Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)

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Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2) Page 13

by Sharon Cummin

  Lisa realized it was good she was going back to work. She needed to get a place of her own. Josh didn't owe her anything. There was no reason for him to tell her he went someplace else. She had no reason to want to know where he had been. Her feelings were getting in her way, and she needed to stomp them out before she got hurt. It would happen. She was sure of it. He would break her heart. She didn't know if it would be a lie or cheating, but he would do something to hurt her.

  Lisa crawled under the covers and set her alarm. When she put her phone on the nightstand, it beeped. She picked it up and saw a text from Becky.

  “Did you enjoy your dinner?”

  “Yes, it was good,” she replied, wondering how Becky knew.

  “I made sure to put it in the fridge while he was here, so it wouldn't spoil.”

  “Why was he over there?” Lisa sent.

  “I have no idea. I answered the door, and he looked pissed. He handed me the plate to put in the fridge and went into the office with Gavin and shut the door. They were in there for a couple of hours. He came out a bit more calm. I got the plate out for him. He asked me if I knew you were going back to work. Then he left.”

  “What did they talk about?” Lisa asked.

  “Gavin said Jack did something stupid and Josh was mad. I didn't ask anything else. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, I am getting ready for bed. I'm excited to go back to work and get my life in order. I need to give Josh his life back. He needs to be able to do what he did before I came along,” she sent.

  “I see,” Becky sent.


  “Have a great flight. Hope you have fun. Gamble a bit for me,” Becky sent.

  “I will,” Lisa sent. “I love Vegas.”

  She put her phone down and tried to get some sleep.

  In the morning, she got up and ready for work. Josh's bedroom door was open, but he wasn't there. She grabbed some paper and a pen to write a note.


  You weren't home when I left. Be careful out there.

  I fly out this morning with three stops, before getting to Las Vegas. I will text you when I get there.

  Have a great time!

  Keep your women out of my room. Just kidding, have fun.


  She left the note on the table, grabbed her bag, and left for work.

  Lisa finally checked into her hotel room at ten o'clock at night Pennsylvania time, seven o'clock Vegas time. She put her bag on the dresser in the room, turned her phone on, put it on her bag, and went to take a bath. She needed to soak her ankle. The flights were harder than she thought they would be. Her ankle was extremely swelled. It was hard to stand and walk as much as she did. Standing and walking on the plane, with it moving, hurt worse than she expected. She really hadn't taken everything into consideration. It was much harder than she thought it would be.

  As she sunk down into the warm water, she heard her phone beep several times from the other room. It was probably Becky wondering how the flight was and if she had won any money in the airport. Lisa was tired. She leaned her head back against the side of the tub and let out a sigh. She wondered what Josh had done all day, what he had for dinner, if he had to go to any fires, and tons of other stuff. It felt lonely in the quiet hotel room. What was going on with her? She used to love being alone. She missed Josh and worried about him.

  Lisa got out of the bath and dried off. She opened her bag to get out her clothes and saw a note. Lisa put on sweats and a t-shirt, grabbed the note and her phone, and sat down on her bed. She opened the paper to read it.


  I hope you had a great flight. I had to leave before you got up. Sorry I couldn't say goodbye. I'll see you when you get home tomorrow. Win big for me. Wish I was going too. Make sure I do something really good in your dream tonight.


  Lisa laughed so hard as she folded the note and got up to put it away. She sat back down and looked at her phone. Becky sent a text telling her good luck. There were three texts from Josh.

  “Hope you have a great flight.”

  “Did you land yet?”

  “It's really late. Should I send out a search party? Did a slot machine pull you in?”

  She didn't want him to worry so she typed a quick message.

  “I'm in my hotel. Sorry about that. I just turned my phone on. I haven't played at all yet. I think I might just go to bed.”

  “How were the flights?”

  “They were fine.”

  “How is your ankle?”

  “It's fine. I still have to eat dinner. Did you have anything good? Are you keeping the women out of my room?”

  A few minutes went by before he replied. She didn't feel like leaving the room. Her foot was sore. Lisa ordered room service and turned on the television. She turned on one of the shows that she watched each week with Josh, while she waited.

  Her phone beeped.

  “I picked up something on my way home from shopping. What are you eating? Are you missing me yet?”

  “I just ordered room service, a burger and fries. I just turned on our Monday night show.”

  “I haven't watched it yet. It's recorded and waiting. I should have watched it earlier and then told you what happened, before you could watch it.”

  There was a knock on the door. She grabbed her purse and got money out. Lisa got her food and paid her bill. When she sat back down there was another text.

  “It's not the same watching it without you. Do you want to watch it together?”

  Her phone rang and she answered it.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey. How's your foot?”

  “It's okay.”

  “What's wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said. “I'm just tired and hungry. It's coming on right now. Push play when I tell you.”

  As soon as the show started, she told him to push play.

  They stayed on the phone while they watched the show and she ate. During the commercials, she asked him about his day. She told him about her flights, but only the good parts. She didn't want him to know that he was right about her foot. When the show was over she told him she way going to bed. She assured him that she would text when her flight was ready to take off from the last stop, so he knew about what time her plane would land. Even though her car was waiting for her, he wanted to know. She would text again when it landed.

