Book Read Free

Unexpected Changes

Page 17

by A. M. Willard

  “So how do they all fit in? I don’t understand.”

  “Jack and Robert were silent partners, it wasn’t until a few years ago that I was able to buy them out. Bethany was never worried about the company. To her it looked good in the public’s eye. Same with her father. If you have the right people, Tabitha, you can cover it all. The money was never mine. It was almost as if her father knew one day it would end this way. They have cut her off completely and she’s back in Monaco. I received an email from her and she’s happy, and finally found love.”

  “Wow … Anything else?” she asks scrunching up her nose.

  “No, I just felt like you needed to know. If you care to read her email, I’d be happy to show you. I told you, no more lies, and I don’t want to hide anything from you.”

  “Why do I feel a ‘but’ is about to show up?” she asks.

  “Other than she’s in love with my cousin, nothing. That’s not even a worry on my radar. She can date and marry whomever she cares to. As long as she stays out of my life, I’m happy for her.”

  “How can you be happy with someone who ruined your life? She took years from you.”

  “Simple, Tabitha, it wasn’t until I met you that I wanted to fight it. All those years, we prepared for the day to come, but in reality, I never thought I’d find you. It was also a pipe dream. So yes, I am happy in multiple ways. Do I feel the need to shout it from the roof top? No. The only person I need to express it to, is right in front of me.”

  “You, Carter Northwood, have a way with words.”

  “I’m no poet, just me,” I respond sarcastically.

  “Since we’re being honest and all, I need to warn you about the barbecue.”

  “By all means, continue.”

  “Angela, Logan, Graham, Cory, Seth, Mitch, Jason, Ben, and … yeah my whole family will be at my parents’. If you don’t want to meet them all, you don’t have to come. They’re going to question you about everything.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I haven’t been to a family affair in years.”

  “Really? I can’t imagine not having them. If Mom doesn’t have a thing for her charities, it’s this.”

  “And like I said, I’m excited to meet your family. I’m not going anywhere, so they might as well get to know me.”

  “Are you ever afraid of anything? Nothing throws you off?”

  “One thing now scares me, and that’s losing you. I left my life behind to start fresh. That’s what we’re doing.”

  Tabitha leans back to me and whispers into my chest, “I’m tired.”

  “Come on, let’s go to bed. Guess I’m not getting lucky tonight,” I joke.

  “Carter Northwood with a one track mind. No you are not, not until I see my doctor. Bases are closed. You understand me?” she exclaims while doing this crazy thing with her arms. I can’t even respond to her. Tabitha was calm and relaxed, and now, she’s acting as if she’s an umpire in a baseball game. One thing guaranteed is that my life will never be boring. Not with her next to me.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I’M NOT SURE IF IT was being home in my own bed, or curled into Carter’s side the whole night, that caused me to sleep through my alarm. Dashing around my room to get ready, he gets a glimpse into my madness. The ‘clothes are being thrown around, hopping on one foot’ Tabitha.

  I’ve got my appointment this morning and I can’t be late. I bounce into the kitchen, stopping to look around. When I notice Carter is out of my sight, I look in the cupboard for my thermos. Remembering that I moved it, I need to sneak out and retrieve it from its hiding spot.

  Coast is clear, sperm located and stuffed into my messenger bag. I don’t stop to kiss Carter bye, as I need to escape and quickly. As I shut the door, I scream out “Bye. Love you,” and I’m off and down the path before he can stop me. I haven’t told Carter I have an appointment this morning, as I’m not sure what the outcome will be.

  We haven’t discussed it and I don’t plan to either. Never in my life have I had to worry about something this important. The whole way to the office, I chastise myself for being so reckless. Life has always been planned out, well the important things have been, because I sure as hell didn’t expect to fall in love with Carter Northwood.

  Circling around the garage, I finally find a spot to park. Not able to bring myself to get out just yet, I look over and notice the thermos sticking out of my bag.

  It causes me to question why I thought it was a magnificent idea. I was pissed with Cory for ruining my plan, but now I’m happy I chose this path.

  As I make my way to the front of the office, I wonder, am I ready for this? Do I want to know the results? This could possibly change it all, once again.

  I try to calm myself before I walk in, and send up a silent prayer to all the glitter Gods. A week ago, this was different. Now I need it to be routine. I’ve got to follow the new plan; work, love, proposal, marriage, and then baby. That is, if I go the natural way. The way I was headed with my frozen sperm was different. Order, pace around like a mad person, defrost, insert and wait. Easy as pie.

  Shaking it all off, I sign in and wait to be called. As I sit here in the lobby, I take a chance to look around. They all seem excited to be here, unlike me. One’s rubbing her swollen stomach as she leans into her partner. It’s cute and it causes my heart to swell. Will Carter be that way? Is he going to talk to our child before it’s born? I ask myself.

  “Tabitha, you can come on back,” the nurse says as she pokes her head out of the door.

  “Morning,” I say, following her to an empty room.

  “So what brings you today? We just saw you a few weeks ago.”

  “Oh … umm … I might be pregnant and, I need to return that,” I say as I point over to my bag and it earns me a questing glare from the nurse.

