Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)

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Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2) Page 14

by Sharon Cummin

  “I am going to fuck you so hard that you will be screaming my name much louder than you did in your dreams. Am I better than you dreamt?” he growled.

  “Fuck. Yes. Better. Much better.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and held them tight. He was even deeper than before.

  “Fuck Lisa. You have no idea what you do to me. I want every bit of you right now. I want to hear my name on your sweet lips. I don't ever want you to forget this. I want to ruin you for anyone else.”

  She tried to pull her hands away.

  “I need to touch you. I need to feel your skin on my hands,” she begged.

  He let go of her arms and she wrapped them around his back. She pulled him to her and grabbed his ass. Lisa held him tight and pulled him against her hard. She looked into his eyes and claimed his mouth with hers. With more passion than she had ever felt for anyone, she sucked his bottom lip before shoving her tongue into his mouth. He pumped into her hard as she pulled him against her.

  “You feel so fucking good inside. Better than I ever imagined. I need you so bad Lisa. I fucking need you.”

  He pumped hard and deep.

  She pulled her head from his and screamed out his name as she tightened hard around is cock, finding her release. Lisa pulled him against her as he moaned her name and filled her over and over with his own release. He collapsed on top of her and their sweaty bodies connected. Josh caught his breath and rolled to the side of her as their breathing slowed. Her arms were wrapped around him and their legs were tangled together. Neither of them said a word.

  Lisa remained still, afraid to move. She was sure it was a dream that she did not want to wake up from. He ran his fingers through her hair.

  “You hungry?” he asked.


  Josh slid out from under her arms and put on his boxers and sweats.

  “I'll go reheat the lasagna. I really want you to try it,” he said.

  “I'll be out in a few.”

  Lisa snuggled into his sheets with his pillow. She dreamt a million times about being with him. Never, did her dreams ever come close to what had just happened. It was amazing. The best sex she had ever had. She could not imagine anything that compared to being with Josh. Lisa smiled when she thought about his rough side. It gave her chills just thinking about it. She got up and walked to the kitchen. He stopped still when she walked in naked.

  “My clothes are in here,” she smiled.

  He chuckled as she picked up her clothes and walked into the other room. She didn't want to make a big deal out of the fact that they had just had amazing sex. Don't let feelings get into it, she told herself. He doesn't have feelings for you. It was a heated moment. She walked back into the kitchen to help him get their food ready. There must have been a reason he took her into his arms.

  “Where were you when I got home?” she asked.

  Josh faced away from her. She knew he was doing it on purpose.


  “When our plane landed, there were fire trucks all over the runway on the other side of the airport. Do you know what was going on?”

  “I was there. They had to do an emergency landing. The landing gear was not working correctly. When the plane came in, the front wheel was sideways.”

  “Oh shit, was everyone okay?” she asked.

  “The plane landed with everyone safe. The wheel burnt up and scraped the ground, but nobody got hurt.”

  He still wasn't looking at her. When he first saw her in the kitchen, he had said he thought he lost her. That's it, she thought to herself. He thought she was on that plane. All of those emotions she felt coming from him were from that night. Josh thought she was on that plane. It wasn't because he missed her. He was afraid of losing his friend.

  “Where was that plane coming from?” she asked.

  He didn't say anything.

  “Josh, where?”


  “It wasn't my plane,” she whispered.

  “I know,” he replied.

  She grabbed the plates and walked over to the stove. They quietly dished out their food and she took the plates to the table. Josh brought drinks out with him. She made sure to grab forks and knives. They ate their food quietly, without looking up from their plates.

  Lisa could feel all of her walls instantly go up around her heart. She was not getting hurt. He slept with her because he was afraid she was on that plane, not because he had feelings for her. Lisa did not want to have feelings for him. She knew she did and it needed to stop. There was no room in her life for them. She almost let herself feel loved. It would not happen again. She needed to move out of his apartment. They could be best friends, but she couldn't live with him. She couldn't let herself fall in love with Josh. He would hurt her, and she couldn't let that happen.

  She was about to take her plate to the kitchen, but stopped and sat back down. Lisa had already let her boss know that she needed to take more time off. They told her they couldn't hold her job, but to call when she wanted to go back to work. If there was an opening, she would be welcome back. She wanted to let Josh know, so that he knew she would be around. Lisa would start looking for a job right away. She needed to get out on her own.

  “I need to talk to you about something,” she said.

  She saw his jaw tighten immediately. He probably thought she was going to bring up sex. She could see how nervous he was.

  “You were right,” she said. “I admit it, so don't rub it in my face.”

  “What are you talking about?” he asked.

  “I can't go back to that job right now. It was harder than I thought. By the time I got to Vegas, I was in so much pain. I never played one slot or went to one casino. I stayed in my room with my foot up the whole night.”

  “You said your foot felt fine when I asked you,” he said.

