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Finding Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Jane Jamison

  “Hey, don’t worry about him. He’ll come around. I know he enjoyed being a Dom before and he’ll get back to it again. He’s just caught up in making the ranch a success right now.”

  “So it’s not me, it’s him?” It was a joke, but suddenly she found it hard to look at him. What if it really was her? Being only Caleb’s sub would be wonderful, but being a submissive to both of them would be even better.

  His chuckle was as deep and rich as his eyes. “Damn straight. How could you ever be the problem?”

  “My parents would tell you exactly how.” Why had she brought up her parents? It only made her seem younger than she was. Yet, until a couple of months ago, she had been a kid, still living on their money, still doing as they’d told her to do.

  He took her chin and lifted her face to his. “Then they’d be wrong.”

  Kiss me. Damn it. Why won’t you kiss me?

  She’d given him enough openings to do so. “Thanks. But all that’s over. I’m here to make a life for myself. On my own.”

  “And you will.”

  “But not as a ranch hand.” She hurried to add, “Not that I’m not happy to have the job, it’s just that I was hoping to be a sub at the club.”

  “Why?” He took her hand and led her around the curve of the pond. A bubble erupted on the smooth surface of the water as a fish came up for air.

  “Why what? Why do I want to be a sub?”

  “Yeah. People have a lot of reasons why they like the lifestyle. Everything from a way to relieve stress, a sexual outlet, or maybe they just like letting go and letting someone else take control. Or even being able to be in control when they don’t have that in the rest of their lives. But you’re looking at it like it’s going to be your lifelong job.” He sat down on a log next to the edge of the pond and tugged her down along with him.

  She sat next to him. “Not really. I’m not sure what I want to do with the rest of my life. I may decide later to go back to college. Who knows? But for now, I do know I don’t want to study business or get a degree I won’t use. It’s a waste of my parents’ money and my time. And I really do like being a waitress.”

  He was studying her, intent on what she was saying. Very few college guys had ever paid such close attention. They were always thinking about how they’d get her in bed. “Go on.”

  “I know it may sound kind of lame, but I think of being a waitress and being a sub as helping people. You know, giving them a little pleasure. It’s kind of sad to think most people don’t have a lot of joy in their lives. Plus, they’re both fun things to do.”

  “I’m not sure all waitresses would agree with the fun side of it, but most subs would.”

  She shrugged and thrilled when her shoulder brushed his. “I hope so. I haven’t actually been a submissive before, but I want to give it a try. Everything I’ve read and heard sounds really cool.” She shivered, not from being cold—she was anything but cold—but from excitement. Fortunately, he misinterpreted the move.

  He wrapped his strong arm around her, giving her more reason to lean against him. She put her head against his shoulder and her hand on his hard leg. He was so close to perfect, to everything she’d ever dreamed on in a man.

  “Don’t believe everything you read.”

  “I don’t.” Another bubble popped at the surface.

  “What do you think it’s like? Being a sub?”

  She hadn’t really stopped to consider it before. “I think it could be very fulfilling.” Her giggle burst from her lips like the fish bubble had done in the water. “I sound like I’m on stage and being interviewed in a beauty pageant.”

  “Yeah, you sounded kind of sappy.”

  She slapped him on the arm, playfully. “What I meant is that I like the idea of giving someone pleasure. I know some girls can’t stand the idea of a man ordering them around, but it’s so much more than just letting him be bossy. It’s hard to describe, but when I give my control over to man, I gain a lot in return. I get to see the joy in his eyes and know that I’m the one making him feel good. I’m not really losing control, I’m gaining it.” She laughed again. “Or at least, that’s what I think is going to happen. I don’t really know since I’ve never been a sub before.”

  “You’ve never tried with anyone? Even just fooling around?”

  “Yeah, I tried a few things with my last boyfriend, but it wasn’t right. He got off on taking it too far and not listening to me. I kicked him to the curb.”

  “Good for you.” He pulled her closer still. “As a Dom, I like giving my sub what she needs and wants. But it’s my responsibility to keep things under control. It’s all sane, safe, and consensual and I have to make sure she knows she can stop at any time. It’s not a way to get all macho with a woman. It’s a two-way street. She makes me happy and I make her happy. If both the Dom and the sub aren’t getting pleasure out of it, then something’s wrong.”

  She pulled away just enough to see him. “Yeah. Right? I couldn’t have said it any better.”

  “So you came to Pleasure Ranch to get a job and learn how to be a sub?”

  “Yes.” Her breathing quickened with his expression. Like he was trying to feel her out and wanting to find the right answer inside her.

  “Do you want me to teach you?”

  She let out a breath. It was happening. Not in the way she’d thought, but who cared if they were beside a pond or inside one of the private rooms of a club? “Yes. But we don’t have any toys or tools to use.”

  “We don’t need anything. Besides, I’m pretty good at making everyday items work.”

  She’d heard of people improvising with spatulas, scarves, and other household things. “Okay.”

  He turned, throwing one leg over the log so that he straddled it. “What I’m wondering is this. Do you have it in you to be a sub, Molly?”

  “Yes.” What was he getting at?

  “Then show me. Here. Now.”

