Galaxy of Empires- Space Pirates Episode #1

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Galaxy of Empires- Space Pirates Episode #1 Page 7

by Bruce Marcom

  “Okay, I will shoot for the main merchant path to Hoshan from where we are currently located,” Che says checking the star charts.

  “You have the bridge. I going to grab some sleep for a bit,” Meek yawns.

  “Roger that,” Che says.

  Chapter 5

  After four days in light-speed travel, they were still in Wolfkin Space. The crew is restless with boredom when suddenly the ship drops out of light speed.

  Meek asks, “What happened?”

  Mcloud responds, “Sir, the jump engines are offline.”

  Cogg, still nursing a serious injury from being shot by Capt. Ullas a few days ago, was still in the engine room trying to work. He activates the ship’s intercom and says, “Boss, the jump engine is cracked and leaking suction from the exterior of the ship. Going to need to set down for couple of hours so I can fix it. Sub-light engine is okay for now, but will need to check that also. We did take some hits from blasters that may have caused minor damage, that needs to be repaired as well.”

  Meek grumbles and says, “Okay, will try to find somewhere around here to set down.”

  “I have located a suitable planet for use to sit down that is close by. Breathable atmosphere, dense vegetation, rainy,” Mcloud explains.

  “It will have to do. Che, head over there,” Meek commands.

  Che says, “Heading there at sub-light speed. ETA three hours.”

  “Very well.”

  Mcloud’s leg falls off and hits the ground. Meek sighs.


  Three hours pass by and the weary pirates are descending on an unnamed jungle planet to make repairs. They find a small clearing next to some old ruins that have centuries of overgrowth covering them. The ruins are barely recognizable. They land in the clearing. There also appears to be a large cave entrance north of their location. They open up the exit hatch and pile out. The whole area is green with jungle and wet from a recent rain.

  Chad is looking at his sensor scanner says,” Odd, there is a man-made energy source inside that cave.”

  Meek says, “That is okay. We got two hours to kill, so let’s go check it out. Che, Python, Chad, grab some lights and weapons. Sean, Mcloud, and Cogg, fix the ship.”

  The first three grab some gear from the ship and meet the Captain outside. Python passes out the blasters to Chad and Meek. Che has a six-foot magical staff with a glowing skull. Che shapeshifts the lower part of her body to spider legs and a rear end. Her upper torso remains unchanged.

  “Feels good to stretch my real legs. That ship is so cramped. Besides, if we run into something that is going to eat us, I need to be able to outrun you guys, he-he,” Che giggles.

  “Very funny,” Chad remarks, not amused by this revelation.

  Meek interrupts, “Let’s head out. Keep com badges on at all times.”

  The two humans, the Snakekin, and the Arachnid start marching toward the large cave entrance. After wading through the high wet grass for about 10 minutes, they arrive at the mouth of the large cave. The sunlight peers in a good chunk of the entrance but tapers off into the blackness. Chad checks his instrument, which is pointing straight in. The group heads in the cave, noting the large rock formations and stalagmites in the ceiling and floors. They see that there are entrances to small tunnels on all sides of the main cave. They also see a bunch of egg-shaped rocks that stand about two meters high and wide.

  “Those boulders are made out of pure feldspar. The signal is coming from the fourth tunnel on the right,” Chad says.

  “Too bad those are not made of silver, gold, or platinum or some other expensive material,” Che adds.

  “Yeah, too bad. Did you say pure feldspar?” Meek inquires.


  “Umm, didn’t think that was possible naturally,” Meek wonders.

  They come up to the fourth tunnel entrance and start to go deeper into the darkness. They go down the tunnel and notice some footprints on the floor.

  “Nay chut fir blaz,” Che utters as her staff brightens so bright it sheds light about 30 meters down the tunnel.

  Meek says, “Footprints…don’t look that old. Be on alert folks. Python scout out in front. “

  Python grumbles, “Why do I always get picked to go down the creepy hallway of death first?”

  Meek says, “It is your job, Mr. Guns-a-blazing.”

  Che says, “Grow a spine; besides someone needs to get eaten first to give the Captain time to run those flabby tires down the tunnel to get away in time.”

