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Storm MC Collection Books 1 - 4 (Motorcycle Club Romance)

Page 37

by Nina Levine

  He nodded slowly. “This is where I come when I need to clear the shit out of my head.”

  “Okay,” I said, waiting for him to go on.

  “I’ve been coming here a lot over the last six months.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Had a lot of shit to clear out, I take it.”

  His mouth curved up slightly in a small grin. “Yeah, you could say that, babe.”

  “Okay, so tell me. What’s this got to do with me?”

  “Everything.” He was watching me intently. It looked like he had a lot to say but he was holding back for some reason.

  “Goodness, J. You need to get to the point. I don’t have the patience today to -“

  He cut me off. “This is where I decided to make you mine.” His words were rough but tender if that was even possible.

  Whoosh. The butterflies took hold of my stomach at those words. I was speechless.

  He continued. “Been thinking about you for the past six months, Madison. Can’t get you out of my fucking mind. So, I’ve been coming here to think. Last night, after I screwed the fuck up with you, I came here. And I decided you’d be mine before today was over.”

  He was so bossy. I’d never had a guy like J before, but standing there, listening to him claim me like a caveman, I knew that I was ruined for all men. J was going to ruin me and consume me, and I was going to let him.

  I moved into him at the same time that he reached his hand out and wrapped it around my neck to pull me closer. Our lips found each other and he began to ruin me. Our bodies were pressed together, our hands were on each other and I came alive under his touch. Desire spread through me as I fought to get even closer to him, as I gave myself over to this kiss.

  Eventually we pulled apart, but he kept a hold on me, keeping me close so that we were still touching. “Fuck, babe. Those lips of yours might be my fucking downfall.”

  I smiled up at him; at his words. And then my smile turned wicked. “I think there’ll be other parts of me that might be your downfall.”

  His eyes widened and then he shook his head, and muttered, “You might be fucking right there.”

  “So, now that I’m yours, are you going to take me home and have your way with me? Because, even though this will always be known as our special place, I’ve got to admit, I don’t really like to rough it.”

  He moved his mouth close to my ear, and murmured, “I’d love to fuck you here, babe. Out in the open; could be kinda hot. But I totally get that you’re not a roughing it kind of chick. And I want you completely fucking relaxed when I finally get those panties off you and my cock into you.”

  Holy fuck, he had a dirty mouth. And I fucking loved it.

  I grabbed his hand and started walking us towards his bike. When he slowed and pulled on my hand to slow me down, I turned and muttered, “Hurry up, J. You’ve got a promise to fulfill.”

  His face spread into a huge smile. “Just making sure this is what you want, sweetheart.”

  “Oh, so now, after you tell me how it’s going to be and promise your cock to me, you decide to see what I want. Well, even though you’ve already decided for me, you can rest assured that I want this too. But what I really, really want right now is for you to take your dirty mouth home and show me just what you can do with it.”

  “Fuck me,” he growled, and with that he grabbed my hand and took me home.



  September - Current Time

  (Picks up where Storm finished, J has just returned)

  “Babe, what the fuck happened to our bathroom?”

  I looked up from the book I was reading to find J standing in the doorway of our bedroom with a perplexed look on his face.

  “Huh?” I was engrossed in my book and had no idea what he was talking about.

  “Madison, when I left two months ago the bathroom was white. Care to tell me why it now has different patches of colour on the wall?”

  “Oh, that.” I was still dividing my attention between my book and J; it was a damn good, sexy book and I was slightly annoyed that he’d interrupted me when I was just at a good part in the story.

  “Yeah, that,” he said, and the tone he took crawled across my skin. I quickly looked up at him; he was pissed. But I had to give him credit because he was containing it.

  I turned my Kindle off and laid it on the bed before getting up and walking towards him. “I thought we could paint the bathroom and I was trying out different colours to see what they would look like. I didn’t think you would mind,” I said softly because I knew that J reacted favourably when I used my soft voice on him. I was trying to work out why he was mad about this; it was just paint for goodness sake.

