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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 3

by Rachel McNeely

  Kayla smile. “Like a grumpy old bear.”

  “Right, but thankfully without the old.”

  She laughed, and he stopped what he was doing to stare at her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I’ve never heard you laugh out loud. I want to hear you do it more often. You’re pretty, but with your smile and laugh you’re gorgeous.”

  “I didn’t realize, but you’re probably right. I smile politely, as my friends call it.”

  “I’m going to work on changing that.”

  “How can you be so certain we be might be right for each other?”

  Jackson shook his head. “I don’t know, but my men tell me I have good instincts on the job and off.”

  She didn’t answer. Jackson watched as she walked to the patio door and looked out at the pool and the extensive yard around it.

  “Who keeps up your pool and yard? They’re lovely.”

  “When I’m home, I do the work. I love watching things grow and flourish. I have a pool company to keep up the pool year-round. A neighbor and his son cut my lawn and do what’s needed if they notice it hasn’t been done in a week or so. We’ve been neighbors ever since I moved here. What do you like to drink? I’ll get our drinks, and you can sit in the shade and watch me grill.”

  “I’ll have iced tea since I took my headache medicine earlier.”

  “Go on out. I’m going to check on the beans, and then I’ll join you.”


  Kayla took a deep breath of fresh air. How long had it been since she’d just sat outside and relaxed? Way too long. His house suited him. She’d always thought homes said a lot about a person. Jackson’s had a peacefulness about it.

  “Here’s your tea.”

  “I see how you can unwind here. Your garden is lovely, and quiet.”

  “I agree.” He put down the platter he’d brought out and placed two large steaks on the grill.

  “I hope you don’t think I can eat such a huge steak.”

  “Eat what you can. You can take the rest home and make sandwiches for lunch. I suspect you don’t eat enough.”

  “Please, you sound like my friend, Cheryl, and Mrs. Terrell.”

  He shut the grill top and pulled a chair close to her. “Now, tell me one thing about yourself, and then I’ll tell you one about me.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Your favorite flower. Simple things like that.”

  “I love tulips. When we lived up North, there were lots of tulips coming up in the springtime.”

  “Interesting. Let’s see. I like old songs and country western. I’ve even visited Tennessee and gone to The Grand Ole Opry House.”

  “I like the same type of music, but I also like classical.”

  “See how easy this is, and we’re getting to know each other.” Jackson got up and checked the steaks. “How do you like your steak?”

  “I don’t want it to moo, and I don’t like it to taste like leather.”

  He chuckled. “I understand. They’re almost ready. Do you want to eat outside or in?”


  “Done. I’ll be right back.”

  When he returned, he carried a bowl and a tablecloth. “Spread this cloth across the table.”

  She opened it out and put it on the round table. Then she took the bowl of potato salad and placed it in the middle. “Surely, you didn’t make this yourself.”

  “No, I have to confess I got it at the grocery store, but the beans are my own recipe.”

  Kayla shook her head. “You keep a clean house and a beautiful garden, and you can cook. Why hasn’t some woman grabbed you by now?”

  “I wasn’t interested in more than a short relationship as I mentioned the other night. I’ve always been honest with the ladies I dated. They knew from the first how I felt, and I tried not to hurt them.”

  “Women are fascinated with SEALs. You all are so handsome, strong, and tantalizing.”

  Jackson grinned and wriggled his eyebrows. “Am I tantalizing to you?”

  “Yes, but I know better than to touch the fire or get too close without keeping my feelings controlled.”

  “Can you manage to do that?”

  “I try. Since my last breakup, I’ve avoided entanglements and didn’t date.”

  “And yet here you are in my lair.”

  Kayla found herself grinning again. “For some reason, I decided to trust you.”

  Jackson almost dropped the steak he had been placing on a platter he’d brought from the kitchen. He turned and faced her. “Thanks, I won’t disappoint you. I don’t lie. I’m truthful when I say I’d like to get to know you and see where this might go. But I’ll try and be patient and let you choose how fast we move.”

