Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 11

by Rachel McNeely

  The other women laughed, and then Caroline added. “We worry about them when they’re gone, but we can’t show it when they come home, or they might get concerned and not concentrate on their missions.”

  Jackie added, “It’s a strange and wonderful relationship. We have to accept their job, know it’s dangerous but believe in their skills. If we complained or didn’t accept them as they are, the marriage would fail. Someone has to do these jobs. They’re important and save lives, and I’ll tell you there is no better homecoming than when they walk in the door.”

  The other wives blushed and laughed just as the men joined them. “All right, who told a dirty joke. You’re all laughing and blushing,” Gordy said as they walked up.

  “Actually, your wife did. She described how wonderful homecomings are with you. And I assume it’s the same with all of you. You’re a bunch of sexy, get it down guys,” Kayla said. When the men blushed, the wives and Kayla bent over laughing.

  “All right, you’ve finished your dinners and certainly have talked enough. Just wait until I get you home, my lady,” Gordy said and tried to look stern.

  Jackie stood and took his arm. “I can’t wait. Lead the way, lover.”

  Gordy blushed again and led her out of the restaurant. By now the diners at the nearby tables were staring.

  “Let’s go.” Wolf directed them outside. “Too many people are beginning to pay attention to us.”

  “Oh, it wasn’t what we were saying,” Kayla said. “It was because they saw so may big hunks in one group.”

  “I’m taking you home, and we are going to have a serious discussion,” Bear said.

  “Yes, Sir.” She saluted him and waved at the others as they strolled to Jackson’s truck.

  Kayla glanced at Jackson as he drove into the garage. “You aren’t really mad, are you?”

  “No, but we do need to talk.”

  “All right, but only if you’ll get me a bowl of my favorite ice cream, strawberry, while I change into my comfy robe.”

  “Done. See you in the family room. I’ll also start a fire.”

  Kayla opened the door to Jackson’s room and took a deep breath. She loved the smell of his cologne that left a faint smell of him when she entered. Most of her clothes had been moved to his closet, especially an old blue robe that was soft from being washed many times. She’d refused to get a new one. When she started undressing, she decided to go all the way. Her body ached to feel his touch and make love.

  Jackson turned when she entered the room. “I thought I’d have to go get you. The fire is going strong, and your ice cream is melting.”

  “I like it soft.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “You took a shower.”

  “A quick one.”

  “You smell good enough to take a bite.”

  “Down, boy. I want my ice cream first.”

  “I ate mine. I’ll sit back and watch you. Which do you want a girl or boy? We find out tomorrow morning,”

  Kayla glanced his way. “Will you be disappointed if it’s a girl?”

  “No fair, I asked you first.”

  “I’d like a boy. He’d be a big brother in case we marry and have another child that’s a girl.”

  “You want your son to protect your daughter, but I’m not supposed to protect you.”

  “Protecting me is great, not bossing me.”

  “Ah, but there’s a very fine line.”

  “Not really. I’d have to take care of things and keep myself and our children safe while you’re gone. I think you all might think about teaching us some good moves to make if someone wants to grab our car or purse. Simple moves to break loose.”

  “Hmmm, not a bad idea. I’ll talk with the teams. They may all want to be involved.”

  “Good. Now that our talk is over, and my ice cream’s gone, it’s time for fun.”

  “You know I want to talk to you about what you said last week.”

  “Not tonight. Tonight, is for love.” She scooted over to him to lie across his lap. His cock came to instant attention and rubbed against her hip. When his warm hand slipped inside her robe and cupped her breast, she sighed. “I’ve always wanted to make love in front of a fireplace.”

  Jackson raised his eyebrows. “You mean you never have?” His mouth curved into a tempting smile. “That has to be remedied right away. You poor thing.”

