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Blue Blooded (Arcane Academy Slayers)

Page 12

by K. M. Raya

  “Don’t let us run you off your little nature walk, we’re happy to take this back to my room,” Jasper snapped. Blue looked at him in confusion, but his eyes were locked on Dresden, who glared at Jasper as if he could burn him to ash where he stood.

  Blue chose to ignore their little standoff, knowing she didn’t owe Dresden anything after he told her to stay away. “I’ll be seeing you, JJ.” Blue winked at the girl, causing Jewel’s mouth to flatten even more.

  Grabbing Jasper's hand, she laced their fingers together and squeezed tightly. He squeezed back reassuringly before they moved to pass the three intruders. Jewel only glared at her, but as Blue passed closely to get around the bend in the graveyard fence, her steps almost faltered as she felt the unmistakable caress of a rough male hand on her other arm.

  Her eyes snapped briefly to Dresden, knowing he’d reached out to her for reasons unknown. The moment their skin touched, however, warmth bloomed within her. His dark, unreadable stare was piercing, though the moment only lasted less than a second. Soon, they were walking back down the wooded path just in time for their morning classes.

  Chapter Twelve

  Two more days passed with no word from Harlow. Blue was becoming increasingly more worried, especially when Wednesday came and went without their customary phone call.

  The other students had been on edge as reports of more and more vamp attacks throughout the Pacific Northwest began to crop up. They were getting braver, attacking heavily populated areas and even risking exposure to sunlight at times. If Blue knew Harlow, and she did know her down to her very core, then she knew for a fact that her sister would have been one of the first responders on the scene of that high school football game massacre. It's what Blue would have done.

  It was almost dawn and Blue was still up, yet again sitting up high on the kitchen counters, this time without a disgusting sandwich. Instead, she clutched that bottle of vodka in her tired fingers, willing herself to take a swig in hopes that it might help her fall into some much needed sleep. It was useless though, she knew it. There would be no rest until Harlow was confirmed safe. In the back of her mind she knew she’d already decided to go look for her.

  “Again with the night sleuthing.” Dresden's voice pierced the silence of the night. This time though, she’d heard his steps from down the hall.

  He stood in the doorway, his long blonde hair disheveled and his dark eyes sleepy. He wore black sweatpants and a dark green t-shirt that she hated because it flattered him so much. He was a beautiful guy and she lamented the fact that his personality was so nasty.

  “I’m too tired for this, Dresden,” she sighed as he moved into the room.

  He surprised her by hopping up on the opposite countertop, his eerily deep eyes penetrating right into her soul as he watched her. As she looked closer, she noticed he had dark circles under his eyes, probably from lack of rest and too much vodka. “If you’re tired then why not go to sleep? Got things on your mind, little Blue Jay?”

  Scowling, she ignored the unwanted nickname. “Not that you’d give a shit, but yeah, can’t really sleep when my sister could be dead in a nest somewhere…”

  “Harlow, right?”

  Rolling her eyes, Blue huffed. “Well I only have one sister; your detective skills are impressive.” She took a swig of the burning drink, regretting it the moment it hit her throat. She didn’t even question how it was that he knew her sister's name. She and her entire family were famous, though not for reasons she was proud of.

  “Why are you here?” he asked suddenly.

  “I told you, I couldn’t sleep.”

  “No, not here, here. Why are you at Arcane?”

  Frowning, Blue looked up at him, expecting to see a vile smirk, or humor in his eyes, but he was stony serious. “I also told you once before, in this very room in fact; I was invited.”

  Dresden rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. I’m asking why are you here? Why did you accept the pardon? Seems like this would be the last place you'd ever want to be after the way they treated you.”

  Blue let out a humorless, bitter laugh. “The way they treated me? As if you're any different?” She jumped down from the countertop, moving closer to Dresden. “I remember the way you looked at me that first day. I remember the hatred in your eyes before you even met me. The way they treated me? Why don’t you take a good look at yourself.”