  “You’re a confusing man. I don’t know if I’ve meant anyone like you in the past.”

  He leaned down and kissed the top of her head as he sat the platter down. “You’ll find, I’m one of a kind.”

  “You’ll have to work at convincing me this is real.” She swung her hand out to encompass him and the area around him. “I’m not sure I’m worth the effort.”

  Jackson leaned down and cupped her face. “I am certain you are very much worth the effort.”

  “We’ll see what happens.”

  His kiss was soft, and then he straightened. “I’ll get the beans, plates, and silverware. Then we’ll eat.”

  “I can help.”


  When the air cooled, they came inside. Jackson started a fire in the family room fireplace. He handed her a glass of golden liquid. “It’s a tasty after dinner drink and it’s been hours since you took the headache medicine. Sip it and relax.”

  “Yeah, the medicine isn’t too strong, my headaches are from stress. Still, I’d rather have another glass of tea to be on the safe side, and if I relax anymore, I’ll fall asleep.”

  “Don’t worry. If you do, I’ll wake you and take you home, so you can rest before going to work.”

  He sat beside her and put his arm around her. Her head rested on his shoulder. Soft music played in the background.

  “What made you want to be a SEAL?” Kayla asked.

  “Good question. My dad retired from the Navy recently. When I finished college, and told him I was thinking about joining the Navy, he suggested I try out for the Navy SEALs.

  “I read up on the requirements and started working out harder than usual. I’d always been in shape, but this was going to take more than the ordinary gym work. A year later I signed up, and I got a chance to try out.”

  “Do you ever regret it?”

  “No, I wanted to do good for my country and be part of something special. Whenever I had off time, I’d visit my parents. I’m glad I did. Three years after I joined Mom got cancer. She fought a good fight, but it wasn’t to be. I miss her dearly, and so does Dad.”

  “Do you visit him?”

  “Most of my vacations we go hunting and fishing back in Montana. When I’m home for shorter periods, he’ll often fly here to visit. Occasionally, I get a chance to visit my sister or brother’s families. But we’re all so busy and in different cities, so it’s mostly on holidays.”

  “How old are your sister and brother?”

  “My brother is thirty-two and my sister is twenty-nine. I’m the middle child who always caused the most ruckus,” Bear said and grinned. “My brother, James, has two boys named Cooper and Daren. He and his wife decided they didn’t want to carry-on the names starting with J. My Mom was Joyce and my father, Jacob. My sister, Janice, named her only child, Samantha.”

  Kayla leaned her head back and stared up at him. “You and your family seem too perfect.”

  Jackson laughed. “Don’t believe it. I have my moments when I can be inhospitable. That’s why they call me Bear. Mostly, I like more alone time than most of my buddies. I’ve always been more of a loner even with my siblings. My team gets a release with other activities, but I need more solitude.”

Why did you ask me to dance?”

  “I saw you enter Aces and thought you were pretty. And I’d just told my best friend I envied him being married and settled down.”

  Kayla looked down. Jackson lifted her chin and kissed her softly. “We don’t know where this may go, but I’d like to see if you’re willing to take a chance.”

  She sat up and smiled. “Right now, I’d better go home and get some sleep.” She stood, and he did, too.

  Jackson pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “Fine, you’ll come to realize I have a lot of patience. My SEAL instructors beat it into me,” he said and turned to douse the fire in the fireplace. Then he walked her out to his truck. Jackson lifted her up on the running board and waited to see she got in all right.

  They didn’t talk on the way to her house. When he stopped the truck in her driveway, he turned toward her.

  “My friend, Wolf, invited me to a barbecue. It will be at his house next Saturday. Would you go with me?”

  “I don’t know. This is all happening very fast.”

  “Please, I’d like you to meet some of my friends and their wives.”

  “I guess it can’t hurt. I haven’t been to a barbecue in a long time.”