  He got up and placed a soft rug in front of the fire, and then lay her on top of it. When he opened her robe, Kayla glanced down at her body. Her nipples peaked, and the fire cast a golden glow on her skin. Jackson’s hand gently touched the side of her face, and then her neck and over the tips of her breast. “You are so beautiful.” His hands brushed across her baby bump. He looked upward. “Still small.”

  “Big enough, but maybe not for a large, robust boy, but a dainty little girl,” she teased.

  “I don’t care as long as you are both healthy and happy.”

  Kayla pulled his face downward and kissed him. “Where have you been all my life?”

  “Dodging all the other women to get to you.”

  She slapped his arm. “You are so bad.”

  Jackson nipped at her lip. “Aren’t you glad?”

  “Maybe, but I don’t plan on stroking your ego right now.”

  “Too bad, because I plan on stroking you all over.” He slid down to her feet and rubbed them as he kissed her instep and up her ankle, then kissed up to her knee. His hand slid down her thigh to rub her most sensitive spot. “You’re ready for me.”

  “Yes, but you don’t get the jewel until you’ve finished polishing the setting. Get busy, my great, big hunk.

  Jackson grinned. “Your wish is my command.”


  “Here’s your coffee. I let you sleep as long as possible, but it’s time to eat and get dressed for your doctor’s appointment.”

  Kayla glanced at the clock. “I think you’re more excited than me. It’s only nine-thirty.”

  “But we could get caught in traffic.” He took her hand and pulled her up on the side of the bed. “I’ve got your cereal and bananas ready. I’ll never understand why you prefer that to bacon and eggs.”

  “It’s healthy, but I like to be spoiled and have the other occasionally.”

  “Good to know. Get dressed.” He winked and strode briskly out of the room. When his cell rang, he groaned, “Not today.”

  “Bear, what time will you be in?”

  “I’ll be there by two-thirty. Do we have a job?”

  “We might.”

  “I can come in now if necessary.”

  Captain Buchanan laughed. “And have you pout all day because you missed the momentous moment of knowing your baby’s gender. No way. None of us would be able to stand your griping. We’ll see you when you can get here. Things are quiet right now”

  Kayla walked up behind him and put her arms around his back. “Do you have to go to work?”

  He turned and kissed her forehead. “Not right away, but after the appointment, I do. I’ll take my truck, and you can drive your car. That way I can head to work straight away.”

  “No problem. I’m glad the captain let you off the hook.”

  “Me too. You aren’t dressed.”

  “I’m hungry. It won’t take me long to shower and dress after I eat.”

  “Well, I can’t argue with that plan. We have to keep the baby happy.”


  His teammates lounged around the table, and turned when Bear entered the room. “What is it?” Madison asked first.

  “Can we expect a new SEAL to join our ranks in about twenty years,” Gordy asked and grinned.

  “I expect our son will be whatever he desires in twenty years.”

  They all jumped up and crowded around with congratulations. “How did Kayla take the baby’s gender?” the captain asked.

  “Actually, she preferred a boy to take care of the girl we may have if she ever decides to marry me.”

  “Playing hard to get, is
she?” Shadow asked.

  “Not too much. I’m softening her up.”

  “What’s the job and how soon do we leave?” Bear asked, shutting down further teasing until later.

  Chapter Nine

  Jackson hurried home. They had a possible mission in a few days, but for now, his mission was to get Kayla to marry him. He found her sunning in the backyard.

  “It feels so good to be free to enjoy this lovely weather.” Kayla raised her face for his kiss, then after he sat across from her, she asked, “Good news or bad?”

  “I’m not sure. Most of it concerns you.” He leaned forward. “You never told me who hit you. I suspect since I frightened you that it was another SEAL.”

  “Yes, the one I dated for a while. As time went by, the guy’s temper showed more and more. Then one day he lashed out and hit me in the face. I told him to get out and never come back. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me hard. Said he’d be the one to decide when our relationship was over.”

  “Tell me his name?”

  “No. I reported the incident to the police and after the police warned him to stay away from me, he left town.”

