The Founders at Home: The Building of America, 1735-1817

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The Founders at Home: The Building of America, 1735-1817 Page 52

by Myron Magnet

Hanson, Alexander, 86–87

  Harlem Heights, Battle of, 138, 143

  Harrington, James, 21

  Harrison, Benjamin, 95

  Hartley, David, 148

  Harvard, 17, 66, 380

  Hawksmoor, Nicholas, 56

  headrights, 52

  Heights of Guana (Gowanus Heights), 136, 151

  Hellfire Club, 74

  Hemings, Betty, 316, 317

  Hemings, Madison, 316

  Hemings, Sally, 292, 303, 315–17

  Henny (slave), 83

  Henry, Patrick, 9, 70, 72, 76, 78, 79, 125, 225–26, 230, 255, 277, 324–25, 327–28, 337, 347, 351, 366

  Hessians, 139–41, 144–46, 148

  Hitler, Adolf, 398

  Hobbes, Thomas, 35, 230

  Holocaust, 6

  Horsmanden, Daniel, 41

  Hosack, David, 293

  House, Mary, boardinghouse of, 367–68

  House of Burgesses, 53, 60, 111, 123, 124, 314

  House of Representatives, U.S., 81, 308, 342–44, 347, 381

  Howe, Admiral Richard “Black Dick,” 131, 134, 136, 138, 139, 140, 151, 228

  Howe, Sir William, 82, 131, 134–36, 139, 140–41, 143, 144, 151, 152, 154, 157, 227, 228

  Hudson Valley, 263, 270, 293

  American revolution in, 133, 139, 152, 160, 227, 229

  colonization in, 18–20

  tenant uprisings in, 43

  Huguenots, 5, 32, 220, 221, 233, 248, 267

  Hull, Isaac, 393

  Hull, William, 391–92

  human nature:

  Buffon’s view of, 306–8

  emulation theory of, 109–10

  government and, 338–42

  perfectability of, 9, 265, 307, 311

  potential of, 282

  weakness and failings of, 9, 35, 42–44, 184, 207, 228, 229–30, 250–51, 253, 278, 288, 327, 338–42, 381–82, 398

