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Page 18

by E. Wayne Stucki

  The Run Point gave an emphatic shake of this tail. “That cannot be allowed,” he said. “It may take more time but we’ll do the work ourselves and construct the drones in secret. We’ll permit the Iidx to assist in building our inventory of missiles and laser mounts. They can even build a fleet of automated colliers to carry those missiles. That shouldn’t seem unusual to them because we’ll need to resupply in any battle with the humans.” S’Cinf gave an impish grin. “We can’t run back to the factory to get more, now can we?”

  “I agree Run Point,” said P’Mar, “although that doesn’t answer my concern about the Iidx becoming suspicious.

  “You may be overestimating the Iidx,” S’Cinf replied. “I understand that the Swarm Master for the Greater Hive had suspicions regarding our intentions. The Queens told me that he challenged their decision to allow us access to Main Hive. He had the arrogance, which was the Queens term, to resist them in their own Chamber. For this indiscretion Swarm Master Zelof was banished to a minor base in the middle of a major desert. In a sense he was banished to their version of purgatory.

  “Exiling their military commander is one thing,” S’Cinf continued. “Add to that the Queen’s granting our people access to all their facilities and technology.” He nodded at the screen. “They even shared with us the tech to make ships invisible. This indicates a mind-set where the Queens are pre-disposed to accept our explanations.

  “With that in mind we simply tell the Iidx that we anticipate the humans have been building their fleet while we’ve been travelling here. That means we have a lot of ground to make up. Then there’s the journey back to Fairen to be considered. The humans will be adding to their fleet during that time as well. So we have to make contingency plans to accommodate those little problems.”

  “I’m impressed, Run Point,” said P’Mar with a nod of approval. “You’ve laid out a logical and plausible reason for a large buildup that will take some time to accomplish.”

  ”It also feeds off the mindset of the Iidx. They’ll think they know what our intentions and capabilities are,” said S’Cinf. “It has a sense of symmetry. Some might even say an irony. The Iidx will be constructing the very weapons which will destroy them.”

  P’Mar nodded. “In order to maintain security we’ll have to construct the drones at our surface facilities. That means more construction; more supplies shipped in and move chances for the Iidx to try to infiltrate.”

  “Our security stopped the first infiltration attempt,” said S’Cinf. “They’ll stop the others that may be sent. Still it wouldn’t hurt to plan surprise inspections.”

  The Fleet Admiral bobbed his head. “That’ll have benefits on both sides,” he decided. “It’ll help test our security arrangements and give our commandos a chance to practice their skills.” He gave a definite swing from his tail. “Yes, Run Point, that’s very good. I’ll see that it’s arranged.”

  S’Cinf waved for the tech that’d been in the background listening to the conversation to turn off the monitor. “It appears we’ve come up with the bare bones of a creditable plan. We’ll be able to add details as we go along,” he announced. “Get your people working now.” He paused as he thought. “Perhaps we’ll need two plans,” he decided. “One has our fleet going to meet the ‘humans’ with the Iidx and the other keeps us orbiting Main Hive.” The Run Point paused as another thought surfaced.

  “I suppose we should announce a date for our departure to deal with the humans. That should throw off the Queens if they’re beginning to wonder about our intentions. It’ll be an unfortunate coincidence that the ‘humans’ arrive before we can leave.”

  The Fleet Admiral nodded his agreement. “Our main concern was how to get the Iidx fleet diverted into the outer system. But that’s been solved by the Iidx themselves.”

  “The invisible ship?” suggested S’Cinf.

  “The invisible ship,” confirmed P’Mar. “We’ll have our scientists tear that ship apart and adapt its technology. Then we’ll build a fleet of invisible ships complete with EW suites. Small ones that fit within a Colony ship, so they can be transported from Main Hive without being observed. It’ll be those ships that will decoy and strike the Iidx fleet first!”

