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Avenged by a Highland Laird

Page 5

by Sky Purington

  As just a few small sips of whisky spread through her veins, she realized she had been wiser than ever not to imbibe sooner. Now, however, it didn’t much matter. Or at least at this moment.

  Bryce’s eyes narrowed slightly at what she thought was her tone. “You should eat, lass. Come, we will get you some food...”

  The moment his hand touched her back to usher her along, she froze. There was a reason she didn’t like to be touched. Why, like most things, she tried to avoid it. Her empathic abilities could run rampant.

  Just like they were right now.

  She could feel Bryce’s every emotion from his concern for his clan and country to his need to see through his family obligations. More so, she could sense his draw to her. His need to remain close at all times. To understand and reveal her every last secret.

  Then she felt more, and it was all physical. His attraction to her was far stronger than he wanted it to be. She knew it last night with his thoughts but now, standing in his castle, it was a hundred times stronger.

  He was aroused.

  He desired her.

  “No,” she gasped and stepped away, more an automatic reaction than anything else.

  “I’m sorry, lass,” he replied. “I only meant to escort you to where you could sit and eat. ‘Tis unwise to drink whisky on an empty stomach.”

  Again she kept her eyes glued to the fire rather than look at him. “Actually, I’m not really hungry though I could use a bath and fresh clothing.”

  “It’s all ready to go,” Erin said as she joined them. Her eyes went to Bryce, and she spoke within his mind likely so Jessie couldn’t hear it. “Don’t worry, I know you want a dragon with her at all times so I’ll keep a close eye on her.”

  Before he had a chance to respond, Jessie spoke. “I would prefer to be honest from the start.” Her eyes flickered from Erin’s to Bryce’s before returning to the fire. “Though it doesn’t happen all the time, more often than not I can hear when Bryce has a telepathic conversation. Your best hope of privacy with your son would be found standing near water. It’s my least powerful element.” She shook her head. “Hopefully, as I adjust to the connection I share with Bryce, I'll be able to better control our telepathic bond.”

  Grant looked at her in amazement. “You were able to reach out to Graham via water like you did and it’s your least powerful element?”

  Jessie only nodded.

  Of course, they had figured out she was the one in the forest on Graham and Christina’s adventure. She still had a sore abdomen to prove it. Though the dagger he had whipped only hit her spirit self, it left an imprint on her physical body. It was almost like losing a limb but still feeling it afterward. The mind was, without a doubt, far more powerful than people realized.

  “I think mayhap you are more than a mere elemental witch, lass,” Grant said softly. “I believe strongly you might verra well be an arch-wizard.”

  Bryce’s and Erin’s brows shot up in surprise.

  “Aye, I think yer right,” came a deep voice as a man around Grant’s age appeared out of the crowd. Despite his years and white hair, there was no missing his strength or the family resemblance to Bryce. He nodded at her. “Welcome to Castle MacLeod, lass. My name is Colin MacLeod, and I’m Bryce’s grandfather.”

  “Hello,” she murmured, able to meet his eyes far easier than anyone else’s. Not a shock really considering she had been in such close contact with his granddaughter in the spirit realm. “It’s nice to meet you as well, Colin.”

  Grant looked from Colin to Jessie, clearly aware of her comfort with him.

  “Ye remind me a great deal of my late wife, Torra,” Colin said. “As does the amount of power ye possess.” His eyes went to Grant. “Surely ye sense it, Cousin.”

  “Aye,” Grant murmured. “’Tis similar yet repressed. Likely because of the warlocks’ influence.”

  Jessie knew a great deal about Torra thanks to Ainsley. Actually, she knew a great deal about all of those with MacLomain blood because of Bryce’s sister.

  It seemed, based on the way Colin was eying her, he sensed her intricate connection with his immediate family, deceased or otherwise. “I look forward to speaking with you more later, lass.”

  She nodded, in complete agreement.

