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The Alpha's Stubborn Mate

Page 4

by Stella Blanche

  “That was meant as punishment, little one, remember it well when you decide to defy my wishes again,” Alexander told her as Sydney was still trying to catch her breath when she felt Briana behind her again. She gasped as a cool lubricant was spread around her exposed little rosette and a whimper escaped her lips as the woman pressed one finger into her as she made sure Sydney was well lubricated. The finger disappeared and Sydney felt a more intense pressure than a finger push against the sensitive nerves. It felt good and wrong and embarrassing all rolled into one big, unfathomable emotion.

  “Relax. Take a deep breath and push back a little—it’ll make it easier for me, Luna.” Sydney swallowed loudly before doing as she was told and gave a slight sigh of relief as the prod finally slipped past the tight protesting ring. Soon she felt the cold liquid rushing into her body, filling her up to the point where she was whimpering in discomfort—her earlier embarrassment at Alexander witnessing her utter humiliation was long gone by now.

  “I am going to insert a small plug because you need to hold it in for a little bit, okay?”

  Sydney made a strangled sound as she felt the prod removed from her butt hole before she felt a pinch of pressure again as the small plug was inserted.

  “Alpha, you may finish getting ready. I will escort the Luna and finish with the cleansing, we will wait for you afterwards.”

  “Very well.” Alexander stood up and gave Sydney a burning look before leaving the room. Sydney felt the pressure in her abdomen increase and gave Briana a pleading look, to which the woman chuckled in response.

  “You would do well to obey from the start, Luna. The whole process would have been far less demeaning if you just had.”

  “Yeah, I know—I have a problem with authority figures.” Briana giggled as she led Sydney over to a small chair with an open ring as the only seating option.

  “I used to be like that too, but my mate got me in line pretty quickly.”

  “Your mate? But…”

  Briana gave her a sad smile as she helped her squat down and settle on the low, open seat.

  “He disappeared one day, but he is not dead. We can still sense him through the link, but all communications are down. He must have his wall up for some reason.”


  “Yes, we can all talk to each other through a mind link, but you have a wall that you can put up to block someone out.”

  “Why would he block you out? Oh!” Sydney hadn’t even noticed that Briana was kneeling next to her and as the woman pulled the plug out and stood up again, Sydney relieved herself and was thankful for the strange chair she was sitting on so that she didn’t mess herself or anything around her.

  “We think it is because he doesn’t want to be found. Whether it is to protect himself or to protect us, I don’t know. Either way, I will remain faithful to him, despite the fact that our law states that I am now a mate-less she-wolf and will be used for the pack as the alpha sees fit. He sympathizes with me, which is why I am at his disposal twenty-four/seven.” A prick of jealousy rushed down Sydney’s spine at the thought of the beautiful woman doing anything for Alexander that he demanded of her.

  “Did you ever…” She couldn’t bring herself to finish the sentence and trailed off, looking at the floor instead.

  “Oh, Luna, no; like I said, I will remain faithful to my mate regardless of whether he is alive or dead. But I do have my orders from Alpha so now you must bathe.” She led Sydney over to another door and they stepped into a luxurious bathroom with a bath big enough for four people. It was filled to the brim with steaming hot water and what Sydney assumed were scented bath oils as the entire room smelled of lavender, rose, and vanilla. She stepped into the bath, enjoying the heat and the silky feel of the bath oils. She allowed Briana to wash her hair and scrub her back. She laid back, closed her eyes, and relaxed as Briana was busy scurrying around the room, lighting candles and getting lotions ready from a cupboard. She heard the bathroom door open but was too lazy to open her eyes. The water splashed beside her and she looked up startled to find Briana next to her, just as naked as she was.