  “Good for you.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t date for a long time after that experience.” She grinned. “Still, I found myself attracted to you. You always appeared cool and calm.”

  “Until yesterday.”

  “But I realized how I’d feel if someone threatened you. I’d want to beat the person with something hard and painful.”

  “Really? I’ve got a little tiger inside my woman. I like it.” He leaned forward. “Most likely I’ll have to leave in a few days. First, I want us married. You’ll be protected and really part of the wives group.”

  Kayla raised her eyebrows. “This isn’t a very romantic proposal.”

  Bear dropped to his knees before her and took her hand. “Please marry me. I want to know you’ll be waiting for me when I get home.”

  “What about all the solitude you like when you return?”

  “I’m sure I can find room for a loving wife in my life.” Then he grinned, “And she likes to work, so I’ll have all day to unwind.”

  “I do love you. The men I’ve had in my life have made me doubt whether it’s possible to have a loving relationship. You have helped me believe that I was wrong.”

  “Damn honey, is that a yes? You’re leaving me hanging here.”

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Bear picked her up and kissed her. We’re going to a jewelry store, and then to the justice of the peace. I don’t have time for us to have all the trimmings.” He studied her face. “Is that all right?”

  “Very much so, but we’ll need witnesses. I’ll call, Cheryl. She’s been waiting for this phone call.”

  “This is too quick to call any of my family. How about we have Wolf and Caroline with us. If I ask any of my team, the rest might be hurt.”

  “Sounds great.”

  “Get ready, after you call Cheryl. I’ll phone Wolf and then put on my suit.” He stopped on his way to the phone. “How about your Mom?”

  “She couldn’t get here in time. I’d rather wait and phone her.”

  “We’ll have a party when I get back from our mission and invite everyone.”

  “Just get back. We can make plans after you come home safe and sound.”

  Bear pulled her close. “Are you a bit suspicious?”

  “Maybe, a little.” She pushed away and headed to the bedroom. “Make your call,” she hollered back to him.

  Jackson smiled as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. It hadn’t been as difficult as he’d feared, but when he glanced at his hand, always very steady in the most dangerous situations, it shook as he punched in Wolf’s number.


  Kayla had bought some clothes for her pregnancy. Her regular dresses were getting uncomfortable in the waist. She pulled out a silky gold dress she’d thought to wear if she and Jackson went someplace special. Today, certainly qualified as very special.

  Perhaps in the back of my mind, I hoped to use it for this moment. Looking in the mirror the high-waisted dress barely showed the small baby bump.

  Jackson stopped in the doorway. “You look beautiful. I’ll hurry and dress. Wolf and Caroline will meet us at the courthouse in two hours. We’ll have time to find the perfect ring and get there on time. I also called a friend who’s a judge. He’ll be pleased to do the honors of marrying us.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you already had this all planned. Cheryl will meet us there. I’ll call her about the time while you put on your suit.”

  “I’d given some thought to us marrying, in case such a situation arose. But no, it wasn’t totally planned. I’ll be ready in a few moments. Sit in the chair by the window and put up your feet. After we leave to go to the courthouse, you’ll be doing a lot of standing.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She saluted him and did as he said. “This way I get to see your sexy body as you undress.”

  “In a few years, you might get tired of seeing it.”

  “No, when we’re old and gray, you will still be sexy.”

  Bear strolled to her chair and leaned over her. “And so, will you.”

  “Get dressed. We only have an hour and forty-five minutes left.”

  She playfully pushed him away.

  Once in the truck, Bear drove to an area known for quaint shops and unusual items. “There are several jewelry shops around here.” He parked in front of one, and after helping Kayla out of the truck, he took her hand and led her inside.

  When they entered, an old gentleman walked through a doorway from the back. The smell of roses and cinnamon tickled Kayla’s nose. Bear took her hand and squeezed it.

  “How may I help you?” he asked.

