Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 10

by Rachel McNeely

  “Great. Let me know the results.”

  “Alone at last.” Bear put his arms around her waist as he closed the door. “I have some ideas of how we can pass the time.”

  “I bet you do.”

  “You’ll like them, I promise.”

  “Hmmm, we’ll see. Show me.”

  “Besides yes, my favorite words.” Bear led her to his room. “Sit.” He quickly shed his clothes while she watched.

  “Your naked body is beautiful.” Kayla reached out as he lay beside her and touched his side. “Do you think we ought to be fooling around yet. You might hurt your side again. She rubbed her hand across his shoulder and down his injured side. Her mouth followed kissing along the way. When she got to the scar, her fingers gently touched it. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Honey, I had extra weeks to heal in Germany. Anyway, I’m going to let you do all the work.”

  “That sounds interesting.” She ran her fingers across the top of his erect cock.

  “Darlin, if you like the outfit you have on, you’d better get out of it, or I’ll tear it off at any moment,” Bear said between clenched teeth.

  “Am I exciting you? I wanted to see how long your composure could last. Aren’t SEALs known for having a lot of perseverance to get the mission done?”

  Bear pulled her up beside him. “This is a different kind of endurance, and I have very little right now.” His hands shook as he unbuttoned her blouse and threw it aside. Then he rolled her on her back and in one pull her panties and shorts were gone. “Much better.” He leaned down and kissed one nipple and then ran his teeth across the tip, while his other hand cupped the opposite breast.

  “You have incredibly soft skin.” He moved upward and nibbled at her ear.

  “I want you now,” she said and moved her body upward toward him.

  “Ah, now we will see who’s most patient. I want you to be very ready, so our lovemaking will be comfortable for you. Nothing wild, until after the baby comes.”

  “You won’t hurt him or her.”

  “No, I certainly won’t.”

  Sliding downward, he kissed the area of her neck where her pulse raced, and then he kissed her shoulders.

  “You’re too slow, old man,” she teased. “I want you now!”

  Bear sat back and laughed. “When you’re back to your tip-top shape, I’ll see you regret that statement.”

  “I can hardly wait, but I might not be around then.”

  “What?” Bear leaned back with a surprised expression. “From now on you will be with me and at night in my bed. As soon as we can, we’ll get a marriage license before the baby is born.”

  Kayla pushed him away. “We said we’d take the time to get to know one another to see if this can work between us. When I marry, it will be forever, so slow down Romeo.”

  Bear sat on the side of the bed. “You sure know how to ruin the moment.

  But my son will not be born illegitimate.”

  “It may be a girl, and I see your preference is a boy.”

  “Boy or girl, the baby will be mine.”

  “I won’t marry you until I’m certain we have a chance to make it work. We can’t just depend on sex.”

  Bear gave her a half-smile. “We can try. It’s fun.”

  “Men. I’m going to my bedroom and rest.” Kayla grabbed her clothes and stomped off aware of Bear watching her naked backside as she went.

  Bear hollered out. “I’ll take you out to dinner tonight.”

  She turned, her clothes held up to her front. “Are you sure you can protect me yourself?”

  “Oh, I won’t be alone. Heath will be unseen, but around. I’ll treat him to dinner at another table.”

  Kayla turned and continued to her room. Once inside she redressed and lay on the bed. Stupid, stupid, stupid, and it was going so well. But, am I ready to marry Jackson? His touch is like no other, and he’s very caring and protective. I’m pretty sure he’ll be a great dad when he’s here. But what about all those missions? I’ll call Caroline and see if we can set up a meeting with the other wives. I have so many questions and concerns. Mom made her decision strictly with her heart. I have to be smarter than her, or I may end up like her.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Sure, we can meet at my house,” Caroline said. “How about tomorrow night. It’ll take time getting in touch with the others.”

  “That’s great. I’ll be returning home from my first day back at work.”

  “Then let’s make it a dinner. People tend to talk more comfortably around a table of food.”