  “What the…”

  “Just relax, Luna, you don’t want to defy the alpha again?” She glanced across the room; Sydney followed her eyes and there was Alexander, in black robes and looking so intimidating that Sydney had to swallow. Intimidation never worked on her—usually—but her butt was still tingling from the paddling she got earlier and she definitely didn’t want a repeat of that. She looked back at Briana and gave her a hesitant smile. Briana smiled at her brightly before gently cupping her face and quite unexpectedly kissing her full on the lips. Sydney hesitantly moved her lips against the other woman’s. They were soft and gentle and Sydney found herself enjoying the kiss. She leaned in, wrapped her arms around Briana’s soft and wet body, and pulled her closer. Their tongues flicked out at the same time and once they touched, an unknown fire started swirling in Sydney’s abdomen.

  She had always wondered what it would be like to kiss a girl and here she was in this strange situation with this strange woman and she felt her inhibition slipping away. The knowledge that Alex was standing right there, watching them in the steamed-up bathroom, the water in the bath sloshing about as their hands roamed each other’s bodies made it all so much hotter, so much sexier, and so much more erotic than a simple kiss was supposed to be. Sydney couldn’t keep the moan bubbling up her throat contained. The sound escaped and as if that was the only encouragement that Briana needed, she pulled away and turned Sydney around so that they were both looking at Alexander.

  Briana’s hands came around Sydney’s body and gently cupped her breasts. Sydney’s moan turned into a gasp as Briana pinched her nipples harshly before her one hand reached down to the apex between her thighs. Skilled fingers spread Sydney’s pussy lips apart and sought out her sensitive bundle of nerves. The warm water on her delicate and exposed labia had Sydney moaning again and she heard Alexander let out a soft growl as the sound reached his keen ears. This was so wrong; how could she be enjoying this so much? She had to find a way to stop this, before she made a fool of herself—like coming in front of two strangers.

  “You are very tense, Luna,” Briana whispered in her ear.

  “You need to become more comfortable with yourself, your sensuality, and your sexuality, little one.” Alexander’s voice was soft and silky and Sydney forced her eyes to open to see him. He focused completely on her, his eyes glancing down to where Briana’s fingers were performing magic before focusing on her face again. “Give yourself over to the moment and stop that busy mind of yours for a bit. You are overthinking everything, you must learn to start and enjoy this life you are living.” Sydney wanted to think it over but decided to follow his advice and so she gave herself over to the moment, allowing her last shred of inhibition to which she was so desperately clinging to fly out the window. She relaxed back into Briana’s soft curves and moaned as a soft set of lips trailed down the slender column of her throat.

  “Eyes open, little one. Keep them focused on me.” Sydney locked eyes with Alexander and felt the intensity of the moment increase. She moved her hips, pushing up to meet the movements of Briana’s fingers and before she knew it, she was climbing that majestic mountain leading up to her orgasm. Her breath came in short bursts and her heart rate picked up as Alexander’s eyes turned pitch black, growls emitting from him every now and then.

  “Let go, Luna. Give yourself over to him, that is what he wants—see the blackness in his eyes? That is his wolf and he demands that you come.” A pinch to her nipple and another flick of her fingers and Sydney gasped loudly before crying out as her orgasm took her up high and brought her floating down gently. She had barely gotten her breathing under control before Briana was helping her out of the bath and dressing her in a soft white robe as she glanced at her quickly.

  “You did very well, Luna. Alpha is proud of you and I am honored to call you my luna.” Briana gave her a quick hug before leaving th
e room with a slight bow of her head toward Alexander.

  “I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you right now,” Alexander told her, his voice deep and sexy. Sydney looked at him for a few silent seconds. Deciding to throw caution to wind, she stepped closer to him.

  “Then it is a good thing that we are en-route to our mating ceremony, isn’t it… Alex?” Her heart thumped nervously as she called him that for the first time, but the dazzling smile he gave her set her at ease as he held out his arm for her to take.

  “Yes, little one, it is a very good thing.”

