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Storm MC Collection Books 1 - 4 (Motorcycle Club Romance)

Page 11

by Nina Levine

  I abruptly ended the kiss and she whimpered, clearly not ready to let go. “I’m gonna come in my pants if we don’t stop,” I muttered.

  “Fucking tease,” she complained. “I’m so wet for you right now, J. You don’t know what you’re missing.” Her hands stopped what they were doing and she pushed me away. Fuck, she was glorious; her face was flushed, lips swollen, nipples hard and it took all my control not to throw her over my shoulder and continue this upstairs.

  “We need to talk,” I said, and with those four words, I killed the mood completely.

  Madison’s body tensed. “About?”

  I sighed and reached for her arm. “Not here, babe. In my room,” I said, and guided her out of the bar, towards the stairs.

  We walked in silence, and when we reached my door, she turned to me and asked, “Am I going to like this talk, J? Because I’ve had a really good day and I don’t want to ruin it.”

  I ignored her question and ushered her inside. “Sit on the couch, baby, and no, you probably won’t like this talk, but we need to have it, and once it’s done, I promise it will be the last time we discuss it.”

  I expected an argument but she surprised me for the second time that day by doing as I said, sitting and waiting patiently for me to start talking.

  Moving to sit next to her, I took a minute to get the words out because I needed to say this right. “For us to move forward, we need to sort out the shit we left behind last time; the shit we didn’t sort out then,” I asserted, and let her take that in before continuing, “What happened with Rob really screwed us and I’m still not sure why, but I know that was when it all started to fall apart. I need you to tell me why.”

  A pained look crossed her face and she sat right back in the couch, away from me. I reached out to hold her hand, but she snatched it away, placing it over the scar on her arm instead. Taking a deep breath she began, “Growing up, my dad sheltered me from the club a lot. Sure, I knew the guys and they were my family, but I didn’t know about the guns, the drugs or the violence. You know that already. When I started seeing it, I wasn’t concerned by it, or so I thought…” she stopped for a moment, getting herself together, “…until that night, J. When I saw what you were capable of and what Scott was capable of, it freaked me the fuck out. Neither of you seemed fazed by what you did, and at the time, it bothered me. I didn’t know how to deal with it. I also felt guilty that it was all my fault.”

  “Rob was trying to rape you, Madison. He sliced your fucking arm and attacked you, and I couldn’t stop him so I did what I had to do,” I pointed out calmly.

  “I get that, but the way you two just dealt with his body and carried on like nothing had happened… I found that hard to comprehend.” She was honest, and even though I didn’t like what she was saying, I was relieved that she was finally being open with me.

  “Do you think that I like that part of me? That I enjoy doing the dirty work that being in the club requires? I fucking don’t. But I do it for a reason. And six years ago, when I fell in love with you, my reason became you.”

  Her eyes widened, and for a moment she just stared at me. I had no idea what she was thinking until she finally said, “I know. I realise that now, J, but I didn’t back then. I didn’t work that out until I talked to Mum yesterday. I get it, and I’m okay with it.”

  I cocked my head. “Really, baby? How can you go from not sure to totally okay in a day?”

  She smiled and it hit my heart; it was so pure and genuine. Then she moved back towards me on the couch and touched my chest, and that fucking hit my dick. God, this woman turned me the fuck on. “J, we went through so much, and I let it break me, but having to put myself back together has made me strong, stronger than I’ve ever been. I didn’t get this until now. I also didn’t get just what we had, how we fit together. I didn’t appreciate you and what you are willing to do for me. Mum helped me see that, and she made me realise I need to trust you more. I don’t know if I’ll ever be totally okay with all the stuff you have to do for the club, but I’m okay with putting my trust in you and in the fact that you do it for me and our families.”

  Fuck. Mind blown. I hadn’t realised she had come this far. “To give me that is to give me everything,” I confessed.