  Our eyes locked and we were both silent while he processed what I’d said. Finally, he blew out a breath and ran his fingers through his hair. “Sorry, babe. It’s all good; I’m just on edge at the moment. I didn’t mean to take it out on you,” he apologised before pulling me close and wrapping his arms around me. When he pressed his lips gently to my head in a kiss, I melted a little into him and let my annoyance at him go.

  We stayed like that for a moment and then I pulled away, and asked, “What’s got you on edge?”

  I watched his silent war as he fought his natural tendency to shut me out. He’d been back in Brisbane for a day and I’d sensed club problems already. J had spent the day taking care of club business and had come home in a subdued mood. The only time I’d seen him perk up was this afternoon when everyone had been giving Scott grief about trying to hook up with a guy that he thought was a woman. We’d been home for about four hours now and he hadn’t even tried to have sex with me; instead he’d sat playing his X-box after dinner so I’d retreated to the bedroom with my book. I figured it might be a good idea to give him some space.

  “We’ve got some staffing issues at Indigo,” he said. I watched him closely and knew from the way his eyes avoided mine that there was something else bothering him.

  “And?” I gently nudged him.

  His eyes found mine again and I saw the shift in them as he finally decided to open up to me. I wasn’t going to push him on this; I’d have been happy to let him slowly sink back into our relationship after his time away. But it seemed that J was ready to take us to a new level and I was happy about that.

  “Marcus is being a prick. I know he’s your dad, Madison, but he and I will never have a good relationship again.”

  “I don’t care, J. I hate him for what he’s done to our family and I don’t want anything to do with him anymore. I told you that already.”

  “Yeah baby, but it’s all still fresh for you. In time you’ll move on from that but I don’t think he and I ever will. He’s changed in the last couple of months. I mean, he’s always been an asshole but I at least had some respect for him. That’s all gone now, especially after the way I saw him treating some of the boys today. He doesn’t seem to have any respect for us anymore so why would we give that to him? He’s my President and I’ll do what he says as far as the club’s concerned but outside of that, I don’t want anything to do with him.”

  I took in the tenseness of his jaw and the worry lines creasing his face, and ached to take all of that away for him. Reaching my hand up to his cheek, I softly ran my thumb across it. “J, you’ve been back for twenty-four hours and already you’re worrying about stuff that you don’t need to be worrying about. Your relationship with my father is exactly that; yours. I don’t want you to factor me into that at all. In fact, forget he’s my father because I sure as hell want to.”

  He reached his hand up and placed it over mine, stilling me. “Babe, it’s all well and good to say that now but what’s to say in six months or sooner, you patch things up with him. What then? I don’t want him coming between us and I worry that he will.”

  Shaking my head, I tried to ease his mind. “No, I won’t let that happen. I promise. We’ve worked too damn hard to get us back on track; I’m not going to let anything or anyone mess it
up again.”

  J still didn’t look convinced. I needed him to be but I had no idea how to do that so I resorted, for now, to the one thing that always brought us closer together. I moved into his space, pushing my body as close to his as I could get. The feel of him against me caused me to moan; we’d been apart for too long and I craved his touch like never before.

  “Fuck, babe,” he growled, and circled my waist with his arm, letting his hand rest on my ass. Our eyes locked and in that moment all outside issues took a back seat as we came together. He lowered his lips to mine and kissed me. I was surprised at the gentleness of it; J and I didn’t do gentle very often. This kiss enveloped me though, with its tenderness; it joined us and connected us in a way that we desperately needed to be connected after months apart, and especially with all the problems surrounding us and my family.

  I moved my hands to the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head. Dropping it to the ground, I ran my gaze over his chest. My stomach was full of butterflies and my heart rate was picking up; J turned me on more than any other man I’d ever been with. He’d packed more muscle on while he was away even though I would have sworn it wasn’t possible to fit anymore on him.

