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Killing You Softly

Page 16

by Khara Campbell

  Cass didn’t say much during the long drive to the airport. My entire crew isn’t on this flight with us. Some had to stay in New York to tie up loose ends and to ensure that tonight’s events aren’t traced back to us. Usually that’s something I take care of personally – but I pay my men more than enough to get it done right. They wouldn’t be a part of my team if they were incompetent. And my priority right now is Cass.

  “He killed her,” she says. Her eyes are closed and her cheek is pressed against my chest.

  Looking down at her, I brush some of her hair out of her face. “Who killed who?”

  “Lucius. He killed Serafina. She was supposed to escape with me. She was supposed to go back home to her family in Italy.” She brushes tears from her eyes. Then opens them and looks up at me. “He killed her right in front of me. I’ve never felt the loss of anyone in my life. And I’ve only known her for three days.”

  I don’t say anything, knowing that she just needs me to listen. I rub soothing circles with my hand on her back.

  “That sick bastard just pulled the trigger and blew her brains out. He’d had her as his prisoner for eleven years and when she finally stood up to him, he kills her. And I had no problem throwing that knife into his fat greasy neck. I only wish I could do it again.”

  Good! I’m glad to know she killed Lucius. I was too concerned about her to care about his whereabouts at the time. Now that’s one loose end my guys need not worry about.

  “I’m sorry about Serafina.”

  “Me too.” She hugs me tighter. “How did you know where to find me?” Her big beautiful eyes stare up at me.

  “Drake. He had suspicion about Vic and Lucius regarding you.”

  “Oh. I wish he would’ve said something sooner.”

  “Yeah me too. He came to me in the nick of time. I’m just glad to have you back safe.” I lean forward and kiss her on her forehead.

  “Did any of your men get hurt…killed?” I can see the concern in her eyes.

  I shake my head. “No. Everyone is well and accounted for.”

  “Thank you for coming to get me.”

  “Baby, it wasn’t even a choice.” I sit her up then position her legs to straddle my hips. “I love you, Cass. Those three days with you gone were the worst days of my life. I wouldn’t rest until I found you.” I lean forward and capture her lips. No words can properly describe the feeling of love, joy, relief in my heart right now. And feeling her lips on mine again – God, there’s no better feeling than having the woman you love in your arms.

  “I love you, Cage,” she speaks against my lips. Her arms snake around my neck, drawing me closer.

  “Marry me, Cass.” I reluctantly pull away from her delectable mouth. Her eyes flutter open. “I want to be your husband. Your real husband. I want to have a normal life with you. Kids, minivan…naw no minivan, can you settle for a big SUV?” She giggles nodding her head. Tears are pooling in her eyes. “I want all that with you.”

  I reach my hand to the front pocket of my cargo pants. I unzip the pocket and pull out a small velvet box. I brought this with me because I was determined on this mission to find Cass, bring her back home, and ask her to be my wife.

  “I thought I felt something hard in your lap?” She says with tears of joy, I presume, sliding down her face. I smirk.

  “Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” I ask, revealing the Pavé Crown three carat diamond engagement ring that I bought a while ago.

  “It’s about time you asked me. I’ve only been waiting since the first time I met you eight years ago.”

  “Then you should’ve gave a brother a hint. We wouldn’t have wasted eight years of not being together. And we would have had three kids by now.” Her eyes grow wide with surprise. “I’ve been celibate for a while, which means when I do have you for the first time, you’re getting pregnant with triplets.”

  She laughs softly, swatting my shoulder. I’m dead serious. And I hope God agrees with my plan. “Three kids!?” She balks.

  “Yes! Two boys and a girl.”

  “Fine. But you better get me pregnant with triplets the first time. We’re both thirty-four. I don’t want to be having kids into our forties.”

  “Deal. So about you being my wife?”

  “Of course the answer is yes! I want to be Mrs. Cordell Brown.” She smiles and my heart skips a beat. God, I love this woman.

  I waste no time slipping the ring on her finger. It fits perfectly. I cup her face then devour her mouth, making love to it like I’m a starved man.

