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The Naughty Collection

Page 34

by Ruby City Books

  “I got mine,” Tom said, and started walking towards the lady in yellow. He looked over at Arnold, who had turned an embarrassing shade or red, and locked eyes with the youngster. Tom nodded at him, which Arnold sheepishly returned, and then left the barn in a hurry. At the same time, Jake made his way over to his blue beauty.

  Tom stopped at the table next to the woman he was already mentally calling Feather Hat, and cleared his throat, “Miss, may I apologize for my young friend, Arnold. He comes from a good family, but dancing has never been his area of expertise.”

  Feather Hat turned to Tom, ready to sneer, but her face changed as soon as she truly saw him. Tom’s features made him the ideal image of The West for overly romantic young women. Standing 6’2, Tom had a strong jaw, deep blue eyes, sandy brown hair, and deeply tanned skin. Feather hat took all of that in, and Tom could almost see her building a fantasy background for him.

  “There is no reason to apologize, sir. I am in the west, why should I expect expert dancing partners out here,” Feather Hat said. She smiled at Tom, expecting him to be either insulted or offer more apologies. Tom had other plans.

  “It is true we don’t have many dancing experts,” Tom replied, “but we do have many other important attractions. And with your stop in Spur, you are by far the most attractive. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Thomas Harper, my friends call me Tom.”

  “And I am Penelope Sullivan,” Feather Hat said, offering her hand to Tom, who took it and lightly kissed it.

  “Well, Ms. Sullivan, what brings you out west?” Tom asked, and then pretended to have forgotten something, “I am sorry, that is very presumptuous of me. Is it Miss or Missus?”

  Penelope let out a light laugh, “Do not be foolish, of course it is Miss. I would not make this horrible journey if my father did not make me. We are going to California where he plans to open a large bank. That is the only reason I accepted Arnold’s dance request. His father is the head of the bank here in Spur.”

  Tom of course knew this, and was one of the reasons he picked the girl who he still thought of as Feather Hat. “A bank in Los Angeles, I am guessing? Is he taking over one of the Mexican banks?”

  Penelope was drinking some of the punch and just nodded at Tom. “Miss Sullivan, you might want to go easy on that punch. We make it pretty strong out here, and I would not want someone to take advantage of you.”

  No matter how good Tom looked, Penelope could not help but sneer at him this time, “Mister Harper, I have consumed some of the finest wines from France. A little punch in Spur, Texas will not affect me in the least. For the next ten minutes, they talked, or more correctly, Penelope talked and Tom pretended to listen. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Tom saw Jake give a quick wave. It was time for step two.

  “Miss Sullivan,” Tom interrupted, “I mentioned the attractions of Spur earlier. Would you like to see one of those now? “

  “Shure,” Penelope slurred, “thish place was getting tedium, I mean tedious anyway. What is thish so-called attraction?”

  Tom started walking towards the barn entrance, holding Penelope’s elbow, “Well, about this time, when the moon is full, you can see every star God created. It is breathtaking from atop the box canyon.”

  “That would be lovely,” Penelope said as they got outside and met up with Jake and his female companion.

  Jake started the introductions, “Millie Campton, may I introduce Tom Harper. Tom, this is Miss Campton.”

  Millie giggled at the formal introduction, “Oh, please, just call me Millie.”

  Tom nodded, “It would be my pleasure, Millie,” he then turned to Penelope,” And let me introduce Jake Terrance. Jake, this is Miss Penelope Sullivan.”

  Penelope once again held out her hand, a little less straight this time, “I prefer Miss Sullivan, thank you.” Jake grinned and grabbed Penelope’s fingers and shook them quickly. Penelope snapped them back, in a show of disgust, and Millie giggled once again.

  “So, I was about to show Millie some of the shops on Main Street. Do y’all want to come?” Jake asked.

  Tom shook his head, “No, I wanted to show Penelope the view of the stars from the box canyon. See how they compare to her beauty.”

  Millie’s eyes widened at the thought, “Oh Jake, can we go too?”

  “Millie, that depends on if they want us along. Tom? Ms. Sullivan?”