  Chapter 11

  Swarm Master Zelof strode through the corridors of the base he’d designated Last Refuge. Several Iidx who comprised his staff trailed him, waiting for their commander to call. Swarm Second Sesum walked immediately behind Zelof and was trying to take in all the sights at once. The rest of the Iidx in the corridor were moving about their assigned duties to maintain and operate the base.

  As he walked towards what could only be called the Situation Center Zelof thought back on the changes which had occurred over the past several years. He gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head.

  Three years! In three short years his entire worldview had changed. First, a completely alien species called the Kthpok had arrived in the Iidx planetary system travelling in severely damaged ships. Those same aliens had been welcomed to Main Hive with caressing feelers and, after presenting their story to the Queens, were given unlimited access to everything the Iidx had. Second, in that three years he’d done the unthinkable in questioning the Queen’s decision to allow the alien’s access to Main Hive. As a result of that defiance he’d been exiled to Wartten. That was when he’d built this secret base - supposedly secret, he mentally added. He gave an amused wave of his antennae at the thought then continued his reminiscing. In the list of changes he came to the last, and definitely not the least, item: The Kthpok had built a formidable force of highly automated vessels utilizing Iidx technology. In his estimation the Kthpok Swarm was strong and close to rivaling the force level the Iidx had developed under his leadership.

  Zelof glanced around at the clean white walls and the beige tiles of the hallway. A short distance ahead of the Swarm Master’s party was an intersection with another major corridor. More Iidx could be seen crossing the junction. Everything was as it should be. Despite the appearance of normalcy he couldn’t shake a sense that something was about to break.

  The Swarm Master gestured for Sesum to come up beside him. “What do you think about our new facility?” he asked when the Second came to his side.

  Sesum had spent most of his time since arriving at their current assignment keeping their official posting of Wartten running smoothly. His objective was to keep the Queens from getting suspicious. During the last two years he’d been able to make periodic visits to Last Refuge to get essential business conducted. But this was the first time he’d been able to really see the facility. The Second gestured at their surroundings. “It’s wonderful!” he said and shook his head. “It’s a shame we couldn’t dedicate it properly.”

  The Swarm Master chuckled. “A highly publicized commissioning ceremony would’ve defeated the purpose of a ‘secret’ base, wouldn’t it?”

  “It would at that,” Sesum replied with a matching chuckle. “I guess the fact that we have to keep this place secret is what really bothers me.”

  The Swarm Master waved his antennae in agreement. “We have seen quite a few changes in the past few years,” he said with a note of sadness in his voice.

  “And the need for this facility is a sign that some of the changes haven’t been for the good,” replied Sesum and gave a shake of his antennae. He glanced back to make sure they couldn’t be overheard. The rest of the staff had lagged several yards behind as they examined their surroundings. “I’m amazed that we’ve been able to construct all this without getting caught,” he said in a quiet voice. Sesum shrugged with an amused wave from his antennae. “After all, the Presiding Assembly’s sent Investigators and Auditors to delve into our records at least twice a year.”

  Zelof gave an amused snort and bobbed his head at the Second. “You’ve been responsible for our dodging that particular bullet,” he said keeping his voice just as low. “You’ve kept our records in a meticulous manner if not one so creative.”

  “I ha
d to be creative for our protection,” agreed Sesum. “But it’s only a matter of time before we’re found out. The Iidx who’s selected to be an Auditor is very intelligent. They’re trained to discover items thought long hidden.”

  Zelof nodded. “The word I got was that the Auditors the Presiding Assembly sent to audit us were the most capable the Queens could find. They had the reputation of discovering even the smallest discrepancy.”

  “Then how? Why?”

  “Why haven’t we been exposed for the criminals we are?” asked the Swarm Master with a snort. “It’s because those Iidx are so capable. For one, they’re aware of why we’ve been sent here; that we questioned the Queens in their decision to allow the Kthpok unlimited access to Main Hive as well as our technology. Finally, they’re smart enough to recognize the defects in the Kthpok story.”