  He cut into my thoughts, “Baby, the way you’re looking at me is making me so fucking hard. I like your eyes on me but I’d fucking kill to have your mouth on me.”

  I looked him in the eyes for a long moment before moving my mouth to his chest. My teeth gently grazed his nipple before I licked and sucked him. I then repeated this on his other nipple, teasing him because I knew that this wouldn't have been what he meant when he said he wanted my mouth on him. Once I was finished, I eyed him and murmured, “Is that where you wanted my mouth??”

  He smirked before grabbing my chin in his hand. Rubbing his thumb over my lips, he muttered, “This mouth was made for my cock, sweetheart, and you damn well know it.”

  Smiling, I said, “I know, but it’s so much fun to play with you first.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “So, we’re finished playing now?”

  As he continued to rub his thumb back and forth over my lips, I moved my hands down to his jeans and popped the button. I unzipped them, and let his cock free, catching it in my hand. “Yeah baby, we’re finished playing now.”

  His reaction was fast. He roughly pulled me to him, one hand sliding around to grip my ass, and the other hand gripping the back of my neck to steady me. “Good, because I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want your mouth on me anymore, I need to sink my dick as far in you as I can; need that sweet pussy of yours around me.”

  J’s dirty words never failed to get me wet; I was so ready for him. “Baby, I’ve missed your dirty mouth the last few months,” I whispered in his ear as he nuzzled my neck and kissed me.

  “You’ve no fucking idea, sweetheart,” he growled, “After you have my cock, I’m going to treat you to my mouth. And I promise you, no fucker will ever separate us again.”

  He scooped me up and carried me to the bed. His face had that intense look that I loved. It meant business; it meant that he was about to fuck me hard, just the way I liked it. He laid me down on the bed and I watched as he removed his jeans; there was nothing under them so he was now naked for me and what a glorious sight that was. I drank him in. J was only improving with age as far as I was concerned, and for a man that was pretty damn perfect to start with, that meant he was off the charts magnificent now. My gaze was drawn to a new tattoo on his chest; one I hadn’t noticed since he’d been back. I sat up and traced it with my fingers. It was a circle but the line of the circle was broken up by numbers at two different sections, and the circle also wasn’t complete. There was a swirly letter M in the centre of the circle.

  “What does this tat mean?” I asked him, breaking into our heated moment.

  He looked down at his chest and reached for my hand. Then he looked back at me; love shining out of his eyes. Letting go of my hand, he pointed at one of the numbers. “This is the date we first got together, your birthday years ago.” He then pointed at the other number. “And this is the date we got back together this time.”

  “Why isn’t the circle joined at the ends?” I asked.

  “Because I need the date of our wedding. That will go in that gap and then the circle will be complete,” he murmured without taking his eyes off mine.

  Holy shit. In that moment, I realised just how much my man loved me. I reached my hand up and curled it around his neck, and pulled his lips to mine. We joined in a kiss that reached right down into my soul. My heart was completely his. Our lives would forever be entwined because I was never letting him go again.

  J moved onto the bed and gently pushed me onto my back while continuing our kiss. His hands moved to my shirt and he pushed it up and over my head. We broke apart momentarily but hungrily found each other’s lips again as soon as he had my shirt off. I moaned when his fingers slid into my panties and found my clit.

  When his finger entered me, he groaned and broke our kiss. “Fuck, babe. You’re ready to go, aren’t you?” He was staring down at me through lust filled eyes; eyes that I could get lost in for days at a time.

  I nodded. Pushing my body towards him at the same time that he thrust his finger back inside me caused him to go deep, and it felt so fucking good that I jerked in pleasure. Heat flashed across his face and he pulled out of me and ripped my panties off.

  “Bra, babe. Get it off,” he commanded forcefully.