  He just blinked, seemingly unaffected. “You still didn’t answer my question. I have my reasons, but what are yours? You just figured you’d waltz into Arcane Academy like nothing happened? Like your family hasn't been in exile for a decade?”

  “You don’t know shit about my family!” She poked her finger into his chest. His eyes flickered down and watched in amusement. “You don’t know me or my sister. You don't know my family... or our story, so stop pretending like you do.” She was breathing hard now, her chest rising and falling rapidly. He’d gotten under her skin and he knew it. It was his plan all along and she was letting him win.

  “That’s where you’re wrong; very wrong.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  Dresden grasped her finger still resting against his chest. His grip wasn't too tight, but it was just forceful enough to jar her and to make sure she didn’t move. “I know your family, Blue. I know you, your sister, your father Bernard and your mother Catherine... you just don’t remember me.”

  A million faces flickered through her mind at that moment, but not one of them was Dresden. It stumped her. His face wasn’t one she was likely to forget. “I don’t understand. I’ve never seen you before in my life.”

  His grip softened. “That’s because I’ve always lived at Arcane. I knew who you were because every year, when you and your family showed up with Harlow, I saw you running around campus with Jewel Hobbs. I never forgot your face, the pretty girl with the weird blue eye...”

  Frowning, Blue recalled those days with equal parts fondness and sadness. “That still doesn’t explain anything.”

  “Your parents got my uncle killed. That night, with all the others in your family’s ballroom. I was there too, waiting around for my aunt and uncle to take me home. I saw you dancing with Jewel. I watched you in your little purple dress with your hair in braids looking like a little princess.” He smiled wistfully to himself, his eyes far away. “Then I watched them cremate my uncle’s body the day after, listened to my aunt cry and scream for days without eating or sleeping. I watched her waste away in her home, neglecting her daughter and shutting herself away for years. You don’t remember me, but I remember everything about you.”

  His voice sounded choked and husky, as if he were on the verge of tears. Still though, his face remained stony and hard. His eyes were cold as they traced over the lines of her confused face.

  She was trying to piece it all together. “Your uncle? I knew everyone on my parents’ team... who was your uncle?”

  He swallowed thickly. “Henry Hobbs.”

  Her heart dipped into her stomach. Henry Hobbs. Jewel’s father was Dresden’s uncle? How could she not have known? Jewel had been her best friend and never did she mention a cousin. “Wait, you said he’s your uncle... then who are your parents?”

  “My father is dead, and who he was doesn’t matter, but you already know my mother, Headmistress Silverton—Henry’s sister. I go by Hobbs since I never met my father.” Her world was spinning. Is that why the Headmistress seemed so short with her? She didn’t even know the woman, but remembering their brief meeting, there had been detest in those eyes of hers. Brown eyes that matched Dresden’s perfectly.

  “Dresden, I’m sorry. If I could, I’d do anything to change what happened, but I can’t. I can see why you hate me, though.”

  He hissed under his breath, looking away with a frown. “I think you know I don’t hate you. I want to hate you, but I just don’t.” He sounded frustrated with himself. “Please don’t psychoanalyze that one.”

  “Then why all the games? You look
at me sometimes like you want me dead.” She could feel herself thirsting to know more about the strange guy that made her feel crazy. She craved to be inside his head, figuring out what made him tick..

  “I said not to try and analyze it. I don’t know what to feel anymore. You're not what I pictured you’d be.”

  “What you pictured? Did you know I was coming here?”

  “That was my mother’s doing, not mine. Trust me, if it had been up to me, you’d have been shipped to the other side of the world by now. But for some reason she wanted you here. Can’t imagine why.” His frown deepened and he slid from the top of the counter, bringing his body flush with hers. Still, she didn’t move away. Dresden reached up and gently took a strand of her midnight black hair between his forefinger and thumb, caressing it lightly. His eyes followed the movement.

  “I’ve watched you since we were young. Always drawn to the raven-haired girl with the wicked fire in her eyes…” he confessed, making her heart stutter in her chest. “I looked forward to orientation day every year, face pressed to the window like an idiot, searching the sea of faces for you every time. ”

  “I don't get what you're saying. What does this have to do with anything? So, you had a schoolyard crush on me, is that it?”