  “They know?” prompted Sesum.

  “They know,” confirmed Zelof with a nod, “and are helping. I’ll send you their audits.” He gave an amused wave of his antennae at Sesum’s stunned reaction. “Yes,” the Swarm Master confirmed. “I got copies of those ultra-secret, confidential reports.

  “If you get a chance read the executive summaries and the matching detail. You’ll see that each audit confirms that all the funds we’ve spent were used for legitimate military uses.” Zelof gave a light snort. “Those uses may not have received the approval of the Queens but the funds weren’t diverted for our personal benefit. That’s why we haven’t been turned in. In fact, several of the Auditors suggested we receive additional funding because they knew we’d put it to good use.”

  “They know,” repeated the Second then glared at his commander, “and you didn’t think to tell me? I’ve worked and slaved over the accounting when I didn’t have to. The stresses have been so bad my shell’s gotten thin in places.”

  “I realized long ago how hard you’ve been working and appreciate it,” Zelof replied. “But that effort had to be there to be convincing. That’s why I didn’t tell you. It helped the auditors in their efforts to shield us.”

  “It might have helped but it won’t last,” suggested Sesum. “Eventually the Queens are going to get an Auditor in here that won’t cover for us.” He waved his antennae to encompass the facility, “then all this will be exposed.”

  By this time the two Iidx and their staff had reached the entrance to the Situation Center deep in the heart of Refuge. “There is that danger,” said Zelof. “But I don’t expect we’ll have to hide what we’re doing here much longer.”

  Ignoring his Seconds look the Swarm Master led the way into the room. Iidx could be seen seated at various posts throughout the Center. Some were monitoring the status of Refuge and its surroundings. Others were doing the same for Wartten. A large screen on one wall showed the position of Iidx and Kthpok ships in orbit around Main Hive. A quiet rumble of muted conversations and clicks of data and commands being input were heard.

  “You haven’t seen this yet because I’ve kept it very compartmentalized,” Zelof said to Sesum and walked over to a station. “You’ll understand why in a moment.” He bent over to ask the operator to call up a particular file. A moment later another large wall screen flickered to display a list. “These are the sites visited by the Kthpok while they were looking for useful tech,” the Swarm Master announced. “Notice anything unusual about these locations?”

  Sesum scuttled over to the screen for a closer look and read down the list. The Swarm Master’s enigmatic statement was forgotten. “These are considered tech sites?” he wondered turning around to look at his commander. “It’s a list of governmental, communications, and manufacturing centers. They’re all vital to our economy or government.”

  Zelof nodded. “This information was provided by one of the last Auditors who were here a short while ago. At my request he compiled the data and transmitted it here at the same time he sent a copy of his audit.”

  “But why did the Kthpok go to all these locations?” asked the Second and nodded at the screen. The rest of the Zelof’s staff were looking at the screen and could be heard discussing the matter amongst themselves. “From what I’ve seen or heard about the Kthpok I’ve been led to believe they’re very methodical. The facilities dealing with armor, weaponry and power is understandable. But these…,” the Second paused as a thought came. “It’s almost like,” Sesum started again then stopped as he searched for the right way to express what he was thinking. “It’s almost like the Kthpok are reconnoitering possible targets for an attack,” he concluded.

  “That’s my concern as well,” said the Swarm Master. “Because of that I sent an ‘Auditor’ of my own to do a little investigating at one of the sites visited by the Kthpok. He was very thorough and what he found was very disturbing.” He motioned and an Iidx came over from where he was standing next to the communications suite and placed a device on a table.

  Sesum cocked an antenna in surprise. He’d recognized the Iidx immediately.

  “This’s Commander Kazikami,” confirmed Zelof. “Since he’s the commander of our merry band of Infiltrators I felt he was the most qualified to conduct the required audit.”

  The Second waved a welcome to the officer then moved over to the table. “What is that thing?” asked Sesum as he leaned over the table for a closer look at the item. Others of the staff peered at the item as well.

