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Forced to Love_Blackmailing the Billionaire Series

Page 21

by Tasha Fawkes

  Chad groaned with pleasure, eyes eating me up from top to tail. I didn't feel the same vulnerability I normally did when a guy first saw me naked. In fact, his reaction was thrilling. I felt empowered. Alive. I smiled coyly and took his face in my hands, pulling his gaze up to mine and kissing him hard. I wrapped a leg around his hips. He ground his bulge into my sex, the denim providing a delicious friction that sent shivers of pleasure through me. I needed more. I needed all of him.

  "If I told you, you had an amazing body," Chad said between kisses, "would you hold it against me?"

  I laughed. "With lines like that, no wonder you have to pay someone to be your girlfriend."

  "I'll get you for that," hee growled, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.

  "Can't wait."

  Chad sent a wandering hand down my curves. His rough fingertips left gooseflesh in their wake, down my ribs, my stomach, before finally finding my seam and running teasingly over it. I arched up. The thought of going another second without him touching me there was almost too much to bear. I was like a cat in heat.

  "Please, Chad."

  He continued rubbing just above where I wanted him to. He tucked his mouth under my ear and chuckled darkly. "Please, Chad what?"

  "Please touch me. I'm dying."

  "We wouldn't want that, would we?" He nibbled on my earlobe and then blew cold air onto the wet spot. My head nearly spun right off my shoulders.

  "Say it one more time, and I'll give you what you want, beautiful."


  "Please, Chad. Touch me. Put a finger inside of me. Anything."

  Without further ado, Chad plunged a finger into my wetness. Since it had been awhile, even that finger felt huge. I wondered how I was going to survive taking his cock, especially since based on the sizable bulge in his jeans, it was no tic-tac.

  Another finger joined the first. I mewled and tossed my head back, holding onto the back of his shirt for dear life. Why the hell was he still wearing a shirt? I began to claw it off, and Chad effortlessly pulled it over his head and tossed it to the side, never taking his hand out of me.

  He stroked my clit with the pad of his thumb in slow circles. So. Goddamn. Slow. I wanted him hard and fast but he was determined to make me feel every tortuously slow movement. My mind was reeling under the assault of pleasure.

  Chad kissed my neck, whispering, "How does that feel, beautiful?"

  It was the second time he'd called me that, like he was asserting his dominance or something. I didn't test him on it. He was making me feel too good to fight him on anything.

  "So fucking good," I replied, breathless. "So fucking good."

  Chad nuzzled into my throat and upped his tempo, bringing my hips off the bed as I struggled to keep up with his fingerfucking. With anyone I'd slept with before, this was just a bit of clumsy foreplay that I would usually prefer to skip. With Chad, this act could be the main event. My heart pounded so hard I could hear my blood. There was a tightening sensation in my core. I was going to explode, and I didn't know if I'd survive the force of it.

  Chad moved down to my chest and sucked my nipple between his teeth. I moaned and arched up.

  More. More. More.

  "More? Baby, I'll give you everything," he said, moving to the other nipple. I hadn't realized I'd spoken out loud.

  He sucked on my breast, and it sent a white-hot bolt of pleasure straight to my sex. The liquid heat in my belly exploded, and I went flying. I was barely conscious of Chad's fingers still working inside of me, of my body pulsing around them, of my cries of pleasure. I slipped somewhere dark and warm and wondrous and let the ecstasy take me under. I'd never come like that in my life.

  "You're in the wrong profession," I panted.

  Chad pulled his hand away and sat back, unbuckling his belt as he looked down at me with a devious smirk.

  "And what profession do you reckon I should be in?"

  "You'd make one hell of a magician."

  He frowned, midway to unzipping his pants. "Why's that?"

  "Because those hands are fucking magic."

  Chad laughed and rolled his eyes. "And you say my lines are bad." He pushed off his pants and rolled over to the side of the bed, where his suitcase was sitting half-packed. He grabbed something out of the front pocket—a condom.

