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Killing You Softly

Page 6

by Khara Campbell

  Vic sneers at me. But he knows now I’m not to be messed with. We temporarily call a truce when double doors swing open and a woman in surgical scrubs walks out.

  “Are you the family of Cassandra Hamilton?” The doctor asks stopping in front of us. Vic and I both nod, obviously anxious to hear the news. “Mrs. Hamilton is in stable condition. She’s actually been in recovery for a couple hours.” I curse under my breath, knowing I could have been put out of my misery hours ago. “Our computer system is a bit slow today and the staff up front hasn’t been updated on their end, yet. Anyway, the bullet to her left shoulder was a simple through and through with no structural or vascular damage. She should have a good recovery. However, she will need intensive physical therapy for her right shoulder, where she also suffered a stab wound, to regain mobility and proper function. Mrs. Hamilton also has some bumps and bruises she suffered from the attack that have been treated.

  I blow a sigh of relief. Thank you, God!

  The doctor looks directly at me. “Mr. Hamilton, would you like to see her?” I smile inwardly at her assuming I’m Cass’s husband. In due time, and legally.

  “I’m her husband,” Vic inserts tersely. “You should be careful not to just assume.”

  The doctor’s face turns red from embarrassment. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I recall seeing this gentleman here when Mrs. Hamilton was brought in the ambulance.”

  Vic’s jaw ticks. “Take me to see my wife,” he bites out.

  The doctor turns and escorts him through the double doors, leaving me and Neil behind. I want to see Cass too. But I don’t want to make a scene. Besides I will see her soon enough. Just knowing that she’s alive eases some of the tension around my chest. I can finally breathe.

  Chapter 10


  Everything freaking hurts. It hurts to open my eyes. It hurts to breathe. It hurts to try to wiggle my toes and fingers to ensure I’m not paralyzed. And it hurts to think, especially about what happened to me in the elevator. I could have died. And before the bullet was released from its chamber, all I thought about was Cage.

  And all I want now is Cage.

  But it’s Vic voice I think I’m hearing. My eyes are still shut, I heard a door opening, then closing, then footsteps nearing where I lay in the hospital bed.

  “Cass,” Vic calls in his unique twang. His hand touches my left arm that’s tucked under the white sheets. My other arm and shoulder feel tightly bound, I’m assuming they’re bandaged up. I haven’t opened my eyes yet to inspect my visual injuries. And the feel of Vic’s hand touching me makes me want to flinch. To do so will be painful and, God, I just want the pain to all go away.

  “Baby,” he continues. His voice, one I used to find so darn sexy, disgusts me now. I can roll over and puke right now just from hearing it. I weakly push down that urge and swallow the bile in my throat. Vic’s hand now touches my forehead. I hear him gasp. Man, I must look a sight. “I’m sorry this happened to you, Cass. I will find her and I will kill her for what she did to you.”

  Really? You’re going to kill the mother of your children. Children! I scream in my head. If only he’d told me who the crazy cunt was, I would’ve handled her myself before she cowardly attacked me.

  I remember a friendly voice earlier, a nurse, placing a remote device near my hand, telling me if I needed anything to just press the button. I reach for the remote under the sheets and press on the button with my thumb.

  Seconds later, I hear the door creak open. “Is everything alright?” I recognize the friendly voice.

  “Yes, everything is fine,” Vic answers.

  “Someone pressed the button alerting us at the nurse’s station,” Friendly Voice continues.

  “Him, out now,” I croak. My throat is extremely parched and just that little effort to talk has my chest aching.

  “What?” both Friendly Voice and Vic ask in unison.

  I swallow, trying to moisturize my throat and mouth. “Him, out now,” I repeat, more clearly, I hope, this time.

  “You want me to leave?” Vic asks incredulously.

  Yes, madre stronzo, leave! I cuss Italian in my head.

  “Sir, you’re going to have to leave. She needs her rest anyway.” Friendly Voice tries to reason with Vic. I wish she would have security come and drag the scumbag out. He could’ve prevented this from happening. I’m laying here weak and bruised with a busted shoulder and arm, all because of him. All because of the mother of his children.

