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Unexpected Changes

Page 9

by A. M. Willard

  “Tabitha, go back inside and let us all have a moment, okay?” Cory tells her with a serious look upon his face.

  “Hell no … I’m not leaving you boys out here to throw around your balls.”

  As I watch her stomp her foot as she says it, I can’t help but laugh.

  “We just need a moment, Firecracker,” her brother says.

  “It’s okay. Go on up. I’ll be fine,” I say trying to reassure her.

  “Whatever … if anyone else tries to ruin my night, I will kick your butts,” she says as she storms off.

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I watch as they both step in front of me. I knew this was coming and at least it’s one thing I was prepared for this evening.

  “I thought I made myself clear the last time we spoke; you hurt her, you get us,” Seth says.

  “You did, and I have to say, I tried to protect her the best I could. I promise you, I never meant for it to go as far as it did.”

  Cory pushes Seth to the side and gets right in front of me. You can see the anger on his face, and the willpower to not knock my lights out.

  “I stepped aside once and let her go. I know she’s in love with you, and I will always be second place in her heart. You have one more chance before I make sure you never see her again. I’m not going to watch her get destroyed again. Make it right, and for the love of God, talk some sense into her.”

  “Some sense into her?” Seth questions as he looks to Cory with a confused expression.

  “I’m not saying a word, but you need to go in there and make her talk. I usually stand by her for most of the crazy-ass choices she makes, but not this time. It’s a mistake and we only have a few days to turn it around.”

  “Will someone please explain what the hell my sister has gotten herself into?”

  “I have no idea,” I say, looking between the two of them.

  “If you got off your high horse, you might know what’s going on with your sister. Tell me, when was the last time you spent the day together?”

  “Oh, don’t take this out on me. Take it out on his ass.”

  Throwing my hands up, I say, “How about us three go in and see what she’s up to? No reason to start anything out here.”

  Both of them turn their heads and look at me in a way that lets me know to keep my mouth shut. They might not like what I had to say, but we all turn around and head back inside to figure it out together.

  Chapter Sixteen


  THE NERVE OF THEM! I have a mind to throw them all out, and celebrate my birthday alone. I’m an adult who can do what she wants to do with her life. Currently, I’m only seeing someone who in the past has proven to have skeletons in his closet.

  Cory acts as if I should include the world in my decisions. I understand, but I’ve made them myself this long and I’m not sure how to lean on someone. What happens if Carter and I don’t work out? That’s a question I ask myself daily. Then in return, I pray I don’t have to find out.

  “What’s with all the tension, and when are we eating?” Jessica asks as I pace back and forth.

  “You’re already eating and, shit, what am I doing?”

  “I’m not eating, it’s called snacking and what you are currently doing is wearing a hole in your carpet.”

  “Hush … I’m not in the mood for you to start in …”

  “You thought I was the touchy one? I believe you might have me beat tonight.”

  Just as I go to say something back, the guys walk through the door. When I notice Carter is behind them, I let a smile spread across my face to show that I’m happy he decided to stay.

  Cory walks over and leans down to whisper in my ear. “Cat’s going to be out of the bag soon, might as well show them.”

  I let out a sigh and look up at him as I wasn’t prepared for this tonight. I at least hoped I could get away with my master plan a little while longer before I had to explain anything.

  “Fine …” I say as I turn to head towards the kitchen, only to stop short of the doorway. Turning, I say, “Everyone have a seat. I’ll be right back.”

  As I reach the cupboard where I hid the product, I brace myself against it. Taking a deep breath, I let it out and look up at the double doors. Just suck it up and get it over with, I tell myself.

  Embracing the thermos, I head back out into the living room. I look around at everyone here and I know that not only are they my friends, but my family. Carter chose to come back inside, and to me, that means he wants me. He’s going to stay and fight this out.