  Penelope wasn’t really paying attention, and was slightly weaving from the alcohol, so Tom answered, “The more the merrier. Let’s get in the wagon and we will be there in a few minutes.”

  Ten minutes later, the foursome were standing on the edge of the box canyon. The two women were in awe of the sight. Millions of stars twinkled above them, and every few minutes, one or two would streak across the sky.

  “It is so beautiful,” Millie whispered. Her hand reached out for Jake, who grabbed and squeezed it.

  “What is the big deal? We have stars in Baltimore, and they look just the same,” Penelope said. Some of the alcohol had left her system, but she was still not completely sober.

  Just then, a loud growl erupted from behind the four. Tom and Jake had been expecting it, but they still jumped, which helped make this ruse work.

  “What was that?” Millie asked as she hid behind Jake.

  Tom took a step forward, “It sounded like a cougar, but I can’t tell how close it is.”

  Just then they heard a second growl, this one louder and probably closer. Then the four saw a large bush, roughly ten feet away, start to move back and forth, as if something large was hiding inside. Penelope moved behind Tom and put her arms on his shoulders.

  “What does it want?” she asked, obviously on the verge of tears.

  Jake moved forward, next to Tom, with Millie right behind him, “I don’t know, but cougars aren’t known for bravery. Something must have attracted it.”

  The ‘cougar’ growled again, almost twice as loud as before.

  “Ladies, I am sorry to ask such a personal question, but are you both wearing perfume?” Tom asked.

  “Of course,” Penelope replied.

  “Yes,” Millie said.

  Tom shook his head, “I was afraid of that. The cougar is after you two.”

  “What can we do?” Millie cried.

  Jake turned around and hugged her, “Tom and I can try to fend it off, but there is a chance it will kill us.”

  “No! There has to be another way.”

  “Millie, shut up!” Penelope yelled, “I can’t believe I am going to get killed in this horrible little town.”

  Tom turned around to Penelope and shook her, “Calm down young lady, she is right. There is another way, depending on how you answer this next question. Did you spray the perfume on your body or the dress?”

  The two women looked at each other and answered together, “My dress. Why?”

  Jake and Tom nodded together, and Tom answered, “Well then here is what we can do. You two can take off your dresses, hand them to us, and we will throw them at the cougar. That should scare him and we can get away.”

  Jake took over, “Are you willing to do that, ladies, to save our lives?”

  Both ladies stood in shock. Undress? Out in the wild? What would their parents say? What about their modesty?

  Millie was the first to answer, “If that is the safest way to survive, I will do it. And so will Penelope.”

  Penelope just stared at the slightly rounder woman, shocked by the whole idea. Then another growl came from the bush, and she started undoing buttons.

  “Fine, but you two cannot look!”

  The men had already turned around and smiled. For a minute all they heard was rustling in front and behind them. Then the two women handed their dresses to Tom and Jake.

  “Thank you, ladies. At the count of three, we are going to charge the bush and throw the dresses at the cougar. We will then shoot it,” Tom took his gun out of its holster for added affect.

  Jake followed Tom’s lead and started the countdown, �
�One, Two, and Three!” The two men jumped into the bush with the ladies’ dresses. Instead of a cougar, they found Arnold, who was desperately trying not to laugh. All three men pretended to fight, yelling, and tearing at the dresses. Then Tom and Jake dropped the dresses and shot into them twice each. Arnold sprayed the dresses with cow blood, and then ran off, making hurt noises on the way.

  Jake and Tom emerged from the bush, looking beaten up, but victorious.

  “We wounded the animal,” Tom said, holding up Penelope’s yellow dress, “but I am afraid we wounded your dresses even more.”

  “Millie, I am sorry, but it was the only way.”

  The women were huddled together, both wearing corsets over their chemises. It was the most undressed either of them had ever been in front of a man, but relief overcame embarrassment.

  Millie ran to Jake and hugged him, “I don’t care, Jake! I am alive because of you.”

  Penelope made the same mad dash to Tom, “I am so sorry for being so mean earlier,” she said, “how can I ever repay you for saying my life?”