  “I’m not leaving my wife!”

  I wish I had my trusty dagger nearby, I would grit the pain I’m in now and stab him right between the eyes. My right arm and shoulder are obviously jacked. But I’ve been trained – under his advisement – to use both my left and right arms for combat.

  “Sir–” Friendly Voice tries again.

  “I’m staying with my wife!” Vic states with finality.

  There’s brief silence, I don’t know what’s happening in my room since my eyes are still closed. I can also make out sounds of activity in the hallway, outside my room.

  “Fine! But if she pushes the button again, you will be escorted out.” Friendly Voice turns Nasty Voice as she speaks to Vic.

  Next I hear a couple footsteps then the door closing shut.

  “I guess you would prefer having Cage here instead of me.”

  He and Cage must have had a clash while I’ve been in here.

  “Is that how it is now, Cass?” I hear contempt in his voice and I couldn’t care less. He can’t seriously be upset with me over a man when he has four other wives and 0ne is the reason I’m in this hospital to begin with. “You are my wife and no other man takes my place. Unless I give permission.”

  What the hell is that supposed to mean? Give permission?

  I hear a phone ringing. Maybe it’s his cellphone. I hear him walking away from my bed, the door opening and him, I think, stepping outside the door.

  “Yes!” I’m straining to hear what he’s saying on the phone. “How did you find out? ...She’s fine…You will not threaten me…I said she’s fine! ...She’ll be useful in a few months…I understand, dammit! …A mission gone bad that’s all. The doctor said she will make a good recovery but will need therapy for her shoulder…NO! …You will not make contact until I say it’s time… I know this incident pushes things back…I need more TIME! … Three months tops.”

  Who is he talking to, and about me?

  Still not opening my eyes because it’s just too painful to do anything but lay here, I hear footsteps in the room then the door squeaking closed. I’m trying not to be too doped up on pain meds. But a shooting pain from the gunshot and stab wounds on my upper right shoulder makes it feel like my whole right side is on fire. The pain is starting to become unbearable.

  “I need pain meds,” I croak to Vic. I can still smell him in the room.

  His footsteps near me. “Of course, sweetheart.” I soon feel his lips on my forehead. Same place Cage had kissed me hours ago – or is it days? “I’m going to make sure you get better, real soon.”

  A minute or two later, I recognize Friendly Voice in the room. She adjusts my IV to administer the pain meds. Soon, I feel myself drifting off to sleep. Pain gone. Thoughts of killing Vic and his crazy wife dance in my head. Then Cage enters my dream, placing a smile on my sleeping face.

  Chapter 11


  I need to see her.

  Vic’s been in her room for hours. Five. And had eventually sent his mutt, Neil, to stand guard at Cass’s hospital room door. As if that would stop me from seeing her.

  I’m trying not to make a ruckus here in the hospital. People aren’t here because they want to be. I don’t know anyone that would want to be a patient or visitor in a hospital. Well unless a woman is giving birth. Births are miracles. Other than that – hospitals are nothing but sickness and death. And I don’t want to add to the doom this place already upholds.

  I’d left for an hour to take a shower and change into fresh
clothes. Then I needed to get an update from my crew about any possible signs of Cass’s attacker. None. It’s like the woman vanished into thin air. Knowing she’s out there somewhere lurking makes me uneasy.

  I need to get Cass out of here. I enter the wing of the hospital where Cass’s room is located. I turn down a corridor and spot Neil in his expensive suit standing guard. Vic should’ve had more men up here instead of outside. His confidence in Neil alone makes him vulnerable. I stay in the cut, watching, waiting for my opportunity. Neil’s moment of weakness shows fifteen minutes later when he yawns then presses the left side of his body up against the wall. I walk up briskly behind him, trying to stay as quiet as possible. I look left then right from the corner of my eyes to ensure no one is paying attention to me, a hulking black man, sneaking around the hospital. It’s very late at night, so there’s not much activity. I swiftly throw my arm around Neil’s neck, from behind, then inject him with thiopental. Next, I cover his mouth. Not that the dummy speaks much anyway. He jerks back forcefully, hitting me hard in the gut. I hold onto to him tightly, soon his body goes limp. I drag him over to a set of chairs against the wall and deposit him into one. He’ll be out for a few hours. Looks like he was tired anyway.

