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Shade's Loss

Page 11

by Christina Worrell

  That is why newborns stayed with their makers for at least a year.

  Shade calmed down slowly, visibly, in his arms. Damon fought the urge to pull her closer and lick the blood slowly dripping down the side of her neck, leaving a luscious red trail behind. He could not control his thoughts no matter how strong he was.

  Shade realized the position she was in and who held her and quickly back tracked into the car, looking up into Damon’s face full of lust. Not just blood lust, sexual.

  Images from her past, at one of the many orphanages flashed before her eyes. She kept seeing the man who haunted her nightmares. The one whom her brother had beaten until the man had been hospitalized.

  A whine involuntarily escaped Shade, which surprised not only her but Damon as well.

  The fear on her face was clear, and it seemed to be aimed at him.

  He had done nothing wrong, nothing to her. She began to quake before him inching ever so slowly back into the backseat, away from him.

  Damon was stupefied by her actions. She was acting like a terrified kitten.

  She had backed as far into the car as she could so he simply closed the door. After a moment he walked around and let his self in on the driver side.

  If he was to guess at Shade’s reactions it would be some memory plaguing her and at the moment he had triggered it so his comfort was not needed. She would eventually calm and see him for who he was.

  All he had done was protect and care for her, held her while she had fought being sick. One to make her feel safe and two to make sure she did not flee. He would be an idiot to allow that to happen.

  She was not a prisoner but in some ways that was not true. Her ever changing body held her prisoner along with him, only so she did not do something they both regretted.

  Most newborns were given at least one freebie. A get out of jail free card as some in present times might call it to use in these circumstances when the Sire or Master was not fast enough to stop the newborn. Accidents happened especially when you were learning to control the demon within. Something he knew far too well.

  Shade was pressed into the passenger side wall with eyes closed murmuring something he could not comprehend.

  Damon’s heart hurt at the pain she seemed to be in, physically and mentally, and especially emotionally. She would not share this with him he was sure of that. He would have to figure it out on his own of course, in time. Eventually she would remember that she was safe here with him. That she was not locked in whatever memory she was obviously in, at least he hoped so. Whatever had happened would slowly fade away as time passed leaving only glimpses of what had happened from their mortal years. Only the strongest memories would stay crisp as new ones took the place of human ones. In many circumstances you are only left with extreme feelings of deja vu.

  Damon decided to dial the last number Mikhail had called him from just in case the mutt still had the cell on him.

  Ring, ring, ring, and then at the last second someone picked up.

  “Yes?” Mikhail’s voice came through the speaker.

  “Damon here, question for you. Is there anything I should know about Shade? Past events, nightmares, anything that would cause her to… what is the modern phrase… freak out on me?”

  Silence at first, followed by a quiet curse. Mikhail could not be there for his sister, comfort her and make her feel safe. Damon assumed that was why he was upset, the truth that Mikhail was about to share was much worse than anything Damon could imagine.

  “You could say that…”


  “She was taken advantage of many times. How is she acting?”

  Damon did not want to disturb her brother nor upset Shade worse by saying anything out loud but it seemed unless he pulled over once more he had no choice.

  “She is completely terrified of me, like I am some kind of monster. I swear I have not done anything. I was holding her while she was fighting to not get sick and suddenly she just lost it,” Damon whispered into the cell phone while he looked into the rearview. Shade was oblivious still to anything around her.

  “Ah, okay,” Mikhail replied.

  That did not answer his question so he growled growing only more frustrated by the moment.

  “Out with it pup.”

  “Well a few years ago one of her coaches in a group home… assaulted her. He didn’t get all the way with her before she got away. She had to go to counseling for the nightmares. Then there is our parent’s death. She seems to blame herself for. She won’t explain it to me so I can dissuade her and prove that her reasoning is wrong. The flashbacks don’t last long thankfully. She could not see me as her brother when they began she could only see me as that piece of shit coach. But they do pass quickly most of the time. She never explained what he did only that he hurt her.”

  “What did the doctors say?”

  “They were unable to get anything out of her either. The test showed that even though he did not get as far as he intended the mental and emotional damage was done. It was pretty violent according to them. The coach, Henry Roberts had bite marks and scratches all over his arms. She had bruises and a broken wrist. She cannot be in the same room if the television or radio mentions anything similar to what she went through so to be safe please try to avoid anything like the news that could trigger the memories.”