  I glance towards him again and then back at my hands. Did I ever stop to think how he would feel about this? I did for a brief moment, but in the end, I’m not thinking about us. Walls are still erected, and Carter is slowly knocking them down.

  “Get a new flask, Sis?”

  “Ha ha … Funny huh? No, it’s not a flask. You all might want to sit for this one,” I say as I hear Cory whisper, “That’s an understatement.”

  Glaring at him, I’m not sure what has crawled up his ass tonight.

  “Shut it, Cory, or you can explain it all since you know it.” Seth and Jessica look over at Cory as they’re trying to figure it all out.

  “I’m just going to rip the band-aid off … This is frozen sperm that I picked out to have a baby. There you go, you all know what Cory and I were fighting about,” I explain quickly and try to walk away to avoid the conversation.

  “What the hell, Tabitha?” Seth yells and it causes me to jump back from the boom in his voice. I look over towards Carter and notice that he’s finally sitting on the arm of the chair staring down at the carpet. His arms are braced against his thighs and as I pay attention, he’s shaking his head back and forth gently.

  “It means exactly what I said. What else do you need me to explain?”

  “You have finally jumped off a cliff, haven’t you?”

  “No … I just … I want what you and Angela have. I want a family, and all the things that come with it. I’m not getting any younger, Seth. Can’t you understand that?” I whimper.

  “I can’t, Sis. I’m confused. Why am I just now finding this out, and where the hell did you get that from?”

  “Same thing I asked and I don’t think you want to know that one, dude,” Cory says.

  “Carter, man, you going to say something about this? You want a baby from a canister?” Seth asks, as the whole room except me, looks towards him.

  He looks straight at me before he says, “Uh, so you’re not having a baby? You’re not …?”

  Stopping him before he goes any further, I answer, “No, I’m not. And ultimately, everyone, this is my choice. I’m not married and who knows if that will happen? Jessica brought to my attention that time is not on my side.”

  “Oh no you don’t, you are not pulling me into this. I have to go home with this asshole, and that’s enough.”

  “Anyone here agree with me? Why is it that five hours ago, this sounded like a great plan?” I ask, praying no one answers that one.

  The room has grown quiet and I feel like I need to hide in a dark closet until they all leave.

  Not paying attention, I jump back as I feel his hand slide down the side of my face. I look up and into Carter’s eyes, trying to judge what he’s thinking.

  He doesn’t leave me guessing for long as he starts to explain. “Tabitha, you want a family. Then I’ll give it to you. Not a stranger. It might not be today, but I’ll give it to you. You asked me to choose, and it’s you. I’m the one standing in front of you, not anyone else. That house I’m building is for the family I yearn for. The vision I have for who lives inside it with me … it’s you. I’ve told you a thousand times already, you’re it for me. No other will push me the way you do. No one will drive me mad enough to get on a plane and rush here to argue with her. The one who hits my buttons is the one my heart needs. Just say the word, Tabby Cat, and I’ll give it all to you.”

  Biting my lip, I peek around at the room before I look back up a
t Carter. Jessica has tears streaming down her face as Seth’s eyes are trained onto her lap. It’s Cory who gets me, with a quick nod, he’s saying it all.

  I understand it now.

  I know what I need, and that’s Carter Northwood.

  I already have the best brother and friends any girl could ask for. It’s the soul standing in front of me that I need more than anything.

  Reaching up with the back of my hand, I graze the side of Carter’s face and stare into his eyes. I need him to fully understand what I’m about to say. He will hear the words, but the emotion from within my eyes will have more meaning than the phrase.

  “You give me something to believe in. I’ve told you before that I don’t trust or love naturally. Somehow, you made your way into my heart, and I pray that one day you’ll give me the world. Am I scared? Yes. I am so scared I’ll let you in again only to find out I didn’t mean anything to you. I want a family. I want the dream; I always have, and the girl in me will always want it. Can you love me enough for the both of us? Carter, can you give me your heart as you hold mine in your hands? It’s fragile and needs to be repaired. I know we’re moving fast, but it’s always felt as if we were meant to be.”