  That was way too easy. Vic needs to get better help. Now my challenge will be Vic in Cass’s room. I pull another dose of thiopental out of my pocket then stand with my ear against Cass’s room door. There’s no sound, not even a TV playing. I slowly turn the door handle down to push the door open. There’s dim lighting peeking through the vertical blinds, letting in some moonlight. To my surprise and fortune – Vic looks like he’s sleeping, sitting upright in the chair next to Cass’s bed. An unsuspecting person would think he’s a concerned husband – I know otherwise.

  Not knowing if Vic’s a light sleeper or not, I quickly creep up to him, slam the needle into his neck, then place him in a tight choke hold. His eyes pop open and he raises his gun. He is quick. The drug is quicker, especially with me applying pressure around his neck, so the hand holding the gun slowly drops down leaving the gun laying at his side. His eyes shut again and his body succumbs to slumber. I could kill him, it would be so darn easy, but I know Cass would want to deal with him personally after she heals. And that’s a gift I want to give her.

  I turn to the bed and, to my surprise, Cass is looking right at me. “Babe,” I say walking closer to her. She looks really banged up. Her left cheek is swollen with a huge bruise. There’s scratches on her face and neck. One corner of her lip is bruised. Her right shoulder and part of her arm are bandaged up. Even with all that, she’s still my beautiful Cass. And she’s alive. “You’re alive.” I swallow hard and bite back the tears that want to fall. No one has ever affected me in this way. And to think I almost lost her today.

  “I wasn’t ready to leave this world just yet,” Cass says softly. “Not when I finally found a reason to live.”

  I bend over and kiss her on her busted lips. “I love you, Cass. I hope you can deal with that,” I say against her mouth. It feels good to finally confess that to her.

  I look up to find tears rolling from her eyes. “I can deal with that. Even when it’s the first time I’ve ever heard someone say that to me in my life. I…I think…,” she shakes her head slowly. “…I know I love you too. I love you, Cordell Brown. I think I fell in love with you the first time I met you, if that’s even possible.” I kiss her again.

  I pull my cellphone out and quickly make a call. “We’re ready. Get diversion in play for me to roll her out of here.” I end the call then place my cellphone back into my pocket. I look back at Cass. “I’m busting you out of here, baby.”

  She smiles, which is a sight for sore eyes. “Just make sure you bring the drugs. I’m going to need those to deal with this pain.”

  “Anything for you, babe.” I kiss her on the lips again before unhooking the IV bag then placing it on the bed. Within moments, I’m wheeling her bed out the door but not before doing as Cass’s instructed and taking Vic’s personal cellphone out of the pocket of his suit jacket.

  Chapter 12


  Cage pushed me out of the hospital and into an awaiting ambulance without interruption. He and his men made it appear that I was simply being transferred to another hospital, so the hospital personnel and security didn’t give any resistance. An hour later, we were on an airport tarmac. Cage had chartered a private plane to fly us back to Atlanta. God I would love to be a fly on the wall when Vic wakes up and realizes what happened right under his nose. The untouchable had been touched.

  The last I remembered before dozing off was Cage passing Vic’s personal phone over to a strikingly beautiful black woman who was wearing cargo pants and a tight black tank top, showcasing huge boobs.

  “Search through the contacts and note any African, Japanese, German, and Italian area codes. We need it to locate the woman that attacked Cass.”

  “Got it,” the woman said, taking the phone from Cage’s hand, then she looked over to me with a friendly smile. “So, she’s the woman that finally got you to give up your slutty ways.”

  “Yes. She’ll be your sister-in-law real soon,” Cage replied. I fell asleep with a smile on my bruised face.