  Though Grant and Torra had been very close and fellow arch-wizards, she wasn’t overly surprised that Colin was picking up Jessie’s connection to Torra’s kin better. He and his wife had not only been deeply in love, but she was dragon, so the bond went a little deeper. Or should she say the residual magic they shared together never truly went away.

  Her eyes swept over Bryce but didn’t linger. If they shared a true love MacLomain, Broun connection, it would be just as strong. She swallowed. Not if but more likely when. Because without the warlocks she had grown weaker which meant she needed something else to help her grow stronger again. Her eyes dropped to her ring. Nothing would be more powerful than igniting this.

  “Come along then, Jessie,” Erin said as she ushered Jessie up the stairs. “Thank you for being honest back there.”

  Jessie nodded, well aware she was talking about being able to overhear Bryce speak telepathically.

  “I’d also like to be honest,” Erin continued once they reached the top of the stairs. “As I’m sure you understand, I’m very uncomfortable with you being meant for my son.” She stopped and met Jessie’s eyes. “Not only are you able to create fire that our dragons can’t penetrate but you were in league with the warlocks no matter how good your intentions.” She frowned. “That means all of us are putting an awful lot of faith in you right now.”

  “I understand your reservations,” Jessie said. She kept her head held high and her eyes firmly locked with Erin’s no matter how uncomfortable. Bryce’s mother would appreciate it. “I hope by the time all is said and done that I’m able to win your trust.”

  Erin searched her eyes for a long moment before she nodded and murmured, “Me too, Jessie.”

  What she didn’t expect though she should have anticipated was to find Milly and Christina waiting for her when Erin opened the door to a chamber. Instead of smiling both stood from the small table they were sitting at and looked at her with uncertainty.

  She had been dreading this moment.

  The disappointment in their eyes when they saw her again.

  For the first time since this all began, she had to bite back emotions so strong she might have even cried. In fact, much to her shock, her eyes grew moist.

  Surprisingly, their eyes grew moist too.

  “It’s okay, darlin’,” Christina murmured and closed the distance faster than Milly. “We’re all caught up thanks to our telepathic connection with Grant.” She shook her head, and though it was clear she wanted to touch Jessie, she didn’t. “We know you’ve been trying to help all along.”

  “And we know how much you’ve sacrificed,” Milly added, compassionate. “Sorry if you saw something else in our eyes at first.” She shook her head. “We’re still processing everything.”

  “You are?” Jessie whispered, unsure. “I mean you’re not upset...”

  “No,” they both said at once and shook their heads before Milly continued. “We just wish you didn’t have to go through so much alone. That you could have shared with us so we could’ve helped carry your burden.”

  Both relieved but frightened they might not be completely truthful, Jessie shocked them when she pulled them into a group hug. Bombarded by a rush of mixed emotions, she held on tight as they embraced her.

  As to be expected there were trace amounts of doubt, but the vast majority of what they felt was love and concern for her. For the most part, they trusted every word of explanation she had given and stood by her. They didn’t want to lose her and intended to do everything in their power to help her fight every last demon that had kept her repressed for so long.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, unable to stop the stubborn tear that slipped free. “Thank you so much.”

There wasn’t a dry eye as they pulled back.

  “Just look at that,” Christina murmured as she brushed Jessie’s tear away. “I knew you had it in you, honey.” She shook her head. “I’m just so sorry you’ve had to learn to suppress your emotions like you have. But now all that’s over with.” She squeezed her hand. “You can feel to your heart’s content, sugar.”

  “I’ll try,” Jessie whispered trying out of instinct to get her emotions under control.

  “Come sit down, sweetie.” Milly led her to a chair. “Eat and take a bath then we’ll get you into some fresh clothes.”

  Jessie nodded and took another small sip of whisky before she set it aside and nibbled on some bannock. Erin didn’t go far but sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I’m afraid I can’t leave the room while you’re bathing,” Erin said. “But I will keep my eyes averted.”