  “Have a good flight. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll make dinner so you can eat when you get home,” he said.

  “Okay, have a good night. Bye,” she said, and hung up her phone.

  Lisa woke and found a text from Josh.

  “Sweet dreams, beautiful.”

  Chapter 23

  Josh spent the next day at home in his office. He received a text from Lisa saying her first flight was leaving. She would not have much time between flights, so she was not going to text again until the final leg of the flight landed at home. If all of the flights were on time, she would land around eight o'clock at night. He made lasagna and put it in the refrigerator and planned to heat it up when the flight landed.

  Josh was on the couch watching a show when his phone went off. It was seven thirty in the evening. He jumped up, grabbed his shoes, put them on, and took off out the door. As soon as he got to the station, they scurried around to get ready and were off. They were headed to the airport for an emergency landing. They arrived at the airport and met up with airport firefighters and were told a flight from Atlanta was making an emergency landing. The landing gear was faulty and the front wheel was sideways. The plane was circling to burn fuel, so there would be as little as possible when they attempted to land. Hoping the wheel would correct on landing, or would assist the back wheels to keep the plane steady, without catching fire. They stood by waiting.

  Josh knew that Lisa's plane was supposed to land at any moment, and it was a flight from Atlanta on the same airline. He was nervous. All he could think about was keeping her safe. The few minute
s of waiting seemed like hours, as thoughts of her flooded his mind. Her beautiful green eyes, long brown hair, amazing personality, and silly sense of humor, ran through his head. He could not imagine having a life without her in it one way or the other. His hands shook and his legs felt like they were going to crumble at any moment. Please let her be okay, he thought. He would do anything for her to be safe. He pulled out his phone to see if there was a text from her, but was sadly disappointed. Had she already landed? Was she still in the air? Was she on that plane? Please let that plane land safely. It was a full plane, and everyone on it deserved a full and happy life, he thought.

  He spent his adult life running from love, because he was afraid to lose the person he gave his heart to. Josh had feelings for Lisa. He felt them as he stood waiting for the plane to land. She was a huge part of his life, and he could not deny it. There was not one thing about her that he did not like. He was so afraid to lose her, but he had never had her. He pushed away his feelings for her each day. What if he never had the chance to be with her? What if she never knew how he felt? She was his best friend, the one he wanted to spend his time with. Would she ever be able to have feelings for him? Would he ever be able to find out? He might never have a chance to be with her. Josh realized that he may have given up all of the wonderful moments they could have had, before she was gone. He stood with his head in his hands and prayed that she would be okay.

  The plane went in for a landing and skid down the runway, as the wheel shred and the rubbed burnt, shooting sparks from under the wheel. With the aircraft steady, it finally stopped. The trucks got to the plane and the firefighters moved into action. With everything under control, the trucks from Josh's station left the airport.

  Josh got out of his gear and was ready to leave, when he was finally able to check his phone again. Relief washed over him as he opened the text from Lisa.

  “My plane landed. We were a little early. I will be home soon. Hope you made something good, because I am starved.”

  Josh sat in his car and leaned his head down onto the steering wheel. He was thankful that she was okay. As soon as he got home, he hurried into the house and to the kitchen, where Lisa was heating up the lasagna and making garlic bread. He stood in the doorway and watched her. She had on shorts and a tank top. She was safe. His feelings flooded him as he looked at her.

  Josh walked up behind her, turned her around, grabbed the back of her head, and released every emotion from the entire night as his lips claimed hers hard.

  Chapter 24

  What is going on? Lisa felt her eyes widen as she looked at his face. That kiss was different than any she had ever had in her life. She could feel emotion and something else as he pulled his lips away. They both struggled to catch their breath. His chest was against hers and she could feel his heart beating so fast.

  “I thought I lost you. I couldn't lose you,” he whispered, as he looked her in the eye.

  She stood frozen. Was it because she went to work? She was only gone for one day. Lisa missed him too, but what was going on? Before she could say anything, his lips were crashing back down on hers. They kissed before, but this was different. He held her head tightly against his with her hair wrapped around his hand. His kiss wasn't soft and loving; it was hard and full of need. He slid his tongue across her lips as she parted them. Josh thrust his tongue into her mouth. It was like he was memorizing every inch of her mouth. His tongue found hers and she melted into his arms. Lisa let out a gasp as he claimed her mouth as his. She felt like he was marking her for himself. Their tongues found an amazing rhythm. She moaned against his lips, and it felt like sparks were shooting through every part of her.

  He held her tight against his chest, and she could feel her breasts brush against him through the thin fabric of their shirts. She could feel herself getting wet below just from his kisses. It was by far, the best kiss she had ever experienced in her life. What a welcome home, she thought. Her body was shaking and her legs felt like they would give out at any moment. If he kept kissing her like that, she was going to have an orgasm without him even touching her.