  “Don’t go to any trouble.”

  “No, trouble. Matthew and the guys can drink beer and have sandwiches in the man cave he calls his office.”

  “I’ll let Jackson know.”

  “Good, see you around six.”

  Jackson sauntered into the room as Kayla hung up the phone. He sat beside her and pulled her close.

  “Nervous about tomorrow?”

  “Not really. I’ll have two bodyguards near-by, and I’ve heard they’re very good. Why worry?”

  Jackson chuckled. “You’re a good liar.”

  “Well, I may be a tiny bit scared. But to change the subject, we’re going to Matthew and Caroline’s house tomorrow night. The women will have dinner in the dining room and you guys can eat and drink beer in Wolf’s man cave.”

  “Sounds great to me. Maybe after you talk with the wives, you’ll feel more comfortable about our relationship.” He brushed her hair back and kissed her forehead. “I do want you to feel comfortable about our getting married.”

  “Thanks, I’m going to try and sleep. I won’t make a good impression on my first day back if I’m groggy.”

  “Mrs. Terrell will be glad to see you, and she’ll hover over you like a mother hen,” Bear said.

  “I know.” Kayla started to get up, but before she could, Jackson swept her up into his arms.

  “I’m taking you to my room. After I rub your back, you’ll go to sleep.” He leaned his head down and kissed her. “But someday soon, baby, we’ll make love. And I’ll keep marriage to myself until you’re ready to discuss it.”

  Kayla lay her head on his shoulder. “I’m a mess, and you’re so well-adjusted.”

  “I like my solitary time, but I’m willing to work on an agreement about that so we can be together.”

  “Our baby has changed both our lives. But your life especially. It isn’t fair to you.”

  “Hush, relax. You have to get up early. Soon, we’ll have a long discussion, but not tonight.” Bear laid her gently on his bed.

  “My nightgown is in the other room.”

  “Honey, I want your bare skin against mine. Trust me, I’ll be good tonight.”

  After he’d undressed her, he shed his clothes and got in bed beside her. “Turn on your side.”

  His warm hands rubbed her back, and although the sight of his sexy body had aroused her, it didn’t take long for her to go to sleep.


  Bear lay back with his hands behind his head. He had a lot to learn about Kayla to understand her fears regarding commitment. Her father had much to do with her attitude, but he suspected her mother also had helped form her opinions.

  Kayla thinks I want to marry her because of the baby, but she’s wrong. Every day I find my feelings for her deepening. But will she ever believe that it’s not just our child I want, but her, too?


  Bear found the perfect place to hide beside the building where Kayla worked, but after two weeks with nothing happening the team decided it was time to put their full plan into action. Tomorrow, Kayla would appear to go to work by herself.

  Tonight, he planned to tell Kayla he’d invited her mother to visit once this was all over. Kayla seemed different since she and the other wives had gotten together for dinner and talked. Although, she hadn’t shared any information about what was discussed. Tonight, he was grilling for the first time in ages, and they’d eat on the patio

  “Is the food about ready?” Kayla asked as she walked into the kitchen. “Our little one is hungry.”

  He pulled her close. “And how about Mama?”

  “Mama is, too.”

  “I’m hungry, but it’s for you,” he said and nipped her earlobe. “I’ve been on a long dry spell.”

  “If the food’s good, you may luck out tonight.” She smiled and sashayed out of the kitchen.

  His cock had gone instantly hard. If he didn’t get to make love to her tonight, he’d explode.


  Kayla kept glancing around the patio as she ate. The wall had been repaired and reinforced, but still, an uneasy feeling had her listening to any sound.

  “Would you rather go inside?” Jackson asked. “I thought you’d enjoy finally being outside.”

  “I do. But after so long, I still worry about what my stalkers might try next, and you all won’t be watching me at work anymore.”

  “True, but if they were going to try getting you there, they would have by now.”

  Kayla winked at him. They’d already discussed having this conversation after Jackson found a mic in one of the trees near the wall on the opposite side. It was one of the reasons he’d allowed her outside tonight.