  Tom crossed his arms around the young woman and squeezed her tight to him, “There is no need, sweet Penelope. I brought you out here, so you are my responsibility.” He squeezed her tightly, making sure she felt the power in his arms, and the muscles of his chest. Penelope took it all in, including a growing hardness between Tom’s legs. She knew male anatomy, but had never been this close to it. It awakened something in her. Penelope raised her head from Tom’s chest and looked into his eyes. He smiled down at her, and that made up her mind. She closed her eyes and puckered her lips, inviting Tom to kiss her. Then their lips connected, Penelope felt a spark and pulled Tom tighter to her.

  Jake and Millie did not see any of this, despite being just a few feet away. Seconds after hugging Jake, Millie whispered, “There are easier ways to get a woman out of her clothes, Jake.”

  He looked at her in surprise, “What do you mean, Millie?”

  She smiled up at him, “I saw Arnold following us on his horse, and figured out your scheme when he made his first ‘cougar call’.” Jake tried to pull away and apologize, but Millie held tight. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell. I am looking for an adventure, and you and this stiff appendage between us are going to give it to me!” She then kissed Jake hard, and moved her hands to the belt around his waist. She had his britches undone and her hands on his cock in record time.

  “This is quite the adventure, Jake,” she said while caressing him with both hands, “but I need your hands on my bosom to make it better!”

  Jake overcame his surprise and untied Millie’s corset. With it off, he quickly pulled her chemise over her head and attacked her breasts. They were massive, with cherry-sized nipples that begged to be squeezed. Jake took one between his lips while pinching the other. Millie cooed at the double assault. It made Jake work harder, but it also caught Penelope’s attention, who was still kissing Tom, and had begun to run her hands up and down his back. When she saw a nude Millie and a half-nude Jake, she stopped and turned around fully.

  “Millie! What are you doing?” she screamed.

  Millie opened her eyes and looked at Penelope, “What does it look like, you silly girl? I am enjoying one of the attractions of Spur, Texas. Just like you were, and I would suggest you continue.”

  “I most certainly was not!” Penelope snapped back, but at that instant, Tom pressed himself against her from behind. Her eyes widened as she felt his dick press against her behind.

  “Yes you were, young lady,” Tom said as he undid the hooks on her corset and threw it on the ground, “and yes you will.” He brought his hands up to her smaller breasts and squeezed. The sensation made Penelope feel drunk once again. Tom squeezed again and crushed her into him. When he let go, she did not run away, but instead turned around to face him.

  “Lift up your arms,” Tom calmly ordered, and she obeyed instantly. He pulled up her chemise, making her just as nude as Millie. Tom kissed her again and Penelope relished the feeling. Tom then sank to his knees, bringing her breasts level to his mouth. He devoured one and then the other, pulling the same sounds out of Penelope that Jake made Millie make. As Tom’s tongue licked Penelope’s nipples, his hands squeezed her bottom, and made their way to her vagina. Penelope jumped when he first touched her center, but she did not back away. Instead, she spread her legs, willing him to explore her. Tom caressed every inch, spreading her wetness all around until he felt she was prepared for his fingers to invade her. Tom lightly bit down on her right nipple to distract her from the finger sliding into her canal. Penelope stiffened for a second, but then relaxed as Tom moved slowly in and out, letting her become accustomed to the size.

  Jake watched his best friend tease Penelope, but Millie’s movements had more of his attention. She was on her knees before him, licking his cock.

  “I have always wanted to try this,” she said, “I heard about it from my maid back in Boston.”

  Jake did not care where she learned the trick, just as long as she kept doing it. He loved the way her tongue felt against the sensitive skin of his cock. When she enveloped it with her mouth, his knees weakened and he almost fell. Jake squeezed Millie’s breasts in appreciation, feeling the large nipples get harder the more he pinched them.

  “Millie, that feels wonderful, but if you don’t stop, I am going to blow!” Jake warned her. She stood with a smile and a little drool on her face. Jake kissed her, filled his hands with her ass, and then forced her down again, so she could lie on her ruined dress. “I am going to make you a woman. Are you ready?”

  Millie pulled Jake’s head down for another kiss, “You bet, but what if the cougar comes back?”

