Galaxy of Empires- Space Pirates Episode #1

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Galaxy of Empires- Space Pirates Episode #1 Page 6

by Bruce Marcom

  “Yes, it has been awhile. There is a few things I need to attend to that I left undone when I left a year ago,” Doc says with a hint of sadness.

  “Her friend died in a hover car accident last year,” Eve tells her stepdaughter.

  “Oh, I am sorry. When I am sad, I sing,” Gothica says.

  Eve says, “Hmm...I didn’t know you could sing.”

  “Well, I don’t sing in front of people. I am too afraid I would be rejected, ha-ha.”

  Doc says, “I would like to hear you sing.”

  They enter Eve’s room and sit on the sofa. Gothica sits on the chair in front of them.

  She clears her throat and begins to sing. Her voice sounds heavenly as she sings a wonderful ballet song. She continues to sing which causes emotions to swell up in all three of them. Doc switches on a recording device on her wrist that at the same time activates the ships comm. Gothica’s melody flows through the intercom system like smooth melted butter.

  “Wow! Someone can sing,” Cogg remarks.

  Che says, “So pretty.”

  Meek says, “Who is that singing?” As he wakes up from napping in the captain’s chair, trying to cover the fact that he had nodded off.

  Python adds, “Sounds better than that disco crap the boss plays.”

  “Ha-ha, you got that right,” Chad laughs.

  “Sounds like Gothica singing,” Che reveals.

  Sean interjects, “Sounds so relaxing.”

  Back in Eve’s room, Gothica just finishes the song. She hears clapping over the intercom and the crew requesting more songs.

  “You had the intercom on? I am so embarrassed now,” Gothica says with shyness.

  Eve says with certainty, “You were amazing. I didn’t know you were such a song diva. I think you should record all of your songs.”

  Doc says, “I have some recording stuff in my room because my brother is in the entertainment business. H gave it to me for my birthday to record lectures. I think you should make some song recordings. Your voice is magical and you bring out the emotions in people.”

  “I don’t know. I am nervous singing in front of people,” Gothica says in a nervous voice.

  Doc reassures, “You will be fine. I will help you with overcoming shyness. It is a common problem with newer singers. Just relax and sing just because you like it.”

  “Okay, will try it.”


  Over the next four weeks, Eve studies the information Cos gave to her trying to memorize it. Learning all of the political systems for each empire and the current position holders is quite a task. However, learning the schematics for each warship currently in use by each government is considerably harder. Doc spends most of her time with Gothica recording songs, but does not tell Gothica she has been sending the recordings to her brother to get his opinion.

  “Okay, we just broke into the atmosphere, beginning decent, control tower said to use Landing Pad 34,” Che announces.

  “After we land, we are just refueling and getting food and then taking off. Do not go through customs unless you want the police to pick us up,” Meek commands. “We are just here to drop off the passengers.”

  “Roger, Boss.”

  “Landing now.”

  The ship lands and begins powering down. They go down to the cargo area and open the doors. Eve, Doc, and Gothic go down the ramp first with their hover luggage following behind them. The rest of the crew piles down the ramp. Meek notices on the observation level that overlooks the ships coming and going that there is a very large crowd looking down on the arrivals. Many of them have signs, and he sees media reporters as well.

  “Whoa, people, stop. There must be some sort of event or VIP coming through this port. Stay here. We don’t need to be on cameras,” Meek blurts out.

  Che exclaims, “That is a lot people; must be someone famous. I wonder who it is.”

  Doc says with a smirk, “Yes, someone very famous. They are here to see Gothica. I sent the recordings we made on ship to my brother who is in the Wolfkin entertainment business. He has been playing them on live broadcasts all over the Wolfkin Empire to see what kind of reaction they would have. She became an overnight success, she is a superstar here.”

  Gothica suddenly freezes faster than a deer in headlights. She turns around to go back on the ship.

  “I can’t go up there—too many people. I can’t do not, sorry. I am too afraid,” Gothica says with a face full of terror.

  Eve grabs her arm and says, “Sweetie, they won’t bite you. They love you and came to see you.”

