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Code 11- KPD SWAT Box Set

Page 128

by Lani Lynn Vale

  Michael stepped out of another cruiser that pulled up nose to nose with Michael’s truck

  That’s when I closed my eyes and got comfortable.

  Leaning my back against the door, I crossed my arms over my chest and stretched my legs, with my forbidden colored shoes, across the seat.

  I was trying not to think about what I would find on my clothes if I had a black light.

  The inside of this cruiser was disgusting, and if this never happened again, it’d be great.

  It even smelled bad.

  Tapping on the window across from me had my eyes snapping open and then shutting just as quickly.

  The door opened and Michael’s deep, sexy voice said, “Get out.”

  I shook my head and closed my eyes. “Nope, sorry. Can’t. My brother’s the arresting officer. I’ll have to deal with him from now on.”

  Michael’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not going to say it again, Nikki.”

  “And what are you going to do if I don’t listen? Sit there and stare at me? Yeah. No,” I said, closing my eyes once again.

  Then my ass was sliding across the seat by way of Michael’s massive hand wrapped around my ankle.

  I screamed, turning over onto my belly as he got my legs out of the car, and then latching onto the door as I was pulled all the way out.

  Michael’s hands went to my hips as he pulled harder, and my grip on the door started to give.

  “Let me go, you big douchebag!” I yelled. “Help!”

  We were on a deserted street in the middle of downtown, so the fact that I was yelling ‘help’ when there was no one around was quite comical, and apparently Michael thought so too.

  He laughed. The bastard.

  “Bastard,” I said under my breath. Then louder I said, “Let me go! I hate you!”

  Moments later I started to kick when he tossed me over his shoulder.

  He smacked my ass, and I screeched.

  “You bastard!” I snarled.

  “You already said that,” he said laughingly, walking past my brother and the other officer who brought him, which happened to be James.

  My brother’s mouth twitched as I passed, and the bottle of water he’d handed back to me as he shoved me into the car sounded like a great thing to throw at him again had I had it.

  Except Michael had made me lose it with his caveman tendencies.

  When he got to the passenger door to his truck, he unlocked it with the keys in his hand and yanked the door open forcefully before depositing me unceremoniously on the seat.

  I gasped in surprise and then glared at the closed door that had just slammed in my face.

  “Pendejo,” I muttered, then tried to open the door.

  It didn’t open, mostly because my brother was there to stop me.

  I flipped him off, and he laughed.

  “I’ll get you back for this,” I said, pointing at him warningly.

  He lifted both hands and shook in fake terror.

  I narrowed my eyes and then smiled as I pulled out my cell phone.

  “Hello?” my best friend answered.

  “Georgia,” I said when she answered. “You know last week when you asked Nico what he had for lunch, and he said salad? Yeah, it was really a burger from Jucy’s. He lied to you.”

  Her outraged gasp, and then the click of the phone in my ear, followed by the instant ringing of Nico’s had me nearly laughing in hilarity.

  “Karma’s a bitch!” I yelled when he answered the phone.

  Georgia was on a diet, which meant that Nico was on one, too.

  Except Nico didn’t want to be on a diet, and every day he was on shift he ate out because he was so hungry.

  He paid in cash because she could see their bank account, and I’d caught him at Georgia’s favorite restaurant just last week where he’d made me promise not to tell.

  Like the good sister I am, I didn’t tell. Until he put on his bastard hat. Then all bets were off.

  “That wasn’t nice,” Michael said from my side.

  I’d heard him open his door, of course, but I was ignoring him so I didn’t bother acknowledging him.

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I stared straight ahead and refused to even think about him.

  “Put your seatbelt on,” he ordered as he started the truck.

  I ignored him.

  “Nikki,” he said with a sigh. “Put it on.”

  I didn’t.

  Growling in exasperation, he unbuckled his own seatbelt and reached across me.

  His forearm caressed my breast, and my nipple tightened.

  The traitorous bitch.

  Once he had ahold of the belt, he pulled it around me and buckled it into place next to my hip.

  He smelled good. Not that I would admit that.

  And my nipples were still tingling.

  Michael went back to his seat, rolled down the window, and started backing up.

  “Thanks!” he yelled at the two men watching us leave.

  I snorted.

  Screw them, too.

  I’d be talking with James’ wife, too. I was fairly sure I could find some dirt on him to wipe that smirk off his face.

  “What crawled up your ass?” he asked once we were on the road.

  I turned my head to look out the window and stayed silent.

  “Stop being childish and talk to me. What you did today could’ve turned out a lot different. You’re lucky it was your brother who pulled you over and not someone that didn’t know you. Things could’ve gone to shit easily,” he growled.

  I turned to him then.

  “You wanna know childish? How about your wife telling everyone at work that I’m a piss poor employee and then tattling on me because I’m wearing the wrong shoes. The same ‘rule,’ and I say rule with the utmost reluctance because nobody follows it, that everyone breaks. Which I then get sent home for,” I snarled.

  He blinked. “She’s not my wife.”

  “Well, you fucked her and you were married to her. Nearly the same thing,” I told him.