  The heat between her legs couldn’t get much hotter. “Are you saying you’re going to teach me? To train me? I mean, right now?”

  “Yes, little sub. I am.”

  Little sub. She liked the nickname. “Okay.”

  “Good. Then first things first. When we’re doing a scene or, later, when we’re at the club, you call me sir or Dom Caleb. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.” Calling him Dom would come soon enough, but she wanted to work up to it.

  “And you’ll say Dom Derrick unless he tells you not to.”

  “Yes, sir.” Her body was alive, ready to take his orders, ready to please him in any way she could.

  “Take off your clothes. Except for your panties. I wouldn’t want you to get splinters in your pussy.”

  He’d moved fast. But too fast? Not a chance. Not when the gleam in his eyes told her how much he wanted her.

  “What are you waiting for, little sub? Do you really want this or not?”

  She unbuttoned the work shirt, taking each button as slowly as she could. Having him watch her was wild. Almost as good as having him touch her. The tip of his tongue peeked out from between his lips and sent a hard tug to her abdomen.

  “You’re making me wait.” His tone had grown husky with need. “Not that I don’t appreciate the show, but go faster.”

  She dragged in a good breath—again, part of the show—and sped up. Every once in a while, he’d glance up at her face, but for the most part, he kept his focus on her progress. By the time she had her shirt undone, he’d taken hold of her leg and was stroking it, growing closer and closer to her crotch. She let the shirt slide off her shoulders.

  “Now your bra.”

  Crossing her arms, she pushed the straps down to fall in the crook of her elbow. The thin, lacy material drooped, exposing more of her breasts.

  “Go on.” He’d whispered as though he couldn’t get enough force behind his words any longer.

  Reaching behind her, she unhooked the clasps, then paused, before letting the bra fall off. Was she big enough? She’d
never had any complaints, but she’d never really cared what the other guys had thought. What Caleb thought was important to her.

  “You have great tits.” He cupped them and moved them one at a time, up and down.

  When he bent over and sucked her nipple into his mouth, her body reacted, harder and faster than it had ever done. Especially with a simple move like that. She inhaled and arched her back, pushing her breasts against his face. His moan of pleasure gave her a sense of power and she wanted more.

  Would what she’d read and heard be true? Would giving herself over to him make her feel powerful?

  She clutched his shoulders, digging her fingernails into his shirt. “Please, take off your shirt.”

  It stunned her when he sat back and tugged her hands off him. “No.”

  Had she screwed up? Would he rethink his decision to teach her?

  “Don’t tell me or ask me to do anything. I decide what I will and won’t do. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Okay, then. Take off your boots and jeans.”

  She reached over and pulled off her boots. It wasn’t easy and it couldn’t have looked graceful, but he didn’t seem to mind. Once they were off, she stood then undid the button of her jeans and slid the zipper down.


  She twisted around just as he took hold and squeezed her butt cheek. Did he like what he saw? Or was she too big? She’d never worried so much about her body shape until now.

  He yanked her closer, startling her. “You are one hot little sub.”

  She let out a squeak when he pressed his face against her skin and nibbled at her butt. His hand slid underneath her thong and found its way to her already wet pussy.

  “Fuck, but you’re hot. Just the way I like my subs.”

  He fingered her, diving between her folds to find her aching clit. Sliding his other hand around, he steadied her as he glided his tongue along the crease of her ass. She moaned and clutched her breasts.

  “Please, Caleb, I need—”

  The slap to her butt jolted her and, although she instinctively moved away, he jerked her back. “I told you, little sub. Don’t tell or ask me to do anything.”

  He spanked her butt again. “Do you like that, baby?”

  “Yes, sir.” She did. Oh, how she did. And wished she could ask him to spank her again.

  “There’s going to be more spankings. It’ll take a while for you to learn. In the meantime, when you do wrong, you’ll be punished.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you know about the colors?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Tell me. I have to make sure.”

  “Green means I like what you’re doing. Yellow is when I’m not sure, and red means I want you to stop. Sir.”

  “Perfect. What color are you, baby?”

  “Green, sir.”

  He stood up, then in quick succession, he had his belt off and on the ground and his boots kicked off. Her heart beat faster as he stepped over the log, no longer straddling it, then undid his jeans and shoved them down.

  Daaaamn. He’s huge. Bigger, thicker than anyone I’ve ever seen.

  She could almost taste the tanginess of his pre-cum as it glistened on the end of his cock. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t reach out and take it. Not until he told her she could.

  He sat back down on the log, the rough texture obviously not bothering him, then spread his legs wide. “On your knees, sub.”

  No more little? Is it because he thinks my butt is big?

  But she didn’t question him. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t dare.

  She knelt before him, ignoring the small pebbles and twigs on the ground digging into her knees. It was a warm night, but it had just gotten a lot warmer. She started to touch him.

  “Not yet.”

  Was he teasing her? Or delaying the moment of gratification for both of them?

  Either way, she had to wait. Until he said she could, she wouldn’t touch him.

  “How do I look?”

  Now she knew he was teasing her, tempting her to disobey him. “You’re amazing.”

  “Do you like sucking guys off?”