  He was just wearing boxers now, and as reality settled back into place, I gaped at the massive tent of cotton. Chad pulled down his boxers, and his cock sprung to life.

  It was long and thick, with a bulging mushroom head already glistening with a drop of precum. I reached for it without thinking, stroking the shaft and reveling in the heat and weight. Chad shivered at my touch, letting his eyes flutter closed. I moved my exploration down to his smooth balls, taking them in hand and massaging them gently.

  Chad groaned and bent down to kiss me again. His lips moved sloppily against my own as he lost himself in the pleasure. I felt powerful. Sexy. I ran my other hand up his chest, loving the way his muscles jumped at my touch. He was a work of art. It felt like touching a warm statue, taut and sculpted and otherworldly.

  "I need to fuck you," Chad murmured. "I can't wait any longer."

  He moved away from me just long enough to rip open the condom wrapper and sheathe himself. I watched hungrily, biting my lip. I couldn't wait for him to get inside of me.

  Chad pushed me down onto my back with a firm palm on my chest. He settled between my thighs, directing his cock to my entrance with one hand while the other held me in place—not that I would've gone anywhere.

  Chad split me open, pushing slowly inside and stretching me wider than I'd ever been stretched. I groaned. My body spasmed with the force of it. He stilled and waited for me to adjust a little, and I tried to lean up on my elbows to kiss him.

  Chad grinned but held me flat against the mattress. "I want to watch your face as you take my cock," he said. "You're so tight, Brin."

  His words sent another wave of heat over me and my sex throbbed. "Then give it to me."

  His eyes hardened into pools of darkness, and he sheathed himself to the hilt in one firm thrust. I cried out in both pain and pleasure. It felt so good, so right. His cock went deep so that every move of my hips rubbed him along my g-spot.

  Finally, Chad bent down to kiss me. He pulled out halfway and slammed back in as his mouth claimed mine. The pain abated into pure bliss as he began thrusting in earnest. I clawed at his back because it felt like if I didn't hold on, I was going to float right away into the sky.

  Chad's lips moved over mine possessively in a dance that only we knew the steps to. His hips met mine over and over again, forcefully pinning me to the bed. I wrapped my legs around his hips and urged him deeper, and he rewarded me with a gruff growl and his teeth in my neck.

  Was sex always this good? Surely not. If it were, I would be having more of it. My memories of sex were clumsy and awkward and unsatisfying; in comparison, this seemed to be a different act entirely. We were wild and primal. We were animals. All bets were off and the rules no longer applied. This was exactly where I wanted to be and it felt so damn good.

  I lost track of time. I lost track of everything. My world narrowed down to the god on top of me and the pressure building in my core with every thrust of his hips. He pawed at my breast, tweaking my nipple and making me cry out. I scratched him. He bit my ear. I bit his neck. We pushed each other, tested each other, and the more lost in shared ecstasy we got, the less we resembled humans.

  The tightness in my belly cinched in further, further, until I knew I was ready to break. I gasped for air. "Don't stop!" I begged, squeezing my eyes shut. "I'm so close!"

  "Yes, beautiful," he ground out. "Come for me. I want to see you fall apart."

  He met my eyes with an intense stare, and I shattered. If my last orgasm was spectacular, this one was earth-shattering. His cock continued to drive into me, forcing my body into another climax that made my hair stand on end. I screamed, probably loud enough for the whole island to hear me. I didn't

  "Fuck!" Chad groaned. He upped his assault, and I held onto him for dear life. He was close too, I could feel it. I could practically taste it. He slammed into me hard enough to shake the bed. Then, with a low grunt, he thrust one last time and collapsed on top of me.

  And jeez, was he heavy.

  We both collected ourselves, panting until our breaths started to calm. I kissed Chad's shoulder, sticky with sweat. He hummed into my neck.

  "What a way to start my day," I joked.

