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Killing You Softly

Page 9

by Khara Campbell

  I look away from his dazzling green eyes. It will be easy to be sucked into his charms. “Lucky for you I’m here to stay…I never should’ve stayed with Cage as long as I did. He’s even more conniving than you,” I lie.

  A triumphant smile spreads across his face.


  “Your boyfriend broke your heart and now you’re back…why all the bags?” He gestures to the luggage on the floor.

  “I’m staying in the guest room. Just because I’m back doesn’t mean I’m ready to climb back in bed with you.”

  He scrutinizes me with his eyes, probably trying to figure out if I’m telling the truth. I school my eyes not to give anything away. Yeah, I learned from the best…you! Vic reaches his hand up to cup my left cheek, stroking it with his thumb. I try not to flinch back from his touch. His hand on me no longer has its lustful affect. “Did you…sleep with him?”

  “And if I did?” I challenge.

  “Then you don’t deserve to sleep in my bed.”

  “I don’t plan on sleeping with you, so it doesn’t matter.”

  “It does,” he states with quiet authority.

  I raise my brow.

  “It will give me another reason to torture and kill him slowly when I capture him.”

  I become acutely aware of the necklace and earrings that I’m wearing, I know Cage and his crew are watching and listening.

  “Good, you’ll be doing me a favor,” I bite out. I’m lying, of course, but I need Vic to believe that Cage means nothing to me now.

  Surprise registers on his face. “All of that anger for the man that took you away from me and brought you back to health?”

  “All he brought me was lies…so if he dies it will mean nothing to me. I’m back here because I at least believe you genuinely care about me – unlike him.” I need Vic to have no doubt about why I’m back in order for me to get back in his good graces, so I can find out what he’s up to. And to bring that jezebel out of hiding.

  Silence hangs around us as he processes my words. He steps closer to me, our bodies almost meshed together. His hand moves to the back of my neck, pulling it back, then, without warning, his lips are pressed against mine. All I can think about is Cage witnessing this. Well probably not much now since the camera lens in the pendant probably only shows the imprint of Vic’s suit jacket.

  I’m frozen in place, not sure on how to react. My impulse is to push Vic away, but I need him convinced that I’m back because I want to be with him and not Cage. His tongue snakes out, asking for entry into my mouth. I nip his tongue then pull away. “I’m still upset with you about your deranged wife trying to kill me.” And I don’t want your mouth on mine ever again.

  Vic steps back a smidgen but he’s still invading my personal space. “She will be dealt with soon.”

  “What happened to what you said in the hospital, that you were going to kill her?” I hope he doesn’t because I want the pleasure of doing it myself.

  He exhales a frustrated breath. “It seems I’ve trained my wives so well that you both were able to stay hidden from me.”

  “You don’t know where she is?” I laugh dryly. “Maybe my coming back here isn’t such a good idea…”

  “You’re staying! And I will find Elena. She will be dealt with.”

  “Elena? Finally, I get some info.” Though I already know her name from Cage.

  “I promise I will deal with her. You will be safe being back home. No need to worry.”

  I doubt that but I say nothing.

  I pick up the handles for two of the bags. I start for the bedroom door, putting an end to this conversation. He is convinced of my return, that’s all the matters now.

  “You look good, Cass.” I hear the sincerity in his voice.

  I look over my shoulder, “Thank you.”




  “Dammit, Cage, you can’t go around breaking equipment.” Rick shouts after I hurled a computer monitor across the room. It hit the wall, crashing to bits.

  That surveillance camera on Cass is going to be the death of me. I don’t know if I will be able to make it thirty days watching that slime ball around her. This was a terrible idea!

  “Calm down, Cage. He’s only ki–” Cherese starts, my death glare lets her know to shut the hell up!

  “This is just the first day. You can’t be going off the handle every time he’s around her. The plan is working. He’s not suspicious,” Rick chimes.

