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Storm MC Collection Books 1 - 4 (Motorcycle Club Romance)

Page 56

by Nina Levine

  “Not like this; this is something new for me, and I don’t know what to do with it.” My skin itched with irritation at every word I was uttering; laying yourself out like this was hard to do.

  She ran her fingers through her hair and bit her lip. She seemed confused with the whole thing and I didn’t blame her; I’d been giving her mixed signals for weeks now. “I’m not sure where you’re going with this so I don’t really know what to say.”

  “What do you want between us, Velvet?”

  “I want what we had before we slept together.”

  Maybe I’d left it too long to apologise, but I figured friends was a good place to start from again. “I want that too.”

  “Good.” She smiled but it was forced and I wondered what she was hiding behind it.

  “Now that we’ve got that sorted, tell me what the hell is going on with your ex.”

  “James is going into politics and wants to pay me to keep my mouth shut if journalists ever come digging for dirt on him. I’ll never talk to them but I don’t need to be paid to do that. He doesn’t believe me and is trying to force me into taking the money.”

  “You never fail to surprise me, Velvet.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “There’s so much good inside you but you don’t show it often. If people took the time, they’d see it but most people don’t fuckin’ bother to take the time. They skim the surface of a person and judge the outside layer. I see it in you but every now and then you surprise me with more.”

  It wasn’t often I saw Velvet speechless but she was now. I let her take that in, and then continued, “So he wants you to agree to this within the next week?”


  “We’ll fuckin’ see about that. Don’t contact him, okay? Leave it with me.”

  “Okay, but I’m not sure what you can do about it.”

  She was still uneasy about this, so to put her at ease, I tried to lighten the mood. Grinning at her, I said, “Most women think my talents lie with my mouth and hands, but I’ll share a secret with you; my mind is where it’s all at, sweet thing.” I tapped my head. “It’s a dangerous place up here, and your ex won’t know what hit him once I’ve dealt with him.”

  It did the trick and she laughed at me. “I believe you when you say it’s a dangerous place up there. I’d like to know what the hell goes on in that mind of yours.”

  Still grinning, I replied, “That makes two of us.”



  Collide ~ Kid Rock & Sheryl Crow

  After a busy night at work, I sank down into the chair next to Nash and put my feet up on the table in front of us. Smiling at him, I laid my head back, closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Long night?” he asked.

  Cracking an eye open to look at him, I said, “You’ve no idea. Assholes were out in full force tonight. Thank God it’s Friday; I need two days off.”

  He scowled. “You should have come and got me to deal with the assholes.”

  “Nash, I can’t rely on you to take care of all the dickheads in my life.”

  “I’d be fuckin’ happy to, babe.”

  I laughed. “Oh, I’m sure you would love to get those fists out and deal with them all that way.”

  He grinned. “You know me too well, sweet thing.”

  “There’s a lot I don’t know about you, but I do know two things; you like to get your fists and your cock out at every chance.”

  He’d just had some of his drink and he almost choked on it at my words. “Fuck, Velvet, you’ve got a dirty mouth sometimes.”

  “And is that a problem for you, King of the Dirty?”

  His eyes blazed with heat. “No, it’s not a fuckin’ problem, but damn woman, you have no idea what it does to a man when words like that come out of your pretty little mouth.”

  My body sizzled with lust. Ever since we’d cleared the air the other day, Nash had gone back to his flirty ways, and I felt like I would explode from the desire he stirred in me. I leant closer to him, and whispered, “It probably does to you what your words do to me, Nash.”

  He growled, “Christ, Velvet, don’t say shit like that unless you’re willing to go there again.”

  I licked my lips. “Maybe I am. Maybe you just need to ask.”

  “You two look cozy.” We were interrupted by J, and Nash shot him a foul look.

  “What’s up?” Nash asked, his voice and body language clear with his desire for J to hurry up and get the hell out of here.

  J raised his brows. “That’s a nice fucking way to be greeted after I’ve been away for awhile.”

