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In Friendship's Guise

Page 27

by William Murray Graydon



  On the day of the inquiry at Great Marlborough street, about fiveo'clock in the afternoon, Jimmie Drexell walked slowly and thoughtfullyup the Quadrant. The weather had turned cold, and his top hat andfur-lined coat gave him the appearance of an actor in luck. He was boundon a peculiar errand, and though he hoped to succeed, he was not blindto the fact that the odds were very much against him.

  "I shall probably put my foot in it somehow," he reflected dolefully,"and make a mess of the thing. But if I fail, it won't convince me thatI am wrong. I had my eye on that woman in court, and she was certainlykeeping something back. She seemed confused--in dread of some questionthat was never asked. And once or twice I thought she was on the pointof making some startling revelation. I must play a cunning game, forpoor old Jack's sake. If Mrs. Rickett can't save him, and the policedon't find the mysterious stranger, I'm afraid he will be in a devilishbad way."

  Jimmie turned into Beak street, and pulled the bell of Number 324. Hewaited several minutes before the landlady came, and then she openedthe door but a couple of inches, and peered distrustfully out. Jimmiecraftily thrust a foot in, so that the door could not be closed.

  "You do not know me, madam," he said, "but I come as a friend. I wish tohave a short conversation with you."

  Mrs. Rickett's distrust turned to alarm. In her agitation she retreateda little, and Jimmie carried the first outworks and entered the hall.

  "I must talk to you privately," he added. "We may be overheard here."

  In a tremulous voice the landlady invited him to follow her, and she ledthe way to a cozy apartment on the ground floor that was half kitchenand half sitting-room. A kettle was steaming merrily on the fire, andoverhead an ominous red stain was visible on the ceiling.

  Mrs. Rickett sank limply into a chair, and Jimmie, after closing thedoor and removing his hat, seated himself opposite. He assumed an airof grave importance.

  "My good woman, perhaps you can guess why I am here," he began. "I waspresent to-day at Great Marlborough street police-court. I watched theproceedings closely, and my experience in such cases, and my infalliblesense of discrimination, enabled me to make a discovery." He paused forbreath, and to note the effect of his peroration; he wondered if thewords were right. "I am satisfied," he went on, "that the evidence yougave--"

  "Oh, Lor', it's come! it's come!" interrupted Mrs. Rickett. "I knew itwould! I've been in fear and tremblin'! Why didn't I speak at the righttime? Indeed, I tried to, but I sorter got choked up! Oh, sir, have pityon a lone widow!"

  Her face grew white, and she gasped for breath; she threatened to gointo a fit of hysterics.

  "Come, come; there is nothing to be alarmed about," said Jimmie, whocould scarcely hide his delight. "Take comfort, my good woman. You mayhave been foolish and thoughtless, but I am sure you have done nothingcriminal. I am here as a friend, and you can trust me. I wish to learnthe truth--that is all. From motives which I can understand, you keptback some important evidence in connection with this sad tragedy--"

  "I did, sir--I don't deny it. I didn't tell what I should, though Inearly got the words out a 'eap of times. Please don't carry me off toprison, sir. I knowed you was a police officer in disguise the minuteI clapped eyes on you--"

  "I have nothing to do with the police," Jimmie assured her.

  "Really? Then perhaps you're a detective--a private one?"

  "Yes, it is something like that. I am making inquiries privately, inbehalf of my unfortunate friend."

  "Meaning Mr. Vernon."

  "That's right. I am convinced of his innocence, and I want to prove it.You need have no fear. On the contrary, if you tell me freely all thatyou know, you shall be well rewarded."

  Mrs. Rickett took comfort, and fervently declared that her visitorwas a real gentleman. She offered him a cup of tea, which he tactfullyaccepted, and then fortified her inner self with one, preliminary tomaking her statement.

  "I'm that flustered I 'ardly know what I'm doing," she began, wiping herlips with a corner of her apron. "As to why I didn't speak before, it'sjust this, sir. I liked that young man's face, 'im I met comin' out ofmy 'ouse that night, and I thought afterward the woman might 'ave done'im a bitter wrong, which, of course, ain't excusin' 'im for thedreadful crime of murder, and I wouldn't 'ave you think it--"

  "Then you know something that might be harmful to Mr. Vernon?" Jimmieinterrupted. He began to suspect the situation.

  "That's it, sir!"

  "But, my good woman, Mr. Vernon is absolutely innocent. Take my wordfor it. The other man, who left the house just before my friend, is theguilty person."

  "I didn't believe in that other man at first," Mrs. Rickett replied;"but it looks like the story might be true, after all. And if it is--"


  "Then I can tell something about _him_; leastwise I think so."

  "Go on!" Jimmie said, eagerly.

  "I 'eard it from that French woman, Dinah Mer--I never _can_ pernouncethe name," continued Mrs. Rickett. "Pore creature, what a 'orrible end;though it's a mercy it was so sudden like. But, as I was saying, sir,she lodged in my 'ouse last spring, and she come back only three daysbefore the murder. She never 'ad much to say for 'erself, an' I judgedshe was stiff and proud. You'll believe I was taken all aback, then,when she walked into this 'ere very room one evening--it was lastThursday, the day before the murder--an' takes off her cloak as cool asyou please. 'Mrs. Rickett,' she says, 'I'm feelin' badly. Can you giveme a cup of tea?' Of course I says yes. I was 'aving my own tea at thetime, and I asked 'er to join me, sociable like. By an' by she got totellin' me about 'erself. It appears she wasn't really French, but wasborn at Dunwold, a village in Sussex, an' lived there till she was grownup, after which she went abroad. Then she says to me, of a sudden: 'Imet a man to-day--'"

  "One moment!" Jimmie interrupted. He took a note-book and pencil fromhis pocket, and jotted down a few lines. "Please resume now," he added."What did the deceased tell you?"

