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The Founders at Home: The Building of America, 1735-1817

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by Myron Magnet

Brooklyn, N.Y., 135–37, 139, 145

  Buckley, William F., 380

  Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, 306–8, 381

  Bulge, Battle of, 155

  Bull Run, Second Battle of, 89

  Bunker Hill, Battle of, 71, 128, 130, 131, 134, 175, 227

  Burgoyne, John, 128, 152

  Burke, Edmund, 57, 109, 120, 207, 278, 288, 319

  Burlington, Lord, 318

  Burr, Aaron:

  Hamilton’s duel with, 293–96

  Madison and, 368–69, 370

  as vice president, 382

  Bute, Lord, 223

  Butler, Pierce, 182

  Cadwalader, John, 137, 147, 149, 154

  Calhoun, John C., 365, 390

  Callender, James, 291–92, 363–64

  Camden, S.C., 154

  Canada, 256, 257, 391–92

  in War of 1812, 391–93

  canals, 84

  Canning, George, 388

  Cannons of Etiquette, 379

  Caribbean, 87, 167

  Carter, Robert “King,” 54

  Cary & Co., 121–22


  American, 128, 147, 149, 151, 173–74, 397

  British, 71, 128, 147, 149, 151, 152, 165, 169, 397

  in French and Indian War, 103, 106

  of illness, 155

  Catholic Church, 5, 220, 233, 327

  Cato (Addison), 21, 128, 133, 156

  Cato’s Letters (J. Trenchard and T. Gordon), 23, 25, 30, 355

  Chancellorsville, Battle of, 89

  Chantilly plantation, 61, 66, 79, 81

  chaplains, 326

  Charles I, king of England, 26, 36

  Charles II, king of England, 18

  Charleston, S.C., 138, 164, 166, 170, 172, 198

  Charlestown, Mass., 141

  Charlottesville, Va., 303, 313, 399

  checks and balances, 9, 21, 46, 183, 251, 277, 279, 349, 356

  Chernow, Ron, 129, 272

  Cherokees, 377

  Cherry Street presidential mansion, 189

  Chesapeake, 380, 389

  Chesapeake Bay, 50, 58, 151, 167–68

  childhood, colonial, 58, 68

  Chiswick House, 318

  circuit court, 254–55, 261, 262

  Circular Letter from Congress to Their Constituents (J. Jay), 233–34

  City Tavern, 182

  Civil War, 62, 89, 165, 173, 287, 320, 322, 353, 402

  Clay, Henry, 369, 389, 396

  Clingman, Jacob, 291

  Clinton, George, 252, 289

  Clinton, Sir Henry, 128, 157–58, 164, 166, 168

  Cockburn, George, 394–95

  Coercive Acts (1774), 70

  Coke, Edward, 8, 22, 26

  Colden, Cadwallader, 39–43, 223

  Coleman, William, 293–94

  Coles, Edward, 367

  colonization, 5–8, 52

  hazards and hardships of, 51–53

  independent spirit of, 11

  Columbia College, see King’s College

  Committee for Detecting Conspiracies, 229

  Committees of Correspondence, 46, 68–69, 123

  Congress, U.S., 203, 205, 254, 351, 382, 388–89, 393

  powers of, 162, 179–80, 190, 234, 249, 286, 332–33, 359–60

  Republican control of, 375, 389, 391

  Connecticut, 71, 227, 255, 388

  “Connotaucarious” (Town Taker), 100

  constitution, British, 26–27, 36, 74, 124, 276–77

  Livingston’s explanation of, 41–42

  monarchy’s threats to rights of, 39–43

  Constitution, U.S., 9, 190, 226, 250, 341, 351, 398

  altering of, 209, 311

  debates over interpretation of, 362–66

  drafting of, 9, 18, 27, 72, 278–80, 320

  fine-tuning of, 80–81

  Fourteenth Amendment to, 353

  Madison as Father of, 13, 321

  Madison vs. Hamilton on, 353–62

  Montpelier metaphor for, 375

  ratification of, 80, 183–84, 254, 279–81, 337

  right to jury trial in, 24–27

  signing of, 11, 47

  Tenth Amendment to, 361

  Washington’s view of, 183–84, 207

  Constitution (Old Ironsides), 393

  Constitutional Convention, 11, 80, 93, 178, 179–85, 192, 210, 250, 275–78, 320, 334–37, 359, 367