  “Don’t make me do it, Mom. I can’t, please,” Gothica begins crying.

  Sean whispers, “I have never seen a case of stage fright this bad.”

  Doc hugs Gothica, “It’s okay. We not going to make you do anything you don’t too.”

  Che goes and comforts Gothica, “They are just people like you. They will not harm you.”

  Eve says, “Doc, maybe you should give her a sedative or something.”

  “Probably right,” Doc says reaching into her bag. She pulls out an injector and gives it to Gothica.

  “Your mother and I will be with you all the time,” Doc, says, “We can’t stay on the ship, the Captain needs to leave.”

  “Okay, I am feeling better now. I will try,” Gothica sobs wiping her face with a cloth.

  Eve says, “She has always been a shy one. Come... hold my hand and we will walk together.”

  People on the observation deck begin chanting Gothica’s name. The Morphic Dragon, the Arachnid, and the Wolfkin walk through customs. After being scanned, the three go up the stairs to the observation level where mobs of people are waiting. Eve spreads her wings out as the people swarm toward them and wraps them around Gothica in a protective circle. The crowd have never seen a Morphic Dragon. They start scan photos of Eve and Gothica. Reporters start asking questions.

  “Who are you or what are you?”

  “I am Evella Noctu, I am a Morphic Space Dragon and this is my stepdaughter, Gothica. She is shy, so don’t trample on her unless you want me to eat you,” Eve says in a serious tone.

  “Can you sing, too?”

  “No. I don’t sing. Well, maybe in the shower.”

  Laughter rings out in the crowd.

  “Is Gothica going to go on tour here?”

  “If she wants, too. Why don’t you ask her?” Eve says, holding her stepdaughter’s hand.

  Gothica responds, “I don’t know yet.” Giving a shy smile.

  Photo recorders going off every second as they continue walking through the spaceport. People begin asking for autographs. Eve nods to Gothica, so she signs some autographs as they walk down to the front entrance. They walk outside to see thousands of people gathering in front of the entrance with signs and cheering at the sight of the two. There are security guards in a semi-circle pushing the crowds back. There are two Wolfkin males dressed in high-quality suits there to meet them. Eve recognizes one of them as Supreme Councilor Grewds.

  Doc says, “Hello, Brother, it is good to see you again. Eve and Gothica, this my brother, Pauax.”

  Eve says, “Well met, and I believe you are Supreme Councilor Grewds.”

  “You are correct, Lady Eve. I see you know something about Wolfkin politics. I welcome the both of you to Zertin, the home world of the Wolfkins. I must say, I have never seen a Morphic Space Dragon. I thought they were a myth, but here you are. I’m glad to meet you and your stepdaughter. As you can see Gothica, you are quite an angel in the eyes of my people,” Grewds says with a smooth and dashing tone.

  Doc says, “They are both quite special, especially to me.”

  “Pauax, you didn’t tell me you had such an attractive sister,” says Grewds unable to keep his eye from roaming up and down the doctor.”

  The Doc blushes and replies, “You are being too kind, Councilor.”

  A huge hover limo arrives.

  “Ah, your ride is here. My government has arranged for both of you to stay at the b
est hotel while you are here. We are also throwing a high-society dinner tonight in Gothica’s honor. We are hoping she will grace us with her wonderful voice this evening,” Grewds says.

  Eve says, “We look forward to seeing you then.”

  “I hope Doctor Farshe will honor us with her presence as well,” the Councilor says, unable to take his gaze away from her.

  “I will come as well. Someone has to keep Eve from eating the guests,” Doc says with a rare sarcasm.

  “Ha-ha!” Eve sneers at the Doctor, whipping her tail around slapping the doctor in the butt. The crowd laughs. Eve winks at the doctor as they get into the limo and take off to the hotel.

  “I don’t know if I can sing in front of a live crowd. I don’t have any clothes either,” Gothica says with concern.

  Doc reassures, “I have my tailor coming to the hotel with several designs to pick from. I have a doctor friend who specializes in overcoming stage fright and she will be coming as well.

  Eve says, “It will be okay, Sweetie. Doc, do you know a good car buff and waxer?”