  “I love you so freaking much!” I hear her say in between my mouth suckling hers.

  Chapter 32


  “Cage and Cass sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes three babies in a baby carriage,” Cherese sings loudly. She flops down on the couch next to me and Cage. “I’m so excited you two are engaged!”

  It’s been two days since I escaped from Lucius’s estate.

  Cage groans. “I need to find you a man to occupy your time,” he tells his sister.

  “Goodie, then I will be next in the marriage pool. If you’re serious, Rick asked me out on a date.”

  I feel Cage’s body go rigid beside me. “Rick asked you out?”

  Cherese crosses her arms under her breasts, shifts her body on the couch and gives Cage a stern look. “Yes, he asked me out and I said yes.”

  “I have a strict no fraternizing policy. So, no! You and Rick are not going out on a date. And I’m going to have a talk with him too.”

  “We are,” Cherese counters.

  Cage blows a frustrated breath. “You are not going out on a date with Rick. End of story!”

  Okay this is getting a bit awkward.


  “Don’t put Cass in this. You know the business’ rules, Cherese. If I okay you and Rick dating, then that opens it up for my other employees. I want to keep business and personal life separate.”

  “Those lines were severely blurred when you went on the mission to get Cass back. Which for you was personal. No offense, Cass,” she looks at me. “…just trying to make a point and win my case here.”

  “Are you seriously throwing going to New York to get Cass back in my face? I own the business. Me! And Cass is not one of my employees – you and Rick are. Which means no dating between you two.”

  Cherese pouts and somehow makes her face look childlike as her eyes get sad like a sweet little kitten. Although I understand Cage’s point, looking at Cherese, I’m feeling myself being pulled into siding with her.

  But I’m not getting in between these siblings. I keep my mouth shut, avert my eyes from Cherese, and snuggle closer to Cage on the couch.

  “Not the puppy dog eyes, Cherese,” Cage grits through his teeth. I can feel the tension in his body subsiding a bit, which means her act is working.

  “How about this. Rick and I will go on a couple dates, see how it goes and if we decide to take things serious then we can let the others in the office know. If not, then it will be our secret.”

  “I still don’t like it.”

  “Please, Cage. Rick is a nice guy and I don’t want to pass on the chance of dating him just because we both work for you. Come on, he could be to me what Cass is to you.”

  Cage sighs. “Well played, Cherese. Use my love for Cass to work for your advantage.”

  “Can you blame me? Why wouldn’t I want what you and Cass have? Love.”

  After an intense few seconds Cage folds. “Fine. Two dates. Keep it on the low. I will be having a chat with Rick about this.”

  “Of course you will. And thank you, big brother.” Cherese leaps from the couch and comes over and gives Cage a loud smooch on his cheek.

  “Just don’t make me regret this.”

  “I won’t.” Cherese flops back on the spot on the couch where she vacated moments ago.

  I move to sit more upright, Cage halts my move by placing his hand firmly on my thigh to ke
ep me snug against his side. I lean more into him to get comfortable again. “Cherese how would you like being my maid of honor?” I look over at her to see her reaction.

  “Hell yeah! If you hadn’t asked I was going to tell you I’m it whether you wanted me to or not.” I smile, happy that she wants to stand by my side on one of the most important days of my life – getting married to her brother. I can’t think of anyone else but her to do the honors.

  I have an older sister – I haven’t seen or talked to her in years. Last time I saw her she was strung out on drugs. And the sad thought is she could be dead for all I know. Her, my brother, and parents could all be dead from their bad habit of illegal drugs. I try not to think about them much – it’s too painful. And there are just some things that are better left unanswered.

  “Perfect! We’re going to have a simple and sweet ceremony at a church then a gathering at Cage’s house in the suburbs.”

  “Our house,” Cage corrects me then places a kiss on my forehead.

  I have money stowed away. Lots of it. All the earnings I made from doing Vic’s dirty work over the years. So, I’m not coming to the table empty-handed. However, it’s great to know that Cage can and wants to provide for me.