  Chad's shoulders shook with laughter, and he pulled himself up a little, resting himself on his elbows to look down at me. His hair was messy and fell over one of his eyes, which sparkled down at me with mirth.

  "What happened to your conditions?" he asked.

  I shrugged as best as I could and giggled. "I mean, we never wrote anything down."

  Chad laughed. I'd seen his smile hundreds of times over dozens of videos, but there was something different about the way he smiled just then. Maybe it was in my head. Maybe it was wishful thinking. But something seemed different about him. And hell, I liked it.



  Brin approached the platform, gripping anxiously onto the wooden fencing.

  "What's going through that beautiful head of yours?" I called forward to her.

  She swiveled her head and looked back at me. "Certain death."

  "Nothing too serious then," I replied.

  Brin laughed and glanced back out at the yawning abyss in front of her. We were well above the trees, and the zip line disappeared into the distance along the curve of the valley. It was a beautiful sight, made dazzling by Brin's terrified smile.

  When it came to activities, I always went first. No question, no doubt. I was the star of the show, and I didn't share that limelight. But when Brin bravely asked to take the zip line before me, I had no problem stepping back and watching her do her thing. In fact, I was beginning to realize that I preferred it. I liked being behind her, and it wasn't just because of her fantastic ass. Now that she'd come out on her own a bit more, she was just glowing. She approached every challenge with enthusiasm and an untenable smile. Seeing her lose herself in the day's activities, drop every facade and every piece of her shell behind, was exhilarating to me in a way zip lining and cliff jumping never would be.

  Hell, I even preferred watching her to watching the view counts rack up on my video. I was addicted to fame, but the more time I spent with Brin, the more I began to suspect my addiction was going in another direction.

  "Here goes nothing," Brin called back. "Make sure you get this since I most likely will not survive."

  She shot us a cheeky grin, which Martin undoubtedly loved, and pushed off from the platform with a scream that sounded more like a war cry. The zip line squealed, and she plummeted down into the valley. I watched her form speed away and turned to Martin.

  "She's something, isn't she?"

  Martin nodded, staring at me on the screen of the camera. "Careful or Brin might end up being more popular than you."

  "I don't see why not. I already like her more than me." I winked and hooked my trolley onto the aerial runway. We were waiting for a radio from the guide on the other end, who would let us know when it was clear for me to go. Martin would follow. Russell stayed at the hotel for today, since his job was behind the scenes anyway. Sometimes he came along for a laugh, but he always craved the more dangerous activities.

  When the radio crackled to life and told me that I was clear to go, I winked at the camera and set off without further ado. I'd been zip lining a ton of times, and while the experience was thrilling every time, it was never as fun as the first few times. But this time, this time it was different.

  This time I knew Brin was waiting for me on the other end.

  The valley stretched out before me, green and lush. I tried to take it all in, tried to stay in the moment, but something kept niggling at the back of my mind. I shouldn't be enjoying Brin's company so much, not when I'd brought her here with an ulterior motive. She wasn't supposed to be this fun; she wasn't supposed to make me feel so alive. No, not alive. I always felt alive. But something about her made me feel something I never felt—calm. No longer restless, no longer shaking inside with the need to do something, be something, achieve something. She made me appreciate the moments in life for what they were, not for what I could package them up and sell them as later on. Lori never made me feel like that. Lori fit in perfectly with my brand because she encouraged me to think about views and comments and how each second of my day was an opportunity to make something happen. All eyes were on me, just the way they were supposed to be.

  The landing platform began to materialize in the distance. I got closer and saw Brin's outline next to the guide, waving. I waved back, and all the mental confusion that I'd experienced on the way down evaporated. Just like that.

  I braked and hit the landing platform with both feet. Brin was excitedly cheering me on.

  "That was great!" she said. "I'm beginning to see why you do all this."

  Funny, I thought, because I was beginning to wonder the same thing.

  I hopped up next to her, and the guide radioed for Martin to come down. For the first time all day we had a moment alone without Martin or the camera. Even though we'd had sex this morning, it still surprised me when she flung her arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

  "This is exactly what I needed," she said.