  I stop to take a moment before I lay it out more. Not allowing me the chance to finish, Carter leans down and places a soft kiss on my cheek. “The divorce is done and I’m free from all the sins of my father. I have no ties to anything other than you. I promise to hold your heart, and mend it back to health. That is, if you’ll allow me. I’m not perfect, and I promise I’ll screw up along the way. Give me that fire you carry, and together we’ll light the path for each other.”

  “Okay …” is all I can manage to say before Carter’s lips are sealing mine.


  It took me a moment to let everything Tabitha just said sink in. How is it that we talk daily and I never picked up on it? When did she decide this? I can’t allow her to continue with this plan. The only one who will give her what she desires will be me.

  What else do I have to do to prove to her and all the people in this room that she is it for me? No one else will fuel me the way my sassy redhead does. As I listen to her explain and look around the room, it all hits me.

  At this point, I couldn’t care less who hears me devote my love for her. I’ll prove it to them all.

  As I confess everything, I watch Tabitha’s face and realize that she feels the same. Now, we have to figure out how to make it work. Changes need to be made along with sacrifices, but with her by my side, I know it’s all worth it.

  Sealing my mouth around hers, I suddenly hear Cory ask, “So Firecracker, you getting rid of the spunk?”

  She laughs in my mouth and pulls away, looking towards the living room. “No, I will store it and see if they’ll do a refund or something. I’d hate to waste it.”

  The room erupts in laughter as we all know she’s serious and how can we hurt her feelings? We know they won’t take it back, but we’ll allow her to figure that out on her own.

  “Come on … can we eat? I’m starving,” Jessica announces.

  “You always are, and yes, I will feed you. Give me a moment,” Tabitha says.

  Watching her wonder off into the kitchen, Seth approaches me.

  “Listen man, I know you love my sister and I’m certain she’s crazy about you. With that, I’m only saying this one more time: fuck with her and we will all come after you this time. I got shit of my own to deal with and I don’t need a phone call in the middle of the night again when she can’t get off the floor.” Seth stops and looks towards Cory before he continues. “That guy over there, he’s the one you need to thank for taking care of her. Not me or anyone else in this room.

  “It’s always been Cory, and I’ve always felt it would be the two of them together. Understand that he loves her and probably more than you ever can. So you can understand the confusion about why he’s not fighting for her, but instead, picking up the broken trail you’ve left behind. Last chance to make my sister happy, you understand?”

  I think before I speak as I know he’s only protecting her. “I understand. But you also need to know one thing. She is my world. Simple as that. If he wanted her, he should’ve fought harder. I’ll be the one to make her happy from this moment forward, no one else.”

  “Very well,” he says with a quick nod and strolls back towards Jessica. I watch the two of them with confusion. I see it all over her face when she looks up at him—complete love is what she has. I make a mental note to ask Tabitha about the situation later. No need for me to put my foot in my mouth, when I don’t have the slightest idea of the history on those two.

  “Let’s eat, and Cory, put my music on,” Tabitha yells from the other room.

  “No!” he screams back.

  All of a sudden, I see Tabitha whip her head around the corner and stare him down. Bringing up her finger to shake at him, she says, “It is my birthday and I want my music. Make it happen, buddy.”

  Cory shakes his head and stands to turn but stops to look at me. “You see that? You ready to deal with that crazy-ass mouth? That was calm, but if you’d like to see the other side let me know, all I have to do is not hit the iPod.”

  “No, I think it’s best we not rile her up any more tonight.”

  Laughing, he turns and says, “Already wrapped. Didn’t take you long, and boy are you in trouble with that.” He reaches for her iPod to turn the music on softly.

  “I’ll handle her,” is all I respond with.

  Once the music starts, I notice that she really does listen to everything. “Footloose” by Kenny Loggins blares through the speakers as Tabitha begins to move her feet.