  “We’re looking for a special wedding ring.” Bear held up Kayla’s hand. “To fit her.”

  “Ah, I see much love in your eyes. Let me see. In my safe, I’ve been saving a set of rings for a special couple. Wait here. I will be right back.”

  “He probably says that to everyone,” Kayla said. “But I like the idea of a ring especially for us.”

  It didn’t take long for him to return. He carried a blue velvet case and placed it on the counter where he opened the ring box. “The center stone of the wedding ring is an Amethyst. It came from ancient Greece. My great, great grandfather found it buried near his home. His words, regarding these rings, were passed down to each of us who became jewelers.

  “Do not sell these rings until you find a couple who needs them the most.” The old man smiled at Kayla and Bear, and then he looked directly at Bear. “You have a job, which takes you into situations continually confronting danger.” He smiled at Kayla. “Soon, you will bring a baby into this world. You will be the mother protector, especially when your husband is gone. Always wear this ring. It will protect you and yours as long as you live a good life, a meaningful life. The side diamonds work well with the center stone.”

  Kayla studied the ring. “I’ve never seen such a deep purple amethyst.”

  “There are few, and they are valuable.”

  “I like it, but I doubt I can afford such an unusual stone on my salary.”

  “Ah, but if I sell it to you, it will not be expensive. I have waited many years to find the right couple. You must take it. For you it is free,” he said, which shocked both Bear and Kayla.

  “No, we’d be taking advantage of you,” Bear said, and Kayla nodded in agreement.

  “Try on the ring,” the jeweler insisted. He took her hand and slid on the gold ring with the Amethyst and diamonds. “Now, try to take it off.”

  “Really.” Kayla blushed. “This is weird.” But the jeweler kept looking at her hand. Then she tried to slip it off. The ring had gone on easily but now refused to slip over her knuckle.

  “I have been mistaken several times with other couples. The ring always came off easily. The story goes the ring can only go to the woman who can’t remove the ring.
You”—he smiled at Kayla—“are the right woman.”

  The jeweler handed Bear the larger, wider ring. It had tiny pieces of amethyst inside the gold on the top of the ring. Bear slipped it on his left hand. It fit perfectly.

  “Really, what’s the price for hers and mine?” Bear asked.

  “As I said, for you two, nothing. If I take money from you, it will bring me bad luck. But you must promise that when you get old and are close to death, the rings will come back to my shop. I will probably be gone, but my son will follow me in managing our business. See they are returned to him.”

  “And if we don’t?” Bear asked.

  “The stone will crumble and be of no value to anyone.”

  “So, you are saying the rings are only good for the special couple that comes by, and they fit and won’t come off the woman. Is that right?” Kayla asked.


  She looked at Jackson. “It sounds too weird to me. I think we better keep looking.”

  “Do you like the rings?” Jackson asked.

  “Yes, they’re beautiful.”

  “I do, too. But it doesn’t seem right not to pay for them. They are clearly valuable.” Bear looked straight at the jeweler. “I agree with you about that. But, the story is fascinating and difficult to believe.” Bear silently studied him and then turned to Kayla. “Still, I like the story, and I like the idea of you and our children being protected. Maybe half of the reason it supposedly works is in believing in the positive powers of good.”

  “Exactly,” the old man said. “And the positive power of love.”

  Bear glanced at his watch. “We’re running out of time. Let’s make a deal. We’ll take them, and if we decide the rings are not for us, we will return them to you. Otherwise, they will come back to your son at a much later date, I hope.” Bear smiled at the man and put out his hand.

  The jeweler shook his hand, and then slid the ring off of Kayla’s finger. “How did you do that?” she asked.

  He handed the ring to Bear. “I can remove it until he puts the ring on your finger in the ceremony. Then the wedding ring can only be taken off by him or cut off. If it is cut off, it will lose all its power. You can bring it to me to be cleaned, but you must wait while I do it in front of you. Now go and have a very happy wedding.”


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