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Guardians of the Dead

Page 10

by S. L. Wilson

  She held her breath, for what seemed like the millionth time that day, as the creature growled, causing every hair on her body to stand on end.

  It nestled lower to the floor, keeping sharp eyes poised in their direction. If they moved an inch it would be upon them in one leap.

  ‘What are we going to do?’ she whispered.

  Before Connor could answer, a growl filled the air above them. He cried out for Amber to move, and she rolled her body away just in time to miss the claws of the huge cave creature as it swiped at her. Screaming, she spun into Connor who leapt to his feet pulling her with him.

  They were fenced in between the two creatures. Sweat trickled down Amber’s forehead, mixing with the dried blood from her cut. She couldn’t take her eyes off the advancing creature; its sharp teeth, coated in dark red stains, glistened in the fading light. As it prepared to strike, a flash of black filled the air. The cat pounced, bypassing Amber and Connor and going straight for the lumbering creature, tearing at its throat with its sharp tusks.

  Grabbing her hand, Connor ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Amber didn’t care how much her limbs ached and screamed in resistance, she was relieved to be in one piece and not smeared over the forest floor.

  They didn’t stop moving for what seemed like hours. She didn’t remember when night had taken over, but two bright moons hung heavy in the star-studded sky. She was cold and pulled Tom’s hoodie tightly across her chest, taking in his lingering scent. Connor hadn’t said two words to her since they escaped the creatures, and the silence between them was stifling. If they were going to be successful with their mission then she would have to speak to him and tell him how she felt.

  She wasn’t a silly schoolgirl with a penchant for kissing the first boy who drew her a sacred circle. She cared for Connor, more than she probably should, and he needed to know.

  ‘We should be safe to camp here for tonight.’

  He had come to a halt in a small clearing and tossed his pack on the floor, looking at her for some sort of response.

  ‘Yeah, this looks good,’ she mumbled. ‘Can we build a fire?’

  ‘Good idea, I’ll collect some wood if you can gather some rocks for the pit circle.’

  He began grabbing some of the fallen branches and she took this as her cue to busy herself collecting rocks.

  She left her own pack and began scouring the ground for decent-sized stones. Her mind wandered once again to the kiss they had shared. It had been tender and sweet, not a stupid mistake, no matter what Connor had said. He had instigated it, after all.

  She shook her head to try to dislodge the memory, and as she stooped down to collect a couple of rocks she heard a sound behind her.

  ‘Connor…is that you?’

  No answer.

  Her heart raced and her sweaty palms clung to the rocks as she brandished them like weapons.

  She gradually backed up until she could feel the rough bark of a tree behind her. Looking around she realised she had no idea which direction she had walked in. She kicked herself for being so wrapped up in her thoughts.

  A noise to her right caused her heart to freeze; she could hear heavy breathing, a laboured rhythm. She slowly pulled the hood of her jumper up over her hair and using the shadows of the tree she camouflaged herself against the black bark. Her fingernails dug into the rocks as she listened.

  The bushes to her right parted and a Guardian burst through into the clearing, his swords drawn and his red eyes piercing the night, his swirling tattoo clearly displayed as the light of the moon shone down on him. Amber tilted her head down so her hood covered her face and pressed her body against the tree, willing it to open up and swallow her.

  The Guardian grunted and moved on, his heavy boots trampling the delicate flowers on the forest floor. He elbowed his way through the bushes, moving in the direction of the Black Mountains.

  Amber didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but as she relaxed there was a flash of silver and she felt the pinch of cold steel at her throat.

  ‘What do we have here?’ a silky voice breathed into her ear, as a hooded figure pressed the blade harder into her skin. Amber gasped and as her captor tilted her head backwards, her hood fell back and her long hair tumbled around her shoulders, her silver stripe shining in the moonlight.

  The figure pulled back then released the blade.

  ‘Myanna?’ a male voice asked.

  Amber was startled. ‘That’s my mother’s name!’

  She pushed herself away from the tree and spoke again with more urgency. ‘Please…Myanna is my mother, how do you know her?’