  * * *

  “Is that really necessary?” Sydney asked with fake distaste as she glanced at the collar in Alexander’s hand. Truth was the thought of being kept on a leash—his leash—was totally exhilarating. Maybe she’d get another spanking in as well? “You’re the dog around here, aren’t you?” In a flash she was stripped of her robe and the collar was around her neck, attached to a delicate-looking chain that Alexander was holding in his hand.

  His eyes were once again dark at her disrespect, but a contrasting smirk was playing around his lips.

  “Seems you need a bit of punishment before the ceremony?” His voice was that deep sexy sound that melted her insides again and Sydney gulped but gave him a hesitant nod, not sure if his question was rhetorical or not.

  “Your wish is my command, little one.” He tugged on the chain and she stumbled forward.

  He started walking and she was forced to follow him through his, no, their living quarters, but she froze in her steps as he reached the front door.

  “Wait! Aren’t you going to punish me first?” He gave her a devilish look over his shoulder as he pulled the door open.

  “Oh, yes, but we are already late, so you will be receiving your punishment at the ceremony.”

  “What? No! That’s not what…”

  “What you wanted?” He raised a dark eyebrow at her. “Because I sure didn’t want to be disrespected in that way. I told you that I will make a proper mate of you yet. Maybe now you will realize that childish tantrums just to get a spanking is not what lunas do. Punishment is meant for you to learn something.”

  “But I’m naked and…” He gave a growl and she shut her lips quickly.

  “If you wanted a good girl spanking, all you had to do was ask, baby. Now come along, we have kept the elders waiting long enough.” With another tug at the chain he started walking and she was forced to follow him meekly. She was sure that if she didn’t walk with him he would force her to go, dragging her down the hallway kicking and screaming if necessary. When they rounded the corner, she noticed that there was no one in sight, luckily. Alexander must have ordered everyone away because despite being upset with her at the moment, he was still possessive, and she was sure he wouldn’t like other males looking at her naked body.

  They made their way up a flight of stairs and to a large wooden door. Alexander swung it open and they were in a small and intimate open amphitheater. Torches were lit around a small stage where a huge bed stood. The moon was shining down on the bed, giving it an almost ethereal glow. She noticed a few people sitting in the raised seats surrounding the stage and she felt the heat creep up her cheeks: talk about a walk of shame. Alexander tugged at the chain again as her steps faltered when she felt the eyes on her naked form, so she continued walking slightly behind him with her eyes downcast.

  Alexander led her past the bed where she noticed a small bench for the first time. Spanking bench was the first thing that sprang to her mind despite the fact that she had never seen one before in her life. It had two cushioned platforms; one was wider and longer than the other, higher up and slightly sloped downward, while the other platform was smaller and level. Alexander helped her to kneel on the smaller part of the cushioned bench. Her chain was attached to a small ring on the other side of the bench and Alexander’s hand on the small of her back forced her to bend over. Sydney swallowed as her throat suddenly ran dry at the thought of being spanked in front of so many people.

  “Good evening, council members. I apologize for the delay in my mating ceremony, but due to disrespect from my mate, I wish to punish her before we start the ceremony.”

  A grave voice answered from somewhere in the small crowd, “Please proceed, Alpha.”

  Silence fell over the amphitheater and Sydney tried to see where Alexander was but a soft growl had her looking in front of her again.

  “Brace yourself, little one.” His voice was deeper than she had ever heard it before and her stomach clenched in anticipation. She wasn’t sure if he meant the phrase literally or not but either way she reached down and grabbed the handles on the legs of the bench.

  “Good girl.” A hand rubbed over her cheeks in a loving manner before the soothing caress disappeared. She heard a soft whistle through the air before a whack sound resonated through the quiet air. Everything was still for a moment before the sting registered in her mind. And it burned like a bitch—what the hell was he using? Her ass was still a little sore from her paddling earlier. Another whistle before the sting turned to fire on her ass. By the third stroke Sydney was gritting her teeth to keep from crying out. Whistle. Whap. Streaking fire.