  “We’re kinda in the middle of something, asshole.”

  J smirked. “So I see.”

  I stepped in. “J, cut to the chase and tell him what you want. I need Nash to take care of something for me.”

  Nash swung his head to face me. His eyes were glazed with desire, and he muttered, “Fuckin’ hell, woman. I’ll take that as a yes.”

  J laughed. “I actually don’t want anything; I was just stopping by to say hi before I went home.”

  Nash stood up, pulling me with him. “Good to see you, man. Say hello to Madison for me.”

  J saluted him. “Will do.” Flashing me a grin, he murmured, “I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into there, babe.”

  “I do this time,” I said before being pulled by Nash in his haste to leave. I stumbled a little before righting myself and hurrying to keep up with him. “Nash, where are we going?”

  He didn’t stop, just kept going in the direction of the front door. “I’m taking you home, and I’m going to convince you that my cock is the best damn cock in the world.”

  I pulled on his hand to slow him down. He stopped and turned back to face me. “I already know your cock is the best damn cock in the world.”

  “Well then, I’m going to introduce you to more of it’s talents, babe.”

  “Sorry to slow you down, but I need to get my bag from out back before we go.”

  “Shit,” he grumbled. Motioning towards the staff room, he said, “Let’s hurry this shit up then.”

  Laughing at him, I turned back around and made my way out to the staff room. He followed, his hand glued to my waist. I loved the feel of Nash’s hands on me.

  As I opened my locker to retrieve my bag, Nash pushed himself up against me. His hands slid around my waist and made their way up my stomach and to my breasts. “I fuckin’ love your tits,” he whispered in my ear.

  Heat shot through me and I moaned. I placed one of my hands over his and held it in place on my boob. “I love your hands on my tits.”

  He ground himself into my ass, and his free hand moved down to the bottom of my dress. He pulled it up and slid his hand into my panties. I moaned again as his fingers worked their magic on my clit. His other hand continued to knead my breast, tweaking my nipple. When his finger entered me, my body jerked with pleasure and he murmured, “Fuck, you’re so wet, sweet thing.”

  I laid my head back on his shoulder and said, “It’s what you do to me.”

  He hissed with desire, and removed his hands from my body. Slapping me on the ass, he said, “Get your shit, babe, I’m taking you home to fuck you.”

  Nash got me back to his place in record time. As he went to switch his bike off, I whispered in his ear, “Don’t turn it off. I want you to fuck me on it.” I stood and swung myself around to sit in front of him, facing him.

  “You sure know how to get a man excited, darlin’,” he growled.

  His hands moved to grip my ass and his lips dropped to kiss my neck. I arched my neck backwards, giving him full access to whatever he wanted. He kissed his way up to my mouth and then devoured me with a kiss that would melt any woman’s panties off. This man knew his stuff, and he was pulling me under a wave of lust that was making it hard for me to think straight. All I could focus on was his musky scent, his hands on my ass, his mouth on mine and his cock that was hard against me, sending my need for h
im over the edge.

  I reached for his zip and slowly pulled it down, letting his cock out to play. He groaned when I grasped him and began moving my hand up and down his hard length. “Feel good?” I asked, softly.

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.” His breath tickled my ear as he spoke and then nibbled on me.

  We lost ourselves to the pleasure; I continued to stroke his cock while our mouths and tongues danced together. The vibration of the bike only heightened my desire, and I pushed myself closer, desperate to have him inside me.

  He stilled my hand on his dick. “Careful there, sweet thing, I want to come inside you, not in your hand.” Reaching behind him, he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and grabbed a condom out. Grinning, he gave it to me. “You can have the pleasure, babe.”

  Taking it off him, I said, “You love your cock, don’t you?”

  “What the fuck’s not to love?”

  He had a point.