  U.S. government framed at, 336–50

  consumer revolution, eighteenth century, 58

  Continental Association, 71

  Continental Congress, 11, 43, 46, 48, 50, 70–72, 77, 84, 86, 160, 171–73, 175, 182, 219, 228, 233, 235–36, 241–42, 247, 275, 310, 315, 324, 328–30, 367–68

  powers of, 332–33

  Conway, Thomas, 152–54

  Conway Cabal, 153

  Cooper, James Fenimore, 228–30, 262

  Cooper, Myles, 44, 278

  Corbin, Hannah Lee, 43–44, 88

  Corbin, Thomas, 53–54

  Cornwallis, Lord, 141, 149–51, 158, 164–70, 240, 274

  corruption, publications in exposing of, 30

  Cosby, William, 24–25

  Cosway, Maria, 303, 307, 316

  cotton gin, 160

  “counterfactual history,” 398–99


  Constitutional role of, 280

  as shield of liberty, 24–27, 29, 39–40

  threat to judicial independence in, 40–42

  “Cow-Boys,” 229, 230

  Cowpens, Battle of, 165

  credit, belief as central to, 283, 284–86

  Creeks, 377, 397

  Cromwell, Oliver, dictatorship of, 52, 113

  Crosby, Enoch, 230

  Cruger, Nicholas, 268–69, 281

  Cumberland Island, Ga., 88

  Cunningham-Forsey trial, 41, 42

  Cupid (slave), 116

  Custis, Betsy, 114

  Custis, Jacky, 114

  Custis, Nelly, 115, 191, 213, 214

  Custis, Patsy, 114, 118

  Deane, Silas, 71, 76–78, 156, 234–36, 329–30

  Dearborn, Henry “Granny,” 392

  Debating Society, 224


  to Britain, 205, 249, 255, 256, 258, 259, 341

  default on U.S. national, 391

  in Hamilton’s financial vision, 283–84, 354–55

  taxation to repay, 162, 163, 355

  of war, 80, 192, 333, 354–55

  Decatur, Stephen, 393

  Declaration of Independence, 46, 51, 135, 255, 320, 401

  signers of, 10, 11, 72, 335

  writing of, 4, 72–73, 309, 310, 314, 363

  Declaration of Rights, 222, 324–26

  Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms, 71–72

  Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Lafayette), 196–97, 319

  de Grasse, Comte, 167–68

  De Lancey, James, 24–26, 39–40

  De Lancey family, 30, 32, 225

  Delaware, 167

  Delaware River, 141–42, 144, 147

  Christmas Day crossing of, 144–45

  Democratic-Republican Societies (Democratic Societies), 198, 199, 202–4, 209, 256, 258, 371, 379

  depression, 180, 400

  Dickinson, John, 46, 68–69, 226, 277, 349

  Dictionary of American Biography, 269

  Diderot, Denis, 335

  Dinwiddie, Robert, 98–104, 107–8, 110

  Discourses (A. Sidney), 21

  Dissenters, 5–6, 33, 326

  divine right of kings, 33, 36, 38

  Dorchester Heights, 132

  Duane, James, 275–76, 279

  duels, 224, 293

  du Pont, William, Sr., 374

  Dutch, 98

  in New York, 18, 20, 270–71, 275

  Dutch Reformed Church, 19, 20, 29, 32, 270

  dysentery, 105

  East Indies, 259


  belief as central
to, 283, 284, 328, 329, 354

  colonial cash crunch in, 121–22

  in colonization, 6–7

  commerce in, 7, 93

  crisis in, 327–29, 334, 354

  depression in, 180

  equality in, 7

  illicit expansion of money supply in, 62

  inclusiveness in, 12

  inflation in, 62, 159–61, 328–29

  money, 282–83

  moral purpose of, 281–82

  in Washington’s vision, 161–62

  see also Hamilton, Alexander, financial vision of

  education, as crucial to liberty, 207–8, 310

  elective despotism, 326

  Elizabeth River, 44, 48

  Elizabethtown, N.J., 44

  embargoes, 71, 387–89

  emulation theory, 109–10, 123, 164, 201

  Encyclopédie (D. Diderot), 335

  Enforcement Act (1809), 388


  end of in America, 381

  influenced by, 298

  Jefferson influenced by, 13, 278, 305–7, 308–10, 380

  Madison influenced by, 322, 380

  philosophy of, 3, 253

  W. Livingston influenced by, 22

  entertaining, 59–60, 79–80

  by Dolley Madison, 382–86

  epilepsy, 114, 322

  Epilogue to the Satires (A. Pope), 30

  Episcopal Church, 209, 310

  Epistle to Arbuthnot (A. Pope), 20

  “era of good feelings,” 398

  Eutaw Springs, Battle of, 82

  Exchequer Courts, nonjury trial by, 24

  executive, limited powers of, 277

  extended republic, 341

  Fable of the Bees (B. Mandeville), 350

  factions, majority, 340

  Fairfax, Ann, 96

  Fairfax, Baron, 97

  Fairfax, George William, 96, 115

  Fairfax, Lady, 54

  Fairfax, Lord, 96, 98, 111

  Fairfax, Sarah, 115

  Fairfax, William, 96, 97

  Fairfax Resolves, 124–25

  Falmouth (later Portland, Maine), Mass., 141

  Farewell Address (Washington):