  hurricanes, 269

  Hutchinson, Thomas, 43

  immigration, immigrants, 12, 24, 84, 86, 221, 290, 297

  Hamilton as, 266–68, 278

  impeachment, 277

  implied powers, 286–87, 332–33, 359–60

  impressment, of American sailors, 204, 256, 259

  indentured servants, 52

  Independent Reflector (W. Livingston), 18, 23, 29–39, 31, 42, 225, 326

  Independent Whig (J. Trenchard and T. Gordon), 44

  “Indian haloo,” 165, 169

  Indians, 18, 20, 206

  acquisition of lands from, 55, 117

  as British allies, 157, 160, 204, 256–58

  customs of, 332

  in French and Indian War, 98–102, 105–6

  hostile and violent, 52, 102, 107, 392

  Jefferson’s view of, 306–7, 309

  in military, 137

  trade with, 51, 53

  violence against, 53

  Washington and, 97–102

  individualism, American spirit of, 4–6

  inflation, 62, 159–61, 286, 328–29, 334, 340, 358

  information (legal device), 24, 26

  Institutes (E. Coke), 22

  Institutes of the Laws of England (E. Coke), 8

  insurgency, theory of, 139–40, 154, 272

  Intolerable Acts (1774), 123, 225

  Irish, 86

  ironworks, 20, 94

  Iroquois, 18, 55

  Irving, Washington, 383

  Jack (slave), 116

  Jackson, Andrew, 388, 397

  Jackson, John G., 381

  Jacobins, 201, 258, 288

  “Jaco-Demo-Crats,” 371

  James, Thomas, 43, 223

  James II, 36, 262

  Jamestown, Va., 52–53

  Jay, Ann, 263

  Jay, Anna Maria Bayard, 220

  Jay, Augustus (formerly Auguste), 220, 225, 262

  Jay, John, 5

  antislavery stance of, 260

  Bedford, N.Y. home of, 219–20, 261–64

  birth of, 221

  canny diplomacy of, 12, 204–6, 219–65, 331

  children of, 239, 240, 254, 255, 262, 263

  as conservative and cautious on independence, 225–27

  in Continental Congress, 228, 233, 235

  death of, 265

  descendants of, 262–63

  as distrustful, 234–36, 242–43

  ethical dilemmas of, 230–33

  family background of, 220–21, 262

  financial status of, 238–39

  as first chief justice, 12, 204, 219, 230–33, 254–55, 260–61

  and five lessons on role of government, 233–36

  intellect of, 221–22

  as landowner, 264

  law career of, 40, 221–22, 224, 225

  London peace mission of, 256–60

  marriage of, 45–47, 225, 228

  mementos of, 262–63

  New York City home of, 154, 261

  as New York governor, 260–61

  physical appearance of, 221

  political vision of, 233–36, 249–53, 279

  pride of, 224

  religion of, 252–53, 257, 263–65

  retirement of, 219–20, 261–65

  Rye home of, 221, 223, 228, 263

  and secret diplomacy, 235–36, 242–43, 247

  siblings of, 221, 229

  Spanish diplomatic mission of, 236–40, 333–34

  and spying, 228–33

  and Treaty of Paris negotiations, 204, 240–49, 255, 256, 331

  and U.S. foreign policy, 235–36

  Washington admired by, 235

  youth of, 221–22

  Jay, Maria, 240, 263

  Jay, Mary Van Cortlandt, 221

  Jay, Peter, 47, 221, 223, 263

  Jay, Peter Augustus, 263

  Jay, Pierre, 220, 229

  Jay, Sarah Louisa, 263

  Jay, Sarah Van Brugh Livingston “Sally,” 45, 47, 225, 236–41, 248–49, 252–53, 254–55, 257

  death of, 263, 264

  Jay, William, 221, 228, 233, 235, 262, 263, 264

  Jay Treaty, 12, 204–6, 256–60, 371

  Jefferson, Martha Wayles, 303, 316–17

  Jefferson, Polly, 316, 317

  Jefferson, Thomas, 58, 99, 188, 197, 201, 243, 251, 294, 303–20, 334, 345, 352, 364

  as ambivalent on slavery, 292, 313–17, 320, 348, 357

  aristocracy eschewed by, 310, 318–19, 357, 377–80

  artifacts collected by, 306–7

  death of, 400, 401

  Declaration of Independence authored by, 4, 72, 135, 309, 310, 314, 363, 401

  in dinner deal, 284, 355

  economic theory of, 180

  on education, 310, 312

  Enlightenment philosophy of, 13, 278, 308–11

  family background of, 266

  financial status of, 306, 400

  and France, 9, 197, 235, 316, 318, 320, 334, 356, 378

  Hamilton vs., 192–95, 200, 286, 289, 291, 293, 318–19

  and Hemings, 292, 303, 315–17

  home of, see Monticello

  on human perfectability, 9

  inauguration of, 377

  intellectualism of, 306, 307–8, 312

  as inventor, 308, 313

  and Madison, 12–13, 313, 325, 328, 332, 356, 363, 368, 373, 375–77, 399–401

  in Merry etiquette scandal, 377–79

  philosophical conflict of, 304, 314, 320

  political career of, 261, 308, 310, 312, 315, 318

  political vision of, 308–11, 318–20, 326

  on power of monarchy, 36

  as president, 261, 312, 316, 327, 361, 365, 375–82, 386–88

  Republicanism of, 193, 196, 199–200, 286–87, 293, 310, 356, 362–63, 377

  “Revolution of 1800” of, 375, 384–85, 390

  rural sentimentality of, 357

  as secretary of state, 289

  as vice president, 308, 362

  Washington’s rift with, 193–94, 206, 209

  Jennings, Paul, 321–22, 4

  Jews, 328–29

  American, 5–6

  in colonies, 32

  persecution of, 220, 233

  religious freedom for, 208, 270

  Johnson, Doctor, 288

  Johnson, Samuel, 73

  Judge, Oney, 214–15

  Jumonville, Sieur de, 102–4, 107

  Kansas-Nebraska Act, 80

  Katonah, Chief, 261

  Kean, John, 48, 49

  Kean University, 48

  Kentucky Resolutions, 364, 365, 388

  Key, Francis Scott, 396–97

  Keynes, John Maynard, 321

  Kidd, William, 19

  King, Rufus, 263–64

  King’s College (later Columbia), 138, 221, 232, 269, 276

  religious rights battle over, 32–34, 44

  Kissam, Benjamin, 221–22

  Knox, Henry, 131–32, 139, 146, 150, 174, 181, 187, 199

  Lafayette, Marquis de, 114, 155, 158, 161, 167, 171, 176, 178, 182, 184, 213, 241, 273, 290, 319, 331–32