  “I didn't want to admit it. It is too hard to walk and stand on the plane with it moving. Every time it jerked, I would get a huge pain in my ankle. I told my boss I needed more time. They told me that they could not hold my spot any longer, but to call them once I was healed completely.”

  “I'm so sorry. Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I'm fine. I wanted to let you know, so you know I will be home for the rest of the week. I am going to start looking for a job in the morning. With my degree, it shouldn't take long. I should be able to find one with benefits. I can get cobra at work, so I will have time. As soon as I find a job, I'm going to look for a place. If it's not okay, I will move in with Heath or Becky and Gavin for a little while.”

  “You don't have to move out. I like having a roommate,” he said.

  “I do need to move out. You need to have your space back. I haven't even seen you go out since I've been here. That's not how your life was. You shouldn't have put your life on hold for me. I need to be on my own. It's not your job to take care of me. Hopefully it won't take me long.”

  Lisa stood up and grabbed her plate. She took it to the kitchen and came back for his.

  “I want to hire you to work for my company,” he said.

  “No, I can find a job. You don't need to save the day. I'll find something fast.”

  “I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for my business. If you get a job, then you will stop helping me with the restaurants. You came up with five new things that have already saved me a ton of money. They are things I should have seen. Looking at the numbers every day and making sure everything runs smoothly is getting to be too much for just me. I shouldn't have missed the things you pointed out. I can't do everything. I realize that now. I will get you a laptop and everything you need. I will pay you well. We have full benefits. I promise you, I am not trying to save the day. It's all business. I don't want you to move out. I want you to stay here. Even if you move, the job is yours. I need to hire someone. You are the perfect person for the job, and I trust you. We work well together, you seem passionate about it, and you do an amazing job.”

  “Really,” sh
e said. “It has nothing to do with helping me get a job?”

  “Not a thing. It is completely selfish. I know that you will stop helping me when you find a job. I want you on my team. I will treat you the same as everyone else.”

  “I don't know about that. You seem like a pretty stern boss.”

  “That's not funny. I'm a very good and caring boss. You can ask any of the people I work with.”

  “No special treatment. It has to be strictly business. I can start tomorrow,” she said, as she laughed.

  Josh nodded and Lisa went to her room. She got into bed. Josh and the best sex of her life was all she could think about. She knew she was going to regret her dream come true.

  Chapter 25

  Josh knew he had to rethink his life. He was so afraid of loving someone, because he didn't want to lose them. Lisa was the one person he fought his feelings for. If anything would have happened to her, he would have never forgiven himself for not giving them a chance. He would have lost her without even experiencing love.

  Josh thought about what his mom had told him about his father. Even if she knew she would lose him, she would have done it all over again. The time she had with him was more important. He realized that he needed to change his life and take chances.

  He did not for one second regret having sex with Lisa. It was the best sexual experience of his entire life. If he had to make that decision again, he wouldn't have changed a thing.

  First thing in the morning, he went out to get everything he would need for her to work for him. She was good at what she did and he trusted her. There was no way he was going to watch her work for someone else. She had drive and passion. He needed her on his team. He brought everything home and set it all up for her. With her doing more on the numbers side, he would able to concentrate more on running the restaurants and improving them.

  Things went back to the way they were with the two of them. They cooked together and spent time together. Neither of them mentioned that heated night. Josh wanted to talk to her about it, but he was afraid of pushing her away.

  She finished the plans for the firefighter event and everything was ready. That morning Josh, Heath, John, Gavin, and Ethan were all there to help her. She told Josh he didn't have to help. It was his day too. He told her he was going to be there. She worked so hard and deserved for the day to be perfect.

  The day was amazing. All of the firefighters and their families had a blast. There was tons of amazing food and drinks, all from Josh's restaurant. There were games, rides, and prizes for the kids. Josh could feel tightness in his chest as he watched Lisa play with all the kids. She spent time with each of the firefighters, and they all introduced her to their families. Josh could hear her explain over and over how important they were and how people needed to realize how much they risked for strangers safety. They all joked with her about the desserts she brought them and how they needed to work out a little more each week. The day turned out perfect, and he could see how happy she was. Everyone chipped in to help clean up, even though she told them all she would get it. Each of the families thanked her and the guys for an awesome family day. They had never had anything like that before, and they all enjoyed it. She talked to Josh and his friends before they left and got them to commit to doing it each year.

  Chapter 26

  Lisa was in her room packing some of her stuff in boxes. She had a few of them already packed in the corner of her room. She kept thinking about Josh and the family day they had for the firefighters and their families. He helped her so much that day and stood by to make sure she had everything she needed. She thought about how the kids loved him and how sweet it was when she saw him holding a newborn baby. It was a precious site. She caught herself getting teary eyed as he snuggled the baby close to his chest. He was such an amazing man. One day, some lucky woman was going to get past his walls and steal his heart. She knew he would find love.

