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Forever Fredless

Page 18

by Suzy Turner

  Walking downstairs to get some breakfast, I passed a couple of therapists who stopped to say hello and to thank me for creating such a perfect place to work. It gave me a buzz, even though I was quick to explain they should thank Liz and Jorge, not me. They're the ones who had done all the hard work. I'd merely provided the house and the finances. I still couldn't quite believe what they'd achieved in just under two months.

  The breakfast room was stunning. Everything was white. White walls, white floors, white tables and chairs, white curtains. Even the plates were white. I smiled as I took one of them and slowly inspected the buffet. The usual continental style breakfast ingredients sat beside a plethora of gluten free and lactose free options that looked divine. Cartons of almond milk, soya milk, rice milk and oat milk were piled high next to large jugs of both skimmed and semi-skimmed. Teas of every variety, including green rose, vanilla rooibos, white and Moroccan were placed among the more usual English and Earl Grey. I chose the latter, along with a large croissant with plum jam.

  Choosing a spot next to one of the windows, I sat down and took a sip of tea, relaxing back into the chair contentedly. As I ate, I watched the yoga class come to an end before turning my attention to some of the other guests in the breakfast room. It was slowly filling up with men and women of all ages. All looked relaxed and healthy. I smiled as Jorge walked into the room, grinning at his guests, with whom he spoke briefly, before he spotted me sitting alone.

  'Kate!' he rushed towards me. 'How you finding everything? Is room okay? Breakfast good, yes?'

  I nodded energetically, his positive aura bouncing off me.

  'Everything is absolutely perfect, Jorge. Thank you. I am so proud of what you and Liz have achieved here.'

  He reddened a little and shook his head. 'It is Liz,' he nodded with a sparkle in his eyes. 'She is amazing. Her ideas. All this, her ideas. I am very lucky, eh?'

  I laughed and patted my mouth with the cloth napkin. 'You're right, she is amazing. And you are very lucky to have found each other. And I am very lucky to have you both running this place. Thank you.'

  Jorge blushed again, as a member of staff appeared in the doorway, trying to catch his attention.

  'Oh, duty calls,' he smiled. 'I must go. You tell me if you need anything, anything at all.'

  'I will, I promise. Thank you.'

  He nodded with a grin and rushed away.


  I'd been there almost a week when Liz and Jorge took a day off. We drove around the island and were tempted to go swimming in a stunning little cove but, as it was January, it was far too cold. We had lunch in a spot that overlooked almost the entire island. It was absolutely beautiful. It was there that the couple delivered their news.

  'We're having a baby!' they'd squealed together.

  'You are? Eeeeeeeeeeek,' I jumped up and hugged them both. 'I can't believe it. A baby, awwww I'm so happy for you both.'

  'We just had confirmation from the doctor this morning. You're the first person we've told,' sighed Liz as she leaned back and let the sun warm her face, which was relaxed and tanned. She looked like a completely different person to the one I'd known in England.

  'You look radiant, Liz.'

  'Aww, thanks, Kate. I feel amazing. I can't quite believe it yet though. That I have a little baby growing inside me.'

  'I can imagine. It must be surreal.'

  She nodded as Jorge returned from chatting to the owner of the restaurant, an old school friend.

  'Are you alright, amor?'

  Liz nodded and reached up to squeeze his hand as he sat down. Looking at each other, their faces completely lit up. This was a couple seriously in love.

  I sighed happily for them and she turned to look at me. Tilting her head to one side, she whispered, 'Kate, when are you going to forget about him?'

  Taking a swig of cool water, I tried to think of something to say, but nothing would come, so I shrugged. She shook her head.

  'This boy has captured your attention for far too long. He doesn't exist anymore, Kate, you've got to let him go.'

  'I know, but it's not as easy as that.'

  She raised her eyebrows. 'Yes, actually, it is.'

  I shook my head and looked away.

  'Don't do that. I know you. He's still in there,' she patted my chest. 'Trouble is, he's not out here. He never will be. It's time to move on and find your true soul mate'

  'Like Jorge?' I asked with a smile.