  Ignoring them, I pick up the burner phone and dial. “Don’t let him touch you again,” I growl into the phone. I don’t mean to be this way, but my protectiveness of her is overpowering. I’m not jealous of Vic. A real man is secure enough in himself – which I am. I just want to ensure she doesn’t cross a line that I especially wouldn’t because of my love for her. Whether she’s on a mission or not.

  Chapter 18


  It’s been a week and I am finally feeling acclimated to being back with Vic. I’m still sleeping in the guest room even though Vic isn’t too pleased about it. He’s tried to convince a few times to come back to our bed. Which I can’t and I won’t.

  What I have with Cage means too much for me to jeopardize, but I don’t know how much more I can stall Vic off. I know from experience he can be very persuasive when he wants something. And the last thing I want to happen right now is Cage storming in here like a madman. Elena has yet to make any threats. And I need to stay here long enough for her to make her presence known.

  “I know you’ve only been back a week, but I need Jack Stenson in Arizona dealt with,” Vic says, walking out onto the veranda where I’m lying in a lounger, sipping coffee and enjoying the autumn breeze.

  He must be out of his mind if he thinks I’m doing anymore killing for him. Especially not after I almost got killed on the last mission. I’m a bad person. I acknowledge that and accept it. I’ve indulged in a multitude of sins before and a great deal more after Vic. And hell, I’m only here with him now because I want the pleasure of watching Elena die painfully slow by my hands, I’m done being Vic’s personal assassin. I won’t be able to cleanse my black soul if I allow him to pull me further into the murky darkness. I want a normal life with Cage, which I won’t be able to have it if I fall victim to Vic’s evils. And the devil is alluring.

  I had grown accustomed to shedding blood. I enjoyed the high of watching the life drift from an unsuspecting soul. Hearing them take their last breath. Being the last face they saw. And walking away like it’s nothing.

  When it was everything.

  Now the only blood I want on my hands is Elena’s. Because it will be better than my blood on hers. Then I’m done.

  I try to ignore Vic as he sits on the end of the lounger I’m lying on. “I need you to handle this.” He places his hand on my crossed ankles. I pull my feet up out of his reach. He’s displeased but he’ll have to get over it.

  “Get the African, Japanese, or German one to handle it for you.” He’s still saying he hasn’t been able to track Elena down. And for some reason I believe him.

  “They’re overseas.”

  “Fly them in. You’ve got a private jet.” I sip my coffee and try to relax again.

  “You know the condition of being my wife, Cass. You take out targets when I give the order.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m NOT your wife!”

  “You will always be my wife until I decide you’re not!” He snaps at me.

  I have to lift my eyes to look at him; yeah, he’s lost it if he thinks I’m going to tolerate him talking to me like that. And his threating undertone isn’t lost on me either. Hot coffee from my mug flies through the air landing on his dress shirt, hopefully burning through to his chest.

  Vic’s murderous eyes are on me. I’m not afraid of him. Vic is a dangerous man, one thing I believe is true about him, although I can see his jaw clenching and fingers twitching, is the fact that he won’t put his hands on me.

  “I g
ave you a pass on cutting my ear and I will let this…,” He flicks his hands to his shirt, pulling the hot material from his chest. “…be your last warning. Keep your pretty little hands to yourself, unless you’re stroking my dick – among other things, or beware of the monster you sure as hell don’t want to be unleashed.”

  I gulp, yet I refuse to let him see that his words rattled me. “I’m not killing the target. You understand that, then we both will get along well.” I swing my legs to the side of the lounger, then stand up.

  “Arizona, Cass.”


  “Ghost is scheduled for thirty days,” he calls after me.

  Good. I don’t plan on being here by then. Vic can go kick rocks and play in the streets for all I care. I continue walking towards the French doors to go back inside. I see Vic’s new lackey, Sten, standing by the door to his office. I walk right by him. I can’t say that I miss Vic’s old bodyguard, Neil. I head upstairs to the guest bedroom. My cellphone dings indicating a new text message. I walk over to the nightstand and pick it up.