  “That is a very powerful explosive device,” Kazikami answered.

  “It’s a bomb?” exclaimed Sesum and moved a step back from the table almost bumping into an aide.

  “Doesn’t worry, the device have been rendered inert,” supplied the officer. “I found it in the building that housed the fleet communications center. It was in the lower levels attached to a primary structural beam.”

  “After being defused our demolitions experts ran some projections on that little item,” added Zelof. “The location of the device and the strength of the explosive it contained led to just one conclusion. Our ‘friends’ intend to destroy fleet communications. Some friends,” he muttered under his breath. Sesum and the rest of the command staff moved closer once again and peered intently at the bomb. “An interesting feature built into this device is the receiver,” Zelof continued. “The bomb was intended to be detonated by remote control.”

  Sesum continued to look at the device on the table then glanced over at Kazikami. “Something this small can really destroy a building?” he asked. The Commander didn’t answer but bobbed his head. “And it can be set off remotely,” mused the Second.

  “They can set off the device remotely,” confirmed Zelof. “Remember the Kthpok visited all of our important facilities. So we have to assume that all those places have similar devices.”

  Sesum gave a slight grin as he turned to face the Swarm Master. “For the sake of argument, sir,” he said. “Why do we think the Kthpok did this?”

  “The explosive compound inside the device has been examined,” replied Kazikami, “as has the casing. The materials and technology are something never seen in Iidx history. Scientists confirm it wasn’t constructed from materials found on Main Hive or New Hive. We obtained some examples of Kthpok tech and materials and compared them with the device I found. It matches.”

  The Second’s antennae stiffened in his excitement. “Swarm Master! Isn’t this the proof we need of the Kthpok duplicity?” He gestured at the bomb. “We can take this to the Presiding Assembly and they can have the Kthpok evicted.” Sesum gave a snort to indicate that he thought the Queens kicking the Kthpok out of the system unlikely. “Or at least, have the assistance stopped and the Kthpok watched closely.”

  Zelof shook his head and nodded at the table. Sadness could be seen from the slant of his antennae. “All we have is that device and our word that it was found in the basement of our communications center. There is no proof of who placed it there.” He shrugged. “If we take this to the Council of Queens or the Presiding Assembly they’ll think I’m still trying to find fault with their decision regarding the Kthpok. And
you know males are not supposed to question the Queens.”

  “This is crazy!” exclaimed Sesum and gestured at the monitor still showing the locations visited by the Kthpok. His frustration was apparent. “All the Queens have to do is send someone they trust to those places and they’ll find bombs.”

  “Your conclusion is logical,” said Zelof. “But there are a couple of problems there.”

  “What problems?” asked Sesum and nodded at the bomb. “This solves our problem!”

  “Not necessarily,” replied the Swarm Master and held up a finger. “Problem one: If the Kthpok learn we suspect their intentions and are investigating those buildings they might set those bombs off rather than having them found.”

  “Oh,” groaned the Second as he visualized the death, destruction and confusion that would follow the detonations. His antennae slowly lowered. “I’m almost scared to ask about the second problem.”

  Zelof gave a sad bob from his head to acknowledge the emotion then continued. “If the Kthpok don’t set the bombs off the other option is that the Queens might think I had the devices constructed and planted to put suspicions on the Kthpok.” The Swarm Master shook his head sadly. “If the Queens think that they’ll relieve us of any command and our people will have no defense.”

  “They wouldn’t” exclaimed Sesum.

  “They would and you know it,” replied Zelof with an emphatic gesture of a true-hand. He ignored the concerned muttering coming from the rest of the command staff. “If they thought we were infringing upon their prerogative of command they wouldn’t hesitate. So to convince the Assembly we need more than this.” The Swarm Master nodded at the bomb. “And we have to do it without letting the Kthpok know we suspect them.”

  He looked over at Commander Kazikami. “We need to know what their plans are.”


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