  in French Revolution, 196–98

  son of, 197–98

  Lafitte, Jean, 397

  Lake Champlain, 131, 394

  Lake Erie, 84, 99

  Lamballe, Princess de, 197

  Lancaster, Treaty of (1744), 55

  Land Ordinance (1785), 80

  La Petite Démocrate, 199

  La Rouchefoucauld, 109

  Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 371, 383

  Laurens, Henry, 153, 161

  Laurens, John, 161, 273

  Lear, Tobias, 213, 217

  Lee, Anne Aylett, 60, 67

  Lee, Anne Pinkard, 67–68

  Lee, Ann Hill Carter, 85, 86, 87–88

  Lee, Ann McCarty, 88

  Lee, Arthur, 51, 60, 67, 70, 234, 329–30

  expatriot promotion of American Revolution by, 73–78, 156, 235

  Lee, Billy, 115, 215–16

  Lee, Charles, 78, 133–35, 138, 142, 144, 158

  Lee, “Divine Matilda,” 83, 85, 86

  Lee, Eliza Collins, 370

  Lee, Francis Lightfoot “Frank,” 52, 70, 72, 78

  Lee, Hannah Ludwell, 55, 56, 58, 59

  Lee, Henry, III “Light Horse Harry,” 51, 81–89, 203, 370

  as arrogant and resentful, 82

  in Baltimore riot, 86–87

  children of, 85, 86, 87–88

  death of, 88

  financial ruin of, 84–86, 88

  marriages of, 83, 85

  political career of, 84

  Revolutionary War memoirs of, 86

  as war hero, 81–82, 84, 86, 87

  Lee, Henry, IV, 86

  sexual scandal of, 88–89

  Lee, Ludwell, 79

  Lee, Philip “Colonel Phil,” 58–60, 61, 66, 71, 76, 83, 88

  Lee, Richard, 51–53, 57

  Lee, Richard, Jr. “the Scholar,” 52–53, 80

  Lee, Richard Bland, 370

  Lee, Richard Henry “R.H.,” 43–44, 50, 60, 75, 81, 153, 277, 326

  as actual first president of U.S., 79

  children of, 60, 67–68, 79

  in Continental Congress, 77

  death of, 81

  disfigured hand of, 67, 81

  financial hardship of, 66–68, 78–79

  marriages of, 60, 67

  passion for democracy of, 80

  patriotic activism of, 66–72, 78–79

  personal hardships of, 67–68

  political career of, 61–62, 77, 78, 79–81

  pugnacity of, 61–62, 64–66

  Lee, Robert E., 51, 86, 89, 398

  Lee, “Squire” Richard, 83

  Lee, Thom, 79

  Lee, Thomas (father), 53–60, 62, 84

  Lee, Thomas (son), 61

  Lee, William, 66, 67, 75, 76

  Lee family, 11, 50–89

  conservative radicalism of, 51, 53, 64–66, 73

  genealogical tree of, 54

  as landowners, 55, 59

  rich and opulent lifestyle of, 56–61, 66, 79–80, 83

  Stratford Hall home of, see Stratford Hall, Va.