  Cory just laughs and Seth looks over and says, “Here they go.”

  Confused, I step back and watch as Tabitha leans forward and motions with her finger for Cory.

  “Come on, you really going to make me do this?”

  “Hell yeah, I am. This is a party and you have to show off your moves with me.”

  All of a sudden Cory starts to move his feet and snap his fingers. It’s like I’m watching a movie before me.

  History is what the two of them have, and you can tell they know each other well. Can I compete with this?

  The song ends and I must have missed most of the routine as I was lost in thought.

  I feel her touch my arm and say, “Hungry?”

  “I am. You guys were great.” I mean, assuming they were, since I wasn’t paying attention.

  “We are pretty good. I can teach you one day.”

  “That would be nice.”

  Tabitha grabs my hand and pulls me towards the table; it’s a feeling I will never get tired of. Her soft skin embraced into mine, it’s perfect and I can’t wait until everyone leaves tonight. It’s been too long since I’ve been wrapped up in her, and tonight, I need her to feel how much I love her.

  Chapter Seventeen


  EVERYONE SEEMED TO HAVE a great time once we got past the drama. Now, standing in the kitchen, stuffing the dishes into the dishwasher, I look out into the living room: Carter’s picking up the trash and as simple as the task is, it’s causing my heart to skip a few beats.

  A smile spreads across my face as I look towards the future and wonder, will it always be this way? Will I always feel this kind of emotion for the man in front of me? Lord I hope so, because I can’t think of another person I would want here with me at this moment.

  “Whatcha thinking about?” Carter asks as he stalks towards me.

  “Nothing …” I respond, licking my lips.

  “You almost done in there? I got this all taken care of.”

  I look around the kitchen, realize I’m done, and then look back up at him. “I am.”

  “Good,” he says as he heads towards me. I place the cup down into the sink and hit the dishwasher’s door with the heel of my shoe.

  Carter reaches out for my hand and I place it in his. Not saying a word, he pulls me down the ha
ll towards my bedroom.

  “My room’s a mess, sorry,” I say, looking around at the clothes scattered everywhere.

  “It’s you, and that’s what I love. Nothing has to be perfect for you; you don’t live in a museum. This is your home.”

  “Thank God it doesn’t drive you crazy. I suck at being a homemaker,” I say as I watch him pick up the clothes from the bed and place them on my dresser. As he starts to pull down the covers, I realize he’s getting in on my side. “Oh no, that’s my side. This is your side.” I explain pointing to the other side of the bed.

  “Tabitha, we’ve been through this before, I sleep on this side and you on that side.”

  “That’s the way it was in the guest room and your place. Here in my house, I sleep on my side. See my pillow, my alarm clock. You, here.”

  Carter walks around to me, taking my face into his hands. He whispers, “You know you’ll sleep curled to me, so it doesn’t really matter which side.”

  “Whatever, Carter. I will win this one.” I state as I walk into my bathroom and slam the door.

  “No you won’t!” I hear him yell back.

  Swinging the door open, I take him in as he looks over at me. He pats the other side of the mattress to welcome me into my own bed. Of course, this earns him a pleasant eye roll.

  As I slide in, he grabs me by my waist and pulls me to his side. I’m flat on my back and he rolls into me. Hovering above me he says, “Happy Birthday, Tabby Cat.”

  “Thank you for surprising me.”

  “Welcome,” he says and slowly brings his head down to claim my lips.

  I let my eyes close and feel him move his lips down my neck towards my shoulders, letting my breath escape in a small growl. Carter doesn’t stop there; he continues down my chest until he reaches my breast, using one hand to caress one as his mouth devours the other.

  Chills take over my body causing me to shiver for a brief moment. Carter notices and stops to look up at me. “You okay?”

  I nod as I whimper, “Yes.”

  Pushing the hair away from my face, he stares into my eyes for a moment.


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