  “Go ahead out to the restroom and give us a urine sample. I’ll get the test done and send Dr. Tucker in soon,” she explains and walks out of the room.

  I make my way down the corridor and do what I was instructed. As I get back into the exam room, I slide the thermos out of my bag. Perched on the waiting table, I cradle the stupid sperm as if it’s an infant.

  Lost in my own world, swinging my feet back and forth, I jump when Dr. Tucker opens the door.

  “Good morning, Tabitha. What brings you back so soon?” he asks as he pushes his rolling chair in front of me and takes a seat.

  “First, I need to return this,” I say, handing him baby 03172000.

  Dr. Tucker takes it from my hands and turns it around a few times as he inspects the metal thermos. Looking up at me he asks, “Is this what I think it is?”

  “Yes and I no longer need its services, so can I have a refund or send it back?”

  He reaches out and lays a soft touch to the top of my knee as he looks at the thermos and back to me. “I thought this is what you wanted? We went through everything before you ordered.”

  Taking a deep breath, I release it and explain, “I did, but now things are different, doc. I have real spunk and the frozen stuff is not going to replace it. My baby is made out of love and, well, extremely horny love.”

  Dr. Tucker looks down at his chart and then over to the counter top. Placing my once child down on it, he starts to explain. “Dear, you are not pregnant, test came back negative. I thought when they told me you were here, that you went ahead with the plan. Now, I see things have changed.”

  “So you mean I’m not knocked up?”

  “That’s correct. I’d like to go ahead and run some blood work, just to verify. You could be too early for our tests to detect. I’ll remind you again, the shot takes a while to come out of your system. Plus, you’ve been on it for years.”

  “Can I have another shot … today?”

  “No, we need to get the blood work back first. After that comes back, the nurse will call you. If the coast is clear, just come in and Natalie will administer it for you. Now, until then, use protection.”

  “Oh no … bases are shut down, on strike. Not even with protection will he get near all this.” I explain, earning me a laugh from Dr. Tucker.

  “Oh Tabitha, you always make me smile. Now, you need anything else?”

  “Yes, what about that?” I ask pointing over to what was going to be my baby.

  “We can dispose of it for you, but that’s it. They frown upon returned specimens, dear.”

  “Should’ve figured. Well, at least it’s out of my house. Thanks.”

  “Good day, dear,” he says as he leaves me alone in the room. A part of me is happy but then the other half actually feels depressed. I was sure Carter and I had conceived a child already. Now, I have to wait for the result of my blood work. Once that confirms the coast is clear, I might be able to rest. Until then, I’ll internally stressed.

  Blood drawn and checked out, I head out towards my car. Just as I’m getting inside, I hear my phone chirping from within my purse.

  Fumbling around, I manage to not only locate my phone, but drop my keys.

  Answering after a slew of profanities, I say, “Hello.”

  “That good of a day, huh?”

  “Hello, Cory. What can I do for you,” I ask, on my knees looking under my car for my keys.

  “What are you doing? You sound frustrated and out of breath. Did I catch you at a bad time?” he asks in his funny Cory voice.

  “No … I’m getting my keys from under the car.” I stretch my arms out and shout in victory, “Got them.”

  As I stand, I can hear Cory on the other end of the phone, laughing at me. “Not funny dude … So tell me, what’s up?” I say as I unlock my car and slide in.

  “I have a question. Are you and Carter going to be at the folks’ tomorrow?”

  “We are, and you’re still coming right?”

  “Yeah, just wanted to see if Meredith can tag along. You know she’s been gone and I thought it might be cool if she could join me,” he says as if he’s not sure of my response.

  “I think that’s an excellent plan. Look, I need to hang up and get out of this parking lot. Traffic is already going to be shit and I have to go pick up Angela and them.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Doctor’s office.”

  “You okay?”

  “I’m just fabulous because I’m not having a baby, and did you know you can’t return a thermos full of sperm?”

  “Okay and I wouldn’t think you could. With this conversation, I’m letting you go and will see you tomorrow.”

  “Later,” I say as I click the phone off and toss it into the front seat of my car.

  I take a look at the time; I’m going to be late, but it shouldn’t be a surprise. After I retrieve the Black family, I’ve been instructed to take them to the hotel. Angela texted this morning and informed me that Graham is cutting teeth or something and has turned into the devil himself.

  Thankful they are staying elsewhere for that reason, I’m disappointed in the fact that I will not get to spoil Graham this evening. There is always tomorrow for that. Family, friends, food, and laughter. I need that, just about as much as I need to introduce Carter to them all. I haven’t brought anyone home since Richard, and I know my mother will be delighted.

  Maybe, she’s been informed of the differences in our relationship, but not everything. Some things are best left unsaid, especially with Mom.


  Tabitha ran out of here this morning like her life depended on it. She was an absolute walking wreck. Clothes are everywhere and I dare not touch them. Instead of fussing over that, I set up my makeshift office at the dining room table. Work needs to be done and phone calls need to be made—I’ve been slack long enough.