  Python shoots the middle finger at Che and starts down the tunnel with his two pistols drawn. The other three follow, but let him lead by a few meters. They come down to a four-way intersection. Chad points to the right. They turn and head down making a few more turns. They come up to a metal door at the end of one of the tunnels. Python starts to grab the door handle when Che says, “Stop, you retard, it could be booby trapped. Back up.” Python backs up. Then Che chants, “Gy heu by wai.” The area lights up with laser beams sprouting all over the door.

  “Magical trap,” Che says, “Not tu wes payui.” The lasers disappear.

  “Try it now.”

  Python tries to open the door, but it is locked.

  Chad gets out a kit with some tools. “Let the Master do his work,” Chad says in a bragging tone. He works the lock for about 12 minutes as the others start to get impatient.

  Che urges, “Can the Master speed it up some? Us mere mortals are getting tired of waiting.”

  He tries the door, and it still locked. He continues to work on the lock. Meek picks up the mat in front of the door and sees a key card under it. He picks up the key card and slides it in the electronic reader on the wall just behind where Chad is working. The door unlocks and opens. Chad, not knowing what Meek had done, says, “See I told you the Master could do it.” Che and Python look at each other and chuckle.

  “You are the Master, “Che says sarcastically, “of wasting time.” They walk in to a room that lightens up automatically into what seems to be a laboratory.

  “To big to be research. I am thinking manufacturing,” Che says.

  Meek comments, “It is a Jack lab. Jack is an illegal Wolfkin recreational drug that is highly addictive and causes Wolfkins to hallucinate. Problem is that it is so addictive people overdose on it a lot. Looks like they just finished a batch and went to sell it, judging by these empty bins over here.”

  Python says with hope, “Drug smugglers got money somewhere.”

  Che chants again, “Nog mah jue kit.” Her eyes light up and she scans the room.

  “Wall in the back has a safe in it. It is magically hidden and trapped. I can remove the traps on the outside, but any trap on the inside will still be intact,” Che says, walking over to the spot on the wall.

  “Juty say can tyyu.” The illusion disappears and the safe is visible.

  “Well, which of you have a pair of steel balls?” Che asks.

  Meek says, “I will try it.” He walks over to the wall with the safe in it and grabs the handle to open it while the others are running to the other end of the room.

  “Wait until we get out of the blast range,” Python blurts out loudly.

  Meek jumps backward after being startled, “Dam it, don’t say that when I am about to open it.”

  “Sorry, Boss.”

  Meek sighs and grabs the handle again muttering,” Here goes nothing.”

  “Can I have your stuff if you die?” Chad adds just as Meek is about it pull the lever.

  “DAM IT, would guys shut up for just a minute, please?” Meek yells, becoming very irritated.

  Silence overtakes the room. Meek continues and pulls the lever the safe door opens. Nothing happens. He sees four small bags with drawstrings. He takes the bags out and puts them on the table. He opens one of them and dumps the contents on the table. Sparking white rocks glitter in the light.

  “Diamonds,” Meek says.

  “Whoa, a lot of rocks there! Finally, some money,” Chad says
with excitement.

  Che says, “Definitely a girl’s best friend,” with a glint of bling in her eyes and a smile on her face.

  Chad’s sensor pad starts beeping. He looks at it and says, “Silent alarm just started transmitting when you opened the safe.”

  “Bloody hell, let’s get out of here before we have guests,” Meek says, grabbing the four bags and putting them in his backpack.

  “Roger that,” they say in agreement.

  They exit the room and run up the tunnel trying to remember which way they came in.

  “Where the hell are we? Which way did we come in?” Meek asks Chad.

  “Umm, not sure,” Chad says, scratching his head looking at his sensor pad.

  “You didn’t map it with your pad, you dork?” Che says.

  “I forgot to set it on mapping,” Chad says, “Sorry, guys.”

  Che tosses up her hands and says, “Great, we are lost in the middle of a maze of tunnels with no map and drug dealers on the way to kill us. Maybe they just kill Chad; the person wearing the red shirt always dies first. “

  Chad says with alarm, “What?”