  “It’s not nearly the same thing. I’ve been divorced from Joslin for way over two years. We have no relationship whatsoever, and she’s marrying my brother,” Michael said matter-of-factly.

  I tried hard not to react to the fact that she was marrying Michael’s brother but failed.

  “She’s what?” I yelled.

  Well if that didn’t take the wind out of my sails, I didn’t know what would.

  Michael shot me an amused look, and it only made that fire burning down in my belly hotter.

  He was so sexy.

  His black hair was shaved tightly to his head on the sides and had about a half-inch on top, and his face was clean-shaven, though it hadn’t been last night. He was back in his trademark black t-shirt, and a pair of jeans covered his legs.

  “Yeah, you heard right.” He nodded.

  I blinked and turned back toward my window.

  She was such a hoe!

  Bryan. At least three doctors that I knew. And Michael’s brother? For real?

  How did the woman have that much energy?

  “I thought you had to work today,” I said accusingly, not turning away from the view.

  “I do. At twelve. It’s only nine-thirty in the morning,” he answered. “I was up there to come see you, when I didn’t find you at your apartment, but Joslin was telling me you were sent home.”

  I clenched my hands into fists.

  “She is such a bitch,” I snarled.

  He snorted. “And you’re just now figuring this out?”

  I snorted. “You were touching her.”

  He sighed. “There’s something wrong with her. She doesn’t understand the word ‘no.’ She’s devious and vindictive. I’ve learned over the years that the easiest way to deal with her is just let her have what she wants. Or, at least, let her think she got what she wants. Gentleness seems to throw her off, so tha
t’s why I do that. I’ve learned to be just as manipulative as she is out of necessity.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, I think if you want to continue this relationship, you are going to need to figure out how to not touch her, because I don’t like it. Not even a little bit.”

  He smiled, revealing brilliant white teeth.

  “Noted,” he agreed immediately.

  Then he turned back to the road, and I was left contemplating the brashness of stealing his truck.

  “I sometimes don’t think before I act,” I admitted softly, looking at my hands.

  He snorted. “That’s an understatement.”

  “I’ll try not to steal your truck again,” I said softly.

  “You won’t have the opportunity to steal my truck again,” he laughed.

  I raised my brow at him.

  “You think?” I asked.

  He smiled. “I know.”

  When we pulled up to my apartment, I pulled out my keys and offered them to him.

  He took them, thankful that he hadn’t asked, and started up the stairs.

  I’d realized over the course of our four-month dating life, and again last night, that Michael liked to be cautious.

  It didn’t matter if we were gone ten minutes or five hours, when we got back to my place, he was going to take a look through the house to be sure that everything was fine before he left me.

  I followed behind him, bemused. I walked through the door just as he was coming out of the kitchen and disappearing into the bedroom.

  I had a one-bedroom apartment that I loved to hate.

  I was on the top right of a four apartment unit, and I hated every second of it.

  The neighbor to my right stole my parking spot. The neighbor to my bottom left liked to take my clothes out of the shared laundry room. And the neighbor directly below me liked to have loud, wall-banging sex. Not that I knew how he did it since I was above him, and I was fairly sure he couldn’t fuck on the ceiling.

  Regardless, he did it, and I was impressed. But also a little sleep deprived at times.

  The interior of the apartment was nothing special. White generic walls, beige carpeting. Plain crappy countertops and appliances that should’ve been updated last decade.

  My furniture, however, was nice.

  I spent a lot of time at home, and I wanted to be comfortable while I did it.

  Which was why I’d spent nearly an entire paycheck on my couch, and the next paycheck on my TV.

  My bed wasn’t as nice as my couch, which was why I found myself sleeping on the couch more often than not.

  “So tell me more about why you were sent home.” Michael asked, breaking into my thoughts.

  I turned to him and crossed my arms over my breasts.

  “I couldn’t find my ‘appropriate’ shoes for work this morning, so I wore my regular tennis shoes, which Joslin immediately brought up to our boss, and I got sent home to change them. Although that was over an hour and a half ago, so I might not have a job to go back to,” I admitted.

  He moved forward, running his hand along the back of the couch.

  Visions of our one single night together started to filter through my brain, and I barely restrained the urge to cross my legs trying to circumvent the throb between my legs.

  “You’ll have a job to go back to,” Michael told me. “As for your shoes, those are in my truck in the backseat. You took them off last night and forgot to take them in with you. Which was what I was bringing back to you when you stole my truck.”

  I laughed.

  That man! How freakin’ funny he was!

  “That would’ve saved me a lot of time and heartache,” I told him. “Why didn’t you just text me?” I asked.

  “You told me to lose your number, remember? Since I’d never memorized it, and you deleted it from my phone, I didn’t have it. Unless I wanted to call Nico, and today was his day to take a standardized test with the department, although it was canceled, thank God. So I wouldn’t have been able to do that. So I brought them to you instead,” he explained, his eyes eating me up.

  I sighed.