  Mikhail cursed at nothing in particular. He was frustrated that he could not be there to help reassure her. The vampire must have been too close.

  Damon told him to call as soon as they could and hung up.

  Shade was slowly finding reality again it seem. Tears streaked her face and her body was pulled in on itself. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her legs, her head leaning against the back of the seat. She stared vacantly now out the opposite window. The sobs were diminished but he could see she was clearly still distraught over whatever he had done to trigger the memory.

  Damon then remembered what had caused it. She had somehow sensed how attracted he was by her. He had done this. His actions had caused her to feel this way.

  He cursed mentally. He could not have known of course but still, she was nowhere near close enough to accept him as her soul mate much less friends. Well they would work through this. He would never touch her unless she wanted it.

  He would show her he could keep his hands to his self.

  “I am sorry Shade I did not know.”

  She merely turned her face away.

  In time she would come to see he was not a monster in that way, but her protector. He would never allow anyone to harm her again.

  Damon realized then how long it had been since her heart had stopped and restarted. Anytime she would become vampire enough to have to avoid the sun if she was not a Daywalker. If he took a guess though she would be just like him.

  Dusk was imminent so he had all night to get her somewhere safe.

  He had been the only Daywalker in hundreds of years. The last two had to be put to death. They challenged the Royal’s authority and perceived themselves as gods. That was why many kept him on such a tight leash, if he gave them any reason to execute him and they would.

  The fact that he was one of the most superlative Trackers around meant that they were already weary of him. If they believed now that he was running then a warrant for his immediate execution would be released. Thankfully Gideon could cover him until they figured out what was going on with the Princes who were more or less harassing him, if it even was them. For all he knew it could be anyone.

  Shade was resting now, not quite asleep. He was the only one that did not require the deep sleep. He could go for months without it. He of course had to drink more to compensate for the difference.

  Damon focused more on where they were headed when he remembered how he had intended to call the other Tracker.

  He rang her and was genuinely surprised to hear her answer on the first ring. Her voice brought back memories, mainly rather aggravating ones. They had a few flings. He never did want anything
serious between them.

  “Darling it has been some time. I assume this is a pleasure call once again?” Amelia answered. He could not tell if she was being sincere or sarcastic.

  “No not this time. I need a place to hide out a day or two and figure out what is going on.”

  “I presumed you would come crawling back. Of course you may stay lover. It is always a pleasure when you show up. I am only disappointed when you leave,” the werewolf said. Damon sighed.

  “I am not coming back for that. I am bringing along a newborn I have become Master of,” he relayed hoping she got the message.

  “Ah so you have found the mysterious soul mate you have been searching for. I offer my congratulations then.”

  He ignored her slightly acerbic tone and continued.

  “We will not be in the way or cause any problems. All I ask for is a room and some warm blood.”

  “Of course my dear Damon, you know I would do anything for you.”

  Her attitude was a little too cheerful considering how upset she was last time he had left her because he rejected Amelia’s offer to be her one and only lover. She was someone to satisfy his needs with and pass the time. He harbored no strong feelings either way. She was simply another Tracker to him. Amelia claimed to feel more but considering how many people she entertained nightly in her bed he believed otherwise.

  Damon had been a little against lying with her to begin with. He had only been with either humans or vampires like his self. Amelia was very open with her sexuality and preferences. As long as it was alive and could give her pleasure she was up for it. Her tastes were on the erotic side, something he was uncomfortable with. He also knew deep down that he would not be the last one she would ever be with, married or not. The faithfulness would be one sided.

  Damon explained when he expected to arrive and Amelia told him she would have a bottle of blood warmed and his room ready. He hung up and glanced back at Shade. She appeared to be asleep and halfway comfortable so he sped up. They had a ways to go before the sun rose. He wanted to rent a room close to dawn so he could see her reaction and if indeed the gene was passed down to his newborns. Would she be a Daywalker like him? Free to roam wherever and whenever she chose?

  Being a Daywalker of course was not as great at it seemed, too many people being too scared of what he was capable of. He could go to each and every one and stake them while they slept, albeit literally dead to the world. He was capable of their true deaths and there was not a one thing they could do to stop him.

  Humans were not nearly strong enough. Military personnel maybe had a chance. Enough bullets to the heart or brain would definitely bring him down. Why would he sacrifice the precious girl in the backseat for that? Unless they tried to condemn her to death he would not interfere with them.