  Lee’s Legion, 81–82

  Lenapes, 261

  L’Enfant, Pierre, 254, 375

  Leopard, 387

  Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States (Hamilton), 292

  Letter on Toleration (J. Locke), 21

  “levees,” 188, 193

  Levellers, 43

  Lewis and Clark expedition, 306

  Lexington and Concord, Battles of, 17, 71, 75, 125, 170, 226, 272, 278

  libel, 32

  seditious, 363

  Zenger trial for, 24–27


  anarchy as threat to, 53, 198, 200

  evolving vision of, 108

  as limited goal of American Revolution, 4–5, 8–9

  slavery and, 314

  various interpretations of, 269–70

  Washington on preservation of, 184–85, 207–11

  Liberty Hall, 45–49, 45

  Liberty Hall Museum, 48–49

  “Liberty Song,” 73

  libraries, 38–39, 55, 306

  Library Company of Philadelphia, 38–39

  Library of Congress, 306

  torching of, 395

  Limerick, Lord, 262

  limited monarchy, 23–24, 33, 35–36

  Lincoln, Abraham, 80, 315, 320, 398

  Lincoln, Benjamin, 164, 186

  Lingan, James, 87

  Little Sarah, 199

  Livingston, Catherine Van Brugh, 20

  Livingston, Kitty, 46–47, 225, 263

  Livingston, Philip, 20, 22

  Livingston, Robert, 18–20, 28, 43

  Livingston, Robert R. (father), 40, 222

  Livingston, Robert R. (son), 224, 225, 247, 361

  Livingston, Sarah, see Jay, Sarah Van Brugh Livingston

  Livingston, Susan, 48

  Livingston, Susanna French, 27–29, 48

  Livingston, William, 5, 6, 10, 225, 324, 326

  ancestry and background of, 18–20

  and case for American Revolution, 17–49

  as cautious on independence, 46, 49

  children of, 28, 45, 47, 48, 49

  death of, 47, 48

  early years of, 20–22

  egalitarianism of, 22–23, 28

  on goal of education, 33

  intellectualism of, 20–21, 22–23, 29

  in justification for revolution, 34–40

  as landowner, 44–48

  law apprenticeship of, 22–27, 29

  law career of, 29, 40, 45

  Liberty Hall home of, see Liberty Hall

  marriage of, 27–29

  as N.J. governor, 27, 46–47, 225

  poetry of, 28, 29, 45, 47

  political radicalism of, 32

  publications of, 11, 18, 29–39, 40, 41–42, 44, 225

  on role of government, 34–35

  Livingston Manor, 18–20, 43

  Locke, John, philosophy of, 4, 7, 11, 18, 21, 34, 35, 70, 181, 306, 309, 318, 325, 338

  London, Jay’s peace mission to, 256–60

  London Magazine, 103

  London Times, 393

  Long Island, Battle of, 135–37

  Louisbourg fortress, 63

  Louisiana Purchase, 224, 306, 315, 361, 385

  Louis XIV, 220

  Louis XV, 75

  Louis XVI, 162, 196, 197, 198, 255, 370

  love of fame theory, see emulation theory

  Loyalists, 140–41, 154, 165, 170, 227–29, 232

  loyalty oath, 231–33

  Luzerne, Chevalier de la, 196, 242, 330–31

  Lyons, Matthew, 363–64, 381

  Macedonian, 393

  Machodoc Plantation, 52

  Maclay, William, 191

  Madison, Ambrose, 371

  Madison, Dolley Payne Todd, 366, 367, 368–70, 373, 399–402

  bravery of, 394–96

nbsp; charm and charisma of, 369, 378, 382–84

  civilizing effect of, 381–84

  death, funeral and burial of, 402

  as First Lady and “Presidentess,” 382–86

  poverty of, 401–2

  Madison, James, 6, 7, 10, 18, 33, 51, 84, 85

  aristocracy eschewed by, 357, 377–80

  and Bill of Rights, 352–53

  as childless, 401

  and Constitutional Convention, 181–82, 193, 277, 279, 334–37, 367

  at Continental Congress, 324, 367–68

  death of, 321–22, 366, 401

  dinner deal with Hamilton, 284

  early years of, 322, 366–67

  as farmer, 371, 399–401

  as Father of the Constitution, 13, 337, 363

  Federalist Papers of, 9, 33

  financial setbacks of, 400–401

  financial views of, 358–59

  First Inaugural Address of, 388

  and France, 331–32

  frostbite of, 351

  gravesite of, 402

  Hamilton vs., 192, 286–87, 289, 293, 333, 353–62, 375, 399

  home of, see Montpelier

  on human nature, 338–42

  ill health of, 322, 366

  inadequate and incompetent leadership of, 375, 388–89, 390

  inauguration of, 382, 388

  incompetent cabinet of, 390–91

  as ineffective President, 13

  intellect of, 367

  and Jefferson, 12–13, 313, 325, 328, 332, 356, 363, 368, 373, 375–77, 399–401

  marriage of, 370

  in Merry etiquette scandal, 377–79

  parents of, 371, 373, 374

  personal appearance and characteristics of, 366–67, 384, 388

  political career of, 324, 327–33, 351–402

  political theory of, 36, 179, 321–50, 398

  as president, 172, 327, 373, 381–84, 388–99

  Republicanism of, 196, 199, 203, 286–87, 293, 357, 362–63, 370–71, 377

  retirement of, 371, 372, 398, 399–402

  on rights of individuals, 324–27

  rural sentimentality of, 357

  as secretary of state, 12, 361, 375–82, 386

  as slaveowner, 321, 348, 357, 400

  in U.S. Congress, 351–71

  U.S. government as framed by, 336–50

  vacillating political views of, 348, 352, 380, 398

  as vindicated by War of 1812, 398

  Washington and, 179, 194, 205–6, 209, 344, 351–52

  Washington’s rift with, 194, 204–5, 209

  Madison, James, Sr., 371, 373, 375

  “Mads, the,” 371

  Magaw, Robert, 139

  Magna Carta, 8, 26, 42, 318

  Mahan, A. T., 63

  Maison Carrée, 318

  majority factions, 40

  Mandeville, Bernard, 109, 349–50

  manners, meaning of term, 21

  Mansion House, 75

  Marbury v. Madison, 280

  Marshall, John, 255, 261, 280

  Martinique, 237

  Mary, 59

  Mason, George, 4, 72, 76, 120, 122, 123, 124–25, 184, 337


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