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The Thank You Economy

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by Gary Vaynerchuk

  The Thank You Economy

  Gary Vaynerchuk

  To my family and friends, but especially to

  Lizzie and Misha, the two girls who make me

  want to breathe.

  “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication.”

  —Western Union internal memo, 1876

  “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?”

  —an investor in response to David Sarnoff’s push for radio, 1920

  “While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility.”

  —Lee De Forest, radio pioneer, 1926

  “Visionaries see a future of telecommuting workers, interactive libraries and multimedia classrooms. They speak of electronic town meetings and virtual communities. Commerce and business will shift from offices and malls to networks and modems. And the freedom of digital networks will make government more democratic. Baloney.”

  —Cliff Stoll, author, astronomer, professor, 1995

  “If I had a nickel for every time an investor told me this wouldn’t work…”

  —Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon




  Part I. Welcome to the Thank You Economy

  1 How Everything Has Changed, Except Human Nature

  2 Erasing Lines in the Sand

  3 Why Smart People Dismiss Social Media, and Why They Shouldn’t

  Part II. How to Win

  4 From the Top: Instill the Right Culture

  5 The Perfect Date: Traditional Media Meets Social

  6 I’m on a Horse: How Old Spice Played Ping-Pong, Then Dropped the Ball

  7 Intent: Quality versus Quantity

  8 Shock and Awe

  Part III. The Thank You Economy in Action

  9 Avaya: Going Where the People Go

  10 AJ Bombers: Communicating with the Community

  11 Joie de Vivre Hotels: Caring About the Big and Little Stuff

  12 Irena Vaksman, DDS: A Small Practice Cuts Its Teeth on Social Media

  13 Hank Heyming: A Brief Example of Well-Executed Culture and Intent


  Part IV. Sawdust

  More Thoughts On…

  Part V. How to Win in the Thank You Economy, the Quick Version



  About the Author

  Other Books by Gary Vaynerchuk



  About the Publisher


  I’ve been living the Thank You Economy since a day sometime around 1995, when a customer came into my dad’s liquor store and said, “I just bought a bottle of Lindemans Chardonnay for $5.99, but I got your $4.99 coupon in the mail. Can you honor it? I’ve got the receipt.” The store manager working the floor at the time replied, “No.” I looked up from where I was on my knees dusting the shelves and saw the guy’s eyes widen as he said, “Are you serious?” The manager said, “No, no. You have to buy more to get it at $4.99.” As the man left, I went over to the manager and said, “That guy will never come back.” I was wrong about that; he did come back. He came back a couple of months later—to tell us he would never shop with us again.

  Now, I wasn’t any nicer than this manager, nor have I ever been a softie when it comes to business. However, though I was young and still had a lot to learn, I knew deep in my gut that he had made the wrong call. The manager believed he was protecting the store from a customer trying to take advantage of it; all I could see was that we had missed an opportunity to make a customer happy.

  Make no mistake: I’ve always seen business as a way to build a legacy, and a way to make people happy, but I’ve also been in the game to make money, not just to spread sunshine and rainbows. I’m the kid who ripped people’s flowers out of their yards and sold them back to their owners. My incentive to make that customer happy wasn’t purely altruistic; it was that happy customers are worth a lot more than any other kind. It was grounded in my belief at the time that a business is only as strong as its closest customer relationships, and that what those customers said about our business beyond our four walls would shape our future.

  I didn’t write The Thank You Economy to encourage businesses and brands to be nicer to their customers. I wrote it because what I believed was true back then is turning out to be even truer today. I’m intuitive that way. It’s why I knew I should sell all my baseball cards and go into toy collectibles; why I launched in 1997 when nobody thought local liquor stores belonged online; why I decided to go all in on Australian and Spanish wines in 1999 when everyone else was still obsessed with France, California, and Italy. It’s how I knew to use Twitter from the get-go, and that video blogging was going to be a big deal. And it’s why I know I’m right now.

  I want people who love running businesses and building businesses as much as I do—whether they’re entrepreneurs, run a small business, or work for a Fortune 100 company—to understand what early adopters like me can already see—that we have entered a new era in which developing strong consumer relationships is pivotal to a brand or company’s success. We have been pushing our message for too many decades. It’s no longer enough that a strong marketing initiative simply funnels a brand’s one-way message down the consumer’s throat. To have an impact, it will have to inspire an emotionally charged interaction.