  The way he’d asked didn’t sit right with her, but she pushed the feeling aside. “Not usually, no.”

  “Do you want to suck on mine?”

  “More than anything, sir.”

  “Why? If you don’t like giving blow jobs, why would you want to give me one?”

  “I didn’t say I never liked doing it, sir.” She hesitated.

  “What else were you going to say?”

  Should she tell him the truth? Or tease him back?

  “I want to suck you off.”

  “But why?”

  She met his gaze. “Because you’re my Dom and I want to make you happy any way I can. Because it’s you.”

  He didn’t chastise her for not adding sir. Instead, she thought she might have thrown him for a loop.

  “Then do it.”

  She nodded, ready and willing to do her best. The purple veins in his cock stood out more as blood flowed into it. His balls were large and heavy in her hand.

  “Go on. Suck me off.” He clutched her hair and jerked her head back.

  The pain didn’t hurt, but his move did surprise her. “Yes, sir.”

  “Make it good. You know what they say about first impressions.” His face softened. “Color?”

  “Green, sir.”

  And she showed him just how green she really was. Sliding her hand under his shirt and over his hard abdomen, she turned his balls loose then wrapped her hand around his cock. Taking it slowly, she drew his cock inside her mouth.

  He tensed, then relaxed as he got used to her tongue caressing his soft flesh. Once she’d made it down to the base, his curly mass of dark hair tickling her nose, she hollowed her mouth and reversed direction.

  “Fuck, but you’re good.” He tunneled his fingers in her hair with both hands and kept her to her job. “That’s it. Nice and easy. And no teeth.”

  She released him, just enough to earn a hiss, then slid him back inside. Her tongue slowly circled his length, leading her mouth back to the end. And then she started pumping, moving nice and easy as he’d said, getting into a rhythm. Taking his legs, she brought them together and pushed them against the sides of her breasts. His hold on her grew stronger, hurting her a little. But she’d never minded pain. As long as she could end it when it became too much.

  “Yeah, baby. Keep it up.” He turned her hair loose, then eased over her, sliding his palms down her back. A slap to her ass cheek added to her pleasure as well as his.

  “Suck on me. Yeah, that’s it.”

  She smiled, keeping her tongue moving. Cupping the balls again, she sucked all the way to the end, then popped him out and buried her face between the side of one ball and his thigh. She dragged in the scent of him, closing her eyes to enjoy the all-man smell.

  He tugged her hair. Not too hard, but enough to get her attention. “Back at it, baby. Suck me faster now. And when I come, don’t you dare pull me out.”

  She obeyed him, bringing him in again, then back out in two swift moves. Cupping his balls, she worked him, sucking, tugging, then releasing. He tensed, his hands again buried in her hair. He was close. She could feel it in the hardness of his cock.

  Then it was on her without any warning. His cum shot into her mouth a moment before he groaned, announcing his orgasm. She held on. With him holding her to him, she couldn’t have moved away if she’d wanted to.

  He tasted so good. But it was hard swallowing it all. She tried, swallowing as fast as she could, but when she started choking, he pulled her away then let the remainder of his release shoot to the ground. She drank in the last in her mouth, then leaned back to enjoy watching his face.

  His body shook, going through the spasms of his climax. He’d tasted so good, so hot and musky. Next time, she was determined to drink all of him. Wiping the cum from her mouth, she sat back and tried
to pretend that her body wasn’t shouting at her to fuck him.

  She’d never wanted any man like she wanted him. He was glorious. A man whose body would’ve rivaled any man’s. Muscles worked in his arms, his legs, and his chest as the climax came to an end and he shuddered through the rampage.

  When he opened his eyes, she was surprised to see something else in them. Not just the result of her giving him pleasure, but more.

  Was it adoration? Satisfaction? And yet, those emotions weren’t enough.


  But that was silly. They’d just met. And yet, why did her heart flutter at the idea that he’d already fallen for her?

  “Come on.” He stood, taking her with him, then led her toward the pond.

  She hesitated. “We’re going in the water?”

  He tilted his head to the side. “We need to get cleaned up. And don’t forget. It’s sir.”

  Going in the pond? Where the fish were? Who knew what else was hiding under the darkness of the water?

  “What’s wrong, little sub?”

  She didn’t want to disappoint him. “Nothing, sir.” Gripping his hand harder, she followed him into the water until it was up to their knees.

  “Relax. We won’t go any deeper.”

  She glanced around them. “What kind of animals are in here?”

  “Just the usual. Fish. Maybe a frog or two.”

  She let out a sigh. A fish or a frog wasn’t so bad.

  “Maybe a snake or two.”

  “Snakes?” She turned and started for the shore, but he held her back.

  “Take it easy. They’re more afraid of you than you are of them.”

  “I don’t think so. I’m terrified.”

  He took her face and made her look at him instead of the murky water. “Little sub, clean me off.”

  He was testing her. He had to be. Taking a steadying breath, she nodded, then bent over and cupped water in her hands. As soon as she started pouring it over his crotch, she forgot about the possible dangers lurking in the pond. She washed him, bringing handful after handful up to wash off his cock. He was still thick and long.


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