  to army, 174

  after second presidential term, 207–11

  Federal Hall, 254, 262

  Federalist papers, 9, 33, 108, 183, 207, 250, 279–81, 335, 337, 338, 340, 342, 343, 348, 350, 354, 360, 390

  Federalists, Federalism, 11, 163, 382, 384

  in domestic policy, 162–63

  end of, 293

  in foreign policy, 163

  in Jay’s political vision, 233–36

  Republicans vs., 86–87, 196, 287–90, 362–63, 380, 381, 389

  sovereignty of central government in, 234, 249–50, 276, 280, 286

  strong confederation of states in, 234

  in Washington’s political vision, 108, 162–63, 179–80

  Fenno, John, 289

  Ferry Farm, 94–95

  First Continental Congress, 46, 70, 125, 222

  Fischer, David Hackett, 269

  Flexner, James Thomas, 93

  Florida, 391

  Floridablanca, Count of, 239, 243

  Floyd, Catherine “Kitty,” 368

  Floyd, William, 368

  Flushing Remonstrance, 270

  formidable military reputation of, 134

  Fort Dearborn, 392

  Fort Detroit, 391–92

  Fort Duquesne, 102, 104, 110

  Fort Lee, 135, 139–40, 142

  Fort McHenry, 396

  Fort Miamis, 256, 257

  Fort Necessity, 103, 104, 105

  Fort Oswego, 63

  Fort Ticonderoga, 131–32

  Fort Washington, 130, 135, 139–40, 142

  Fort William Henry, 63


  character reflected in homes of, 13–14

  Constitutional Convention as crowning moment for, 178

  extraordinary character of, 10–11

  Washington as indispensable to, 93–94

  Fourteenth Amendment, 353

  Fourteenth Massachusetts, 137, 138, 147

  Fox, Charles James, 244

  foxhunting, 97, 98, 115, 178

  France, 5, 73, 86, 154, 189, 258, 361, 385

  British hostilities with, 198, 204–5, 255–56, 378, 385–87

  as colonies’ ally in American Revolution, 12, 46, 51, 75–77, 78, 95, 134, 151, 156, 162, 163–64, 166, 168–69, 199, 235–36, 248, 272, 274, 329–32