  Just as open, honest communication is the key to good interpersonal relationships, so is it intrinsic to a brand or business’s relationships with its customers. People embraced social media because communicating makes people happy; it’s what we do. It’s why we carved pictures into rocks. It’s why we used smoke signals. It’s why ink won. And if someone ever develops a tool that allows us to communicate telepathically, we’ll be all over that, too. How businesses will adapt to that kind of innovation, I have no idea. But they will, I’m sure. At least, the ones I am associated with will.

  In the meantime, companies of all stripes and sizes have to start working harder to connect with their customers and make them happy, not because change is coming, but because it’s here. Imagine how many more people would have heard that we’d lost an unhappy customer’s business if the man who couldn’t get his coupon redeemed at Wine Library all those years ago had had a cell phone loaded with a Twitter and Facebook app. What’s more, the changes we’ve already seen are just the first little bubbles breaking on the water’s surface. The consumer Web is just a baby—many people reading this right now can probably clearly remember the world pre-Internet. The cultural changes social media have ushered in are already having a big impact on marketing strategies, but eventually, companies that want to compete are going to have to change their approach to everything, from their hiring practices to their customer service to their budgets. Not all at once, mind you. But it will have to happen, because there is no slowing down the torpedo-like speed with which technology is propelling us into the Thank You Economy. I, for one, think that’s a good thing. By the time you’re done with this book, I hope you’ll agree.


  Welcome to the Thank You Economy


  How Everything Has Changed, Except Human Nature

  Think back on the last time someone did something nice for you. I don’t mean just holding the door open; I mean watching your dogs while you were away for the weekend or driving forty minutes to pick you up at the airport. How did you feel afterward? Grateful, maybe even damn lucky to know someone who would go out of his way like that for you. If given the chance, you’d be sure to reciprocat
e. You might not even wait to be given a chance—you might just do something to make him happy, and show your gratitude, because you could. Most of us recognize that to have someone like that in our life is a gift, one that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

  In fact, no relationships should be taken for granted. They are what life is all about, the whole point. How we cultivate our relationships is often the greatest determinant of the type of life we get to live. Business is no different. Real business isn’t done in board meetings; it’s done over a half-eaten plate of buffalo wings at the sports bar, or during the intermission of a Broadway show. It’s done through an enthusiastic greeting, with an unexpected recommendation, or by offering up your cab when it’s raining. It happens in the small, personal interactions that allow us to prove to each other who we are and what we believe in, honest moments that promote good feelings and build trust and loyalty. Now imagine you could take those interactions and scale them to the hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people who make up your customer base, or better yet, your potential customer base. A lot of people would insist that achieving that kind of scale is impossible, and up until about five years ago, they would have been right. Now, though, scaling those interactions is not only possible—provided you use the right tools the right way—it’s necessary. In fact, those companies and brands that refuse to try could jeopardize the potential of their business, and in the long term, even their very existence.

  Why? Because when it comes down to it, the only thing that will never change is human nature. When given the choice, people will always spend their time around people they like. When it’s expedient and practical, they’d also rather do business with and buy stuff from people they like. And now, they can. Social media has made it possible for consumers to interact with businesses in a way that is often similar to how they interact with their friends and family. Early tech adopters jumped on the chance to regularly talk to businesses, and as time goes by, more and more people are getting excited by the idea and following their lead. You may not have seen the effects of this movement yet, but I have. I see them every day. Trusting relationships and connections formed via social media are quickly becoming two subtle but rapidly growing forces of our economy. It is imperative that brands and businesses learn how to properly and authentically use social media to develop one-to-one relationships with their customer base—no matter how big—so that they make an impact in their market, now and in the future.

  * * *

  Social Media Is More than Media

  For the record, I dislike the term “social media.” It is a misnomer that has caused a boatload of confusion. It has led managers, marketers, CEOs, and CMOs to think they can use social networking sites to spread their message the same way they use traditional media platforms like print, radio, television, or outdoor, and expect similar results and returns. But what we call social media is not media, nor is it even a platform. It is a massive cultural shift that has profoundly affected the way society uses the greatest platform ever invented, the Internet. Unfortunately, when the business world is thinking about marketing via social networking sites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and DailyBooth, it’s thinking about using social media, so that’s the term I’ll use, too.

