" I asked, probing to see if she'd been woken up by Bonnie and Emma's little play date.

  "We had a visitor?"

  "I just heard a bit of rustling around the camp." I glanced up toward our hanging trash bag. "Lilly thinks it might have been a raccoon trying to reach our little waste receptacle."

  "Speaking of," Hannah said. "I think I need to do a little disposal of my own. What's the protocol up here?"

  Lilly reached behind her log and threw Hannah a roll of toilet paper.

  "Do as the bears do," she said. "There's a small spade over by the tree. If you can dig a shallow hole and bury it when you're done, it'll help keep the place clean for other campers."

  "Man—" Hannah huffed, "we really are roughing it, aren't we?"

  Shortly after Hannah trudged off into the brush behind us, Emma and Bonnie emerged from their tent. I was glad that no one other than me had apparently heard them frolicking last night, as they approached our group tentatively. I poured some hot water from the steaming pot on the fire into two empty mugs, then emptied two packets of hot chocolate mix into the water and stirred it with a small stick.

  "Hey, you two," I said, handing them each a mug. "Welcome to the party. Did you sleep well?"

  Emma took a seat on the log beside me and glanced at Bonnie out the corner of her eye.

  "Yes," she said. "It was very...relaxing. Those air mattresses are surprisingly comfortable. How about you guys?"

  I didn't think it would be proper to mention the suspected 'raccoon' invasion that disrupted the camp last night.

  "Slept like a baby," I said.

  I glanced at Emma's bare legs in her cargo shorts and noticed a pink glow.

  "I think maybe you got a little too much sun yesterday, Emma."

  I reached into my fanny pack and pulled out some sunscreen.

  "You might want to put a little protection on. Lilly's suggesting we go for another canoe excursion today. You'll be fully exposed out there on the water."

  Emma accepted the bottle and began spreading the lotion across the inside and top of her thighs. I tried not to stare, but her skin blushed and blanched as she pressed her fingers into her soft flesh.

  "Actually, you might want to wear your cargo pants to cover up," Lilly said. "I can tell you from experience how easy it is to get a nasty sunburn spending the whole day out on the water."

  Hannah suddenly interrupted us as she traipsed out of the brush.

  "That was fun." She held the toilet paper roll up for everybody to see. "Anybody else need to take a go?"

  We all shook our heads and Hannah placed the shovel and roll behind the log next to Bonnie as she sat down beside her.

  "So what's the plan for today? More sexy stories and skinny dipping? What else can six girls do in the middle of nowhere?"

  Emma and Bonnie shifted uncomfortably on their logs, and the group paused for a moment in awkward silence.

  "Lilly suggested a little canoe excursion," I said. "We could explore the surrounding countryside a bit more."

  Hannah peered around the lake as she listened to the sound of frogs chirping from the lily pond.

  "Doesn't look like there's much more to discover out here than pine cones and bullfrogs."

  "We can try to track down one of those bears if you're looking for a bit more excitement," Lilly said. "Or maybe some rattlesnakes. There's a lot more interesting wildlife out here than you might imagine. Don't be such a party-pooper, Hannah."

  "Rattlesnakes?" Emma said, her eyes suddenly widening. "You didn't mention those before heading out."

  "I didn't want to scare you guys away. I figured that might tip the balance. But don't worry. They'll give you plenty of warning if you get too close. You've got a better chance of getting hit by a car in the city than being bitten by a snake out here."

  She reached behind her log and opened a cooler, then held out a couple of eggs and a pack of bacon.

  "But first, who's up for a real woodsman's breakfast? Cooked up real authentic-like on the griddle?"

  "Hell, yes!" Hannah exclaimed. "I could eat a moose right now."

  After a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs and pan-fried Canadian bacon, we set out in our two canoes to explore the lake. There were lots of bays and gullies in the meandering shoreline, and I marveled at the quiet and serene beauty of the craggy landscape. Some of the girls tried trolling for fish behind our canoes, but no one caught anything and by midday, our stomachs were grumbling again. Lilly suggested we put in on a larger island to forage for firewood since we'd already collected most of the loose driftwood on our own little islet.

  We beached our canoes on the new island and decided to pair up to go exploring. The island was quite large with lots of tall pine, spruce, and fir trees providing ample shade from the hot overhead sun. But the trek was slow-going, with many fallen trees and lichen-covered rocks to sidestep. The girls had decided to pair up again based on their previous tent assignments, and I was beginning to despair of ever finding any alone time with Emma.

  We spread out in different directions over the large island. After thirty minutes or so of exploring with Hannah, I caught a glimpse of two bodies reflecting in a shaded glade. I stopped and peered in their direction and realized it was Bonnie and Emma. They were topless and making out behind a large tree! Hannah looked back at me wondering what was holding me up, and I told her I had to stop to take care of some business and that I'd catch up with her.

  As she moved further ahead, I slowly crept closer to Bonnie and Emma's position. It was hard to stay quiet with all the loose twigs and rocks on the ground, but I managed to get within about thirty feet of them without being dete
cted. When I got close to their alcove, I ducked behind a large stump and saw that Emma had removed all of her clothing and was sitting on a fallen tree with her legs spread apart. Bonnie knelt between her legs bobbing her head up and down.

  Fuck! I thought. She's licking her pussy! Right in the middle of the forest!

  I quickly dropped my pants and began rubbing my cunt furiously. I had to fight hard to control my breathing and movement so as not to be detected as I gritted my teeth trying to contain my pleasure. Emma arched her back and placed her hands beside Bonnie's ears then pulled her head into her snatch. I could hear her grunting and moaning, and it took every ounce of my energy to remain silent.

  As I hunched down behind my tree stump trying to keep my head hidden, suddenly a twig broke underfoot and I ducked under the stump to hide from the girls. I could hear them stop for a moment as they looked around to ensure they were alone, then Emma's moaning resumed. When I peered back over the log, my eyes met with Emma's and we froze for a moment realizing we'd seen each other. But she didn't ask Bonnie to stop and instead pulled her head harder into her pussy as she stared at me through glistening eyes. I kept my head down just enough to stay hidden if Bonnie turned around, while I watched Emma get eaten out.

  Emma began rocking her hips and as she pulled Bonnie into her, I could tell that she was close. I raised up just enough for Emma to see my face while I squeezed my breast with one hand and jilled myself with the other. Emma must have noticed my movement and known what I was doing, and the sight of seeing each other getting turned on watching the other, ramped up our arousal even more.

  Emma stared straight at me as she began panting louder, then she nodded as if signaling that she was ready. That was all I needed and I gushed all over my fallen pants as I watched Emma's head bob and jerk in quiet climax. After a minute or so, Bonnie and Emma began to get dressed and I ducked under my tree stump to collect myself. For now, at least, this private moment of pleasure would remain between Emma and me.

  When I caught up with Hannah, she looked at the wet dribbles on the front of my pants and shook her head.


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