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Storm MC Collection Books 1 - 4 (Motorcycle Club Romance)

Page 28

by Nina Levine

  “Okay, Mr. Bossy,” I teased him but he wasn’t in a mood to be teased.

  We were sitting across from each other and he dipped his head so that his face was closer to mine. Determination was clear in his eyes. “I’ll always be bossy where your safety is concerned. I’m not mucking around here; these men aren’t all your standard Joe Blow and you need to take that in. They fuck with you, it means they fuck with me. And babe, I’m not one to be fucked with,” he warned in that deep, threatening voice I’d heard him use before. The fact that it made me feel safe didn’t escape me. I kind of liked it; no man had ever made me feel safe like that before.

  Later, when he dropped me back at the café, he reiterated what he’d already said. “Remember, no putting up with shit from Indigo customers. I want to know if there are any problems,” he said as he met me on my side of the car.

  I only just stopped myself from rolling my eyes. “Okay.”

  He moved close to me, backing me up against his car, his right hand sliding behind my neck and holding my head. Then he delivered another strong warning. “Something tells me you don’t plan on involving me, babe, so let me make myself clear. I’m not a man who likes finding shit out later; especially if something happened that I could have stopped. There will be problems between you and me if you don’t do as I’ve said. Understand?”

  Shit. Who could argue with that? “I understand,” I agreed.

  “Good,” he murmured, eyes on my lips, “Now, I don’t do this dating thing so I’m not sure, but I reckon I’m supposed to get a kiss out of it.” His left hand had made its way to my face and he was holding my cheek.

  Smiling, I bantered, “That would only be if you were dating a woman who didn’t have a three date policy.”

  “What the fuck’s a three date policy?”

  “You take me on three dates before you get a kiss.”

  His eyes twinkled. “Babe, you’re deluding yourself. We’ve already kissed and you’ve already made it clear you want me to fuck you. I’d say your three date policy is null and fucking void.”

  “Well, have you made your mind up about having sex with me yet?”

  Smirking, he asked, “Are you trying to bribe me with a kiss for sex, Harlow?”

  “Would it work? Because if it would, I’d break my three date policy right here and now.”

  Leaning even closer to me, he promised, “Fucking you was always on my agenda. First I’m going to fuck you with my tongue, and then I’m going to fill your pretty pussy with my cock. So I’d say it’s time for you to give up that sweet mouth.”

  His dirty mouth sent jolts through me; who would have known that I’d love dirty words so much. I pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him with a passion I’d never known. He devoured me with his mouth, his tongue and his potent desire for me. My body came alive under his touch, and my mind was overrun with lust and thoughts for how I wanted him to possess me. I craved more than this kiss and would make damn sure he fulfilled those promises he’d just made.

  Ending the kiss and pulling away from me appeared to be hard for him. “Fuck, baby, that mouth of yours should be fucking illegal.”

  I smiled. The same could be said about him, but I wasn’t telling him that; not yet, anyway. I wasn’t handing my heart over to a man that easily anymore.



  Thoughts of Harlow consumed me for the rest of the fucking afternoon. Christ. This was why I didn’t do anything more than one night stands with women. It was distracting me from the business at hand. I couldn’t fucking think straight and that was a problem. A problem I didn’t have time for at the moment. And yet, every time I thought of her, it warmed my fucking cold heart and drove my dick wild. Shit. I was fucked.

  I spent the afternoon going over the current Black Deeds problems with Griff, J and Dad. Griff had sent Nash and Stoney to do some of the recon we’d discussed. Bullet’s club was involved in drugs and porn. We needed to get a better idea on those operations and this type of thing was Nash’s specialty. If there was something to be found out, Nash was the man.

  At seven o’clock Mum turned up. She was here for Dad but I took her aside while Dad was still talking with Griff. “How are you?” I jerked my chin at Dad, “He treating you alright?”

  She sighed. “You and Madison need to back off him. He’s changing. For the better.” She emphasised that last sentence.