  Not long after she came home from the hospital, they had a sexual experience together, but did not have sex. There were a couple of flirty playful moments over the past few months. But the moment they were in, standing in the kitchen, was on a whole different level. She dreamt about him so many times. Never once, had her body felt like it did at that moment. She felt like her whole body was humming, like every nerve was on full alert.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. He slid his hands down her back, reached for the hem of her shirt, and in one swift motion, pulled it over her head. She heard him let out a deep breath as he began to move his lips down her neck. She shivered when she felt his breath against her skin. He continued to trail kisses down, until he reached her bra. Josh undid it with a quick movement, slid it down her arms, and let it fall at their feet. He licked and teased her nipple as she felt it harden. Josh felt and squeezed her other breast with his hand. She felt her head fall back as he held her nipple between his teeth and pulled gently. Her hands instantly went to the back of his head as she held him against her. He gave equal attention to both breasts before sliding his tongue down the middle of her body toward the waist of her shorts.

  Josh slid his hands down her body and pulled her shorts to the ground. Her panties were pink and thin. He left his mouth on her mound, and she could feel his warm breath through the thin fabric. Her body shook as another shiver ran through her. His tongue slid down and up her thigh. She let out a moan as his tongue slid beneath her panties and brushed across her soft skin.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “You're so beautiful and so damn wet.”

  His fingers moved her panties to the side as he continued to stroke her with his tongue. Her fingers laced in his hair as her head fell back again. She felt such a need for him. More than she ever dreamt possible. He thrust his tongue into her and she gasped out a loud moan.

  “Josh,” she whispered with a breathy tone.

  He continued to thrust his tongue deep into her pussy. Her legs were shaking and she could not wait to have him. Lisa wanted him inside of her. She had never wanted anything more than she wanted him.

  “Please, Josh,” she gasped.

  “What baby?” he asked, as he growled against her skin.


  “Tell me baby, what do you want?” he demanded.

  She was surprised by his commanding tone, but it turned her on even more.

  “I want you, Josh,” she growled. “I need you inside of me. I can't wait anymore. I want you now.”

  She pulled his shoulders for him to stand. He stood and crushed their lips together as he sucked her bottom lip between his teeth. She moaned against his lips. He pulled her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She held the back of his head tight with their lips together, kissing as if their lives depended on it. He walked through the kitchen, toward his room.

  “Oven, lasagna,” she whispered.

  “Shit,” he groaned.

  Josh put her down, pulled the lasagna out of the oven, shut the oven off, grabbed her hand, and pulled her to his bedroom.

  “I've never been in this bed. I may never want to leave,” she giggled.

  He turned back to her and she gave him a flirty smile. Josh shook his head as he pulled her in for another kiss. She pulled back, reached for the hem of his shirt, pulled it off of his body, and gasped. Her hands ran up and down his muscular arms and chiseled chest. She slid her fingers across his sexy abs as she looked into his eyes.

  “How do you keep your body looking so damn good?” she asked, as her lips found his chest.

  She led little kisses all over him, as she reached for his jeans, unbuttoned, unzipped, and pushed them down his legs. Lisa could see his erection as it tried to escape his boxers. She pulled them down, and he sprang free. Her breath caught as she looked at his hard cock. Lisa got down on her knees and to
ok him into her mouth as he gasped.

  “Shit, Lisa.”

  She licked and teased his tip before sliding him into her mouth. Lisa slowly slid down his shaft until he filled her mouth completely. He groaned as he held the back of her head. She slid him out and back into her mouth again. He grabbed her arms and pulled her to her feet. Josh stepped out of his jeans and boxers, turned them around, and leaned her back against the bed. She crawled backward up his mattress as he followed her. Her head went back against the pillow when he held her breast in his hand and swirled his tongue around her nipple. She closed her eyes as she arched her back into him. He continued to devour her, until she could take no more. She grabbed his chin and pulled it up so she could see his eyes.

  “I need”

  She stopped as she felt his hard cock between her thighs. He reached over to his nightstand and she pulled his arm back to her.

  “I'm on the pill. It's okay,” she said. “I need.”

  “What do you need, baby. Tell me what you need.”

  “You, Josh. I need you to fuck me, now.”

  Before she could say another word, she felt him enter her. A loud moan escaped her lips. He was bigger than she thought he would be. She couldn't catch her breath as he filled her completely. He took both of her hands and held them above her head as he bent down to kiss her.

  “Is that what you want?” he asked.

  His voice was deep and controlled. She never thought of Josh being that way. He was always so sweet and caring. She loved the demanding edge in his voice. Lisa didn't know how long she was going to last if he kept talking like that. It drove her crazy. She could not believe it was really happening.

  “Yes, Josh, damn.”

  He held her hands still, as he traced his fingers up and down her side with his other hand. She tried to pull her hands away, but he continued to hold them still. He pumped into her hard, filling her completely, as they pushed up higher on the bed. With each thrust into her, they moved higher and higher. She moaned and called out to him over and over. Lisa had been with other men, but none had ever made her feel the way he did. She felt as if he were releasing all of his emotions into her with each thrust. It was amazing.


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