  “I must admit it will be nice not to have Heath following me around all day.”

  “Well, we discussed keeping him on guard, but the building has its own security guard, although he takes lunch every day at the same time,” Jackson said. “Just don’t go away from your desk during his lunchtime.”

  “I rarely leave my desk and especially not at eleven when he eats. It’ll be all right.”

  “Yeah, I guess they gave up the idea after the bomb fiasco. Let’s go inside and finish. It’s getting too cool for you out here.” Jackson picked up their plates and followed Kayla inside. “Now relax and eat. I’ll warm our plates while you turn off the outside lights.”

  “Do you think they heard us?”

  “They don’t know I found the mic. I left it alone just for this dinner. Tomorrow, the whole team will be around in different spots. Don’t worry. This will be over soon.”


  Once in bed together, nude as Jackson preferred and Kayla had begun to like, although she had to admit it made her feel a bit naughty. Jackson turned to face her. His fingers traced the side of her face.

  “You are even more beautiful pregnant.” He moved his hand down to rub lightly on her small tummy. “You haven’t gotten very big.”

  “I’m just four months, and the doctor said the baby is growing fine. I’m fairly tall. I guess that’s why I’m not showing much.”

  “Are you certain you don’t want to know the sex?” Jackson leaned down and kissed her tummy.

  “That tickles. If you want to know, we’ll ask on our next visit.”

  “I don’t care which we have a boy or girl, but it’d be nice to know.”

  “All right, next time we’ll ask the doctor.”

  Jackson kissed her mouth. “I want to make love to you.”

  “I want it too.”

  He kissed the side of her neck where her pulse raced and gradually moved downward. “Your breasts are bigger.” He cupped them and ran his finger across each nipple.

  Kayla shivered. “They’re more sensitive, too.”

  Jackson took his time, kissing and touching all the way down her body.

  Glancing up, he asked, “Are you ready. I’m about to explode, it’s been so long.”

  “I am definitely ready.”

  He slid inside. “Damn, you feel good.” Slowly, he moved in and out, and she raised her hips and met him. Jackson glanced down at Kayla. “Here we go, Sweetheart.”

  Tremors ran up her body, and her blood raced through her veins, as Jackson took her to higher and higher heights. She wrapped her legs around him and gave herself up to the glorious feelings rushing throughout her body.

  Jackson lay on his back breathing heavily. “Honey, if you think I just want to marry you for our baby, you are dead wrong.” He rolled to his side to face her. “Whatever bothers you about committing, we’ll work through it. Now go to sleep. Tomorrow may be a busy day.”


  Kayla had difficulty concentrating on her work, but as the time went by and nothing happened, she got more involved in the new program they were developing. When her phone rang, she jumped.


  “Kayla, there’s a lady here to see you named Caroline. Can you come down?”

  “Sure, I’ll be right there.” She glanced at her watch. Lunchtime. Perhaps she and Caroline might have a meal together. With the way things were, Matthew was sure to be with her.

  When the elevator door opened, she glanced around. “Where is my visitor?” she asked the operator.

  “She said she had to run out and tell her husband something. I think she’ll be right back.”

  The hair on Kayla’s arms raised. Caroline wouldn’t do that. Keeping watch, she punched in Jackson’s number.

  “They’re here, right outside.”

  “We see them. We need to catch the two in the act to be certain they will be put away for a long time. Go outside. We’ll handle it from there.”

  Trusting Jackson and his men, Kayla slowly opened the door and stepped outside. A car, resembling the one Health had described after the bomb attack, had parked a short distance from the door. A woman got out and walked toward Kayla. Kayla recognized her from the hospital.

  “You’re the woman who bumped into me on the way to the elevator.”

  “Yes, and you stole my Jackson from me by getting pregnant. After I dispose of you, he’ll be interested in me again.”