  He laughed. “My mom kept me here in this fucking school to train my whole life instead of letting me join the rest of you in the human world. I think that’s why I latched onto you so tightly. You were so beautiful and so mysterious… The day your parents slaughtered all those Slayers, my world fucking shattered. My family fell apart, my heart was broken… and you were gone. I was just a dumb kid, but it hurt.”

  Clapping from the doorway startled her, but Dresden just turned his head and glared at the intruder. Cole stood there in the shadows of the doorway, leaning against the wall and watching them with violence in his golden eyes. “Well that was just touching, Slayer. Never mind all the creepy stalker shit you just admitted to.” He stalked into the room. “Well done though, you shot your shot, now leave,” he spat.

  On instinct, Blue took a step towards him, prompting a sharp glare from Dresden. “What are you doing here, Cole?” she asked as she watched his eyes snap to hers, softening ever so slightly.

  “Patrolling, as is my job. What's his excuse?” He nodded towards Dresden.

  “That's not your business, Guardian.” Dresden stepped closer to Blue, placing a hand on her lower back. The contact burned through her and she was having trouble understanding why he was touching her. This was turning ugly and it was only a matter of time until fists started flying.

  “Okay... there's a bit too much testosterone in this room for my liking, so can y’all tone it down for me?” She tried to lighten the mood, but the guys just stared at each other.

  “I’ll stop when he leaves,” growled Cole.

  Blue rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well technically he was here first.”

  “Are you taking his side?” There was a flash of hurt in his eyes.

  Blue stepped forward; hands raised passively. “There are no sides, Cole.”

  He shook his head. “Sure, there are. I’m your mate, you should always be on my side.” He was deadly serious. It made her stomach erupt with fluttering butterflies and she hated it.

  Throwing her hands in the air, ignoring the muttered curse from Dresden, Blue couldn't help but groan in frustration. “Oh, for the love of... I’m not your mate! Not yet, anyways. Cole, I told you I don’t do the whole relationship thing.” She gestured back and forth between them. “I don’t do boyfriends, and I sure as shit don’t do mates.”

  Snickering brought her attention to someone just over Cole’s shoulder. “Don’t do mates? Did you really just say that?” Jasper quipped. When had he arrived? ‘Gods kill me now,’ Blue thought to herself. She really wasn’t sure how her night turned out this way. She’d come to the kitchen for some relaxation and maybe a little vodka but somehow ended up in an ambush.

  “What's happening here?” Dresden asked, eyes flickering between the three of them.

  “Nothing, except for me leaving. I need some sleep,” Blue told him, preparing to leave the room, but Jasper blocked her exit

  “I’m with him.” He nodded to Dresden. “I’d love to know what's going on here. What exactly did I walk in on, lovers quarrel?” His voice held a tinge of bitterness.

  Soon, the guys had her surrounded on every side and she’d never felt so trapped. Even though she knew she hadn’t done anything wrong, she couldn't help the guilt that flooded her. Each of the guys had come to mean something to her in such a short span of time, even if Dresden only just opened up twenty minutes ago, she felt for him in a way. In all honesty, she’d felt a pull towards him from day one. Each of the guys were so different, especially after seeing them all standing together in the same space. Dresden, with his serious eyes, Jasper with his perpetual smirk, and Cole a ticking time bomb.

  “I made no promises. You guys need to chill out and take a step back. You want to fight over me, go ahead but leave me out of it because I’m done.”

  “Done?” laughed Jasper. “You're so far from done, babe. I’m throwing my hat in the ring, doesn't matter what these morons say.”

  Cole snarled at Jasper. “There are no hats! There are no rings! Blue is my mate and that's all there is to it.”

  “You wanna bet, dog?” Dresden snapped, surprising Blue. So far, he’d been nothing but completely indifferent… aside from that little moment up in that training room. But that had been a fluke, she was sure of it. The moment he’d let her go it was like a veil had fallen over his face and he was back to hating her again. Why he was fighting Cole over this was a mystery. Probably some sort of dick measuring contest, hell knew guys were fickle like that.