  “Men like that don’t fucking change and you of all women should know that. You’ve seen enough shit go down in the club, seen enough men who beat their women and cheat on them to know they don’t fucking change. When are you going to open your eyes?” I remembered the conversation with Harlow from this morning; she just needed to open her eyes and see what was in front of her.

  Flinty eyes hit mine. “Your father has given you everything, Scott, and you need to remember that.”

  “The way I look at it, he’s given me nothing but lies,” I fumed.

  She flinched at that. “Well you need to look at it a different way.”

  I shook my head. “Not going to happen,” I said, and then added, “Any respect I had is gone, simple as that.”

  “Kind of makes it hard to work together.”

  “No, Mum, it doesn’t. He’s my President, that’s it. I get the shit done that needs doing, just like I always have. Any relationship outside of that doesn’t exist.”

  Her voice lowered into a hard, angry tone. “You can be a cold hearted bastard sometimes, Scott. Perhaps it’s time for you to learn how to forgive.”

  She was upset and making a move to leave but I had one more thing to say, “Call me cold hearted, call me whatever you want. I make no fucking apologies for the way I live my life. I do however expect shit from those I love and when it’s not delivered or when my trust is broken like that, I will never, I repeat never, fucking forgive or forget. Are we clear?”

  Her eyes widened. Then a look of resignation came over her and she walked away.

  Fuck. I hadn’t meant to be so forceful with her, but the way she was carrying on, like we could all just forgive and play happy fucking families, was not on and it had pissed me off.

  I watched her go to Dad. She said something to him and he landed a filthy glare on me before taking her outside. Griff caught this too and whistled once they’d left. “You think you guys will ever sort that out?” he asked as we locked the office.


  “Figured as much.”

  I checked my watch. “Fuck, Griff, I’ve gotta go. I want to check on Lisa before I head over to Indigo.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Didn’t think you were needed there tonight?”

  “Not a word, Griff. Not a fucking word.”

  He held his hands up in mock surrender; huge grin fucking plastered on his face. Griff hardly ever smiled. And whatever he was thinking was probably right. I was screwed.

  I finally arrived at Indigo just after nine that night. The place was packed. Scanning the crowd and the bar area, I caught sight of Harlow, and desire slammed into me.

  She saw me and her face lit up. I nodded and kept going; I had to get out of there because watching the assholes ogle her was sending my blood pressure through the fucking roof. I ended up in the office, alone with my thoughts. What the fuck was I doing with Harlow? I was looking at breaking two of my rules with her now; never chase a woman, and never fuck an employee. Shit just got messy when you did either of those two things. Problem was though, my dick was committed to making this happen; there was no backing out now.

  I looked up as Nash wandered into the office and settled himself in the couch. “Saw you come in, and then saw you dismiss Harlow and come out here. Thought you were into her? Cause I’ve gotta say, if you’re not gonna have a crack at that, I’m into it.”

  “Leave her the fuck alone, Nash,” I snarled, fighting not to jump the desk and deck the motherfucker.

  “Yeah, I figured but just had to check.” The asshole was fucking grinning at me.

  I thre
w the pen down that I was holding and ran my hands through my hair. “Christ, I’ve never had a hard on for a woman like I do for her. You ever had that?”

  Something crossed his face; a darkness I’d never seen there before but it was gone as fast as it came. “Had it once, brother. Never again.”

  I nodded slowly. “I hear you.”

  Then he shocked me by leaning forward in his seat and saying, “Might be right for you though. Never seen a chick get to you like this one.”

  There was a knock at the door; it was Harlow.

  Nash stood up to leave. “Speak of the devil,” he muttered, grinning at her as he left.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked her.

  “Amy said to let you know that we need some change for the till. Fives and tens,” she replied, not sounding happy.

  “What’s wrong with you?”


  I’d made my way to her by now. “Don’t bullshit me, Harlow.”