  Nodding, she said, “I thought I had given you all I had to give, but this is the final piece of me. Now you have it all.”

  Fuck. “Thank you, baby.” I leaned forward to catch her lips in a kiss.

  She kissed me, but then pulled away with a sly grin. “Don’t think this means I will roll over and let you control me though.”

  I chuckled. “Wouldn’t dream of it, baby. You wouldn’t be you without that fucking attitude and that need to argue with every damn thing I say.”

  “Good. Now, are you going to fuck me?” she demanded, reaching her hand to touch my dick.



  J sat on the edge of the bed, putting his boots on, but also watching me get dressed. The desire in his eyes was clear, and even though we had just had mind blowing sex, both of us wanted more. However, we had agreed to go to dinner at Mum and Dad’s.

  “Why did you say yes to dinner? I could have fucked you all night, baby,” he grumbled, finishing with his boots and standing.

  I smoothed my dress down and slipped on my heels, noting J’s eyes slide down my legs and then back up to my breasts as I adjusted the top. Fuck, I loved it when he watched me with such intensity.

  He took a determined step towards me and snaked his arms around my waist, letting his hands drop to my ass. On contact, I grew wet again as his hard cock rubbed up against my body. I hadn’t bothered answering him, and he breathed into my ear, “Dinner will be quick because I need to get my cock back in you real fucking soon.”

  Fuck. White hot desire coursed through me. My hands rested on his chest and I wound one up past his neck to tangle my fingers in his hair and pulled his lips down to mine. He willingly took my mouth, and our lips and tongues came together in a frenzy of love and lust.

  J ended the kiss and separated us. “Jesus, Madison, I can’t get enough of you.”

  I smiled. “Good, baby, and you better feel that way for the rest of your life.”

  “With that pussy and those tits and legs, I have no doubt,” he said, and then, “Now, let’s get going because the sooner we get there, the sooner I can get you out of there.”

  On the drive over, he asked, “So, what did you get up to today?”

  Warmth hit me. It was always the simple things like this that made me the happiest. Being with J, talking about our day, driving to dinner together; these were the things that brought a smile to my face and filled my heart with joy. “I visited your sister and Crystal this morning and then I went job hunting this afternoon.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “You visited Brooke? How the fuck did that go?”

  I laughed. “Actually, it went really well. We had a good talk about things and cleared the air. She was supportive of us and I think she genuinely meant it. She’s different, J.”

  “Yeah, losing Bec has hit her hard and I think she’s done a lot of thinking since it happened.”

  “Well, we’ve put the past behind us, and I’m happy about that because it will make it easier for you and me, and also for me to help out with Crystal.”

  He nodded in agreement. “Speaking of Bec, the club is organising her and Georgie’s funeral for Friday morning.”

  “Okay, I’ll let Brooke know so we can prepare Crystal for it,” I said, dreading the day, and that an innocent child had to even go through this shit.

  “Good. Now, tell me about your job hunting,” he said, moving onto a much better topic of conversation.

  I smiled broadly. “I got a job! I’ll be starting next week at that little clothing boutique on East Street.”

  “That’s great, baby. Sounds like you had a really good day,” he said, draping his arm across the back of my seat, his eyes sweeping down my body and back to my eyes before fixi
ng a lazy grin on me.

  My heart fluttered. This was happiness to me and I was so glad to have another chance at it with J.

  Dinner with my parents started out as a standard affair. Mum was her usual self, fussing over everybody, making sure we were well fed and trying to stick her nose in everyone’s business. Dad was in a pensive mood and was fairly quiet throughout the night. J was his cocky self, doing all he could to hurry it along so he could get us home and satisfy his desire for me.

  And then my mother asked me a question that changed the mood of the night. “So, honey, have you decided if you will move in here with us until you get yourself sorted out?”

  J’s head snapped up. “No, she’s moving in with me,” he said.