  'Yes, exactly like Jorge. He has lots of single cousins,' she grinned. 'I'll introduce you at the wedding.'


  'Yes, didn't I tell you? We must have told you? We finally set a date.'

  'You did?' I grinned. 'When?'

  'Next year. 20th of June. I could have sworn I told you because you and the girls are my bridesmaids.'

  'We are?' I squealed again.

  'I'm sure I told you. I wouldn't forget something like that.'

  'Maybe it happened in the middle of the whole Luigi episode?'

  'Yes, that's right. I called you one day to tell you and then that ignorant bastard did that to you, and then comforting you was far more important at the time.'

  'Oh Liz... I'm so sorry. Comforting me shouldn't have been more important than announcing your wedding date and asking me to be a bridesmaid. I'm truly sorry.' I felt tears welling up in my eyes. This was exactly why I needed time to sort myself out. Why I needed some alone time. I well and truly needed to rid my brain of Fred.


  I'd never heard so many honking horns in my entire life. They seemed to come at us from every direction. As I looked out the window of the yellow cab, I clenched every one of my muscles in expectation of being hit by another car.

  This was New York and, apparently, this was the norm. That's what the taxi driver told me, anyway, when we arrived at my new address on East 57th Street.

  'Enjoy your stay in New York,' he grinned as I climbed out, letting him remove my bags from the boot.

  'I'm sorry,' I asked, but which building is it?'

  The overweight but very cute driver gave me a lazy smile and pointed just two doors down.

  'That's the one. Very swanky. See ya,' he yelled as he hopped back in the car and drove off, narrowly missing a couple of other yellow cabs in the process. Both leaned on their horns in protest.

  'Let me help you there, miss,' said a middle-aged man in a rather fancy suit.

  Unsure what was happening, my grip tightened on my bags as he smiled warmly at me.

  'Miss Robinson?'

  'Oh, how did you know?'

  'We were told to await your arrival this evening. Your apartment awaits.'

  'It does?'

  By then I was tired, hungry and totally confused.

  'Please follow me, Miss.'

  Doing as I was told, I followed him into a pretty normal looking building on the outside, into the most exquisite lobby.

  'Er, are you sure we're in the right place?' I asked, almost hyperventilating.

  The man's face softened and he turned to smile at me. Placing the bags down, he said, 'You're Miss Kate Robinson, owner of Apartment Number 28? Inherited from Sam Simões, I believe?'

  I nodded nervously.

  'Then you're in the right place. Welcome to your new home, Miss Robinson. My name is George and I'm the head porter at the Thomas Residence. You can call on me for anything, anything at all.'

  'Oh, thank you, George,' I answered, immediately feeling at ease.

  'I've been instructed to give you your keys,' he said as he leaned over the little front desk and handed me an envelope. 'Would you like me to help you up to your apartment?'

  'I don't think so, thanks. I can probably manage, I'm sure you're busy enough,' I smiled.

  'Not at all,' he said as he picked up my bags once again and we walked towards the elevator.

  As we waited, I glanced around at the impressive surroundings, all done out in white and grey marble, with several large sofas in the centre.
It was more like a hotel than a residential building.

  Still feeling a bit nervous, I looked down at the floor and waited for the door to open. As it finally did, the most gorgeous guy with short blond hair stepped out, almost bumping into me.

  'Oh my, sorry honey,' he drawled in the most wonderful Texan accent. 'Hey there, George. Now who is this fine young lady with you this afternoon?'

  'Evening, Mr. Scott. This is Miss Robinson.'

  'Why, Miss Robinson, I've heard so much about you. It's a pleasure to meet you, at last,' he said as my mouth dropped open.

  'Er, it’s a pleasure to meet you too,' I said holding out my hand as he shook it warmly. 'Please call me Kate. But, have you heard about me?'

  He blushed. 'Of course, Kate. I was a friend of Sam's. I'm so sorry to hear of his passing. Such a nice man, he was.'

  'You knew Sam?' I asked excitedly.

  'Why of course, Andy and I used to cook for him every time he was here.'

  'You did?'