  A minute later, I had the condom in place, and he pulled my dress up before positioning me above him. I slid down onto him, and we groaned in unison. He felt amazing, and I started moving in time with him. This wasn’t going to take long; between the vibrations and his expertise, I was sure I was about to have one of the quickest orgasms I’d ever had.

  “I think I love your cock, too,” I breathed out.

  “We’re doing something wrong if you only think you love it,” he said in between thrusts.

  I gently bit his lip before sliding my tongue in his mouth and kissing him. Nash tasted of cherry soft drink and I decided it was my new favourite taste.

  He groaned into my mouth and pulled away a little. “My lips are always at your service anytime you feel the urge to bite. In fact, my whole body is up for that, baby.”

  I smiled wickedly at him. “That can be arranged. You just call me whenever you want my teeth on you.”

  He thrust hard and pulled me tight against him. “I don’t think you’re understanding me. My schedule is permanently open.”

  Holy hell, he had a way with words, and I felt them in my core. My toes curled as an orgasm started to take over. My body had come alive under his touch and every nerve ending sizzled with desire.

  He knew how to read a woman. “You’re close, aren’t you, baby?”

  I was so close, I couldn’t form words so I nodded. He moved his mouth to my ear, and whispered, “Come for me, sweet thing. I want to watch you lose yourself and scream out my name.”

  His hot breath on my skin and the words he’d said sent me over the edge and I screamed out his name as I closed my eyes and orgasmed.

  “Fuck,” he muttered and picked up his pace, thrusting in and out as he chased his own orgasm.

  His body shuddered a minute or so later, and he stilled as he came. His head dropped down onto my shoulder and I felt his heavy breaths on my skin as he found himself again.

  When he lifted his head, he had a lazy smile for me. “Ready for round two?”

  I grinned at him. “You need to take care of my other needs first, baby.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “And what would they be?”

  “Well mainly I need a drink, but a woman also likes a bit of sweet talk in between rounds. Do bikers do that shit?”

  He chuckled. “I’m all about the sweet talk, darlin’. You should know that about me by now.”

  “Okay then, take me inside, give me a drink and some sexy talk and then I’m all yours again.”

  He smacked my ass. “Off; I’ve got shit to do so I can get my cock back in you.”

  I obeyed his command and pulled my dress down after I got off his bike. He eyed me and murmured, “That dress is going the wrong way, baby. It needs to go up, not down.”

  “And the sexy talk begins,” I joked.

  He switched off his bike and got off before pulling me close. “That’s not sexy talk darlin’. Your legs won’t be able to hold you up when I begin the sexy talk,” he promised.

  Good Lord, Nash Walker was something else; my legs were already going weak just at the thought of his sexy talk.

  I opened my eyes and had to squint to deal with the sun streaming through the window. Shifting in the bed, the hand around my waist tightened and pulled me backwards. My ass hit Nash’s erection and he groaned. “See what you do to me, sweet thing,” he murmured, sleepily.

  Smiling, I said, “Good morning to you, too.”

  His lips brushed across my shoulder as he swept my hair out of the way. “It’s a good morning already.”

  I turned in his arms and promised, “I can make it better.”

  His face lit up. “I dare you.”

  His wish was my command, and I slowly made my way down his body, licking and gently biting as I went. Every time I bit him, he groaned. I guessed that meant he really did like the biting. When I got to my destination, I took a moment to admire Nash’s cock. He was blessed; his cock was one of the largest ones I’d ever had the good fortune of meeting.

  “He doesn’t bite, darlin’,” he promised.

  I raised my eyes to his. “I’m just admiring the merchandise for a moment.”

  He moved his arms to rest behind his head on the pillow and stretched his body before asking, “You like what you see?”

  “Oh, I do. In fact, maybe I’ll just continue to admire it rather than play with it,” I teased him.

  He wasn’t even fazed by my teasing. Grinning, he said, “No worries, sweet thing. I like your eyes on my cock, and besides, it just means that I can admire your tits for a bit longer while I imagine how good your mouth is going to feel wrapped around me.”