  Mum didn’t miss a beat. “Don’t you two want some time to settle back into your relationship before moving in together again?” She was staring straight at J, not even glancing in my direction. I didn’t know what was going on here, but it felt like some secret communication was taking place.

  J scowled at her. “No, Sharon, we don’t want some time. We’ve wasted enough time already.”

  Normally, I would be jumping right in here to tell J to let me make my own damn decisions, but I wanted to see how this played out between him and mum.

  “Has Madison agreed to this J, or are you back to making all the decisions in your relationship?” Shit, Mum was stepping into unsafe territory.

  J’s nostrils flared, and he was about to say something when my father spoke, “That’s enough, Sharon. This is between J and Madison. It has nothing to do with us.”

  My mother’s head spun to face my father and she snapped at him, “Well, it will have something to do with us if Madison isn’t ready for it yet. I worry what will happen if she can’t handle it again.”

  Oh, fuck me! They were talking about my drinking, and it pissed me off that none of them could just come out and say that to start with. I slammed my chair back and stood. “Just an FYI for you all, you know, because you never actually asked me, my drinking is under control. I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol in nearly two fucking years. Mum, I am moving in with J,”—I fixed my glare on him—“Even though he never took the time to ask me. I do appreciate the concern, but I’m working through stuff in my head, and I think I’m going to be okay. I think I’m finally getting my shit together.”

  J’s anger had dissipated and he was calm as he said to my mother, “We’re working it out together, and no, I’m not making all the decisions. I know I’m a bossy asshole but I’ll do anything to make this work.”

  Mum appraised him and then nodded, “I hope so, J, for both your sakes. I love you like a son, and when I say I’m worried, it’s not just for Madison. I saw what you went through last time too.”

  I sat back down and put my hand on J’s arm, gently rubbing it. We held each other’s gaze for a moment and then I turned to look at Mum. “Thanks, Mum. It means a lot to me that you feel that way about J.” J just grunted in response; if it had been anyone other than my mother bringing this up, he would have told them to fuck off and mind their own business. I loved that, for me, he showed her respect and answered her questions.

  We were all saved from this conversation when Dad’s phone rang. He stood and took the call in another room and Mum started clearing the table.

  I murmured to J, “You are a bossy motherfucker. When were you going to have that discussion with me? The one about me moving in?”

  He grinned. “I wasn’t, babe. It was a fucking given.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course it was.”

  Dad came back, hard eyes fixed on J. “You and me. Now.” He indicated with his head that they were to leave and J was straight up, concern visible on his face.

  He leant down, took my face with both his hands and kissed my forehead. “You stay with your mum till we’re back.”

  I fought the need to ask what was going on and simply nodded in agreement. “Okay, baby,” I replied.

  Mum and I watched in silence as they left, neither of us sure what was happening, both of us being guided by faith and trust. I had come a long way in the last few days.


  Marcus and I entered the bar, scanning the room for Scott. He was keeping an eye out and saw us straight away. Seated next to him was Nash, and across from them were Bullet and one of his boys. They made room for us to sit as we approached; I was nervous about what this meeting meant and sat with some trepidation.

  Marcus spoke first, “What the fuck’s so important to drag me away from a family dinner?” He glared at Bullet; there wasn’t much love lost between these two. They had come to blows over club dealings in the past and Marcus didn’t trust him at all.

  Bullet’s jaw clenched. “Got word that Nix’s crazy sister is out for blood. Thought you should know.”

  “What are we talking here?” Marcus asked.

  “She’s threatened your family, Madison especially.”

  “Fuck!” I roared and slammed my hand down on the table. “When the fuck does all this shit end?”

  Bullet threw his hands up in a defensive stance. “Got nothing to do with me. I’m just showing some courtesy by letting you know what I’ve heard. I figure it’s the least I can do after what Nix put your club through.”

  Scott leaned forward, a menacing tone to his voice, “Where the fuck is this bitch?”