  The figure sheathed its blade. He wasn’t a Guardian as the build was wrong. This person was lithe as well as muscular but not in the creepy way of the Guardians. With delicate hands he lowered his hood to reveal the most beautiful face Amber had ever seen. She inhaled sharply as the boy’s long white hair spilled down his back and his purple eyes searched her face.

  ‘You’re a faerie,’ she said.

  The boy cocked his head to the side, taking her in, ‘I am a fae warrior from Queen Alia’s court, what are you?’

  Amber smiled. ‘I thought I was a sixteen-year-old girl until a few days ago but apparently I’m…not.’

  She stopped herself from revealing her oracle heritage. She didn’t know this boy and she was well aware of the powers of persuasion the fae possessed. She needed to learn more about him before she poured her heart out to him, even though that’s exactly what she wanted to do.

  ‘How do you know my mother?’

  ‘She is a member of the fae queen’s court, a trusted friend of Queen Alia.’

  ‘Queen Alia? I don’t understand. I thought Phelan was a Guardian realm, not Fae.’

  ‘Queen Alia is fae, she was taken captive by General Loso many years ago. She is kept here as a prisoner at the top of the Black Mountains in the Guardian stronghold.’

  ‘Wait, so you’re saying my mother…Myanna…is here, in Phelan?’

  ‘Yes, she is with the queen, a prisoner too.’

  Amber slumped back against the tree and rubbed her face.

  ‘You’re hurt.’ The boy lifted his hand and stroked Amber’s forehead. Tiny bursts of electricity shot along her skin at his touch, and she had the strongest sensation of familiarity.

  He studied the deep cut on her forehead, his face just inches from hers, then pulled a cloth from his pocket.

  ‘Come.’ Lightly he took her hand and pulled her along behind him, a strange pulse vibrating through her body at his touch. After a few minutes of walking, Amber could hear the sound of rushing water, and as they stepped out of the darkness of the forest she saw a beautiful clearing with a deep lagoon and waterfall illuminated in the moonlight.

  He left her side to rinse the cloth in the water, and when he returned he carefully pressed the cool fabric to her head. Amber reached up and held her own hand over the boy’s.

  ‘What’s your name?’

  ‘Redka of Avaveil.’

  ‘Redka.’ She listened to the sound of his name on her tongue, ‘I like that. I’m Amber.’

  Their faces were close again and Amber could smell the sweet scent of jasmine mixed with the woody tang of the forest. Redka’s purple eyes glistened in the moonlight. Amber felt like she was falling into a whirlpool and would disappear any second. She knew this boy, had seen him somewhere before. They were connected, she could feel it deep within her soul, but she couldn’t remember how.

  The sound of a snapping branch broke through her thoughts as Redka pulled her gently into the darkness of a nearby tree. He lifted her hood over her hair again and shielded her body with his own, pressing close to her and enveloping them in the dark shadows of the forest, his black cape disguising the brightness of his own hair as he stretched the fabric to cloak them.

  ‘There are many Guardians in the forest, we don’t want them stumbling upon us, it would be bad for both of us if we were discovered.’

  As he pressed his bo
dy against her and she inhaled his scent, she was convinced he would feel her heart beating out of her ribcage. A strange vibration pulsed through her veins and she shivered, all practical thoughts floating out of her head. The feeling that this boy was linked to her in some way was too strong to shake off. She had never believed in love at first sight, but as she rested her forehead against the curve of his shoulder, she couldn’t help but wonder if this is what it would feel like.

  A figure broke through the bushes, carrying a torch. Amber rested her hand on Redka’s chest. ‘It’s okay, it’s Connor, and he’s my friend.’

  He moved to let her pass, and she ran to Connor as he blindly searched the water and surrounding shrubbery.

  ‘Connor, I’m here.’

  ‘Bloody hell, Amber, I thought they’d taken you. I saw a Guardian and then I couldn’t find you, I was so…’ His voice trailed off as Redka walked up behind her.

  His eyes didn’t give anything away as he looked from Amber to the newcomer.