  He hit one sixty again once the interstate was clear. Mortals were nervous creatures that were always destroying something accidentally or not.

  He was grateful his car was meant for speed and excellent control. He had topped it out only once but the experience was well worth it.

  Damon was more of a horse man but no horse could do what his Maserati could.

  He continued to think over the possibilities of who was sending the blasted demons his way. Asleep or not, one on one, they could never destroy him. Even with the last ones poison in his system he could crush them before it even began to circulate much less slowed him.

  Damon thought of other reasons he was being hunted for. No one sent out a Vanth demon for just anything. He bypassed many exits without any good ideas.

  He sighed and let it go for now. Without more information it was futile anyways.

  Time passed by much like the trees on either side of each lane, one shade of shadow separating another.

  Another hour until dawn and the rising sun, and then he would know whether or not Shade had the gene he had.

  Would they be hunted down? On the run together, always one step ahead and never free to live their lives.

  He could not bear that for her. If he had to lie he would. She was not his offspring but a sire-less newborn he found wandering alone, one he had taken in seeing as he was at his final year of being Elite.

  Could he convince Amelia this? Gideon would cover for him of course. When he said his newborn he meant the newborn he was now Master of, no longer her true Sire. It would definitely make things easier for them both.

  Damon contemplated this for some time. There was no way for them to prove it, of that he was sure. When Shade awoke he would explain his idea. She would have to hide during the day of course and pretend to sleep sometimes if this was the case. Anything to convince them all she was not a Daywalker. The two of them together, especially after she was trained would be too much for the Royals. The two of them would more or less be unstoppable.

  Damon had traveled most of the south so he knew that one last exit was coming up before the highway pressed on for many miles uninterrupted. This would have to be his stop. The last time he had been here there had been two hotels on the exit and one cheap run down motel.

  Damon would rent a single room for just a few hours. Let her rest and get some blood in her. Shade needed a shower to get the sticky blood off of her. That line of thought brought him back to the drops making their way down her slim and graceful neck.

  He realized what he had done again and nearly hit the steering wheel. Only fear of waking her had stopped him.

  He could just began to see the exit up ahead when Shade began to move around restlessly. A sign she was waking. She wiggled quite a bit, he knew from personal experience.

  That reminded him of when he had laid with her the first time. Why had she not acted the same way then as she did today? That was definitely odd. Well maybe because she was asleep and somehow felt safe enough and she had not truly realized that he was behind her. That and he had moved immediately.

  Shade was awake now, her breathing told him so. She was more than likely faking so as not to face him. That was fine he would abide by this for now.

  Damon pulled of the highway and into the hotel. He looked back at her before he got out but her eyes were still closed and facing away from him. He locked the door and left her alone.

  It took him only a moment to rent a room. He returned back to the car to find her attempting to escape.

  Damon unlocked the car and joined her inside.

  “Is there something you would like before we proceeded to the room?”

  Shade’s eyes widened but she shook her head in denial.

  Damon nodded and backed the car out and searched for their room.

  There was no pool, not that neither of them would use it if there was one. Damon found the room and parked in the darkest area he could find close to the room. He did not want anyone remembering them later on.

  Damon hesitated before getting out.

  “I understand your confused Shade you should know I am taking you to your brother. He asked me to let you know he has not forgotten his promise. He only shared it with me seeing as how he has just become a werewolf and is dangerous to you, at least prior to your current state. I swore to him to protect you and bring you to him so please do not make me break that promise.”

  Shade could only stare at first in shock.

  “He really is alive isn’t he?”

  Damon nodded.

  “Okay I’ll behave. I just don’t want to be a burden to anyone. This whole new life of mine is…” Shade began, using her hands for emphasis.

  “I understand. One thing you must remember is that mortals are not to know of us. Being in this motel will be hard for you. I will make sure that you do not hurt anyone. We are only here so you can rest and clean up.”

  Shade nodded, still clearly upset but anxious to see her brother again.

  He hated lying to her but he had no choice. He had to let her assume her brother would take charge of her once there. Hopefully by then she had come to trust him.

  “When we get out you will not attempt to
escape right?”

  Shade shook her head in denial. She would be good.

  Damon got out and held the seat up for her to exit his car. He reached in after her and pulled the two pillows out and handed them to her. He closed his car door and grabbed their bags from the trunk.

  He allowed Shade to open the door. The furniture arrangement and smell was the same as all other cheap motels.


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