  After I finish sending in my paperwork for my licenses, I confirm the furniture delivery with Kelly. She’s informed me that everything will be delivered early next week. Since I had her on the line, I invited her to the barbecue tomorrow. Tabitha thinks it will be exciting to get to know her more, and this will also allow Kelly and Jessica to bond.

  Deciding to see where my girl is, I send a quick text.

  Carter: What’s your ETA and Kelly is a go for tomorrow. All we need to do is send her the address.

  After I text Tabitha, I hit Jack’s name, needing to confirm that he’s still on top of the board.

  “Jack, my man, how’s it going?” I say when he answers the call.

  “Things are looking up, and not just for you.”

  “How so? Sounds like you’re happy.”

  “Let’s say no news is good news, and in your case, I have good news.”

  “Well, that’s what I need to hear. Lay it on me,” I say as I lean back in the chair.

  “Looks like the board members all have either retired, or taken on new positions within Senator Edwards’s group, and from what Mark can tell, you are the least of his worries. Also, you might want to pick up the paper later, or do a Google search. A particular Mr. Edwards is being called out for all his indiscretions.”

  “Is this your handy work?” I ask, as I wasn’t aware of this beforehand.

  “Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for it.”

  “Is that so?” I say amused.

  “It is. So man, how’s it going with Tabitha? You two get things worked out?”

  “Things are good. I found us a bigger place yesterday and she’s accepted me living here with her.”

  “I’m happy for you, Carter. You of all people deserve this. How’s Kelly?”

  “Thanks, and she still hates you. I’d steer clear of that one, if I was you,” I say with a laugh. I’ve never met two people who are so not meant for each as Jack and Kelly. It’s not a mixture to combine.

  “Oh, I can promise you I’m not going near her. Look man, I have to go talk with another client. Let’s get together soon. Glad to have you close again.”

  “We will and same here. Oh and Jack, thanks for everything. I really mean it. I’m not just referring to Tabitha either. You know what I’m saying.”

  “I do, and you’d do it for me.”

  “Later,” I respond as I disconnect the call and place my phone down. Just as soon as I do, I hear the beep alerting me to a text message.

  Tabitha: Hello lover boy… I’ll see you within the hour. Just dropping them off and going to head up for a few. Awesome on Kelly, I’ll forward her the address. XXXOOO

  Not responding to her text, since she needs this time with them, I sit back and think of what my life has been like. Dark and alone. I never smiled, and rarely did I laugh. You would catch a fake glimpse of it when the photographers where in our faces, but that was all. Since I’ve met Tabitha, not a day has gone by that she hasn’t caused me to smile or laugh. Even when we were apart, she brought joy to me in different ways. It might have been from a memory, or a smell I would catch a whiff of.

  She’s the one for me, and I know with every bit of my soul that Tabitha is my light. Once, we talked about why I was covered in black, and now, I have the perfect idea how to show her the sun she’s cast upon me.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  WHEN I ARRIVE HOME, Carter is nowhere to be found. The apartment is empty and quiet as I shove things back into my closet. It’s only been a short time since he invaded my territory, but now that I plop down onto the bed, I miss him.

  Throwing myself back against the mattress, I stare up at the ceiling. The sunlight is filtering through my blinds, and hits my chandelier, casting a sparkly cascade of dots around the room. Lost as I watch them dance throughout the space, I’m startled when I hear Carter from the other room.

  “In here,” I yell and I feel his presence before I turn to look at him. Carter, leaned up against my door frame, causes me to lick my lips as I stare at him.

  “You see something you like, Tabby Cat?”

  “No, I have no idea to what you’re saying.”

  “Right … How was your day? You get Angela and the boys all situated?”

  “It was goo
d, busy, and I didn’t even do anything. Prince Graham is getting so big; I tried to talk them into letting him come here. Then Logan put him down on the carpet in the hotel. Changed my mind quickly. That thing moves faster than a rabbit.”

  “What? Are you referring to him as a rabbit?”

  “I am and if you would’ve seen him, you’d do the same. We are not baby proof, that’s for sure.”

  “We … huh?”

  Not responding, I push up onto my elbows and look over at Carter. He’s still leaned up against the frame and hasn’t moved since he entered the room.

  Eyeing him a little more, I proceed to ask, “Where’d you go and why do you look like you’ve been up to something?”

  Carter pushes off and stalks towards me. Once he’s in front of me, he pushes me down into the mattress and straddles me. Taking one hand, he wipes the lose hair from my face and leans down towards me. Just as he gets close enough so I can feel him breathing, he stops. “Had to run an errand and then take care of something. Missed you.”

  “You’ve been sneaky again, haven’t you?”

  “Not at all and I don’t sneak. It’s called surprises. So you didn’t miss me?”

  I ponder his question for a bit and then let a smile show. “Oh, I did miss my sneaky guy.”

  “I wasn’t being sneaky, just withholding information.”

  “Oh? Do I not want to know?” I ask sarcastically.

  “When the time is right, you’ll know. Until then, it’s for me to know. Now can I have a kiss? I’ve missed those lips of yours today.”

  “Yes, you …” and before I finish my sentence, Carter’s lips are devouring mine in the only way he knows how. It always seems as if it’s a need for him, to be able to live. He kisses with such passion and desire, he takes my breath away from me.


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