  Meek says, “Shut up. Let’s go down this tunnel. Take this piece of chalk and just put an X every few feet. “

  Chad says, “Okay.”

  Che sneeringly says, “Yeah, so it will be easier for the drug dealers to find us, why don’t you just put arrows to help them out even more?”

  Meek says, “You got a better idea?”


  “Then shut up and let’s go.”

  They head down a winding tunnel that has a fork at the end. They go left and travel about 30 meters until they get to an underground river. They can feel a breeze coming from the left as they look and see the river goes upward to the left.

  “Bet that breeze is a way out,” Meek says.

  “Yeah, probably,” Che agrees.

  They begin walking up the riverbank as it winds left and right then straight and begins to widen. The cavern gets larger as they start to hear strange noises echoing farther in front of them.

  “What in the hell is that noise?” Meek asks.

  Che strains her ears, “Sounds like croaking.”

  Chad questions, “You mean like as in frogs?”

  “Yeah, sounds like it.”

  They enter a larger chamber of the cavern and see large frogs scattered all over the riverbanks on both sides. The frogs are about two meters tall and one meter wide. The croaking sound is very loud and the chambers’ echo effect makes it much worse.

  “Can’t freaking hear anything!” Meek says loudly.

  “Those are some wanking big-ass frogs!” Che yells over the noise.

  “Let’s try and hug the river so we don’t bother them. They are mostly on the river banks!” Meek yells back.

  Python says,” I hope those are not brain sucking frogs or something.”

  “Then you have nothing to worry about, “Che snaps back.

  Chad says, “Zing!”

  Python makes a rude gesture at Che. Che sarcastically blows him a kiss back.

  They nod in agreement and begin walking cautiously down the river’s edge. They are about to pass the frogs when a frog jumps out of the river surprising the group and knocking them down. They get up quickly and begin to run, but the frog lashes out his long sticky tongue and catches Meek’s leg, knocking him down again.

  “It’s got the boss, boys!” Che hollers loudly.

  They turn around and try pulling the boss hard. His pants come flying off and they all fall down again. The group gets back up to run again, but another frog in the water jumps out and shoots his tongue out with lightning speed, hitting Meek’s bare bottom. Meek tries to run but the tongue is firmly attach to his buttocks.

  Python says, “Screw this.”

  He pulls out his blasters and shoots the frog in the head. The head explodes and cuts the tongue off. Meek falls forward with a long sticky frog tongue stuck to his nude behind. Python shoots the other one as well, but all the commotion agitates the other frogs on the bank and they start jumping toward the crewmembers.

  “Run!” Chad yells.

  The group starts running down the riverbank with Meek right behind them running in pirate boots with no pants while dragging the big frog tongue stuck to his behind. Meek is trying to keep up, but the big tongue is flailing around and slowing him down some. They run between to big rocks that are about four meters tall. Che turns around and cast a huge spider web net that attaches to both big rocks.

  “That should keep those peckers from following us,” Che says as they stop out of breath.

  Chad looks at Meek and says, “That gives a whole new meaning to tongue and cheek.”

  “Or kiss my buttocks,” Che snickers. They all laugh, except Meek.

  “Very funny, ho-ho, ha-ha,” Meek says, not really in the mood. He gets up and tries to wrap the tongue around himself in a skirt-like fashion, but the tongue is too thick and sticky.

  Meek grumbles, “I will never hear the end of this.” He gets up and walks down the river with his new tail dragging in the dirt.

  The other three catch up to him and continue through the cavern as it expands. They travel quite a distance before entering the last chamber where they see light peering in on the river at the end. This chamber is the largest of the chambers they have been through. They see a lot of those two-meter egg-shaped feldspar rocks littering the riverbanks. They continue walking to the entrance, not seeing the two enormous yellow eyeballs in the shadows watching them as they pass by.

  “The rock formation in front us looks like a snake,” Python says.

  At that moment, Meek puts it all together, “That isn’t a snake, it is a tail—run!” The egg-shaped feldspar rocks are Space Dragon droppings.