  Nodding, he looked at his watch. 'Shoot, I'm gonna be late. Kate, it's a pleasure to meet you. You must join me for dinner. Tomorrow, my place, eight o' clock. See ya there.'

  And like a massive whirlwind, he was gone.

  George leaned over and pressed the button after the door had closed.

  He grinned at me. 'Mr Scott is a fine young man, Miss Robinson. You'll be safe with him. I can see you'll be good friends. Shame his boyfriend Andy just left him though,' he said as he smiled at me knowingly.

  Oh right. That explains it.

  'What's his first name?' I asked.

  'Mr Scott?'

  I nodded.


  'Freddie?' I repeated incredulously.


  George left me outside the door to my new apartment. 'If you need anything, anything at all, just let me know, Miss Robinson, okay?'

  'Thank you so much, George,' I said as he stepped back into the elevator. I stood watching him as the doors closed and it descended back towards the ground floor.

  Turning, I realised there were just two doors on this floor. Taking the keys out of the envelope, my hands trembled as I unlocked mine. Pushing it open, I gasped, shocked at the sheer size of my new home. Half expecting something just a little larger than my lounge in Wimbledon, I could barely contain myself as I stepped forward into a huge open plan room - the kitchen at the far end, and a living room at the other.

  Giggling, I threw my hand luggage on the floor and rushed over to the nearest window where I could see a glimpse of greenery lit up not too far away. Was that Central Park? Looking down, I saw hundreds of people scurrying along the street and cars honking as they drove quickly through the city's streets. It was New York! I was in New York!

  It hadn't quite dawned on me until then. Suddenly, memories of all those chick flicks I'd watched with Jo and Carly came flooding back and, with a massive grin, I couldn't wait to see what the city that never sleeps had to offer.

  Unfortunately for this twenty-nine year old, however, sleep was exactly what I needed. Food first, then sleep. It had been a very long day. Unable to get a direct flight from the Azores to New York, I'd opted to fly to Lisbon first and then on to the States.

  My stomach grumbled just as I contemplated whether to skip dinner or not. Clearly that wasn't an option, so I grabbed my warm coat and handbag and rushed back out the door. I'd have a proper look around the apartment tomorrow.

  George pointed out the nearest diner where I'd rushed straight into and ordered the grilled chicken Caesar wrap, which was enormous. Luckily, my stomach hadn't complained as I'd polished it off, followed by a cappuccino. Completely satiated, I just sat and watched some very interesting-looking people come in and out, enjoying being completely alone for the first time in a long while.

  Soon though, as my eyes began to feel heavy, I paid the bill and walked back down the road towards my new home at the Thomas Residence, where hopefully, a comfortable bed awaited.


  The sound of a police siren going right past the building woke me with a start. Opening my eyes, it took me a good minute to remember where I was. Sitting up and stretching, I looked around the bedroom and smiled. I'd barely even noticed when I'd taken off my clothes and fallen into bed the night before, but the large room was beautifully decorated in creams, beiges and golds. It was quite classical in design, with slightly poofy swags and tails decorating the windows, but I liked it. It suited the place.

  Climbing out of the massive bed, which could quite easily sleep four, I wandered into the bathroom and sat down for a pee before undressing and stepping into the enormous walk-in shower where gold and beige mosaic tiles twinkled beneath the falling warm water.

  As I slowly began to wake up, thoughts of the previous three weeks filled my head. The impending baby and wedding, days spent lazing on the beach (but wrapped up from the chilly air), hours spent contemplating life, while attempting the downward zebra and other yoga moves on the lawn, overlooking the ocean and the hours I'd spent with Liz having massages, facials and manicures together. I'd had a blast, and Fred had only visited my mind on a couple of occasions. It was working. Leaving the UK for a while was doing me the world of good.

  Unfortunately, the only time I'd been attracted to a gorgeous man was the previous evening. It's true, Freddie was perhaps the most beautiful man I'd ever laid eyes on and he was well and truly gay. Perhaps destiny was playing her hand. Perhaps she was finally telling me that the only Fred ever to come into my life would be this beautiful gay man. I sighed, but not the kind of unhappy miserable sigh I had been plighted with over recent years (and beyond); no, it was a contented sigh. I was happy. Simply happy.