  “Guys, stop!” She tried to talk a little sense into them, but they were ignoring her completely now. She might as well have been long gone by now for all they cared.

  “You want her then fight me for her, fucker!” snarled Cole as he stepped into Dresden’s personal space. Suddenly, Dresden went flying as Cole bounded over the countertop.

  “Fucking hell, stop!” Blue screeched. Dresden’s back hit a wall of stainless-steel cabinets, leaving behind a man-sized dent in the shining surface.

  Jasper hung back to watch the spectacle, clearly enjoying himself immensely as he crossed his muscular arms over his chest. “My money's on the wolf,” he murmured in her ear as she watched their fists fly.

  Nudging his arm, she cursed him, “You’re really not helping.”

  He shrugged one shoulder; orange-green eyes gleaming. “Wasn't trying to. Hey, if they rip each other to pieces, it's just less competition for me.”

  “This isn't a competition and I'm not a goddamn trophy. They’re being idiots; you all are.” She folded her arms across her chest and leaned back against the countertop in front of Jasper. “Also, Dresden doesn't even like me.”

  Jasper snorted, rolling his eyes. “Clearly.”

  The guys threw each other around for another twenty minutes, but by now it had become pretty obvious that they were evenly matched. For as strong and fierce as Cole was as a werewolf, Dresden was a skilled weapons master, and somehow, he’d procured his dagger. From where? She didn't even want to imagine…. she tilted her head, searching Dresden’s lean form, vividly remembering the toned muscles beneath…

  She waited until they were both heaving with exhaustion before straightening back up and placing her hands on her hips. “You guys done being idiots now?” She tapped her right foot. Thoroughly shamed, they both nodded reluctantly, but still wouldn’t look at her. Dresden strode to the freezer, yanking out a second bottle she hadn’t noticed before while Cole just glared at him the whole time.

  Shaking her head, she turned back towards the door, bypassing Jasper. “That’s about all the crazy I can take for one night. I’m going to bed; please don’t follow me.” They watched her leave in silence, but the moment she left the room, a crash sounded out behind her. Rolling her eyes, s
he forced herself to keep moving.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next day was hard. All she could think about was Harlow and if she was safe or not. She’d called her that morning only to be greeted with a “Hey, it's Harlow, if this is Blue, you know the drill.”

  It was then that she really started to panic. It was a system they’d had since they were younger. Before solo missions, they each changed their voicemail, ending with “You know the drill.” Just in case something was to end badly. Blue did know what to do. If within twelve hours she didn't hear from her sister, she’d know something was incredibly wrong, and she’d go looking.

  Standing on the edge of the tree line, Blue watched as her classmates swung from ropes in the trees, vaulting onto high wooden platforms and climbed the walls while caked in mud. They called the class ‘Team Building.’ They gathered along the edge of the forest, where tall trees stood thick and sturdy against a small field of mud, barbed wire and pits. The obstacle course changed every class session, the intention was to keep them on their toes and prepare them for any and all situations.

  Today she was partnered with David, Ronnie, Jasper, a boy named Cade and Jewel Hobbs. They were to circulate the obstacle course as a single unit, proving to the instructors that they could function in a Slayer team and take care of each other instead of just themselves. Blue hated Team Building class, despite knowing how necessary it was.

  Jewel refused to meet her eyes and made sure to keep a good ten-foot proximity at all times. Blue ignored the sulky girl for the most part, but she hoped her old friend would get the hell over it so they could get their jobs done. Everyone knew that one weak link could spell disaster for an entire team.

  “Three, go!” called out Mrs. Slater, whose stink eye still had yet to leave the back of Blue’s head. Blue snapped to it, taking off alongside her temporary team and bounding for the rock wall. The wall was too high up for a human to make it, but with one swift leap, she was at the top and vaulting over the edge, landing in a thick pit of mud and grime. Jewel was the next to land, followed by Cade and Jasper. It was hard to tell who was who at first, given the fact that they were covered from head to toe.


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