  “You don’t have to stay,” Christina replied. “We’re going to be staying with her.”

  “No, she has to,” Jessie said softly. “That’s Bryce’s wish, and I well understand.”

  Milly and Christina frowned but said nothing more about it. They understood too. So they caught up while Jessie ate. She tried to fill in the blanks the best she could about everything that had happened to them up until now.

  “That’s crazy about Graham’s knife not actually hitting you.” Christina shook her head. “He’s glad to hear it though.” She made a circle with her finger. “And that time loop was something else.” Her eyes narrowed. “I can’t believe you were sitting in the chair...but not. Though I started to figure it out in the end.” She cocked her head at Jessie. “So my driving need to keep the fire burning in the living room...that was you, wasn’t it?”

  Obviously, they were telepathically connected with their MacLomains. All of which she was sure Grant had been in touch with by now.

  “Yes, I compelled you to keep the fire going,” Jessie replied. “It magnified my magic and helped me time-travel.”

  Christina nodded and grinned. “Well, I’m just glad I could be there for you.”

  Jessie nodded, still amazed by how wonderful they were being.

  “I’m sorry that I’ve been dishonest with both of you all this time.” Jessie’s eyes went to the fire on the hearth. “That our entire friendship has been based on a lie.”

  “No, it hasn’t, Jessie.” Milly shook her head. “Now that we know your reasons, we completely understand why you had to do what you did.” She reached across the table and took her hand, squeezing it until Jessie met her eyes. “We love you for all the moments in between. The fun times we’ve had.”

  “That’s right,” Christina agreed. “And don’t you forget it.”

  Jessie could only manage a small nod as another rush of emotion overwhelmed her. She swallowed hard before she finally murmured, “And Lindsay?”

  “She feels the same way as us,” Milly assured. “She would’ve been here if she could have but don’t worry, you’ll see her soon enough.”

  “Good,” she whispered, more relieved than she let on that they all still seemed to care so much. It was more than she had hoped for.

  “Naturally, we have more questions but now’s not the time,” Milly said. “I know you’ve been here for a while in spirit form, but still, this has got to be a lot.”

  “It is,” Jessie murmured as she nibbled. “But know that I’ll answer any questions you have whenever you like.” Her eyes flickered from Christina to Milly. “If nothing else, I owe it to you.”

  “I don’t know, honey,” Christina replied. “The way I see it you’ve been protecting not only us but the whole country of Scotland for a long time so I’d say we owe it to you to give you a little breathing room.”

  Again overwhelmed by their response, all she could do was nod once more as her eyes went to the water. “I’d love to bathe if it’s all right with you.”

  “Sure,” Christina exclaimed. “Would you like us to stay or wait outside?”

  Jessie glanced from Erin back to them. What she would prefer was to bathe in private. Even so. “Maybe just a few minutes alone...well, with Erin here of course.”

  They nodded and headed for the door before Milly stopped in passing, put a hand on her shoulder and met her eyes. “If you need us, just holler. We’ll be waiting outside the door.”

  “Thank you.” She put her hand over Milly’s. “I’ll be okay.”

  After they left, Erin stuck her hand in the tub of water and chanted. “There we go. All warmed up.” Her eyes met Jessie’s as she gestured at a small table beside the tub. “Everything you need is right there. Soap and a towel as well as shampoo and a concoction to condition your hair with that I whipped up. A change of clothes is on the bed.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.” As soon as Erin turned away and looked out the window, Jessie stripped down and slipped into the blissfully warm water. Though it felt wonderful and she was tempted to linger, she was uncomfortably aware of Bryce’s mother.

  “You seem to have had a nice reunion with your friends,” Erin said softly, likely trying to ease the awkward situation. Because truthfully, they both knew that if Jessie could stop a dragon with fire than having a dragon keep an eye on her was sort of pointless. “I’m glad. Friends and family are very important.”

  “Yes, they are,” Jessie responded.