  The massive Black Rock Dragon lets out an earthshaking roar and the whole area trembles. The group scampers out the entrance of the cave into the jungle, as they hear giant footsteps stomping in their direction. The dragon comes out of the entrance as it spreads its overshadowing black wings. It is truly a sight to see. The dragon is charcoal black with a rocky surface, which distinguishes it from Metal Space Dragons. Rock Space Dragons consume rocks and dirt, while Metal Space Dragons seek a higher metal content in their food. Rock varieties are usually much less intelligent and most do not have the ability to talk, as their metal counterparts can.

  The gang of pirates is running through jungle not paying attention to the direction they are traveling. They cut through many different types of plant life and trees that have assorted bright colors.

  “I don’t think it is following us,” Chad says out of breath. They group pauses to rest a moment and gather their bearings. Chad checks his scanner.

  “Need to head north, about a kilometer. The ship is that way,” Chad suggests.

  “Being chased by a dragon sucks,” Python says, looking back to make sure the dragon is not following.

  “What are you complaining about? You’re not running through the jungle with your twig and berries flopping in the breeze and with a frog tongue stuck to your ass,” Meek says wrapping a big green leaf around his waist.

  After a few chuckles, they begin heading north toward their ship. It takes them about 15 minute of hiking through this rough terrain to make it to the clearing where there ship is parked. They make their way across the field and see Cogg putting away tools and welding equipment. They reach ship and Cogg sees Meek with a plant wrapped around his waist with a long gluey mystery item stuck to the captain that is dragging behind him.

  Cogg says, “What the...?”

  Meek cuts him off, “Not a word.” As he walks inside the ship, the crew follows behind him with a few chuckles and grins.

  Che asks, “Did you fix it?”

  Cogg replies, “Should be good to go.”

  “Great. Let’s get off this stinking planet.”

  Meek goes to the tiny infirmary room where Sean is cleaning up. The rest of the crew goes to the bridge and
prepares for takeoff.

  Sean says, “What the hell happen to you? Get up on the table face down.” He puts on gloves and gets out the medical scanner.

  Meek says, “Giant frogs. Can you remove this?”

  Sean scans the Captain’s body with the scanner and says, “Yes, but it will take a few minutes.” He pulls out a laser scalpel and cuts of the tongue. Then he sprays the area with some liquid and the rest of the tongue parts still stuck fall off.

  “That was the easy part. The leaf you were using is Poison Jun Mack. You will have a nasty rash in the area of contact for a couple of days. Use this lotion every four hours,” Sean instructs.

  Meek grumbles, “I can’t get a break. Thanks.”

  Ship’s intercom activates, and Che says, “Got three ships headed our way, and we are ready for takeoff.”

  “Get us out of here. Those are probably the drug smugglers we just ripped off,” Meek says, rubbing lotion on his private areas. The ship’s engines activate and the ship begins to ascend upward.

  Mcloud says, “Wolfkin cargo ship, small C class, and two Wolfkin fighters, type A. All of them are pirates; no ship registry. Fighters are headed our way and will engage us right as we leave the atmosphere.”

  “Python!” Che yells trying to enter in navigation plot for jump speed and pilot at the same time.

  “I am on it,” Python says, sitting in the gunner’s seat above the bridge. He swings around with the twin rail guns pointing behind them. He cocks both of them and targets one of the incoming ships just waiting for them to get in range. The ship leaves the planet’s atmosphere and heads to the jump point.

  Mcloud says, “They just launched two missiles; impact in 10 seconds.”

  Python begins firing a hail of projectile tracers flooding the rear area and striking one of the incoming missiles, exploding it on impact. Che banks left and barrel rolls, but the second missile hits the port side wing tip and detonates on the energy shield. The explosions cause the ship to spin out of control.

  Mcloud shouts, “Shields are gone!”

  Che desperately tries to regain helm control as the ship the spirals out into space. The two fighters close in while firing energy weapons but miss the spinning ship. Che regains control and dips downward in a looping fashion. Python’s guns ring out with a vengeance, catching one the fighters banking out to the left in an attempt to jet over the top of their ship. He nails the cockpit area with hundreds of rounds, killing the pilot. The fighter spins out of control, catching fire, and begins hurling down to the planet.


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