  ‘I was tending to Amber’s wounds.’ Redka’s voice was hypnotic as he explained his presence.

  Connor nodded stiffly and Amber noticed his eyes shift to purple.

  ‘I am Redka, warrior to Queen Alia’s court.’ He held his hand across his chest and bowed slightly.

  Connor coughed dryly. ‘I’m Connor, warrior for Amber’s court.’

  Amber rolled her eyes and excused herself from the testosterone-charged exchange, convinced that any minute they would be comparing scars.

  She walked to the water’s edge and rinsed the cloth in her hand. The lagoon was beautiful, surrounded by green trees on three sides and flanked by a wall of rock where the water cascaded over the top to fall in a foaming mass in the centre of the pool.

  Beyond the treeline she could just see the top of the Black Mountains. Her mum was there and her best friend. Her head reeled at the thought of her mother. She wondered if they were together, if Tom would recognise her and ask for help.

  She was overcome with a sudden tiredness, the strain of the day catching up with her, and she settled herself on the ground to listen to the gentle lull of the waterfall. Redka and Connor’s hushed voices played around in the deep recesses of her mind, their words fading as her eyes fluttered shut.

  She was running through the forest with Redka and Connor by her side. There were others with her and she frantically searched for a familiar face in the crowd. Redka had drawn his sword and faced a Guardian. There was a bloody fight and the Guardian fell. They ran further and further into the forest, the lush green crumbling around them to reveal black rock. Another Guardian stepped forward, this one much larger, his eyes glowing a deeper red. His armour was different from the other soldiers’; the phoenix crest was golden. Redka drew his sword, blocking the man’s path, but then he fell, pitching to his knees. Amber could see the dagger buried in his chest and his lifeless purple eyes stared at her as she screamed.

  The sound of rushing water tore Amber from her dreams. They were so realistic now that she was often disoriented upon waking, as if she had witnessed these events for real. She always awoke with the heavy weight of loss in her heart.

  Lavanya had told her she had the sight, the gift of prophecy, but she didn’t want it if she had to watch her friends suffer over and over.

  ‘Morning.’ Connor was adding wood to the fire. He looked up and smiled, his face shining in the brightness of the new day. He looked at home here in the forest, more than he had in Hills Heath.

  ‘What time is it?’

  ‘Still early, the sun doesn’t stay down for long in Phelan.’

  She looked around the small makeshift campsite, her eyes searching every square inch.

  ‘He’s gone to find some breakfast.’ Connor’s voice was low as Amber blushed and kicked at a stone in the dirt.

  ‘I wasn’t…’ she started to say but Connor cut her off.

  ‘Don’t lie, you have a connection, any idiot can see that. His eyes were glowing purple and your aura was blazing bright gold…not so good when you’re trying to hide from demons, by the way.’

  Amber felt her face grow hotter and she lifted her hands to cover her cheeks. A golden aura. She didn’t even realise Connor could see auras, and she wasn’t sure she wanted him seeing hers when she didn’t know what it was doing.

  ‘It’s a fae thing,’ he said as if understanding her silent question. ‘I can see what people are feeling by the colours they give off. It was really weak back home but this place has amplified my fae powers. Right now your aura is red, which means you are either really horny or pissed at me.’

  ‘Connor!’ She couldn’t help but laugh at him. He gave her a cheeky smile and her heart turned over in her chest. A brief memory of their shared kiss sprang to mind, but she hastily buried it in her subconscious. The oddest feeling of guilt washed over her for even thinking of it.

  She watched Connor as he stoked the fire, his tousled brown hair curled at the nape of his neck and his fringe flopped across his face. As he blew on the embers, she noticed how defined his strong cheekbones were. The recollection of their kiss bubbled to the surface again, and she memorised how she had clung to him as he ran his hands along the curve of her spine. She shivered involuntarily.

  ‘Are you cold?’ He stood and draped a blanket across her shoulders, then took a seat next to her on the moss-covered floor and gazed into the fire. His nearness and the smell of his clothes were intoxicating. What was wrong with her? She shook her head trying to dislodge the image of their entwined bodies.