  Unknown Number: Im ready 2 kill the MF

  I smile reading Cage’s text message and send a text back.

  Cass: I know

  I rest the phone back on the nightstand then sit on the edge of the bed. Before I can lay back and get comfortable my cellphone dings again. I reach for it.

  Jade: Hey, just checking in.

  For the past few months Jade has been diligent about checking in on me via texts or calls on a weekly basis. At first, it was a bit annoying, after a while I just accepted her concern and found it nice to have a friend that cared. Since I’m back here, I might as well try to rekindle our friendship.

  Cass: Hey, I’m good. Wanna do lunch?

  The message bubbles appear on my phone screen indicating she’s typing a reply.

  Jade: Really? YES! And there’s an art class today, wanna sign up?

  Cass: Sure. I will go online now to sign up for it. Let’s meet at Panera for 11:30.

  Jade: K. See you soon.

  I go on the local paint and sip website using my phone and sign up for this afternoon’s class, thankfully it’s not booked out. Looks like we’ll be painting a fall landscape. I love fall colors, although growing up in Florida I didn’t get the joy of seeing the leaves turn red, yellow, and brown, then falling off the trees.

  I place my phone down on the bed then get up to decide what to wear.


  I see Jade sitting at a booth when I walk into Panera. Looks like she already ordered food. I take in her natural red hair hanging limp along her shoulders. She’s wearing a long sleeved brown turtle neck and dangling gold earrings. She looks nice and casual.

  “Hey, friend,” I chirp when I approach the booth. Jade’s head pops up from looking down at her phone.

  “Cass!” She slides to the left to get out of the booth.

  I quickly slide in opposite her to avoid the awkward hug I know she was preparing to give me. She gets the hint and slides back over in her place in the booth.

  “You look great. How’s the shoulder?”

  I place my designer clutch on the table noticing the two sandwiches and drinks on the table. “Got a bun in the oven?”

  Jade laughs shaking her head. “No! I’m completely content and have my hands full with two kids. I took the liberty of ordering for you. I remembered what you ordered the last time.”

  I arch my brow, not sure about her presumptuousness. Or is it her being friendly? And darn the skepticism in me wondering if she’s trying to poison me. Obviously, I’m not used to female friendship. For the sake of trying – I accept her kindness.

  “That was nice of you, thanks! And my shoulder is better. I have to be careful not to overdo it with strenuous activity or it could cause tweaks of pain.”

  “You’re welcome.” She reaches for her sandwich. “Was it a car accident you were in?” She takes a bite of her sandwich.

  I pull the plate with the delicious sandwich she’d ordered over in front of me. “Actually, I was in a fight.” She, I notice, doesn’t show any sign of surprise by my admission. I’m not going to go into detail about it with her, though it would be better than trying to keep my lie or omission of the truth, straight. “A disgruntled employee sent me a threating email and I challenged them to be woman enough to address the issue with me face to face. She cowardly attacked me. That’s it.” I bite into my sandwich, enjoying the taste of the bread, meats, vegetables, and dressing in one bite.

  Jade’s eyes flash with anger then quickly transition to nonchalant. Hmmm, what’s that about?

  “That’s horrible. What happened to the woman?”

  “Beat up really bad, I hope. I don’t know.”

  She mulls that over as she bites into her sandwich. “So, you will be surprised today in art class. The past four months I have improved from stick figures to squares and circles,” she laughs lightly.

  I smile. “Really? Well, that’s a big improvement.”

  “Yes! Now my kids aren’t putting me to shame. Maybe my husband won’t be ashamed to let me hang the painting from this class somewhere in the house other than the garage.”

  “Dang, Jade, he sent your paintings to the garage?” I laugh.

  She nods her head with a smile. “I’m determined to make this one a masterpiece.”

  “How about we head to class early so I can help you create a painting that will upgrade you from the garage.” I pick up my cup then sucked soda through the straw.