  Throwing on some jeans and a warm sweater, I hadn't even noticed the time. I'd slept for sixteen hours! Shows how much I needed it. I pulled on my cold weather boots, checked out the rest of the apartment (a further two large bedrooms, two bathrooms and a cute little indoor courtyard) and headed out to find the nearest supermarket.

  George smiled when I stepped out of the lift. 'Good day, Miss Robinson. Sleep well?'

  Nodding, I replied, 'Wonderfully well, thank you, George, but perhaps a little too long,' I answered glancing down at my watch.

  'Nonsense. Can I help with anything this afternoon?'

  'Yes, please. Could you point me in the direction of the nearest supermarket? I really need to fill the fridge and cupboards for my stay.'

  'Of course,' he said as he pulled out a map of the city and showed me exactly where we were, and then gave me directions to several in the vicinity.

  'Perhaps you'd like me to call you a cab?'

  'That's okay, I'll walk. See you later.'

  George nodded with a grin and tipped his hat. He was such a nice man.

  New York was everything I expected and more. The atmosphere was electric. There was something about it that was really special. The way people jostled amongst each other as they walked through the streets, the endless river of yellow taxis that flowed between each and every pavement and the way the buildings towered above you were mesmerising. Tonnes of hop on, hop off sightseeing buses kept driving past with smiling tourists pointing and taking pictures. I grinned and my stomach grumbled at the same time. There was so much happening that I had almost forgotten to eat again. As I was enjoying strolling through the streets so much, I decided to grab a hot dog from a nearby stand. After all, I couldn't very well come to New York and not do that, could I? I shivered, watching my breath as I waited.

  It was worth the wait – my hot dog was absolutely delicious, but with all the different toppings I made such a mess of myself; but I didn't care. It's not like I had anyone to impress. So I carried on walking, slowly munching on the huge sausage sandwich, ketchup and mustard smothering my chin, as I admired the city that surrounded me.

  I took no notice of where I was going, just kept walking down one street after another. Not once glancing at the map. I was completely lost in the moment until I stumbled upon a
number of pretty horses and carriages.

  'Hey there,' said a really pretty woman about my age.


  'Would you like a ride?' she asked as she brushed the mane of the white horse which stood nearest to me.

  'Erm, I hadn't really thought about it, to be honest.'

  She smiled. 'English?'

  I nodded. 'Yes, just arrived yesterday.'

  'Welcome to New York.'

  'Thank you,' I grinned whilst deciding whether to go for it or not.

  Why not. I was in New York, I had to do everything while I was here.

  'Okay then, I would.'

  'Great! Hop on.'

  Stepping up onto the carriage, the brunette handed me a warm blanket before she climbed onto the seat in front and motioned for the horses to start moving.

  I couldn't help but grin.

  'So, is this your first time in the Big Apple?'

  'Yes, although I actually own an apartment here'

  She turned, her eyebrows raised. 'It's your first time here yet you own an apartment?' she asked.

  'It's a long story,' I smiled, before continuing. 'Basically, I inherited it.'

  'Awesome, good for you.'

  'Thanks. How long have you lived here?' I asked as we entered Central Park and grinned.

  'All my life. Born and bred New Yorker, I am,' she smiled, turning to look at me. 'My name's Ashley, by the way and these beauties here are Suzanne and Eliza,' she said, pointing to the two horses.

  'It's great to meet you Ashley, Suzanne and Eliza. I'm Kate.'

  'Nice to meet you too, Kate. Well, I guess we should do the tourist thing,' she grinned and started telling me all about places that surrounded the park as well as places within it. I learned that John Lennon used to live in a lovely old building called The Dakota, the Wollman Rink runs from October to April and then becomes the Victoria Gardens; The Pond is the perfect place below street level to while away a few hours (especially if you're into birds); around 250,000 people ride on the carousel every year and the Sheep Meadow is an area of fifteen acres that admits some 30,000 people every day between May and October and has seen concerts, demonstrations and political movements over the past hundred years.


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