  She tensed and took a moment before saying, “Whatever this is between us, if you’re not into it anymore, that’s cool with me.” She may have said those words but the way she was looking at me told me that it was anything but cool with her.

  “Where the fuck did that come from?”

  Another pause. “You gave off a vibe when you came in so I figured you’d thought about it and changed your mind.”

  I reached around and closed the door behind her. Then I backed her up against the door and leaning into her, I rested my arm on the door above her head. “First thing you need to know about me, Harlow, is that I don’t tend to change my mind too often. Second thing you need to know is that when I tell a woman I’m going to fuck her, she can be damn sure that I’m going to fuck her. And the third thing you need to know is that I don’t like to waste time,” I growled that last sentence and grabbed her hip to pull her closer to me before continuing, “Believe me babe, when I say that I’m going to be tasting your pussy soon.”

  Those eyes of hers widened and just as she went to say something, we were interrupted by Velvet. “Scott,” she knocked loudly on the door, “We’ve got some trouble out front. Nash said to come and get you.”

  “Shit,” I muttered, taking one last look at Harlow before pushing off the wall. “We good?” I asked her.

  “Yeah,” she said softly and I left her to go and sort this shit out. It couldn’t have been worse fucking timing.

  Nash was with three guys in the main club area just near the bar. He looked like he was about to take one of them on. “What have we got here, Nash?” I asked, joining them.

  His eyes were feral. “Bullet’s sent these assholes around,” he seethed.

  I looked at the three of them. None were wearing their colours and I didn’t recognise any of them. “You guys new to Black Deeds?” I asked them.

  The biggest one piped up, “No, motherfucker, been around for years, just with a different chapter.”


  “You in town for long?”

  “That depends on how long it takes for Bullet to sort out this little problem he has with your brother.”

  “My step-fucking-brother, who I have nothing to do with. Perhaps you could remind Bullet of that little fact.”

  “Bullet doesn’t give a shit either way. He just wants this cleaned up, and he doesn’t give a fuck how that’s achieved. You read me?”

  “I fucking read you, dickhead,” I snarled before landing a punch on his jaw. I hit him so hard that he stumbled backwards into a table and fell on his ass.

  “Nice work, brother,” Nash said, and joined the brawl with a punch to one of the other guy’s heads.

  I didn’t waste any time and started in on the third asshole. He was ready though and put up a good fight. Fists and blood were flying, and the sounds of bones crunching were fucking music to my ears.

  The guy I was fighting went down for the count so I looked over at Nash to see how he was going. He had everything under control; Nash had some muscle behind him and I’d never seen him lose a fight. However, the first guy I’d decked was back on his feet and heading straight for Nash so I helped out with the guy Nash was going a round with. Approaching the guy from behind, I pushed him hard on his back so he’d lose his balance and when he did, I swung my arm and punched him in the side of his face and shoved him to the ground. On his way down, his face crashed hard into the side of a table and that seemed to knock him out totally.

  As I was finishing the guy off, I yelled at Nash, “Behind you, brother!”

  He quickly ducked and turned around with an agility that most wouldn’t believe he had in him based on his size. I swung my full attention back to the asshole on the ground and bent over and smashed my fist into his face a couple of times. When he finally stopped struggling against me and his body sagged completely, I stood up straight. Nash had just knocked his guy out and was standing over him, watching me. His eyes lit up and he bounced a little on his feet. “Yeah, brother. That was some fun, huh?”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, a laugh a fuckin’ minute.”

  I surveyed the club; we’d caused a scene and customers were standing around watching us. Amy and Harlow were standing behind the bar and I saw Harlow say something to Amy but Amy was rooted to the ground with a stunned look on her face and didn’t appear to take in whatever Harlow had said to her. Harlow shocked me by wolf whistling to get everyone’s attention. It worked, and when she had it, she yelled out, “Half price drinks for the next ten minutes. Come and get it, people.”

  There was a mad rush to the bar and Harlow’s obvious ploy had worked; most customers weren’t focused on us anymore. One of the bouncers from outside had come in and he, Nash and I started moving these dickheads outside.