  “I wasn’t aware you had a car here.”

  “I don’t, it’s for me. My metal scales need a good buffing with some high-quality wax. My metal spikes could uses some filing down, too.”

  “Ha-ha, too funny. Yes, I know someone. I will send a message when we reach the hotel. I will tell him to meet us in the beauty salon in the lobby. I need to get a shampoo and nails done myself,” Doc says.

  “Yes, that stud muffin of a councilman was all over you, Farshe.”

  “He was just being nice.”

  “Are you kidding me? I thought he was going to start drooling on you right there in front of the limo. He’s smart, powerful, good looking, and rich. Do I need to tail slap you to wake you up?” Eve says.

  “You think so? I don’t know. I am really not good at personal relationships like that,” Doc says wondering if she had misread the councilman’s intent.

  “Geez, you are the smartest doctor I know, but you are the dumbest person when it comes to male relationships. Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

  “No, I don’t have time for that, my research takes up most of my time.”

  Eve cuts her off, “Research? Get your head out of the books for a minute before life passes you by. You’ve got a nice male Wolfkin interested in you. You go for it, before I start tail slapping you.”

  They all laugh.

  This story arc continues in Rise of the Space Dragons Episode #1


  Back the spaceport, Meek and his crew refuel and make sure the ship is ready for takeoff. The spaceport cleared out for the most part when his three passengers left. This is good for the remaining crew and himself.

  Fuel crewmember says, “Sir, your ship is fueled up, and Lady Eve paid the tab. She also set up a tab for your supplies, which you can get over there.” He points to a warehouse about a hundred meters from this landing pad.

  “Very good,” Meek turns to the crew and says, “Cogg, take MCloud and check the exterior for any problems. The rest of you follow me. Let’s go get supplies and food.”

  The crew takes off to the warehouse across the way, passing the landing pads to get supplies. Cogg and MCloud start inspecting the outside of the ship. Five minutes elapse then Cogg hears some footsteps behind him, which he thinks is the crew returning.

  “Well, well, well, lookie here, boys. What are the odds of that?” a deep male voice says.

  Cogg turns around to see Capt. Ullas and his crew pointing blasters at him. Ullas and his gang of pirates were the competition, so to speak. Meek and his crew stole Ullas’s ship prior to the current one they now possess.

  Cogg raises his hands.

  Ullas says in an angry tone, “You bastards stole my ship and left us on that moon to die when those Space Dragons attacked. Where is my wanking ship, Bastard?”

  “You would have done the same to us if the dragons hadn’t eaten our ship first. We had to sell your ship for scrap; the dragon acid made it a hunk of junk.”

  “Well, look at our nice new ship, boys, let’s get on it and return the favor to Meek,” Ullas laughs as it echoes through his crew. They start going up the ramp and getting on the ship.

  “Give my regards to Meek.”

  Ullas then fires his blaster, hitting Cogg in the upper right chest area. Cogg flies backward on his back barely hitting MCloud but enough to knock him to the ground as well. Ullas chuckles again and this heavy-set middle-aged human male gets on the ship. The engines start up and the ship begins to take off.

  Meek comes out the warehouse and sees his ship taking off. The rest of the crew comes out of the warehouse just in time to see their ship fly over them. They see Ullas in the pilot’s window just as he smiles and flips his middle finger at Meek and his crew on the ground.

  Meek yells, “Wanker!” and they all flip their middle finger back at Ullas.

  Che hollers, “Dam it! All of our stuff is on that ship, too.”

  “We are so screwed,” Sean says.

  Chad says, “Man, game over, man, game over,” as he put both hands on the top of his head in frustration.

  “What are we going to do now, Boss? They took off with the cargo, too,” Python, remarks with a sense of hopelessness.

  Che says, “Cogg is over there on the pad laying on the ground, and he looks injured.”

  They all run over there, except Python who is pulling the supplies on a hover lift. They get over to Cogg and see he is bleeding in the right upper shoulder.

  “That is a nasty hit. Bring those supplies over here. I’ve got some medical supplies in there too. Give me that box and that one, too. I will patch him up,” Sean says. He tears into the two boxes, he gets some medicine out of one, and bandages out of the other one. He begins patching Cogg up.