  She had spent the past week looking in the paper and checking out apartments. Lisa found the one she wanted. It was not nearly as nice as Josh's, but it would fit into her budget and wasn't super far from him or Becky. She was going to give them her deposit at the end of the week when she got paid. Lisa had saved up some money from her job with Josh. She made sure to buy some of the groceries and do things she could around his place. Lisa kept his place clean and everything in order. The thought of moving out made her sad, but she couldn't stay there forever. She cared about him and wanted to move before her feelings grew much stronger. He treated her so good and he was amazing in bed. It had only happened once, but she would never forget it. The paper with the apartment she was moving into was on her bed, and she was in the middle of packing a box, when his phone started ringing on the kitchen table.

  He was in the shower. Whoever it was hung up and called right back. She picked it up to make sure it wasn't one of the restaurants or the fire station and accidentally swiped her finger across the screen. She didn't want to hang up in case it was a professional call. Crap! She put the phone to her ear.

  “Hello,” Lisa said.

  “Hello, is Josh there?” a woman asked.

  “He's in the shower right now. Can I take a message?” Lisa asked.

  “He's in the shower. Who is this?” the woman asked.

  “This is his roommate Lisa. Who is this?”

  “Why didn't he tell me he had a roommate? Are you sleeping with him? What the fuck is going on?” the woman yelled.

  “I really don't see how who I sleep with is any of your business. I accidentally answered his phone. He's in the shower. I'll let him know some crazy bitch called freaking out. Would you like me to tell him your name?”

  “Tell him Rachel called. Let him know that I am pissed. You better watch yourself honey. I better not find out that you're with him.”

  “You listen, Rachel. I have been living here for several months. If you didn't know that, then I suggest you talk to your boyfriend about it. That would be between the two of you. Have a nice day! Don't you ever threaten me. I would like to think that he has better taste in women. Bye bye.”

  Lisa hung up the phone and stood still. She didn't hear Josh walk into the room and jumped at his words.

  “Who was on the phone?” he asked.


  “I thought I heard you talking. I forgot to take my phone. It didn't beep did it?”

  Lisa turned and looked him straight in the eyes. He looked so sexy with his messy, wet hair and innocent, dark eyes. She was sure fire was shooting out of her ears, by the look on his face.

  “Here's your phone,” she said, as she shoved it into his chest.

  She turned and walked away to her room and slammed the door. Josh went after her and swung the door open.

  “What the fuck was that about? Who was on my phone that has you all pissed off?”

  She stood still staring at him. He moved his fingers across the screen and then looked at her.

  “What did she say to you?” he asked.

  “All I can say is, I hope I am long gone by the time that bitch steps foot in this apartment. I will be out within two weeks. I would appreciate it if you would wait until then to bring her here. If you feel the need to fuck her in your bed before that, please let me know so that I am not home.”

  Lisa began grabbing things and shoving them into the box. Josh walked over, grabbed her shoulder, and turned her to face him.

  “First of all, I don't fuck her. I have not seen that girl since the night of the fire at your apartment. She keeps calling me and refuses to leave me alone. What did she say?”

  “That is between me and her. I will tell you though, if I ever see her face and know it's her, I will knock her fucking teeth out of her mouth. That is all.”

  Josh stood still as he looked at her. She was sure he had never seen her with that much attitude before. How dare that girl talk crap to her? Lisa was glad that she made the decision to move out. She caught herself thinking that she could possibly have a life with Josh. Lisa re
alized as that woman talked to her about Josh, that she was in love with him. She had no idea that he was talking to anyone. Lisa had to get as far away as possible. There was no way he was going to break her heart. When he got tired of her, he would just move onto someone else. She was not going to let that happen. Lisa could not believe that she had fallen for him.

  “Second of all, what the hell are you talking about being gone in two weeks?”

  Lisa jumped when he spoke. She had been wrapped up in her thoughts and forgot he was still standing there.

  “I found an apartment and am giving them my deposit on Friday. I can move in next week,” she said, as she looked the other direction.

  Don't let him see your face, she thought. If you look into his eyes, he'll suck you in. Tell him you want to be alone.

  “When did this happen. I thought you were waiting until you had more money. Where is this place at? Is it in a safe neighborhood? What floor is it on? Is everything updated in it? I want to go and look at it.”

  “Look, I already had a dad, and that didn't work out so well. I don't need another one. Why don't you go and call your girlfriend back. I think after our conversation, she's a little upset.”

  “She's not my girlfriend. I told you that. What do you care? You don't want anything to do with me. You've been pushing me away since the night we had sex. I'm guessing it wasn't as good for you as it was for me.”

  Lisa fell down onto the bed and burst into tears. Josh stopped and knelt down in front of her. She saw him pick up the newspaper and look it. He put it back down and put his hands on her knees.

  “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that,” he said, as a loud, familiar beep came from his pocket.

  “I thought you were off today,” she said, through muffled tears.

  “I am. That means they need all of us. Are you okay?”

  “I'm fine, just go.”


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