  Ten minutes later we had all three of them lying on the ground in the alley next to Indigo. I pulled out my phone and rang Dad. “You need to call Bullet and tell him I’ve got some of his fuckers passed out in the alley next to the club,” I said when he answered.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Yeah, what the fuck. Three of Black Deed’s out of state members rolled in tonight threatening Storm. Nash and I cleaned them up. You tell Bullet we want that meeting brought forward to tomorrow morning. I’m not waiting any longer for this shit.”

  I hung up without waiting to hear what he said.

  “Bullet’s got no clue what he’s done here,” Nash said, voicing what I was already thinking.

  “No fuckin’ clue,” I agreed as we walked back inside.

  “Harlow knew what she was doing in there. Pretty fucking impressed with her,” he said.


  “What, you got nothing else to say about her?”

  “I’m just processing the shit that’s gone down lately. Bullet’s coming for us and his guy saw me with Harlow this morning. Then we’ve got those two guys who were watching her the other night. She’s been put right in the fuckin’ middle of a shit storm.”

  He didn’t say anything else; just nodded in agreement. When we entered the club, everything was back to normal. One of our bouncers threw us each a wet towel and I used it to clean the blood off me before making my way over to Harlow.

  “I hope what I did was okay with the half price drinks,” she leant across the bar and breathed into my ear so that I could hear her over the music.

  “More than okay. Thanks for that. You girls right here?”

  “Yeah, we’re all good.”

  “Nash and I have some things to take care of but we’re just out back if you need us.”

  “Okay,” she said as she laid that sexy smile on me.

  Before she could pull away from me, I gripped her hand that she was leaning on. It startled her and I noted that her breathing picked up. She looked at me expectantly. “That sexy smile will get you fucked sooner rather than later, babe.”

  Her eyes danced with delight. “Oh, I’m counting on it, big boy.”

  “Fuck,” I growled, “Tonight. You’re mine.”

  Still with the dancing
eyes, she leant closer and let her lips brush softly over mine before saying, “Yes, tonight I’m yours.”

  I let go of her hand and we both pulled away but maintained eye contact. I was transfixed; the world whirled around me but I was oblivious to it. This woman had captured my complete attention and I was helpless to stop it.

  Harlow broke eye contact first when a customer called her away. I stood watching her for another minute or so and then left to go in search of Nash.

  I found him with Griff in the office. “How long you been here?” I asked Griff.

  “About five minutes. Seems I’m a bit late to the party.”

  I looked at Nash. “You catch him up?”

  “Yeah,” he replied.

  “Did you find out anything about Black Deed’s operations today, Nash?” Griff asked.

  “Well it looks like their porn business is going down the drain but I’m still looking into it.”

  “You keep on that tomorrow while Griff, Dad and I meet with Bullet. The sooner we get that info the better.”

  The burning anger that I had in me towards Bullet was like a slow uncoiling snake, and God fucking help them when I was ready to strike.



  I ripped the red Indigo dress off and stuffed it in my bag. My underwear followed shortly after and then I stepped in the shower. It was nearly three am and I was wide awake. I was at Scott’s house after he drove us home when my shift was over. He’d received a call that he had to take so I decided a shower was a good idea while I waited.

  The anticipation of sex with Scott had kept me on edge all freaking night and as I soaped myself up I couldn’t help but feel turned on while I thought about him. It had been awhile for me and I could hardly wait. In fact, as I finished soaping myself I seriously contemplated marching out there and demanding he end his call.

  I poured some shampoo into my palm and then lathered it in my hair. As I turned around to wash it out, I caught sight of Scott leaning against the bathroom door. He was watching me, lust clear in his eyes. I stopped what I was doing momentarily but then decided to just let him watch me while I finished what I was doing. I tilted my head back and reached both arms up to run my fingers through my hair while I rinsed the shampoo out. When I had it all out, I locked eyes with him again for a moment before reaching for the conditioner.


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