  “A reception at our house in the suburbs. I don’t have many people to invite, so the guest list will be more in Cage’s favor,” I tell Cherese.

  “All I need there is me, you, and the minister, baby,” Cage says, squeezing my thigh.

  “I’ll handle the guest list for Cage. I know a lot of family members that will be astonished to witness him becoming a one-woman man.” Cherese laughs. “Daddy is still in disbelief that his son that was vastly following in his footsteps, is settling down.”

  “Well, I’m happy to know that the apple fell far from the tree. No offense to my soon to be father-in-law. I’m glad I’m the woman that captured your heart.” I lean up and give Cage a smooch on his lips. He bites me playfully on my lip before I pull away.

  “Dad just needs to find him a Cass, then he’ll finally get his own ball and chain,” Cage comments.

  I jab my elbow in his rib. “Hey! I’m no ball and chain.”

  “Just kidding, babe.” He tries to kiss me but I playfully push his face away.

  “You two are so stinking cute!” Cherese kicks off her shoes then curls her legs under her on the couch. “Do you have a theme for the wedding?”

  I shake my head. “No, but I do like the color purple, I want to incorporate it in the wedding.”

  “Then purple will be your color. Will there be other bridesmaids besides me?”

  “Nope, just you. Like I said – simple and sweet. You can get a purple dress. Cage and his best man will wear purple ties and hankies. And my bouquet will be a mix of purple flowers.”

  “We can pick something up at a bridal store. And what date is the wedding?”

  I look up at Cage from my position curled up against his side.

  “December eighteenth,” Cage announces.

  “WHAT, that’s like two weeks from now. I know you said simple and sweet, but I’m going to need more time to help you put this wedding and reception together,” Cherese panics.

  “You two have two weeks to get it done or we’re eloping. I’ve waited long enough to make Cass my wife,” Cage states.

  Cherese rolls her eyes. She pulls her legs from under her, pushes her feet in her shoes, then she stands. “In that case, time for us to get to the bridal shop, Cass.” She reaches forward and pulls on my arm to get me to stand. “I need your black card, Cage.” She holds her hand out to him.

  I kiss Cage on the lips before turning to head to the bedroom to get my jacket and shoes.

  “Make sure she gets whichever dress she wants,” I hear Cage say to Cherese right before I turn the corner to head to the bedrooms.

  I can’t wait to be his wife.

  Chapter 33


  “He’s dead!” Akari, my Japanese wife tells me over the phone. I had her flown in to the states to take care of getting rid of Jack Stenson, the mortgage broker in Arizona that Cass didn’t get rid of. He needed to be ghost before he squealed to the Feds and had them sniffing in my backyard. That’s a headache I don’t need in my life.

  My wives are the best at getting these jobs done. They’re beautiful, cunning, well trained, and very convincing in playing their roles. Each one of them has their favorite killing device. Cass, as you know, loves her knives. Akari uses her hands to snap necks. Jahana, my African wife, uses poison. Elena, my Italian wife, has a love for guns. And Hannah, my German wife, well she uses just about anything at her disposal to get the job done. They’re all better than me hiring men to get these ghosts completed.

  I found all of them at low points in their lives. The best time to manipulate them for my agenda. I sought each of them out, waiting weeks or months for the right moment to make my appearance. To them – I’m their savior. I married them, pulled them out of the poverty-stricken conditions they lived in. Lavished wealth upon them and, in return, they just needed to do my bidding and keep my bed warm. Not one of them hesitated when I told them what I wanted from them in return. The life I offered them was much better than what they had. So, their decision was easy. One loyal woman is better than an army of men. Women fight harder than men for what they love. And I’ve benefitted greatly with having my wives at my disposal.

  “Yoku yatta,” I tell Akari ‘good job’ in Japanese. “I will see you in a month. You fly back to Japan tonight.”

  “Soshite, anata o sanshō shite kudasai.” ‘See you then’, she replies back to me in Japanese before disconnecting the call.