  "She told me that she'd met a man on Regent street from her nativeEnglish village, meaning Dunwold," Mrs. Rickett went on, "and that hegive her a bad fright. 'Is he an enemy of yours?' I asked. 'Yes, abitter one,' she says, 'an' I'm mortal afraid of him. An' the worst ofit is I'm sure he saw me, though I give 'im the slip by going into Swanand Edgar's at one door and out at another. If he finds me, Mrs. Rickett,'e'll kill me.' I told 'er not to worrit 'erself, an' I clean furgot thematter till the next night, when the pore dear creature was stabbed tothe 'eart. I thought I should 'ave lost my 'ead, what with the crowdsthat gathered, an' the police in the 'ouse, an' the doctors a viewin'the departed corpse, an'--"

  Jimmie checked her by a gesture.

  "Are you sure you have told me everything?" he asked.

  "Every blessed word, sir. It's the first and only time the woman spoketo me of 'erself."

  Jimmie jotted down a few more notes, and his hand shook like a leaf, sogreatly was he thrilled by the value of his discovery. Then he put Mrs.Rickett through a cross-examination, in what he flattered himself was astrictly legal style. Certainly Mr. Tenby could not have done it better,for the landlady had nothing more to tell.

  "I 'ope you're satisfied," she said. "And you won't forget what youpromised--that I shouldn't get into trouble?"

  "I'll see to that," Jimmie replied. "It can be easily managed. I trustthat what you have told me will lead to the acquittal of my friend. Hereare ten pounds for you, and, if all goes well, I shall probably add toit at another time."

  The landlady thrust the bank notes into her broad bosom. She wasoverpowered by the munificence of the gift, and poured out hergratitude copiously.

  "I've just recollected something," she went on. "There's a secret closetin the room where the pore woman lodged, an' last spring I 'appened toshow it to 'er. It sort of took 'er fancy, and--"

  "Did the police find it or examine it?" cried Jimmie.

  "No, sir. I forgot to speak of it."

  "Let me
see it, please! It may lead to something of importance."

  Mrs. Rickett willingly conducted her visitor through the hall and up thestaircase. A sense of the recent tragedy seemed to haunt the room, withits drawn curtains and tawdry furnishings, and the dark stain on thefloor. The landlady shuddered, and glanced fearfully around. She madehaste to open a narrow closet, and to slide open a disguised panel atthe back of it, which disclosed a small recess. Jimmie, who was at hershoulder, uttered a cry of surprise. He saw a gleam of white, andreached for it quickly. He drew out an envelope, unaddressed and sealed,with contents of a bulky nature.

  "Bless me! She _did_ 'ide something!" gasped Mrs. Rickett. "What can itbe?"

  "Writing, perhaps," replied Jimmie. "Will you permit me to have this,Mrs. Rickett? I will examine it at my leisure, and tell you about itlater."

  "I've no objections, sir," the landlady replied, as another five-poundnote was slipped into her hand. "Take it and welcome!"

  Jimmie thanked her, and pocketed the envelope.

  "I will see you again," he said, "and tell you whether I succeedor fail. And, meanwhile, I must ask you to keep my visit a strictsecret--to inform no one of what you have told me. And don't breathe awhisper in regard to anything being found in the murdered woman's room.Keep your own counsel."

  "I'll do that, sir, never fear. I'm a close-mouthed woman, and know howto hold my tongue, which there ain't many females can say the same. AndI'm sure you'll do the right thing by me."

  "I will, indeed," Jimmie promised. "You shan't have cause to regret yourconfidence. And if I can clear my friend through the assistance you havegiven me, I will be more liberal than I have been on this occasion."

  "Thank you, sir, and I 'ope with all my 'eart you'll find the guiltyman," Mrs. Rickett declared, vehemently. "I never _did_ think Mr. Vernonmurdered that pore creature. Ah, but it's a wicked world!"

  She accompanied her visitor to the door, showered further effusivegratitude upon him, and gazed after him till he had turned the corner.Overjoyed by his unexpected success, hopeful of achieving great results,Jimmie strode down Regent street, amid the lights and the crowds. Thecrisp, cold air had dried the pavements, and the stars shone from aclear sky.

  "What luck!" he thought, exultantly. "It was a happy inspiration to gothere to-night! Gad, I ought to be in Scotland Yard! There is no doubtthat the man who killed Diane was the same fellow she met the daybefore. He hailed from her native village, and of course he was adiscarded lover. It is even possible that he was her husband, in thedays before she went to Paris, became a dancer, and married Jack. I mustutilize the information to the best advantage. The first thing is to rundown to Dunwold, find out all I can, and then put the police on thetrack. For the present I will dispense with their services, though itseems a bit risky to take matters into my own hands. But I rather fancythe idea of playing detective, and I'll have a go at the business. Iwon't tell the solicitor what I have discovered, but I think it will bewise to confide in Sir Lucius Chesney. By the bye, he lives somewhere inSussex. He may be able to help me at the start."

  Jimmie remembered the mysterious envelope in his pocket, and it occurredto him that the contents might alter the whole situation, and make atrip to Dunwold unnecessary. He walked faster, impatient to reach theAlbany and investigate his prize in safety.


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