  ‘What’s the plan then?’ She needed a distraction and strategising helped.

  ‘Redka said it’s not too far to the foot of the Black Mountains. He can get us into the stronghold through tunnels in the rock. Apparently no-one knows they exist, which works in our favour.’

  ‘My mum is here,’ she said softly, staring at the shapes dancing in the flames.

  ‘Yeah, after you fell asleep, Redka filled me in on the list of prisoners. Looks like Tom is in good company.’

  ‘What if he didn’t make it? Lavanya said he was weak but still alive, that was a few days ago, what if he couldn’t hold on?’ Tears tumbled from her eyes; she didn’t try to hide them, instead she gratefully accepted the hug Connor offered. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed gently.

  ‘He’s a tough lad and he knows in his heart that you will find a way to save him, you’ve never let each other down before.’

  She nodded at this; it was true. They had been an inseparable team for so long that they could finish each other’s sentences and feel what the other was going through. School bullies, overly aggressive superiors, stepmothers – Tom had been with her through it all and she with him.

  ‘About the other night, in the magic shop…’ She stood to warm herself by the fire, hoping to gain some strength from the warmth it gave out. Connor shifted position on the floor and opened his mouth to say something just as Redka emerged from the trees. She felt her body quiver at the sight of him, and as he gazed at her she saw the anguish in his eyes on seeing her upset.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, taking her hand in his own. He used his free hand to wipe away the last of her tears, his purple eyes boring deep into her soul. She melted against him as he swept her up in an embrace.

  ‘Just a little overwhelmed,’ she said smiling up into his beautiful face, ‘I’m about to see my mum again after ten years, my dad is missing and I’m worried about my friend.’

  He nodded and held her by the shoulders. ‘Your friend is strong. He was badly injured, but your mother is a skilled witch and is tending to his wounds. Please don’t fear for them.’

  Amber stepped away from him. ‘My mother is…’ She struggled to find the right words. ‘Is she injured at all or ill?’

  Redka shook his head and motioned for her to sit. ‘When Queen Alia was kidnapped, she was dragged through many realms before arriving in Phelan. There is no gateway between this world and the land of the fae, so the journey was long. Ge
neral Loso didn’t realise she was with child when he took her, and so by the time they arrived here she was heavily pregnant.’ He paused to add a log to the fire, staring at the flames for a moment. Amber waited patiently for him to continue as Connor settled beside her to listen.

  ‘She had her baby and Loso built her a fortress which was also her prison. She raised her son and kept him safe, but the reason for her capture soon became evident. Loso began taking her blood and injecting it into his own body using similar blood magic to the Guardian ritual. He believed this would make him immortal.’

  Amber gasped. ‘Is that true?’

  ‘Yes, the fae live for a long time, fifty years pass for every human year in our realm, but we can still be killed. A royal’s blood is much more potent and contains the magic of healing and immortality. Loso feared that his own captains were going to turn on him, and so he used Queen Alia’s blood to make him invincible.’

  ‘Did it work?’ Connor asked.

  ‘It did. One of his captains in the south ran him through with a sword but Loso just pulled the sword from his heart and laughed then beheaded the surprised captain. Word spread and the entire realm now believes Loso to be immortal.’

  ‘What happened to the queen?’

  ‘She became very ill, having her blood drained so often meant that her body couldn’t heal in time before Loso took more. It became a drug to him.’ Redka sighed deeply and his shoulders sagged. ‘She nearly died and that’s almost impossible for a royal fae.’

  ‘I take it she’s still alive then?’

  ‘That’s where your mother comes in,’ he said, turning to Amber and smiling. ‘When the queen was at her worst, Loso realised that his actions may just kill her, and he admitted to me that he cared deeply for her, so he ordered two of his best soldiers to accompany him to the human realm and kidnap a witch with healing powers.’

  ‘My mother vanished ten years ago.’ Amber felt sick; she and her dad had believed that Myanna had left them because she didn’t care, started a new life somewhere else without them.


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