  “I doubt it,” Kayla said as the woman grabbed her arm and the man jumped out to help her. Kayla jerked back and kicked the woman before the man arrived. He charged for her just as Jackson and his men surged around Kayla.

  Jackson tackled Wheeler, and they rolled around the sidewalk fighting. Jackson got him on his back and hit him twice. “It’s over you fucking asshole. How dare you try to touch my woman.” He hit him again when the man started to speak. “I’m not the reason you got thrown out when you tried to be a SEAL, Wheeler. You weren’t worthy.” Jackson drew back his hand to hit him again.

  Gordy came to his side. “Let him up, Bear. We don’t want him to claim he was beaten by us.”

  Breathing hard, Bear gradually let go as Gordy took over and pulled Wheeler to his feet. “The police are on the way. I wouldn’t try anything if I were you.”

  Bear turned to look for Kayla. She stood against the wall, her face pale, and holding her hands tightly gripped together.

  “Are you scared?” Bear leaned down to look directly into her eyes.

  She shook her head, no, and took a deep breath. “I’ve never seen men move so fast, and I was afraid when you kept hitting the man, you’d lose control and get in trouble.”

  “I did for a second. The thought of that guy even thinking of hurting you to get even with me made me see red. But we look out for each other. Gordy stopped me in time.”

  “Have you ever lost control of yourself when not on a mission?”

  “Oh, baby.” Bear pulled her close against him. At first, she stood rigid in his arms. “Honey, are you asking if I’d ever get mad and hit you or our baby?”

  Tears ran down her cheeks. “I know you wouldn’t, but your ferociousness startled me for a minute.”

  “Who hit you?”

  She looked away from his intense study of her expressions.

  Bear tipped her face upward. “We can talk later. I have no intention of stressing you more. I’d like to know, whenever you feel like discussing the incident.” He punched in a number on his cell.

  “Who are you calling?”

  “Mrs. Terrell.”

  Kayla took the phone from his hand and disconnected the call. “I am going back to work. It’s best for me. And remember you’d better learn to ask me first or there’ll never be a wedding.�
� Kayla handed him his phone and stalked off.

  Bear chuckled as he watched her step into the elevator. Oh, yes, we will marry my feisty woman, and I like your frisky side, just not too much.

  Jeffrey walked up and slapped him on the shoulder. “Guess you’re happy this is over. We don’t usually see you smile that big. Getting soft, boss.”

  “I guess you like living dangerously.” Bear grinned. “Statements like that can get a man given the worst jobs on the team.” He playfully smacked Jeffrey on the back of the head as they walked over to join the rest of the guys and the police.


  Since the threat was over, the SEAL’s wives and Kayla decided to meet at a local bar and grill close to the base. Kayla smiled thinking about the meeting at Caroline’s house when she’d asked about being a SEAL’s wife. They’d been honest and had given her the full scope good and not so good. Supporting each other helped, and they liked the idea of going out at least once a month without the guys and more often when they were gone. Well, their men were playing pool in another room nearby. Still, they wouldn’t hear the wives’ discussions.

  “You must have been terrified,” Gordy’s wife, Jackie said.

  “At first, but then the team was there. I didn’t relax, but my heart slowed down from racing.”

  “What a jerk,” Caroline added. “Matthew went with Jackson to court yesterday, and it’s most likely they’ll both be put away for a long time.”

  “I’m glad it’s over. My work has gotten behind. I’ll probably do some overtime to catch up.”

  “I doubt Jackson will be happy about you working so hard.”

  “I’ve told him to back off, or I won’t marry him.”

  “Good luck with getting him to back off,” Caroline said. “They try, but if he’s worried about you, you may find him sitting at your desk when you work extra hours.”

  “Don’t any of you get upset at their overprotectiveness?” Kayla asked.

  One of the wives from Caroline’s group spoke up. Kayla didn’t remember her name. “I was like you at first, but then you come to realize it’s because they love you so much, and if you get hurt they’ve failed. I just remind my husband to back off at times. He laughs and does better, for a while.”


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