  I sat back on my knees and watched as his eyes dropped to my chest. Nash’s gaze on me was almost as good as his hands on me. I massaged my breasts while he watched, and his sharp intake of breath sent heat through me. That was it; I couldn’t drag this out any longer. I bent my head and took him in my mouth as far back as I could. His hand landed on my head again and the way he gripped my hair and pushed my head down turned me on even more than I already was. I liked a bit of rough play. My lips and tongue worked his cock into a frenzy, and I massaged his balls with one of my hands. Every now and then I slid his cock out of my mouth so I could suck on his balls, and his groans told me he liked that.

  Just as I thought he was getting ready to come, he reached down and pulled me off him. “Babe, I want you to fuck me with your tits.” His hungry eyes were dividing their attention between my face and my chest.

  “You’re a tit man?” I asked.

  “Like you wouldn’t fuckin’ believe, darlin’. I love pussy but I love to watch my dick between a good set of tits and you, sweet thing, have the best set I’ve ever seen.”

  He didn’t have to tell me twice. Personally, I loved a man who would worship my boobs. I bent them down and took his dick in between them, squeezing as he thrust up and down.

  “Fuck,” he muttered, his breathing growing ragged.

  Our eyes met and held as he fucked my tits to the point of orgasm. He shot his cum over my chest and then lay back on the bed, letting out a loud groan of pleasure. I left him to go in search of something to clean myself up with, and when I came back to the room, he was lying with his arms behind his head again, watching me. I stopped and rested against the doorway, letting him run his eyes over my naked body.

  “Christ, Velvet, you’ve got a body made for sin.”

  I pushed off from the doorway and walked to the bed. Straddling him, I whispered, “And you’ve got a mouth that leads to sin.” I kissed him, and he sat up, keeping me in place on his lap.

  “Opening round for the day was a hit, babe. You ready for more?” he asked while sucking on my neck.

  “Always ready for more. And then I’ll cook you breakfast,” I promised.

  His head jerked away from my neck and he stilled, not saying a word.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, not sure what I’d said to affect him like that.

  “Just been awhile since I’ve had a woman cook me breakfast,”
he murmured.

  “So it’s a good thing, then?”

  He smiled. “It’s a really good thing, darlin’.”

  I returned his smile. “Good. Now where were we?”

  His hand moved to my breast. “I was about to show your tits some Nash lovin’, baby.”

  “Well don’t let me stop you.”

  His hand rubbed my nipple for a moment and then he lifted me and deposited me on my back in front of him. Moving so he was kneeling over me, he bent his head to my breast and showed me just how good Nash loving was.

  An hour later, we were finished with Nash loving and showered, and I was cooking him breakfast in his kitchen while he sat at the counter and watched me. I was the happiest I’d been in awhile but I still had something I had to clear up. “Nash, what is this?”

  He knew exactly what I was getting at. And I had to give it to him that he didn’t even hesitate with an answer. “This is us getting our shit together, Velvet.”

  I had to know whether we were on the same page here. “Tell me exactly what that means to you.”

  Again, he didn’t hesitate. “It means that I feel something for you and I want to explore what that is. I don’t know where the hell it will take us but I’m willing to find out if you are.”

  “I’m willing,” I said softly.

  “Might be a bumpy road though,” he said.

  “How so?”

  His intense gaze refused to let mine go. “I’m fucked up, baby. I’m trying to work through some shit at the moment, but I need you to know that it might take me some time, and some of it might not be pretty. You think you can handle that?”

  His mother’s words came back to me and I smiled at him. “I’m a tough bitch, Nash. I’ve handled your shit so far, haven’t I?”

  The intensity in his stare softened a little, allowing a small smile to flicker across his lips. “Yeah, you have.”

  “You need to promise me one thing though. When you need help, you come to me. I’ll be here to talk or just to listen, whatever you need. Just don’t shut me out. We were friends first and I never want us to lose that.”


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