  Meek says, “See that small scout ship over there? We going to steal it. Grab those supplies and follow me. Sean stay with Cogg, and we will come back and get you.”

  Meek and his crew go over to this small scout ship and see a fuel man just finish detaching the fuel hose.

  “Hi, there, we are from supply. We are just here to load up this ship with their supply order,” Meek says.

  The fuel crewman says, “Where are your uniforms?”

  “This is our first day. They are making them now,” Meek lies.

  “Oh, well then, welcome to the warehouse,” The fuel crewmember says, and then walks to the next landing pad.

  Meek waits until that employee is out of hearing reach and says, “Unload the supplies and then go pick up Cogg with the hover lift and bring Mcloud, too. We need to take off in five minutes. Go.”

  Meek goes up to the pilot’s chair with Che. Che gets into the pilot seat and examines the controls.

  “It’s an old Katlin scout ship. I have flown this kind of ship before. They are common pirate ships for a 10-man crew. Only need five to pilot it. It is very small with only couple tons of cargo space. I am doing pre-fight check list now and will be ready for takeoff in five minutes for sure,” Che says.

  “Good. I have flown one of these, too. They make great pirate ships and are easy to find parts for,” Meek says with confidence.

  After a few minutes pass, the ship’s intercom activates, “Boss, we got Cogg on board and supplies unloaded. Ready for takeoff,” Chad says.

  Meek replies, “Good job. We are taking off now.”

  Meek and Che look through the windows and see some people running from the warehouse toward them from across the landing pads. They have weapons drawn and appear to be yelling. The ship lifts off and begins ascending to the sky. The people on the ground shoot weapons at the ship but do not seem to be doing any damage. The ship rips across the sky and up into atmosphere. As they leave the planet and head to jump point away from the planet’s gravity pull, the sensors light up.

  Chad barks, “We’ve got two patrol fighters coming from the space station platform heading in our direction!”

  “This is the Zertin’s D
efense Force to stolen ship, stop immediately or we will fire.”

  Meek yells to Python, “Fire the twin rail cannons! Time to jump point?”

  Mcloud says “One minute, you big hunk of man love.”

  Python gets in the gunner’s chair and swivels around and begins firing at the following ships. High-velocity rounds light up the area as they spray on the one fighters in pursuit. The ships take serious damage and explodes. The other ship fires energy weapons at them.

  “Hang on!” Che yells as she initiates a barrel roll maneuver. The shots just barely miss the starboard side wing by inches.

  Che yells, “Get this wanker off my butt!”

  “I am trying to!” Python hollers back, continuing to fire, “He is a slippery bastard.”

  The ship launches two heat-seeker missiles.

  Chad says, “Two seeker missiles incoming, 10 seconds to impact.”

  Che yells, “Gimme a wanking break! That is bullocks!”

  Mcloud says, “10 seconds to jump point: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....”

  The ship jumps into light speed just a split second before the missiles impact.

  The crew sighs in relief.

  Chad says, “Man, that was way too close.”

  “I need a tranquilizer. That just was too wanking close,” Che says in relief.

  Meek says, “Ship status?”

  Mcloud says, “No apparent damage, but some relays on the starboard side are fluctuating. Fuel is good. Countermeasures are empty; good thing we didn’t try to use them on the missiles.”

  Chad says, “Sensors are good.”

  “Weapons good. Ammo at 98% for the rail guns,” Python informs.

  Che adds, “Helm and navigation seem to be working.”

  Meek says, “Mcloud, go check on those relays.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Mcloud gets up out of the chair and goes into the short hallway as the clanking of a metal object hits the ground.

  Meek sighs and grumbles.

  Chad says, “I will put his arm back on. I will go check the relays with him.”

  Meek replies, “Thanks.”

  Meek looks a Che and says, “Head to Reptilian space.”

  “Roger that.”

  “Go the long route and take us through some of the merchant flight paths and maybe we will get lucky. Right now we’ve only got 5,000 platinum bars to show for this shindig of a trip,” Meek says.


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