  Who was I to argue? I did as he said and he moved over me so we were skin to skin. His cock was hard against me; teasing me. I’d gone without him for months and I felt like a horny teenager who couldn’t get enough. I needed him now; all of him, in every way I could have him.

  He held himself over me and directed his cock to my entrance. I was wet and more than ready and he wasn’t in the mood to fuck around. He thrust straight in, all the way, on a groan.

  “Fuck, Madison. Never again … never fucking again,” he grunted as he pulled back out and thrust hard again.

  I wrapped my legs and arms around him, and held on for dear life as he fucked me. J was a man on a mission and I, for one, was not complaining. I squeezed my eyes shut and let the feelings overtake me completely.

  “Babe, eyes. Need your fucking eyes,” he growled.

  I did as he said and opened them. What I found nearly made me come right then and there. He was fucking me hard but his gaze was full of love. It told me that I was unequivocally his.

  I gripped on to him harder and tightened the hold my legs had on him in an effort to get as close to him as I could. There was a burning desire inside me to be joined to him in every possible way; my love for him had only grown while he’d been away.

  As he continued to thrust in and out, I moved my hips to meet his thrusts and I knew I was getting close. “J, I’m going to come,” I panted, knowing that he liked for me to wait for him. Tonight, however, I knew there was no way I could make it. He’d gotten me here fast.

  He didn’t answer me; simply nodded in his frantic rush to get himself off. This hadn’t been about me, this fuck. No, this had been all for him and he was blindly pursuing his release.

  I lasted another minute or so and then I lost control of my body to the pleasure. My head rolled back and I shut my eyes again as it took over. I came on a scream and everything around me blurred as I let it take over. J was lost to me in that moment; I knew he was still pounding into me but the intense bliss I was feeling was all I could focus on.

  It wasn’t until I heard him roar, “Fuck,” that I scrambled to get my bearings again. He came with one last thrust and then collapsed on top of me, his face buried in my neck. I wrapped my arms tighter around him and kissed his neck. We stayed like that for awhile. I could have stayed there for hours but eventually he lifted his head and looked at me. “Christ, woman. I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard in my life.”

  “Never again, right?”

  He looked confused. “What?”

  “Never again
will you leave me for that long.”

  Pushing up off me, he nodded. “Never.”

  “Good, because if you do, I might just turn into queen bitch from hell.”

  He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.

  “What?” I playfully smacked him on the arm and pushed him off me.

  He landed on his back, grinning like an idiot and then rolled onto his side, resting himself on his elbow. Reaching his spare hand out to rest on my stomach, he asked, “Just what would that entail? You being queen bitch, I mean.”

  I pouted, playing along; playful J was one of my favourites. “Well, I would withhold sexual favours for sure -“

  He starting laughing and cut me off. “There’s no fucking way you would ever be able to last the distance so if that’s your sole method of driving me crazy you’d better rethink your plan.”

  “Are you saying that I couldn’t go without sex?”

  “Baby, you were fucking built for sex. I’d give you a day but that’d be it.”

  “I lasted two months!”

  “That’s because you didn’t have my cock in the same room as you. Your pussy has a fucking tracking device for my dick built into it, I am sure of it.”

  Shit, he had me at that. I poked my tongue at him and rolled off the bed. “You’re right, I can’t turn you away. But trust me, if need be, I can be queen bitch,” I said as I walked towards the bathroom.

  “I have no fucking doubt, sweetheart,” he muttered, but I could hear the playful tone in his voice.

  Ten minutes later, I was clean after a shower, and exited the bathroom to find J passed out on the bed. It was so unlike him to do that; he must have been exhausted. I threw my t-shirt back on and headed out to the kitchen to get a drink. My phone was on the kitchen counter and the flashing light to indicate I’d received a text caught my eye. I smiled when I saw it was from Serena.

  Serena: Good to have biker boy home?

  Me: Yeah but I think I killed him with the sex…


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