  “I have an idea. Why don’t we bring your friend along? There will be single guys in the group. Maybe she’ll meet one she likes.”

  “All right. I’ll ask Cheryl, she’s my closest friend. I expect she’ll be very excited about the invitation.”

  “Good.” He leaned forward and pulled her head toward him, then kissed her hard. “Sleep on that.” Jackson got out and walked her to the door. Once she was safe inside, he went back to his truck.

  I’m falling hard. I’d better slow down so we can be certain we’re right for each other. My body wants her, but I expect from what Kayla’s said that’s she’s been hurt before. I have to know my mind is in sync with the rest of me before I end up doing the same to her.

  The lights went out in Kayla’s house. He started his truck and slowly drove off down the quiet street.


  Kayla glanced at the time. Cheryl might still be up. I’ll call her tonight about the invitation to the party. I dread the commotion Cheryl will make when she hears I’m dating a SEAL, something I said I’d never do again. I haven’t been open with Jackson. The time just hasn’t seemed right to tell him I’ve dated a Navy SEAL before. Kayla reached for her cell phone half-way hoping Cheryl wouldn’t be home.

  “Hi, I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave a mess—”

  “Kayla, I just got out of the shower and almost missed you. Are you, all right? You rarely call this late.”

  “There’s nothing wrong, but I have an invitation for you to go with me to a party Saturday night. Are you busy?”

  “No, but why don’t we go to Aces Bar and Grill instead?”

  “You’ll like my idea better.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “I’ve been invited to a party given by one of the SEALs. You’d get a chance to meet some of them in a more personal way. What do you think?” Kayla held the phone away from her ear as Cheryl yelled yes numerous times.

  “Don’t embarrass me at the barbecue by drooling on the good-looking single guys.”

  The phone went silent for a moment. “How did you get the invite?” Cheryl asked.

  “It’s a long story.” She went on to explain what happened Saturday night.

  “He rescued you? The one you have a crush on?”

  “I’m too old to have crushes, but yes, the one I like. His name is Jackson Langley, and I went to his house tonight for dinner. That’s when he invited me and suggested I bring a friend since there will be single guys.”

  “Is this a joke? Are you pretending to be my best friend? My friend is very cautious. I doubt she’d go to a man’s home that she just met, although he did rescue you.”

  Kayla blushed at the thought of what Cheryl would say if she knew the whole truth about Saturday night. “Just tell me if you want to attend. I’d guess from the squealing you do.”

  “Definitely, and when we get a chance to talk face to face, you will tell me more about how this all happened.”

  “I told you the whole story.” Kayla crossed her fingers and hoped lightning wouldn’t hit her for lying.

  “Did you make love, tonight?”


  “Yep, you did. You’re always so shy about admitting the good stuff. See you Saturday. Shall I come to your house?”

  “Yes, you’ll ride to the party with Jackson and me.”

  “Hallelujah, I can’t believe he cracked the hard wall you kept up around you. See you.”

  Kayla shook her head as she put down her phone. At least the initial telling Cheryl was over. They’d been friends since high school and all through college. They came out to San Diego together after graduation. But Cheryl said whatever came into her mind. I’ve always been much more reticent. I hope she doesn’t say something teasingly that will make me uncomfortable.


  “I’m glad you asked Kayla and her friend to come with you tonight,” Caroline said.

  Jackson had driven over to their house to see what he could do to help. “I hope that was all right.”

  Wolf clapped him on the back. “You know it is, and Caroline and I are both anxious to get to know the woman who has caught your eye.”

  “I thought Caroline and the other wives might talk about how they cope when their husbands are gone, and how we leave at a moment’s notice. I’m thinking we might get called up while I’m dating her, and she’d wonder what happened to me.”

  “Good idea,” Caroline said. She walked to the sink and started cleaning the lettuce and other items for her salad. “Matthew and I never regretted taking our time before making the final commitment. We lived together for a time before our wedding even though our emotions were strong. We knew SEAL’s marriages failed too many times because of the frequency you all are away. We don’t know what’s happening, or if you’ll come through the door ever again.”