  “Ow! Oh, please, Alexander—stop! I won’t be disrespectful again!” she cried out, tears running down her cheeks. She didn’t care if she was begging, she didn’t care about the spectators to her humiliation, she just wanted him to stop.

  “I will stop once you have learned something from your punishment. Now that you realize how serious disrespecting me is, I will give you five more strokes with the cane. You will thank me after each one and ask for another,” he stroked her burning flesh softly, “nicely.”

  Was he serious? He tapped her cheeks lightly with the cane and she jumped slightly.

  “Yes, Alpha. I am sorry for disrespecting you, please may I have another?”

  A soft growl emitted from deep in Alexander’s voice as she called him Alpha. He felt himself harden at the sight of her bent over the bench, ass striped pink and her entire attitude, oh so meek. The fact that it was him who had subdued his fiery and stubborn mate in this way caused his dick to harden even more.

  He swung his arm and gave her another beautiful stripe across her perfectly round globes, enjoying the way the soft flesh moved at the impact, but he relished her cry even more.

  “Thank you, Alpha! May I please have another?” Sydney’s voice was soft and shaky as she tried to keep her cries in. The next swat pushed her over some kind of invisible brink and she felt herself relaxing into the spanking bench, reveling in her punishment, knowing that she deserved this and accepting his authority over her. As this thought flitted through her mind, it was so much easier to submit to him.

  She asked for another, Alexander gave it to her, and before she knew it, his hands was on her burning flesh, soothing the pain away and causing the fire to spread from her ass to low in her abdomen. She moaned as he spread her ass cheeks wide, exposing her tight ring to the moonlight and all who wished to see it. Sydney found that she didn’t care, she wanted Alexander and she wanted him badly. Right now.

  A cool liquid dripped on her rosette and she moaned as he spread it with his fingers, driving her slightly insane with need at his first touch. His fingers didn’t penetrate her asshole, but rubbed over and around, over and around like he was familiarizing himself with every last nerve ending, until she felt like raising her hips and pushing back toward those inquisitive fingers. She needed something, anything, but she wasn’t sure what it was. She moaned as he pushed a finger past the protesting nerves and gasped as he added another finger, gently fucking her ass, scissoring them out before pushing back in, relaxing the tight muscles and stretching her in preparation for his cock. “Oh, Alpha, please…”

  “Shh.” His one hand rubbed up her spine in soothing manner. “Push back for me, baby.” She felt pressure as he pressed something against her and she moaned as she obeyed him. After a few seconds, her puckering hole finally gave way and A
lexander pushed something hard and cool into her ass in such an achingly slow manner that it was threatening to force her over the edge and straight into bliss. Finally, the small ring closed around the device and she let out a soft breath. “Good girl. That is a butt plug; it is to prepare you for when I claim your ass. You have to keep it there until I take it out. Understood?”

  “Yes, Alpha.” He helped her up from the bench and led her over to the huge bed. Sydney sucked in a deep breath to calm her raging nerves and haywire hormones. This was it. Alexander was finally going to claim her as his.

  Chapter Six

  Alexander laid her down on the white satin sheets on the bed and she gave a soft moan as the movement jolted the plug a bit. Her body was on autopilot at the moment and she couldn’t wait for Alexander to lay his heavy, delicious body over hers. He stripped his robe and she gawked at his magnificent body. It was all bulging, rippling muscles—brute strength contained by glorious golden skin that seemed to glow in torch-lit moonlight. His erection stood proudly, long and hard with a sheen of pre-cum that had Sydney licking her lips, nearly salivating at the sight. She wanted to taste him so badly, yearned to have him choking her with his delicious-looking cock.

  He chuckled as he saw her gaze on his manhood before joining her on the bed. He kissed her deeply, thoroughly, claiming her with his mouth. His lips trailed over her face and down her neck before focusing on her rose-tipped breasts. He took one hard pebble deep into his mouth, sucking and nibbling until she was a moaning mess beneath him. He turned his attention to her other nipple, his hand reaching up to pinch the abandoned one while his mouth teased the other.


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