  Jake smiled, happy she was still playing along, “Don’t you worry. The sounds you are about to make will scare away all the wildlife in twenty miles.” With that, he sank his penis into her in one quick thrust. Millie gave a small shriek and winced in pain, but Jake stayed inside and still as she got comfortable.

  Penelope heard Millie’s shriek and became nervous that Tom was going to do the same to her. His fingers were making her feel hot all over and almost like she had to pee, but much better. Just then Tom stood up and spun Penelope around. He gripped her hip in his left hand and placed his right on the base of neck.

  “Spread your legs,” Tom ordered, while pushing her into a leaning position, “put your hands on that boulder.” Once again, Penelope did as she was told, as if she was in a trance. She heard the sound of Tom lowering his britches and shivered, afraid of what was about to happen.

  Tom sensed her fear, “Penelope, I am going to fuck you now, and there will be pain. But the pain will go away and pleasure will replace it. Are you ready?” She nodded her head, but Tom was not satisfied. “I need you to say the words, Penelope. Say ‘I am ready to be fucked.’”

  Penelope shivered once again, but whispered, “I am ready to be fucked.”

  Tom positioned his dick at her entrance, “Say it louder, Penelope.”

  “I am ready to be fucked.”

  Tom inserted the head, “Yell it, Penelope!”

  “I AM READY TO BE FU--” and that’s when Tom slammed into her, making Penelope unable to complete the last word. Tom slowly pulled almost all the way out of Penelope, and then drove back in. Penelope felt complete each time he stroked inside her, and empty as he pulled out. Tom increased his pace, keeping one hand on her hip and letting the other roam over her backside, breasts, and neck. He looked behind him, where Jake was plowing into Millie. Her legs were wrapped around his butt, squeezing him closer to her. Jake always seemed to find the most willing ones. Tom turned his attention back to Penelope, and heard her mewing sounds.

  “Penelope, how does this feel?” He asked, sure of the answer.

  She moaned louder.

  “Use your words, girl!” Tom demanded.

  “It feels so good! I can’t believe I have waited so long to do this,” she said through ragged breathes. Tom could sense she was almost there, so he
went into full gallop mode. Each thrust rocked the thin, young woman, threatening to knock her down. Tom moved his right hand around to Penelope’s pussy and sought out the little button buried in the top. As soon as he touched it, Penelope’s moans became louder.

  “Penelope, I am going to make you cum so hard your knees will buckle and you will fall onto the boulder. I want you to ready. Are you ready to cum?” Tom asked as he increased his speed so much that his hip movements were almost a blur.

  Penelope left his fingers dance over her clitoris, and knew Tom was right, “Yes, I’m ready. Please make me orgasm. Please don’t stop!”

  Penelope did not need to ask, because Tom had no intentions of stopping. He was also on the verge. He left his dick getting harder inside Penelope’s pussy, which was now leaking so much juice that a small puddle had formed by his feet. Her vagina’s wall were tightening on him, speeding him closer to climax. Then finally, Penelope let out a series of grunts, and collapsed on to the boulder, just as Tom predicted. She shivered for a minute and it seemed like she passed out for another.

  When she rolled over, Penelope saw Tom standing between her legs, his dick still hard. As she watched, Tom lifted her legs, placing her feet over his shoulders. The move reunited her pussy with his dick, and Penelope sighed in happiness.

  “Now it’s my turn, young lady,” Tom said as he filled her, “I am going to pound into you until I am ready to spill my seed. And then I will pull out and coat your body.” Tom accented each word with a thrust, and Penelope offered up her own moans as accompaniment. Now that Penelope had experienced an orgasm, she knew the signs. That let her know she was well on her way to a new one after only a few of Tom‘s strokes. He could sense it too, and kept moving in and out until she screamed out in pleasure. Tom then pulled his dick out, and began stroking it to bring on his orgasm. He was almost there, when Penelope surprised him by sitting up and taking his cock into her mouth. Her urgent sucking triggered his orgasm and he overfilled Penelope’s mouth, but she kept sucking and holding on to his dick with both hands. Then he stopped spurting, it was his turn to collapse.


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