  duplicitous diplomacy by, 241–49, 330–31

  European war of, 198, 204

  imperialistic goals of, 62–64, 98–108

  Jay family’s roots in, 220

  Jay’s secret diplomacy with, 235–36

  philosophes of, 9

  “Quasi-war” with, 362–63

  Republican support for, 196, 199, 205, 211, 288, 319, 370–71, 379, 390, 399

  and Spain, 237–40, 242

  Franklin, Benjamin, 18, 25, 38–39, 58, 73, 94, 105, 116, 137, 144, 225, 308, 363

  at Constitutional Convention, 336–37

  daughter of, 109

  and France, 76–77, 157, 235, 239–40

  political vision of, 108, 288–89

  in Treaty of Paris negotiations, 242, 244

  Franklin, William, 49

  Fraunces, Black Sam, 174, 189

  Frederick the Great, 150, 156

  Freemasons, 209

  free press, 38–39, 87, 353, 365

  French and Indian War, 63, 93, 98–108, 110, 117, 120, 130, 134, 161, 173, 241

  debt from, 121

  French Revolution, 162, 189, 196–202, 309

  American Revolution compared to, 3

  excesses of, 196, 197–98, 201–2, 255–56, 288, 292, 319, 362, 370–71

  Freneau, Philip, 194, 199, 289, 291, 358

  frontier, 51, 57

  British forts on, 204, 206, 255, 256, 258, 260

  hardships of, 99–101

  outlawed land sales on, 117

  settlement of, 206

  Treaty of Paris debate over, 243–46

  as violent and uncivil, 381

  Washington on, 97–100, 104, 111

  Fulton, Robert, 224

  fur trade, 18, 20, 51, 53, 121

  Gage, Thomas, 130, 131, 223

  Gallatin, Albert, 376, 378, 390, 391


  of Hamilton, 293

  of W. Livingston, 44–47

  Gaspée, 69

  Gates, Horatio “Granny,” 152–54, 164–65, 172, 234–35

  Gazette of the United States, 289

  Genêt, Edmund, 198–202, 256, 257, 370

  Gentleman’s Magazine, 102

  George I, 134

  George II, 8, 39, 63–64, 103

  George III, 77, 152, 171, 175, 235, 244–46, 257, 309, 314

  constitutional violations of, 4, 8, 46, 64–65, 65, 70, 71, 74, 224

  Gérard, Conrad, 236–37, 242

  Germain, George, 134

  Germany, 5, 6, 30, 63

  Palatine refugees from, 19–20, 24

  Gerry, Elbridge, 384

  Gettysburg, Battle of, 89, 320, 398

  Glorious Revolution (1688), 8, 26, 33, 53

  Glover, John, 137, 138, 145, 147

  Gordon, Thomas, 23, 30, 41, 44, 355

  government, British:

  as foundation of American government, 4, 8

  limits on power of, 35–36

  government, U.S.:

  cosmic metaphor for, 349–50

  establishment of, 336–50, 351

  Federalist vs. Republican view of, 286–90

  limitations of, 9

  reduction of powers of, 385

  Washington’s pragmatic vision for, 93

  see also Constitution, U.S.; Constitutional Convention

  government bonds, 285, 355–56

  Gracie Mansion, 298

  Graham, Catharine Macaulay, 187, 189

  Grand Banks fishery, 238

/>   Grant, Ulysses S., 89

  Great Awakening, 22

  Great Compromise, 336, 345–47, 355

  Great Depression, 81

  Great Lakes, 256, 393, 396–97

  Great Meadows (later Uniontown), Pa., 102

  Greenberg, Allan, 120

  Greene, Nathanael, 81, 82–83, 114, 139, 142, 161, 165, 166

  daughter of, 88

  Green Mountain Boys, 131

  Greensboro, N.C., 165

  Grenville, Lord, 258

  Griswold, Roger, 381

  guerrilla tactics, 71, 229, 272

  British misunderstanding of, 105–6

  Guerrière, 393

  Guilford Court House, Battle of, 82, 165, 166

  Gunston Hall, 120

  “Hail to the Chief,” 384

  Haiti, slave revolt in, 361

  Hale, Nathan, 321

  Half King, 99–101, 102

  Hamilton, 281

  Hamilton, Alexander, 186, 198, 201, 203, 248

  and the American dream, 266–300

  in American Revolution, 150, 154, 161, 169, 172, 272–75

  brilliant intellect of, 272, 274, 275

  Burr’s duel with, 293–96

  childhood hardships of, 267

  children of, 293

  on Constitution, 279–81

  and Constitutional Convention, 181, 183, 334

  in Continental Congress, 276

  corruption charges against, 291–93

  death of, 264–65, 296

  dinner deal with Jefferson and Madison, 284

  early economic propensity of, 268–69, 272

  family background of, 266–68

  Federalist views of, 275, 362–63

  financial vision of, 12, 48, 77, 80, 162, 192–193, 202, 206, 259, 281–87, 353–62; see also national bank

  Harlem villa of, see Hamilton Grange

  on human failings, 9

  illegitimacy of, 12, 266–68, 273, 294

  Jefferson vs., 192–95, 200, 261, 286–87, 289, 291, 318–19, 354–62, 399

  law career of, 275–76, 293–94

  Madison vs., 192, 286–87, 289, 293, 333, 353–62, 375, 399

  mother of, 266–67, 290

  in New York, 268, 269, 293, 296

  political career of, 281–94

  political vision of, 179, 275, 276–79

  in quest for glory, 273–74

  republican criticism of, 193

  scandals of, 290–92, 294, 299–300

  sense of honor of, 294–95

  slavery abhorred by, 287

  as Treasury secretary, 12, 204, 281, 289, 290, 292, 353–54

  and Washington, 12, 179, 186, 272–75, 300

  and W. Livingston, 45

  Hamilton, Andrew, 25–26

  Hamilton, Angelica, 295, 298

  Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler “Eliza,” 273, 276, 295, 300

  Hamilton, James, 267

  Hamilton, James, Jr., 267, 268

  Hamilton, John, 268

  Hamilton, Philip, 276

  duel of, 294–95

  Hamilton Grange, 293, 296–98, 297, 299

  Hancock, John, 131, 133


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