  She squeals and I fight my eye roll. Why am I trying to be friends with her again?



  I stare down at the image on my cellphone.

  “Ooooh, I love that one!” Cherese says looking over my shoulder.

  “Go back to doing your research,” I shoo her away.

  She laughs. “I swear I need to document your actions now. It’s so freaking surreal to me. Cordell looking at engagement rings? Who would’ve thought? I’m happy it’s for Cass.”

  “Yeah, you lucked out with Cass. Good thing you saw her first, otherwise she would be mine,” Rick says from his spot sitting in front of the monitors, that not only showed Cass’s surveillance, but also of some of my other clients that required the service. Two other guys are in the room with us, thankfully they are more focused on their work than my relationship status.

  “Don’t make me fire your ass!” I snap.

  He only laughs heartily. “Just kidding, man. Damn, Cass got your nose wide open.”

  “Whatever!” I mutter under my breath. I look back at the Pavé Crown three carat diamond engagement ring on my phone screen. It’s perfect. Simple yet elegant – I know Cass will love it. God, I’m ready to make this woman my wife. Eight years of loving her from afar will all be worth it to have her as my bride.

  My burner phone rings in my pocket. I pull it out and see that it’s Cass. I turn the swivel chair around to look at the screen that shows the video feed from the camera-pendant around her neck. She’s walking towards her car from the painting class.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Hey, you.”

  Her sultry voice alone is my undoing and I’m man enough to admit it and not give a care. “Nice painting.”

  “Thanks,” she smiles into the phone. “I think it will be perfect on the wall over the couch at home.”

  Home. I love when she calls my place her home. “I was thinking the same thing when I saw the finished piece. Are you going to put it up there on the wall tonight?”

  I hear her opening her car door. My back is now to video feed. She sighs. “Cage, you know we can’t be seen together. Vic can have someone following me for all I know. I can’t blow my cover, not now when the bitch, Elena, hasn’t shown up yet.”

  “I know.”

  “I miss you. This last week has been hell not lying next to you in bed.” I can imagine her pouting. So darn cute.

  “You already know what I want to do. Put a bullet through Vic’s head, hopeful
ly it ricochets around his skull, then down his spine, ending in his toes, ensuring his death is anything put painless.”

  “Uhmm, not sure that’s possible,” she laughs.

  “Hey, don’t kill my dream,” I smile. “I miss you too, baby.”

  “Awww, so sweet,” Cherese annoyingly sings behind me.

  “Hey, Cherese,” Cass says loudly in the phone.

  “Hey, girl. You got my brother over here looking like a lost puppy without his, Cassie Wassie.”

  I groan. Little sisters. They’re even annoying as adults. Both Cass and Cherese laugh at my expense.

  “We’ll be back together soon.” Cass starts the engine to her car. “Hey, can you do a background on Jade? She was giving me a lil weird vibe earlier.”

  “Cherese is already on it. We picked up on it too.”

  “And I have the results.” Cherese rolls her chair closer to me. I place the burner phone on speaker. “She’s pretty much squeaky clean. Married to David for eight years. Two kids. No arrests, a couple speeding tickets. Has been living in Georgia since she graduated from the University of Maryland. And she was on a field trip with one of her kids the day of the attack.”

  “Hmmm, okay.”

  “Do you want me to put surveillance on her?” I ask Cass.

  “No. If I’m going to try this friendship thing, I guess I’ve got to try and trust her. I just wanted to make sure she wasn’t Elena, if she was trained the way I was, she’s good at being a master of disguises.”

  “You sure?” I push.

  “Yeah. Other than the lil vibe earlier, she’s been pretty cool.”

  My cellphone rings, pulling my attention to it on the desk in front of me. It’s a call from one of my celebrity clients. I hate to end my call with Cass, but business calls, literally.

  I take the burner phone off speaker. Cherese had already rolled back to her desk. “Cass, I’ve got to take this call…”


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