  Turning to my kitchen, I put my bag down on the table and went to the fridge to grab my lunch, which I’d forgotten, and shoved it into my bag.

  “Well, I guess you didn’t have to bring me all the way home then. I’ll just have to go change my clothes now because I feel like I swam in a cesspool after being in the back of Nico’s cop car,” I said, heading to my bedroom.

  Stripping my shirt off on the way, I tossed it to the floor of my bedroom and went to my closet for a new one.

  I stepped out of my shoes and pushed my pants down my hips when I felt a pair of hands settle on either hip.

  “I’m pretty sure that I should’ve stayed in the living room,” he whispered against the back of my neck.

  Tingles started to run down my spine, and this time I didn’t try to stop my thighs from rubbing together.

  Just the sound of the man’s husky voice had me replaying our one night, remembering what it felt like to have him inside of me. The way his rough hands felt against the sensitive skin of my breasts.

  The way his beard tickled the lips of my sex as he pulled his cock from me and ate me to completion right before slamming back inside of me and coming hard in two rough strokes.

  “Why?” I asked breathlessly, widening my legs when his hand started to move between my thighs.

  “Because you’re about to be even later.”

  Chapter 7

  You’re too short to be that full of shit.

  -Michael to Nikki


  I gasped in surprise when he spun me around and moved forward until my back met the shirts I had hanging in my closet.

  Hangers screeched in protest as our bodies forced them to press against the wall.

  One of my hands went around Michael’s shoulder as the other went to the pole currently holding up every shirt I owned.

  “I’m gonna be picking these up later,” I gasped right before Michael’s mouth met mine.

  I moaned as his tongue swept inside, rubbing teasingly along mine as he forced his mouth down harder on my own.

  When I felt his hands move between us, I lifted my hips slightly, allowing my aching core to rub against his hard abs as he unbuckled his pants and let them drop to his ankles.

  I gasped when he took hold of my hips and forced them back down.

  His cock ground against my panty-clad pussy and I couldn’t help the involuntary jerk of my hips as pleasure ripped through me at the simple touch.

  “Michael,” I gasped, throwing my head back to pillow in my shirts.

  His mouth skimmed along my collarbone and moved down until his lips glided over the swell of my breast.

  I had on a modest white bra that was the single one that I’d found comfortable enough to wear all day while working, and I was fairly sure it probably wasn’t what one would call attractive.

  Yet, I forgot to care when he tugged the cup of the bra covering one breast down with his teeth, then followed that by sucking the tip of my nipple into his hot, wet mouth.

  “Oh, Jesus,” I breathed, hips moving jerkily as tiny sparks centering in the tip of my nipple coursed through my body.

  My stomach clenched, and I moved both hands from his shoulders downward.

  One hand went to my panties as the other grasped the hard length of his cock.

  Pulling my panties to the side, I lined the head of his cock up to my entrance and waited.

  Michael didn’t disappoint.

  As he switched breasts, pulling down the other cup with his teeth and nipping the tip of my nipple, he surged inside of me.

  My pussy convulsed as it tried to adjust to his size, but he didn’t give me time.

  Once fully seated inside, he pulled slowly back out before sinking back inside of me roughly.

  I bit my lip and moved my hands up to the sides of his head, w
atching as he let the tip of his tongue circle my nipple.

  He started thrusting in and out of me, filling me to the point of pain, before he retreated once again.

  Hangers snapped and shirts fell all around us as his hips powered into me, his cock kissing the entrance of my womb with each thrust.

  “Please,” I said, needing more.

  I opened my eyes when he stopped, and my eyes widened when he pulled out completely and dropped us down to our knees.

  I turned around as he urged my hips to the side, presenting him with my ass.

  My hands were resting on my pile of shoes as I looked over my shoulder and watched him pull my panties down over my hips.

  My pussy clenched with need at the look on his face as he devoured the sight of my core.

  I could guess what he saw.

  My pussy lips red and puffy. My entrance leaking with need as it begged him to fill me once again. My panties down around my knees where he’d hastily yanked them. My ass round and full.

  I wiggled my hips and pressed back slightly as he continued to look for too long.

  “Michael,” I whispered. “Please.”

  My pussy clenched when he looked up, my eyes catching his.

  They were on fire.

  The blues nearly completely black as his pupils dilated.

  He moved forward on his knees until his cock met my entrance, and unhurriedly he sank inside.

  I moaned and dropped to my elbows as he pushed his hips forward until every last bit of him was buried in my channel.

  This position allowed him to sink deeper inside of me, and I swear I could feel him in my belly each time he filled me.

  His thumb brushed over the pucker of my asshole, and I practically came with just the single taboo touch.

  I clenched down so hard on him that he let out a strangled groan and finally lost the control he’d been trying desperately to hold on to.

  I screamed when he pulled out and thrust into me so hard that my knees left the carpeted floor.

  Not in pain, though.

  In pleasure.

  “Yes!” I keened, pushing back with my own hips to meet his powerful thrusts.

  He growled at the way my pussy clenched down on his cock and gave me a small smack on the ass when I tried to reach between my legs to help my orgasm along.


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