  * * *

  Great News Is in the Eye of the Beholder

  Finally, a way to really connect with our customers, an opportunity to hear what they want, what they think, how things went, how our product worked, or how it didn’t! At last, a chance to create personal and creative campaigns that do more than shove our message down our customers’ collective throats! Don Draper would have dropped his whiskey glass in joyful delirium if you had told him that his agency didn’t have to run focus groups anymore to find out what people wanted. Think of all the money that brand managers could have saved over the decades on test marketing and other classic research techniques which, in all these years, haven’t done much to improve a new product’s risk of failure, estimated at 60 to 90 percent; they’d be looking cross-eyed at today’s social media marketing skeptics for not recognizing great news when they hear it. But, shockingly, a lot of people don’t want to hear it. If it’s true that one-to-one is quickly becoming one of the most important ways to reach customers, then it means a massive number of businesses are eventually going to have to undergo a total cultural transformation to compete. That’s a thought most corporate execs are going to meet with about as much enthusiasm as Dwyane Wade would if he were suddenly faced with undeniable proof that basketball was dead and ice hockey was the only game left.* Yet let’s remember it wasn’t so long ago that the few people who owned home computers used them almost exclusively for word processing and video games. In 1984, you’d get stuffed in your locker for gloating over your new Apple Macintosh; in 2007 you could score a hot date by showing off your new iPhone. Culture changes, and business has to change with it or die.

  * * *

  Why I Speak in Absolutes

  Because if I give you an inch, you’ll run a mile with it. When I said in 1998, “You’re dead if you don’t put your business on the Internet and get in on ecommerce,” was that true? No. But boy, can you imagine trying to be in business in 2010 with zero Web presence? I’d rather shock you into paying attention, and admit later that business rarely requires an all-or-nothing approach, than take the chance that you won’t take the situation seriously enough.

  * * *

  Unfortunately, a lot of business leaders and marketing professionals can’t see that change is here. (Not coming. Not around the corner. Here.) They look at the business being done on Twitter, Facebook, myYearbook, and Foursquare, and say with contempt, “Prove it.”

  My pleasure. In this book, you’ll read about an array of big and small companies, in a variety of industries, that were proud to share how they successfully improved their bottom line by leveraging and scaling the relationships made possible by social media. When looked at as a whole, these examples offer undeniable evidence that there is financial gain for any size company that is willing to open the lines of communication with its customers and market to them in a personal, caring way that makes them feel valued. There’s no reason why any company couldn’t make these efforts and achieve similar results. Social media makes the Internet an open, level playing field where any limits to how far you want to spread your message and your brand are self-imposed.

  The secret to these companies’ success is that at some level, they figured out how to put into practice a number of the ideas I want to explain in this book:

  The building blocks necessary to create a powerful, legacy-building company culture

  How to re-create the perfect date when developing your traditional and social media strategies

  Using good intent to set everything in motion

  Delivering shock and awe to your customers without investing a lot of money, just a whole lot of heart

  In addition, they weren’t held back by fear or the arguments many leaders use to dismiss the effectiveness of social media. In this book, I’ll tackle the most common of those arguments and explain why they don’t hold water.

  Consumer expectations are changing dramatically, and social media has altered everything about how companies must—MUST—relate to their customers. From now on, the relationship between a business and a customer is going to look very different from the way it has looked in the recent past.

  The Heart and Soul of the Matter

  How do people decide they like each other? They talk. They exchange ideas. They listen to each other. And eventually, a relationship forms. The process is no different for building relationships with customers. If your organization’s intentions transcend the mere act of selling a product or service, and it is brave enough to expose its heart and soul, people will respond. They will connect. They will like you. They will talk. They will buy.

  A survey of parents preparing for the fall 2010 back-to-school shopping season found that 30 percent of them expected that social networking would
affect their purchases; another survey, conducted in early December 2009, revealed that 28 percent said their buying decisions had been affected by social networking, with 6 percent admitting to being influenced by a friend’s Facebook status about a product and 3 percent being influenced by a friend’s tweet. By the time you’re reading this book, the percentages will be dramatically higher. More and more, people are making business and consumer decisions based on what they see talked about on social media platforms. The thing is, people don’t talk about things they don’t care about. So it’s up to you to make them care, which means you have to care first.

  * * *

  When I first started tweeting, I had no brand recognition; no one knew who I was. To build my brand, I started creating conversations around what I cared passionately about: wine. I used Search.Twitter (called back then) to find mentions of Chardonnay. I saw that people had questions, and I answered them. I didn’t post a link to and point out that I sold Chardonnay. If people mentioned that they were drinking Merlot, I gave them my Merlot recommendation, but I didn’t mention that they could buy Merlot on my website. I didn’t try to close too early, like a nineteen-year-old guy; I made sure to invest in the relationship first. Eventually, people started to see my comments and think, “Oh, hey, it’s that Vaynerchuk guy; he knows Chardonnay. Oh cool, he does a wine show—let’s take a look. Hey, he’s funny. I like him; I trust him. And check it out: he sells wine, too. Free shipping? Let’s try a bottle of that….” That’s what caring first, not selling first, looks like, and that’s how I built my brand.


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