  I feel like such a weakling and having to be confined to the bed is irritating the heck out of me. One good thing about my being in bed for a week and a half is Cage being by my side, or nearby, through it all.

  He’d set me up very comfortably in his master bedroom. A private doctor checks on me morning and night, administering pain meds when necessary. We’re at Cage’s property on the outskirts of Atlanta. He has an apartment in the city. However, this place is better in keeping Vic out of reach. The square footage isn’t as huge as the home I share – had shared - with Vic. Much like his apartment, which I’ve visited a few times, Cage’s four thousand square foot brick home is modernly furnished, definitely not a bachelor pad vibe.. This house sits on ten acres of land. It has four bedrooms and three and a half baths. Cage isn’t into opulence, though he can clearly afford it. His home is cozy and just perfect. Honestly, it could be an eight hundred square foot home and I would be okay – just because Cage is here with me.

  “I can’t believe you have me painting your toenails. You might as well have cut off my nuts,” Cage jokes as he concentrates on applying the right amount of pale pink nail polish onto my pinky toe. I wiggle my toes, smiling at his effort. “Crap. You just caused me to mess up.” He looks up at me with his face in a frown. How am I so blessed to have this man in my life? Though I hate being bedridden, it definitely comes with perks.

  “Ahh, sorry,” I smile. “Use a cotton ball with some nail polish remover and clean up the mess. You’re doing such a great job.” Really, he is. I can’t do it myself because my right shoulder and arm are still bandaged up and in a sling. I have a few weeks before the bandages would be removed completely. Then I can start physical therapy for my shoulder. The bruise on my face isn’t as noticeable. Maybe another week and it, along with the other bruises on my legs, arms, and abdomen, won’t be visible anymore.

  He grumbles, but does as I said. “My guys will revoke my man-card if they could see me now.”

  “Don’t worry, this will be our little secret. Promise.”

  He looks up from my toes and flashes me a crooked smile. So adorable. “You’re lucky I love you.”

  I am.

  It’s like his love for me is the bleach that cleanses my black heart.

  My cellphone rings on the nightstand next to the bed. I reach for it with my left hand. It’s Jade. She’s been calling and texting me for days wanting to meet up for lunch before paint class. I’ve ignored them all.

  I guess I should answer since she is my new friend. “Hey, Jade.”

  There’s a brief pause, then, “Cass? For a sec I thought you weren’t going to answer, again,” she snips. Sweet Jade has some sass to her.

  “Yeah, sorry about that...” I’m not sure how or if I sh
ould reveal any about my current circumstances to her. “I’ve been really busy with work. A project went sour, which means I will be tied up for a while. Not sure when I’ll be able to hang out and attend another paint class.”

  Cage looks up at me with an amused expression on his face as he listens to me lie to Jade. I stick my tongue out at him. He stifles a laugh as he goes back to adding a topcoat to my toes.

  “Oh,” Jade sounds disappointed. “Well, can we maybe arrange to meet up after your work hours, to have dinner or something?”

  Dang, why is she making this difficult? My not answering her calls or replying to her text messages for the past few days should’ve been a hint. “To be honest, Jade, I…I was also in an accident and really busted my shoulder, which is now bandaged up in a sling. So, I’m really not up for company.” That part is true. If I knew she would be this clingy I wouldn’t have befriended her.

  “Well, that’s all the more reason for me to come and hang out with you, Cass. I’m sure you’re going to need help taking care of yourself as you heal. And I can bring free lunch or dinner. That’s what a friend’s for.” Good grief!

  “Hey, how about I call when I’m free?” She’s worse than trying to breakup with a guy. It’s nothing against her – it’s just I’ve got too much going on now to entertain her friendship.

  She’s silent for a moment. Probably not liking my reply. “Promise. You will call?”

  “Yes, Jade. I will call. Soon.”

  I end the call with her then place my phone down to the side on the bed. Cage is done painting my toes. I look down to inspect his pedicure skills. “Good job!”


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