  I place the phone in its cradle on my desk. I’m relieved that Jack Stenson is taken care of. My mind suddenly travels to Cass. Damn, I miss that woman. She really was my favorite wife. Just the thought of her chocolate body has me getting thick in my pants. But I had to let her go. It was either her or having my wealth greatly diminished, which I literally could not afford. So, I have no regrets letting Lucius have her. I will find another woman to replace her soon enough. There’s always a damsel in distress that needs a snake like me to come along and rescue her.

  On my desk, my code red phones rings. It’s distinct ring lets me know which phone it is. I turn in my chair and stare at the red cased phone. This phone never rings – which is the way I like it. Apparently, there’s an emergency. I snatch the phone off the desk and answer it.


  “Lucius is dead,” one of my informants says.

  A wide smile spreads across my face. I’ve been waiting for this day. Lucius has been a thorn in my side for too darn long. But… “How?”

  “There was an ambush at his estate a few days ago, it seems he was killed in his bedroom, stabbed in the throat. His female fighter, some Italian chick, was found dead in the room with him. No sight of Cass though. Guards said she escaped out the back minutes before the ambush. Cops aren’t doing much about finding out who did it, they’re happy to have Lucius dead, much easier now for them to shut down his illegal fighting operation.”

  Cass. I underestimated her skills. And, apparently, Cage’s love for her to fight to get her back. Hōrī fakku. My hand starts to tremble a little as I clutch the phone to my ear. “Any word on who carried out the ambush?” Although I already know, I need the verbal confirmation.

  “Nothing solid. Word on the street is some black dude. That could be just about anyone. People say it was like a scene out of a movie—”

  “Just keep me posted,” I tell him cutting him off. I end the call and slam the phone down on my desk.

  I run shaky fingers through my hair. I’ve been trying to kill that bastard Lucius for years, and all it took was Cass to bring one of the most powerful crime bosses in the world down.

  “Sten!” I bark, calling my bodyguard. My office door swings open and Sten appears in the doorway. “I want security around the property beefed up. Three men at each post, heavily armed until further notice.”
br />   He nods his understanding then turns to leave. I get up from the desk chair and walk over to the mini bar in my office. I grab a bottle of the darkest liquid, not bothering to read the label, and pour a hefty amount into a glass before downing it in three gulps. The burn of the alcohol going down my throat calms my nerves a little. It’s not enough.

  It’s been a few days since Cass escaped Lucius’s estate, if she’s out for revenge, she would’ve came here already. Maybe I have no need to worry about her and Cage. Matter of fact, I believe it’s time to put an end to those two. Cass may be my favorite wife, but putting her out of her misery will put me out of mine. I don’t need another scorned wife on my hands.

  I walk back over to my desk and pick up the phone. The caller answers after the first ring. “Keikaku no henkō. Watashi wa koko de anata o hitsuyō to Atlanta.” I tell Akari in Japanese that there’s a change of plans and I need her here in Atlanta. “I’ve got two more ghosts for you. I will update the pilot to have you flown here.”

  “See you soon,” she tells me in broken English before ending the call.

  Time to get rid of Cage and Cass.

  Chapter 34


  “I’m starting to hate shopping,” I groan. My feet are killing me and I’m wearing low heeled booties.

  “Just one more shop then I will deliver you to Cage’s apartment in the city,” Cherese says, tugging on my arm.

  It’s the second day of our shopping for the wedding and she hasn’t found her perfect purple maid of honor dress yet.

  “You don’t want me looking a hot mess at your side, do you? Wedding pictures are forever and I want to look my best.”

  “Fine!” I snap because I just want to get this over and done with. I opted for a small and simple wedding because I didn’t want the stress of planning a big event. I surprisingly found the perfect wedding gown yesterday when Cherese dragged me out to the bridal stores with Cage’s black card in tow. The dress is absolutely gorgeous. And it’s white. I just hope it takes Cage’s breath away when he sees me in it. And the price wasn’t bad either. Five thousand dollars for my dream gown. It should be ready for me to pick-up next week.


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