  Silence stretched before Erin finally said what was really weighing on her mind. “Bryce is meant for you, isn’t he? And you’ve known it for a long time.”

  Jessie swallowed hard, unsure if she should answer this or not. So she remained as truthful as she was capable of at the moment. “Yes, there is a very good chance, and I have known it for a long time.”

  Silence settled again as Erin likely contemplated that before she finally said, “Are you aware he’s promised to marry another?”

  “I am,” Jessie murmured.

  “And your thoughts on that?” Erin prompted.

  Her thoughts were varied and complicated, but she certainly had no intention of sharing that just yet. “My thoughts don’t go much beyond ensuring Scotland’s survival.” She made her voice firm and was absolutely honest with Erin. “That means I intend to make sure the magic of my ring is ignited, no matter what it takes.”

  If Erin was taken aback by Jessie’s straightforward response, she didn’t let on. “True love can’t be forced.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” Jessie replied. “Nor do I have any idea how to force love.” She kept her voice firm though she would much rather get to know Erin better and perhaps bond. Nonetheless, she had been in control of all this for far too long and showing weakness now, especially to a woman like Erin, wasn’t wise. “What I do know is that the MacLomain, Broun connection exists and that it’s powerful. More than that, I have faith in it to find me when the time is right.”

  Erin remained silent after that. Jessie didn’t blame her. Not only had a woman come along that probably struck her as powerful as Grant and Adlin but pretty much declared she would have her son if it meant saving Scotland.

  Yet she got the feeling Erin had been testing her. Not only that but she suspected Erin sensed Jessie’s connection with her daughter. How could she not? Dragons were known for the deep bond they made with their offspring no matter how short their lives might have been.

  After she toweled off, Jessie put on a lovely crème colored dress with flecks of moss that made her darker skin tone grow more luminous. It was fitted closer to her body than anything she had ever worn. She peered down at her cleavage, unsure, as she murmured a chant to manipulate air and cinched up the back. Oh, goodness, that did nothing but plump her breasts up even more.

  “You look beautiful,” Erin said softly, having finally turned Jessie’s way.

  “Thanks,” she whispered, not at all comfortable in something so revealing. She touched her hair, manipulated the air and dried it instantly.

  “You don’t worry about using your magic then?” Erin asked as she eyed Jessie over, making adjustmen
ts here and there. “The warlocks you were so close to for so long can’t sense it?”

  “No, not here,” Jessie replied. “When I am no longer surrounded by stone or fire, they likely will though.” She didn’t avert her eyes when Erin’s returned to hers but remained forthright because she felt Bryce’s mother deserved as much. “Once we travel beyond these castle walls, I will become the number one target of my...the warlocks even before the fate of Scotland.” And though she hated to be so blunt, she knew Erin would prefer it. After all, once upon a time in the twenty-first century, Erin had been military. “Not only that but I will be more weakened and vulnerable than ever now that I no longer have the warlocks’ protection...or connection so to speak.”

  Erin didn’t bat a lash or lose eye contact with Jessie but notched her chin in defiance. “You might be weakened in some regards but based on what I see in your eyes, not in the ways that will matter most.” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Because you’re not afraid of them, right? You’re not afraid of these last two warlocks you face.” Before Jessie could respond, she continued firmly. “Because if you are, getting over that is the first thing you need to do or all else is lost.”

  “I know.” Jessie nodded, glad however odd the conversation may be that someone saw what she had to do. “It won’t be easy, though.”

  “Nothing so important ever is.” Erin surprised her when she held Jessie’s hands between hers as their eyes remained locked. “But you will do it. And you will do it with every last bit of strength you have.”

  “Absolutely,” she began but trailed off when something unexpected started to happen.

  In a split second, Bryce’s life flashed before her eyes. Him as a baby, a child then all the years between then and now. When he walked, then embraced his dragon for the first time. Enthralled and bewitched by everything being shown to her, she almost didn’t catch what was going on. Regrettably, by the time she did, it was already too late.


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