  “We’ve lost her. After we heard she’d made threats, I sent some of the boys around to see her. Seems they scared her off and she’s done a runner, but I’ve still got concerns she means business.” He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and slid it across the table to Marcus. “This is a list of places to try first. We’ll be out of town on a run the next few days but when we get back, I’ll contact you, see if you’ve located her. Trust me; I want this shit dealt with once and for all too.” He pushed his chair back and stood to leave.

  “Once this is dealt with, we need a sit down. Nix fucked our club’s relations and I want us to fix that, Bullet,” Marcus said.

  Bullet stopped mid-stride, and contemplated Marcus for a moment before replying, “Yeah, seems he did.”

  After they left, I looked at Marcus and ranted, “This is fucked up. I want to find that bitch and deal with her. No fucking loose ends this time, no fucking holding back.”

  “We find her first and see what she’s playing at, J. No need to start a war where one’s not needed,” Marcus countered, and then continued, “Tomorrow, first thing, you, Scott and Nash follow these leads up.”

  I nodded, but I had no fucking intention of leaving that bitch to carry out her vendetta. This time, I would make sure Madison was safe and do whatever the fuck it took to make that happen.



  The next morning I woke at seven, alone in J’s bed. He and Dad had come back from meeting with Bullet and told us about Nix’s sister, Mandy. J appeared quite pissed off about it all, but Dad was pretty calm so I wasn’t going to worry about it too much at this point. Although, I had met Mandy once and she was a crazy bitch, so perhaps I should be worried about it. J was going out with Scott and Nash to find her, but I hadn’t expected him to leave so early, or without waking me first.

  I got up, made coffee and then tried to phone J. My call went straight to message bank so I left him a message to call me back. Fifteen minutes later, he still hadn’t called so I tried him again. Now I was beginning to feel like a nagging wife but I just wanted to say good morning. The call went to message bank again, so I left another message. I hung up and put my phone down. That was it; no more calls to him until he rang me back.

  It was time to get ready for the day. I had a yoga class booked for eight o’clock and then a hair appointment at one. After finishing my coffee, I had a shower, got dressed and was out the door. J had left me the keys to his Jeep, which I was grateful for. I arrived at the yoga studio ten minutes later and checked my phone; still nothing from J. It was starting to piss me off, but I tried to remind myself that he was techn
ically at work so perhaps he was occupied with stuff. I shoved my phone in my bag and headed inside; I was more than ready for a session and hopefully the knot of tension I felt in my gut at the moment would be eased by the yoga.

  Just over an hour later I was fumbling with the car keys trying to get them in the lock when my phone rang. Yoga hadn’t smoothed any of the tension from my body, and as I struggled with everything in my arms in order to get to my phone, I threw a hissy fit and just let everything fall to the ground.

  “Fuck!” I yelled as I retrieved the phone from the ground and answered it.

  “Madison,”—it was Scott—“where the fuck is J?”

  Well, fuck me. The day was quickly turning into one big ‘ole pile of shit. Yes, where the fuck was J, if not with Scott? “I’ve got no idea,” I snapped back at him. “I thought he was with you.”

  Scott was fuming. “Well, he should be, but he’s not fuckin’ here.”

  “I’ve left him two messages, but he hasn’t replied to either of them.”

  “Yeah, not answering my calls either. Okay, gotta go,” he said and hung up.

  I was left staring at my phone. God, I loved the way my brother spoke to me. Not. And again, my mind swung to J. Where was he? I dialled him again, hoping he might actually answer my call this time. No fucking luck; it went to message bank yet again, and now I was really shitty. I picked up the rest of my crap that was strewn across the ground and finally unlocked the car door. Throwing everything on the passenger seat, I got in, started the car and threw it into reverse. Screaming out of the parking lot, I shoved my sunglasses on and turned the music up really fucking loud. What better way to drown in one’s own shitty mood than with some Avenged Sevenfold.


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