  I didn't know whether she meant the zip lining or me. I found myself hoping it was the latter, even though I knew it was wrong to think so. This wasn't why I brought her. This wasn't supposed to happen. Even though I wasn't opposed to the idea of us sleeping together on this trip, I never thought it would be so consuming. I never thought the lines between fake and real would get so blurred.

  And I never expected to wish there wasn't a line at all.

  Martin came barreling toward us and the moment passed. I couldn't afford to think about this anymore; I needed to put myself in work mode. I pasted on a cheesy grin and helped Martin up onto the platform, smacking him heartily on the back.

  "Ever miss that nine to five?" I asked.

  He chuckled. "I could take it or leave it. At least with my nine to five, I didn't have to look at your ugly mug all day." He knocked his shoulder against mine playfully, and we both laughed.

  I lived for these moments. The adrenaline, the endorphins, the moment of reflection where I remembered that this was the life I'd built for myself, and I'd done it well. It was one of the few times I felt truly satisfied. I suspected the rush made it easier to be so.

  The funny thing was, I was getting to feel like this more often without having to do anything crazy at all. I'd felt this way after having sex with Brin this morning.

  It was enough for me just to lie there with her. I didn't feel like I had to get up and rush off to make my name in the world. For a moment, I was allowed to just be.

  We finished zip lining and hopped in the Jeep to head to our next adventure—off-road ATVing. I knew Brin was going to love and we'd be able to get some great shots. She was a star. Why somebody hadn't snapped her off that dingy Vegas stage and put her in the spotlight, I didn't know. Finding her had been like finding a priceless treasure.

  I crested the hill and stopped my ATV, staring out in awe at the miles and miles of unspoiled greenery that filled my view. In the distance, the volcanic ridges rose into jagged peaks, covered with thick vegetation. It was easy to believe the hills were sleeping gods when viewed like this. There was no other way to explain such magnificence.

  Brin pulled up beside me and whistled. "That is one hell of a view." She chuckled. "You hit the jackpot, Chad. I don't think there's any person in the world who can say that they have a better job than you."

  Martin was still ripping around behind us, a fair ways back. I hoped he didn't catch up for a while.

  "There's always something better," I replied.

  Brin looked at me, brow furrowed. "What kind o
f attitude is that to have? You've gotta be happy with what you've got."

  I shrugged. "I've never been very good at that."

  "You're saying that you look at all this," she gestured dramatically to the beauty of the hills, "and you can still sit there and not be fulfilled?"

  Nobody had ever questioned me about this before. I didn't quite know what to say.

  "Is it wrong to think there's room for improvement?" I asked.

  A breeze caught the stray hairs that had fallen out of Brin's ponytail and carried them across the bridge of her nose. She didn't make any move to push them away, merely stared at me hard.

  "I don't think you meant it like that." She shook her head. "I just don't get you. You've achieved so much, and you put out this confident persona, but I can see the self-doubt rattling around your head sometimes."

  "I can honestly say I've never been confronted atop a mountain," I joked.

  Brin didn't like that. She pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow.

  "That's another thing. You avoid questions with humor."

  "I didn't think it was a question."

  "Of course it was. I want to know what it's going to take for you to be happy."

  "Ask me a question I can answer." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "In the name of hilltop confrontations..." I winced. The only person I'd ever talked to about this was Martin. Would Brin understand? "I've always been this way. My dad isn't the most supportive guy, and I spent most of my childhood trying to live up to his impossible expectations. As I got older and started realizing that he would never just take me as I was, I began to push for what I wanted instead of what he wanted. That pissed him off to no end. But even though I can recognize that he's never going to approve of my lifestyle, I still feel that fire under my ass to be better, to be bigger. Part of me seems to think that if I do enough, one day he'll have a change of heart. It's stupid but I haven't figured out how to make it go away."


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