  “It takes a special lady.” Wolf put his arm around his wife. “A strong woman to survive our type of marriages. But, you and I are older, Bear. We know we don’t have as much time left at this job as the younger ones. Eventually, we won’t be as fast and strong, then we’ll be underfoot so much the wives will tell us to go somewhere and give them some peace,” Wolf added and grinned at Caroline.

  “Talk about yourself old man,” Bear said and laughed. “I know you’re right, but our time’s not up yet.”

  “You may want it to be after marrying,” Caroline said.

  “Enough serious talk. Come on out and help me get the fire started for the meat,” Wolf said.

  “I know you two want to talk shop,” Caroline teased.

  Wolf kissed her on the way out and grabbed two beers from the refrigerator. Bear followed him out the door.

  Chapter Three

  Jackson arrived promptly on Saturday and greeted Kayla with a hug. Her face flushed when Cheryl raised her eyebrows and grinned.

  “Jackson, this is my best friend, Cheryl Buckley. She’s an attorney, so she’ll probably talk your ear off and ask too many questions.”

  Cheryl laughed and shook his hand. “Thank you, for inviting me. I’m very happy to be included.”

  “And I’m interested in getting to know Kayla’s friends.”

  “Well, we’ve been friends since high school,” Cheryl jabbered. “The rest of our group are a bit crazier.”

  Jackson laughed and hugged Kayla to his side. “I like her openness. We all have some crazy friends or relatives. Let’s go, or we’ll be late.” He hurried them to his truck and opened the back door for Cheryl. Then he helped Kayla into the front seat. He glanced back at Cheryl. “Put on your seatbelt.”

  “Oh my, I never thought you guys would be so cautious.”

  “We’re always cautious,” Jackson answered and raised his eyebrows at her.

  “All right. There.” Che
ryl snapped the seat belt and tightened it. “Are you satisfied? You may be as bad as Kayla about fussing other me.”

  Jackson looked over at Kayla and grinned. “I may be,” he said to Cheryl, and then started the engine.

  “Wolf and Caroline have a place close to the base. You’ll like them. I just want to warn you, Caroline calls all of us by our first name, not our nickname. She says it’s too hard to remember both. So, you two can call me whichever name you want.”

  “I’m glad,” Kayla said. “I like the name, Jackson.”

  “What about you, Cheryl?”

  “I like the nicknames, they’re cute. What’s yours?”

  “Don’t use the word cute to the other guys. You won’t impress them. None of us want to be seen as cute. My nickname is Bear.”

  “Right, thanks for the advice and I like your name, Bear.”


  The driveway and yard overflowed with large trucks. “Looks like a good turnout,” Bear said as he squeezed between two of the trucks for a parking spot. He helped Kayla and Cheryl down, took Kayla’s hand and led the way to the front door.

  Caroline answered. “Come in. Oh, this must be the nice lady you mentioned.” She reached out and hugged Kayla. Then she looked at Cheryl.

  “This is Kayla’s friend, Cheryl,” Bear said.

  “I’ve seen you at the club, Cheryl. If you’re interested in finding a SEAL, believe me, honey, you need to think twice. They’ll either break your heart or love you better than anyone else. Why are you so interested?”

  Cheryl stiffened but smiled. “I admire them for their duty to our country, their strength, determination, and,” she grinned, “they are so good-looking.”

  All three of them laughed. Caroline hugged Cheryl. “I hope you find what you’re looking for whether he’s a SEAL or someone else.”

  Cheryl blushed. “Thanks.”

  “Join the crowd out back.” Caroline waved in the direction of the back door. “Jackson, you know the way.”

  “Can I help you with anything?” Kayla asked.

  “Join me in the kitchen. Several of the wives are helping me. I can introduce you. Cheryl, go on outside with Jackson. We’ll be along in a minute.”


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